Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_var(func, vals):
  x = pb.Variable('x', vtype=float)
  y = pb.Variable('y', vtype=float)
  a = pb.Variable('a', vtype=float)
  b = pb.Variable('b', vtype=float)
  xy = x & y
  ab = a & b
  functional = pb.Functional(ab, xy)
  functional.add_func(a, func[0](x[:]))
  functional.add_func(b, func[1](y[:]))
  eval_a = functional[a](vals[0])
  eval_b = functional[b](vals[1])
  assert np.isclose(eval_a, vals[1])
  assert np.isclose(eval_b, vals[0])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_inc(inp, out):
    # Sympy
    x = pb.Variable('x', vtype=float, vset=[zero, inf])
    x.set_ufun(x[:] + 1.)
    output = x.ufun[0](inp)
    assert ismatch(out, output), \
        "Observed/expected match {}/{}".format(output, out)
    output = x.ufun[-1](output)
    assert ismatch(inp, output), \
        "Observed/expected match {}/{}".format(output, inp)
    # Numpy
    y = pb.Variable('y', vtype=float, vset=[zero, inf])
    y.set_ufun((lambda z: z + 1, lambda z: z - 1))
    output = y.ufun[0](inp)
    assert ismatch(out, output), \
        "Observed/expected match {}/{}".format(output, out)
    output = y.ufun[-1](output)
    assert ismatch(inp, output), \
        "Observed/expected match {}/{}".format(output, inp)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_log(inp, out):
    # Sympy
    x = pb.Variable('x', vtype=float, vset=[zero, inf])
    output = x.ufun[0](inp)
    assert ismatch(out, output), \
        "Observed/expected match {}/{}".format(output, out)
    output = x.ufun[-1](output)
    assert ismatch(inp, output), \
        "Observed/expected match {}/{}".format(output, inp)
    # Numpy
    y = pb.Variable('y', vtype=float, vset=[zero, inf])
    y.set_ufun((np.log, np.exp))
    output = y.ufun[0](inp)
    assert ismatch(out, output), \
        "Observed/expected match {}/{}".format(output, out)
    output = y.ufun[-1](output)
    assert ismatch(inp, output), \
        "Observed/expected match {}/{}".format(output, inp)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_ran(ran, val):
    # Sympy
    x = pb.Variable('x', vtype=float, vset=ran)
    vals = x(val)[x.name]
    assert np.max(vals) <= x.vlims[1] and np.min(vals) >= x.vlims[0]
    # Numpy
    y = pb.Variable('y', vtype=float, vset=ran)
    y.set_ufun((np.log, np.exp))
    vals = y(val)[y.name]
    assert np.max(vals) <= x.vlims[1] and np.min(vals) >= x.vlims[0]
    # Delta
    steps = int(abs(list(val)[0]))
    value = np.mean(vals)
    y.set_delta([1], bound=True)
    vals = np.empty(steps, dtype=float)
    for i in range(steps):
        vals[i] = y.apply_delta(value)
        value = vals[i]
    assert np.max(vals) <= x.vlims[1] and np.min(vals) >= x.vlims[0]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_log(inp, out):
  for use_variable in False, True:
    if not use_variable:
      x = sy.Symbol('x')
      x_expr = pb.Expr(sy.log(x))
      output = x_expr({'x': inp})
      y = pb.Variable('y', vtype=float)
      y_expr = pb.Expr(sy.log(~y))
      output = y_expr({'y': inp})
    close = np.isclose(output, out)
    if isinstance(inp, np.ndarray):
      assert np.all(close), "Output values not as expected"
      assert close, "Output value {} not as expected {}".format(
          output, out)
Ejemplo n.º 6
# Change of variables example

import collections
import probayes as pb
import numpy as np
from pylab import *

num_samples = 500

x = pb.Variable('x', vtype=float, vset=[0, 1])
y = pb.Variable('y', vtype=float, vset=[0, 1])
s = pb.Variable('s', vtype=float)
d = pb.Variable('d', vtype=float)
xy = x & y
sd = s & d

sd_from_xy = sd | xy
sd_from_xy.func.add_func(s[:], x[:] + y[:])
sd_from_xy.func.add_func(d[:], x[:] - y[:])
Ejemplo n.º 7
# Example of sampling from a Zipfian probability density function
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
import probayes as pb

zipf_range = [0.1, 10.]
set_size = {-10000}  # size negation denotes random sampling
var = pb.Variable("var", zipf_range)
var.set_ufun((np.log, np.exp))
samples = var(set_size)
hist(samples[var.name], 100)