Ejemplo n.º 1
    def Image(self, operation, payload):
        """ Performs operations on Image objects. Only supports GET

		:param operation: The operation to perform (GET)
		:type operation: str
		:param payload:
			Provide a Person object, to return that user's profile
		:type payload: SocialObject

		:returns Image -- image of requested object
        if (operation == "GET"):
                user = self.network.get_user(payload.id)
                user_image = user.get_image()
                img_object = SocialObjects.Image()
                img_object.fullImage = user_image

                author_obj = SocialObjects.Person()
                author_obj.id = user.name
                author_obj.displayName = user.name

                img_object.author = author_obj
                return img_object
                return SocialObjects.Image()
            raise NotImplementedException("Operation not supported")
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def setUp(self):
		self.gateway = LastfmServiceGateway()
		person = SocialObjects.Person()
		person.id = "lukeweb"
		self.good_person = person

		person = SocialObjects.Person()
		person.id = "fegrhgtjtrshrh"
		self.bad_person = person
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_good_nested_obj(self):
        policy_proc = self.get_good_processor()
        test_obj = SocialObjects.Person()
        test_obj.updated = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0)

        obj = policy_proc._infer_attributes("updated.year", test_obj)
        self.assertEqual(obj, 1970)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_bad_attribute(self):
        policy_proc = self.get_good_processor()
        person = SocialObjects.Person()
        person.id = "me"

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            obj = policy_proc._infer_attributes("blah", person)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_bad_obj(self):
        policy_proc = self.get_good_processor()
        person = SocialObjects.Person()

        #with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
        obj = policy_proc._infer_attributes("id", person)
        self.assertEqual(obj, None)
class GetObjectJSONTestCase(BaseSocialObjectGatewayTestCase):
    def test_good_get(self):
        with patch.object(self.sog, 'GetObject',
                          return_value=self.test_object) as mock_json:
            obj = self.sog.GetObjectJSON("Facebook", "User",
                                         "session:Facebook.id", "")
            obj_json = jsonpickle.decode(obj)

            assert obj_json.displayName == "Test Object"

    def test_bad_get(self, object_name):
        with patch.object(SocialObjectGateway.SocialObjectsGateway,
                          return_value=None) as mock_json:
            obj = self.sog.GetObjectJSON("Facebook", "User",
                                         "session:Facebook.id", "")
            obj_json = None
                obj_json = jsonpickle.decode(obj)

            assert obj_json == None
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_bad_nested_obj(self):
        policy_proc = self.get_good_processor()
        test_obj = SocialObjects.Person()
        test_obj.updated = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0)

        with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
            obj = policy_proc._infer_attributes("updated.blah", test_obj)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def test_good_obj(self):
        policy_proc = self.get_good_processor()
        person = SocialObjects.Person()
        person.id = "me"

        obj = policy_proc._infer_attributes("id", person)
        self.assertEqual(obj, "me")
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_fail_validation(self):
        policy_proc = self.get_disallow_processor()
        test_person = SocialObjects.Person()
        test_person.id = "lukeweb"

        with self.assertRaises(DisallowedByPrivacyPolicyError) as exp:
            request = policy_proc._validate_object_request(
                "GET", "Lastfm", "Image", test_person)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_bad_request_badOperation(self):
        policy_proc = self.get_good_processor()
        test_person = SocialObjects.Person()
        test_person.id = "lukeweb"

        with self.assertRaises(OperationNotImplementedError) as exp:
            request = policy_proc._validate_object_request(
                "BLAH", "Lastfm", "Image", test_person)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_bad_request_badObject(self):
        policy_proc = self.get_good_processor()
        test_person = SocialObjects.Person()
        test_person.id = "lukeweb"

        with self.assertRaises(SocialObjectNotSupportedError) as exp:
            request = policy_proc._validate_object_request(
                "GET", "Lastfm", "NotAObject", test_person)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_good_validation(self):
        policy_proc = self.get_good_processor()
        test_person = SocialObjects.Person()
        test_person.id = "lukeweb"

        request = policy_proc._validate_object_request("GET", "Lastfm",
                                                       "Image", test_person)

Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __get_author_from_username(self, username):
        """ Returns a simple Person object whose ID is the
		given username

		:param username: username to return a Person object for
		:type username: str
		:returns: Person - id is given username """
        auth = SocialObjects.Person()
        auth.id = username
        return auth
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def setUp(self):
        dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

        self.good_policy = os.path.join(dir, "good-policy.xml")
        self.bad_policy = os.path.join(dir, "bad-policy.xml")
        self.disallow_policy = os.path.join(dir, "disallow-policy.xml")

        self.good_design = os.path.join(dir, "good-design.xml")

        self.test_object = SocialObjects.Person()
        self.test_object.displayName = "Test Object"
        self.sog = SocialObjectGateway.SocialObjectsGateway(server_url="")
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def PostObjectJSON(self, provider, object_type, payload):
        """ Used by web services interface for pushing objects to a service gateway.

		Expects a payload as a JSON dictionary, where the keys are the appropriate fields of <object_type>
		This method converts the dictionary to a native object and pushes it through the PRISONER pipe for sanitisation and publication
        dumb_social = SocialObjects.SocialObject()
        payload = json.loads(payload)
        for key, value in payload.items():
            setattr(dumb_social, key, value)

        self.PostObject(provider, object_type, dumb_social)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def GetObjectJSON(self,
        """ Interface for retrieving objects from a service gateway, for
		consumption by web services.

		This differs from GetObject in some fundamental ways. GetObject
		is more pythonic - you request objects by supplying relevant SocialObjects, and
		you get SocialObject instances in return. This method however, receives
		plain-text responses, and returns
		JSON objects. Whereas GetObject expects a
		semantically-appropriate SocialObject as the payload (eg. supply an instance of Person to
		receive objects of a given type owned by that Person), this method expects a
		payload expressed as a query string, using the namespaced syntax found in the
		privacy policy spec. For example, a payload of "session:Lastfm.id" will
		be evaluated as "get objects authored by the user ID in the Last.fm session.
		"literal:lukeweb", similarly, returns objects owned by that literal user.
		JSON objects are returned, with the same fields as the Pythonic counterparts. A
		key difference is that the returned object has an additional attribute injected
		- prisoner_id. This is a unique identifier for the returned object *that is
		  valid for the duration of this session*. Rather than passing around full
		instances of objects, subsequent queries, or publication of experimental
		responses, need only refer to this ID to ensure PRISONER is able to relate your
		requests back to the full representation of the data. Note that subsequent
		attempts to retrieve the cached object are subject to the privacy policy
		sanitisation process of the *original* request.
        # evaluate payload
        eval_payload = self.policy_processor._infer_object(payload)
        eval_payload_obj = SocialObjects.SocialObject()
        eval_payload_obj.id = eval_payload

        # use this to passthrough original object, not wrapped
        # as a dumb SocialObject
        eval_payload_obj = eval_payload

        # call getobject with cleaned object
        ret_object = self.GetObject(provider, object_type, eval_payload_obj,
                                    True, criteria, extra_args)
        # cache the object under a unique id, JSONify, return
        if ret_object != None:
            ident = self.cache_object(ret_object)
                return jsonpickle.encode(self.cached_objects[ident])
                return None
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def Note(self, operation, payload):
        """ Requests all
		tweets by a given user.

		:param operation: (GET) tweets
		:type operation: str
		:param payload: A Person whose ID is a Twitter ID
		:type payload: Person
		:returns: A list of Tweet objects
        self.timeline_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?'
        self.timeline_params = {"user_id": payload, "count": 50}
        #"include_rts": 1,

        self.timeline_request = self.timeline_url + urllib.urlencode(

        self.resp, self.content = self.client.request(self.timeline_request,

        timeline = Timeline()
        tweet_list = []

        author = SocialObjects.Person()
        author.id = payload

        tweets = json.loads(self.content)
        for tweet in tweets:
            this_tweet = Note()
            this_tweet.author = author
            this_tweet.published = tweet['created_at']
            this_tweet.content = tweet['text']
            this_tweet.favorites = tweet['favorite_count']
            this_tweet.retweets = tweet['retweet_count']

        timeline.objects = tweet_list

        print "returning timeline!"
        return timeline
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def restore_authentication(self, access_token):
        """ Restores previously authenticated session. Last.fm session
		keys last indefinitely so this just provides pylast with the old session key and
		hope it works

		:param access_token:
			Last.fm session key received from previous
			auth attempt
		:type access_token: str
		:returns: boolean - was auth successful?
        self.session_key = access_token
        self.network.session_key = access_token

        # place username in session
        user = self.network.get_authenticated_user()
        user_person = SocialObjects.Person()
        user_person.id = user.get_name()
        self.session = user_person

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def complete_authentication(self, request):
		Completes authentication. Request passed via authentication flow
		must contain a token argument as returned by Last.fm. We pass this to Last.fm to
		return a session key (lasts indefinitely) for making authenticated calls on this

		:param request: Request from first stage of authentication
		:type request: HTTPRequest
		:returns: Session key to persist for this user
        access_token = request.args['token']
        #	print "Last.fm access token: %s" % access_token
        session_key = self.session_manager.get_web_auth_session_key_verbose(
        self.session_key = session_key
        self.network.session_key = session_key

        # place username in session
        user = self.network.get_authenticated_user()
        user_person = SocialObjects.Person()
        user_person.id = user.get_name()
        self.session = user_person
        return session_key
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def GetObject_returns_object(*args, **kwargs):
     test_object = SocialObjects.Person()
     test_object.displayName = "Test Object"
     return test_object
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def ProcessorInferObject_returns_Person(*args, **kwargs):

        test_object = SocialObjects.Person()
        return test_object