Ejemplo n.º 1
 def aes_128_ecb(self, attacker_encrypted_data):
     # with open("w5p1.txt") as f: # takes about 3.5 seconds
     with open("Cookie64.txt") as f:  # takes about 2.3 seconds
         unknown_string = str(base64.b64decode(f.read()), 'latin1')
     return encrypt_ecb(
         bytes(attacker_encrypted_data + unknown_string, 'latin1'),
         self.random_unknown_key, True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def encrypt_cbc(p, k, iv):

    p = pkcs7_pad(p.decode('latin1'), 128)

    # make list of blocks
    blocks = []
    for i in range(0, int(len(p) / 16)):
        b = p[i * 16:i * 16 + 16]

    # xor and encrypt to get ciphertext
    h1 = binascii.hexlify(iv)
    c_text = []
    for b in blocks:
        h2 = binascii.hexlify(b)
        x = binary_xor(h1.decode('latin1'), h2.decode('latin1'))
        x = hex(int(x, 2))[2:].zfill(32)
        do_aes = encrypt_ecb(binascii.unhexlify(x), k, False)
        h1 = binascii.hexlify(do_aes)  # update h1 for next iteration
        c_text.append(str(do_aes, 'latin1'))

    return ''.join(c_text)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    b_array = bytearray(my_encode(plaintext))

    # randomly prepend 5-10 bytes
    random_prepend = os.urandom(1)
    num_prepend_bytes = 5 + random_prepend[0] % 6   # noOfPrependBytes
    for i in range(0, num_prepend_bytes):

    # randomly append 5-10 bytes
    random_append = os.urandom(1)
    num_append_bytes = 5 + random_append[0] % 6     # noOfAppendBytes
    for j in range(0, num_append_bytes):
        b_array.insert(0, os.urandom(1)[0])

    # create modified plaintext
    plaintext = bytes(b_array)

    # encrypt
    if mode == 0:
        ciphertext = encrypt_ecb(plaintext, random_key, True)
        random_iv = os.urandom(16)
        ciphertext = bytes(my_encode(encrypt_cbc(plaintext, random_key, random_iv)))
        # ciphertext = bytes(test_encrypt(plaintext, random_key, random_iv))

    # print detected mode
    if detect_ecb(binascii.hexlify(ciphertext)):
        print("ECB mode detected")
        print("CBC mode detected")