def frank_wolfe_on_I210():
    Frank-Wolfe on I210
    graph = np.loadtxt('data/I210_attack_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    demand = np.loadtxt('data/I210_od.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    demand[:,2] = 1. * demand[:,2] / 4000 
    # run solver
    f = solver_3(graph, demand, max_iter=1000, q=50, display=1, stop=1e-2)
    # display cost
    for a,b in zip(cost(f, graph), f*4000): print a,b
    # visualization
    node = np.loadtxt('data/I210_node.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    # extract features: 'capacity', 'length', 'fftt'
    feat = extract_features('data/I210_attack_Sketch_net.csv')
    ratio = cost_ratio(f, graph)
    # merge features with the cost ratios
    features = np.zeros((feat.shape[0],4))
    features[:,:3] = feat
    features[:,3] = ratio
    # join features with (lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2)
    links = process_links(graph, node, features)
    color = features[:,3] # we choose the costs
    names = ['capacity', 'length', 'fftt', 'tt_over_fftt']
    geojson_link(links, names, color)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def load_network_data(name):
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    #The folder locations of all the input files
    graphLocation = 'data/' + name + '_net.csv'
    demandLocation = 'data/' + name + '_od.csv'
    nodeLocation = 'data/' + name + '_node.csv'
    featureLocation = 'data/' + name + '_net.txt'

    graph = np.loadtxt(graphLocation, delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    demand = np.loadtxt(demandLocation, delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    features = extract_features(featureLocation)
    import pdb

    #LA network has a different way of processing the nodes file
    if (name == "LA"):
        node = np.loadtxt(nodeLocation, delimiter=',')
        features[10787, 0] = features[10787, 0] * 1.5
        graph[10787, -1] = graph[10787, -1] / (1.5**4)
        features[3348, :] = features[3348, :] * 1.2
        graph[3348, -1] = graph[3348, -1] / (1.2**4)
        node = np.loadtxt(nodeLocation, delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    return graph, demand, node, features
def reduce_demand():
    net, demand, node = load_LA()
    features = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')
    f = np.loadtxt('data/LA/LA_output_3.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=0)
    cr = cost_ratio(f, net)
    for row in range(net.shape[0]):
        if cr[row] >= 10.: 
            out = []
            for i in range(demand.shape[0]):
                if int(demand[i,0]) == int(net[row,1]):
                    demand[i,2] = demand[i,2] / 10.
            if len(out) > 0:
                out = np.array(out)
                print '\nratio:', cr[row]
                print 'origin: {}\nflow: {}'.format(int(demand[i,0]), np.sum(out))
                print np.sort(out).tolist()

    for row in range(net.shape[0]):
        if cr[row] >= 10.: 
            out = []
            for i in range(demand.shape[0]):
                if int(demand[i,1]) == int(net[row,2]):
                    demand[i,2] = demand[i,2] / 10.

            if len(out) > 0:
                out = np.array(out)
                print '\nratio:', cr[row]
                print 'destination: {}\nflow: {}'.format(int(demand[i,0]), np.sum(out))
                print np.sort(out).tolist()
def reduce_demand():
    net, demand, node = load_LA()
    features = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')
    f = np.loadtxt('data/LA/LA_output_3.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=0)
    cr = cost_ratio(f, net)
    for row in range(net.shape[0]):
        if cr[row] >= 10.:
            out = []
            for i in range(demand.shape[0]):
                if int(demand[i, 0]) == int(net[row, 1]):
                    out.append(demand[i, 2])
                    demand[i, 2] = demand[i, 2] / 10.
            if len(out) > 0:
                out = np.array(out)
                print '\nratio:', cr[row]
                print 'origin: {}\nflow: {}'.format(int(demand[i, 0]),
                print np.sort(out).tolist()

    for row in range(net.shape[0]):
        if cr[row] >= 10.:
            out = []
            for i in range(demand.shape[0]):
                if int(demand[i, 1]) == int(net[row, 2]):
                    out.append(demand[i, 2])
                    demand[i, 2] = demand[i, 2] / 10.

            if len(out) > 0:
                out = np.array(out)
                print '\nratio:', cr[row]
                print 'destination: {}\nflow: {}'.format(
                    int(demand[i, 0]), np.sum(out))
                print np.sort(out).tolist()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def load_I210():
    net = np.loadtxt('data/I210_attack_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    demand = np.loadtxt('data/I210_od.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    node = np.loadtxt('data/I210_node.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    geometry = extract_features('data/I210_attack_Sketch_net.csv')
    demand = np.reshape(demand, (1, 3))
    return net, demand, node, geometry
Ejemplo n.º 6
def frank_wolfe_on_I210():
    Frank-Wolfe on I210
    graph = np.loadtxt('data/I210_attack_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    demand = np.loadtxt('data/I210_od.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    demand[:, 2] = 1. * demand[:, 2] / 4000
    # run solver
    f = solver_3(graph, demand, max_iter=1000, q=50, display=1, stop=1e-2)
    # display cost
    for a, b in zip(cost(f, graph), f * 4000):
        print a, b
    # visualization
    node = np.loadtxt('data/I210_node.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    # extract features: 'capacity', 'length', 'fftt'
    feat = extract_features('data/I210_attack_Sketch_net.csv')
    ratio = cost_ratio(f, graph)
    # merge features with the cost ratios
    features = np.zeros((feat.shape[0], 4))
    features[:, :3] = feat
    features[:, 3] = ratio
    # join features with (lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2)
    links = process_links(graph, node, features)
    color = features[:, 3]  # we choose the costs
    names = ['capacity', 'length', 'fftt', 'tt_over_fftt']
    geojson_link(links, names, color)
def load_LA_3():
    # graph is an array of the network
    #It is a 28376 by 8 array, where the strucuture is [LINK id, node 1 (of link), node 2 (of link), a0,a1,a2,a3,a4
    # where the ai are factors for the link cost functions
    graph = np.loadtxt('data/LA_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)

    #demand is an array with num-OD by 3, where num-OD is the number of OD pairs
    #Entry in array is formatted as [origin, destination, demand] (still have to add the units of demands)
    demand = np.loadtxt('data/LA_od_3.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)

    #node is an num-nod by 3 array, where num-node is the number of nodes
    #each entry has format [node id, ...]
    node = np.loadtxt('data/LA_node.csv', delimiter=',')

    # features = table in the format [[capacity, length, FreeFlowTime]]
    features = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')
    # increase capacities of these two links because they have a travel time
    # in equilibrium that that is too big
    features[10787, 0] = features[10787, 0] * 1.5
    graph[10787, -1] = graph[10787, -1] / (1.5**4)
    features[3348, :] = features[3348, :] * 1.2
    graph[3348, -1] = graph[3348, -1] / (1.2**4)
    # divide demand going to node 106 by 10 because too large
    for i in range(demand.shape[0]):
        if demand[i, 1] == 106.:
            demand[i, 2] = demand[i, 2] / 10.
    return graph, demand, node, features
def load_I210():
    net = np.loadtxt('data/I210_attack_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    demand = np.loadtxt('data/I210_od.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    node = np.loadtxt('data/I210_node.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    geometry = extract_features('data/I210_attack_Sketch_net.csv')
    demand = np.reshape(demand, (1,3))
    return net, demand, node, geometry
def load_LA_2():
    #graph = np.loadtxt('data/LA_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    #demand = np.loadtxt('data/LA_od_2.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    #node = np.loadtxt('data/LA_node.csv', delimiter=',')

    #Changing everything to Chicago regional
    graph = np.loadtxt('data/ChicagoRegional_net.csv',
    demand = np.loadtxt('data/ChicagoRegional_od.csv',
    node = np.loadtxt('data/ChicagoRegional_node.csv',

    # features = table in the format [[capacity, length, FreeFlowTime]]

    #features = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')

    features = extract_features('data/ChicagoRegional_net.txt')

    # increase capacities of these two links because they have a travel time
    # in equilibrium that that is too big
    #features[10787,0] = features[10787,0] * 1.5
    #graph[10787,-1] = graph[10787,-1] / (1.5**4)
    #features[3348,:] = features[3348,:] * 1.2
    #graph[3348,-1] = graph[3348,-1] / (1.2**4)
    return graph, demand, node, features
Ejemplo n.º 10
def visualize_result_ratio_study(fileName, ratio, name, mode):
    net, demand, node, features = load_network_data(name)
    #Loading the flow per link resulting from frank-wolfe
    f = np.loadtxt(fileName, delimiter=',', skiprows=0)

    #Location of the features
    featureLocation = 'data/' + name + '_net.txt'
    features = np.zeros((f.shape[0], 4))
    features[:, :3] = extract_features(featureLocation)

    #Multiply the flow obtained by 4000 since we initially divided by 4000 before frank-wolfs
    f = np.divide(f * 4000, features[:, 0])
    features[:, 3] = f
    links = process_links(net, node, features, in_order=True)

    #creates color array used to visulized the links
    #values useful in differenciating links based of flow on links
    color = 2.0 * f + 1.0

    #Keeping track of the percentage of congestion
    links_congested = len(color[np.where(color >= 3)])
    percentage_of_congestion = float(links_congested) / float(len(color))
    print("congestion is at %3f " % percentage_of_congestion)

        ratio, links, ['capacity', 'length', 'fftt', 'flow_over_capacity'],
        color, name, mode)
def load_I210_modified():
    net = np.loadtxt('data/I210_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    demand = np.loadtxt('data/I210_od.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    node = np.loadtxt('data/I210_node.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    geometry = extract_features('data/I210Sketch_net.csv')
    demand = np.reshape(demand, (1, 3))
    # modify link 21
    net[21, -1] = net[21, -1] * (4**4)
    geometry[21, 0] = geometry[21, 0] / 4.
    return net, demand, node, geometry
Ejemplo n.º 12
def visualize_LA_capacity():
    graph, demand, node = load_LA()
    features = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')
    links = process_links(graph, node, features, in_order=True)
    color = features[:, 0]  # we choose to color by the capacities
    names = ['capacity', 'length', 'fftt']
    # color = 2.1 * features[:,0] / 2000.
    color = 2. * (features[:, 0] <= 900.) + 5. * (features[:, 0] > 900.)
    weight = (features[:, 0] <= 900.) + 3. * (features[:, 0] > 900.)
    geojson_link(links, names, color, weight)
def load_I210_modified():
    net = np.loadtxt('data/I210_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    demand = np.loadtxt('data/I210_od.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    node = np.loadtxt('data/I210_node.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    geometry = extract_features('data/I210Sketch_net.csv')
    demand = np.reshape(demand, (1,3))
    # modify link 21
    net[21,-1] = net[21,-1] * (4**4)
    geometry[21,0] = geometry[21,0] / 4.
    return net, demand, node, geometry
def visualize_LA_result():
    net, demand, node = load_LA()
    f = np.loadtxt('data/LA_output.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=0)
    features = np.zeros((f.shape[0], 4))
    features[:,:3] = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')
    f = np.divide(f, features[:,0])
    features[:,3] = f
    links = process_links(net, node, features, in_order=True)
    color = 2.0*f + 1.0
    geojson_link(links, ['capacity', 'length', 'fftt', 'flow_over_capacity'], color)
def visualize_LA_capacity():
    graph, demand, node = load_LA()
    features = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')
    links = process_links(graph, node, features, in_order=True)
    color = features[:,0] # we choose to color by the capacities
    names = ['capacity', 'length', 'fftt']
    # color = 2.1 * features[:,0] / 2000.
    color = 2.*(features[:,0] <= 900.) + 5.*(features[:,0] > 900.)
    weight = (features[:,0] <= 900.) + 3.*(features[:,0] > 900.)
    geojson_link(links, names, color, weight)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def visualize_LA_result():
    net, demand, node = load_LA()
    f = np.loadtxt('data/LA_output.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=0)
    features = np.zeros((f.shape[0], 4))
    features[:, :3] = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')
    f = np.divide(f, features[:, 0])
    features[:, 3] = f
    links = process_links(net, node, features, in_order=True)
    color = 2.0 * f + 1.0
    geojson_link(links, ['capacity', 'length', 'fftt', 'flow_over_capacity'],
def load_LA_2():
    graph = np.loadtxt('data/LA_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    demand = np.loadtxt('data/LA_od_2.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    node = np.loadtxt('data/LA_node.csv', delimiter=',')
    # features = table in the format [[capacity, length, FreeFlowTime]]
    features = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')
    # increase capacities of these two links because they have a travel time
    # in equilibrium that that is too big
    features[10787,0] = features[10787,0] * 1.5
    graph[10787,-1] = graph[10787,-1] / (1.5**4)
    features[3348,:] = features[3348,:] * 1.2
    graph[3348,-1] = graph[3348,-1] / (1.2**4)
    return graph, demand, node, features
Ejemplo n.º 18
def visualize_LA():
    net, demand, node = load_LA()
    f = np.loadtxt('data/la/LA_Cython.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=0)
    features = np.zeros((f.shape[0], 4))
    features[:, :3] = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    f = np.divide(f * 4000, features[:, 0])
    features[:, 3] = f
    links = process_links(net, node, features, in_order=True)
    #creates color array used to visulized the links
    #values useful in differenciating links based of flow on links
    color = 2.0 * f + 1.0
    #congestion = f/features[:,0]    #determines the congestion levels of links
    geojson_link(links, ['capacity', 'length', 'fftt', 'flow_over_capacity'],
Ejemplo n.º 19
def LAfix_heterogeneous(demand_r, capacity):  #demand_nr=1-demand_r
    '''generate heterogeneous game on LAfix network
    demand_r is the ratio of routed users
    capacity is the max capacity for which a road is considered low-capacity'''
    g2 = np.loadtxt('data/LAfix_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    g1 = np.copy(g2)
    features = extract_features('data/LAfix_net.txt')
    for i in range(0, len(features)):
        if features[i][0] <= capacity:
            g1[i, 3:7] *= 3000
    d1 = np.loadtxt('data/LA_od.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    d2 = np.copy(d1)
    d1[:, 2] *= (1 - demand_r)
    d2[:, 2] *= demand_r
    return g1, g2, d1, d2
def I210_ratio_r_total():
    study the test_*.csv files generated by I210_parametric_study()
    in particular, visualize the ratio each type of users on each link
    fs = np.loadtxt('data/test_50.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=0)
    ratio = np.divide(fs[:,1], np.maximum(np.sum(fs, axis=1), 1e-8))
    net = np.loadtxt('data/I210_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    node = np.loadtxt('data/I210_node.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    geometry = extract_features('data/I210Sketch_net.csv')
    features = np.zeros((fs.shape[0], 4))
    features[:,:3] = geometry
    features[:,3] = ratio
    links = process_links(net, node, features)
    color = 2 * ratio # we choose the ratios of nr over r+nr
    geojson_link(links, ['capacity', 'length', 'fftt', 'r_routed'], color)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def I210_ratio_r_total():
    study the test_*.csv files generated by I210_parametric_study()
    in particular, visualize the ratio each type of users on each link
    fs = np.loadtxt('data/test_50.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=0)
    ratio = np.divide(fs[:, 1], np.maximum(np.sum(fs, axis=1), 1e-8))
    net = np.loadtxt('data/I210_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    node = np.loadtxt('data/I210_node.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    geometry = extract_features('data/I210Sketch_net.csv')
    features = np.zeros((fs.shape[0], 4))
    features[:, :3] = geometry
    features[:, 3] = ratio
    links = process_links(net, node, features)
    color = 2 * ratio  # we choose the ratios of nr over r+nr
    geojson_link(links, ['capacity', 'length', 'fftt', 'r_routed'], color)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def main():
    for alpha in [.75]:
        # for alpha in np.linspace(0, .49, 50):
        # for alpha in np.linspace(.5, .99, 50):
        print "ALPHA:", alpha
        start_time2 = timeit.default_timer()

        graph = np.loadtxt('data/LA_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
        demand = np.loadtxt('data/LA_od_2.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
        graph[10787, -1] = graph[10787, -1] / (1.5**4)
        graph[3348, -1] = graph[3348, -1] / (1.2**4)
        node = np.loadtxt('data/LA_node.csv', delimiter=',')
        features = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')

        # graph = np.loadtxt('data/Chicago_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
        # demand = np.loadtxt('data/Chicago_od.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
        # node = np.loadtxt('data/Chicago_node.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
        # features = extract_features('data/ChicagoSketch_net.txt')

        # features = table in the format [[capacity, length, FreeFlowTime]]

        # alpha = .2 # also known as r
        thres = 1000.
        cog_cost = 3000.

        demand[:, 2] = 0.5 * demand[:, 2] / 4000
        g_nr, small_capacity = multiply_cognitive_cost(graph, features, thres,
        d_nr, d_r = heterogeneous_demand(demand, alpha)
        fs, hs, n_d = fw_heterogeneous_1([graph, g_nr], [d_r, d_nr],
        print n_d

        output = {'f': fs, 'h': hs, 'n_d': n_d}

        with open('graph_stuff/LA_net_od_2_alpha_{}.txt'.format(alpha),
                  'w') as outfile:
            # with open('graph_stuff/Chicago_net_od_2_alpha_{}.txt'.format(alpha), 'w') as outfile:

        #end of timer
        elapsed2 = timeit.default_timer() - start_time2

        print("Execution took %s seconds" % elapsed2)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def load_LA_3():
    graph = np.loadtxt('data/LA_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    demand = np.loadtxt('data/LA_od_3.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    node = np.loadtxt('data/LA_node.csv', delimiter=',')
    # features = table in the format [[capacity, length, FreeFlowTime]]
    features = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')
    # increase capacities of these two links because they have a travel time
    # in equilibrium that that is too big
    features[10787, 0] = features[10787, 0] * 1.5
    graph[10787, -1] = graph[10787, -1] / (1.5**4)
    features[3348, :] = features[3348, :] * 1.2
    graph[3348, -1] = graph[3348, -1] / (1.2**4)
    # divide demand going to node 106 by 10 because too large
    for i in range(demand.shape[0]):
        if demand[i, 1] == 106.:
            demand[i, 2] = demand[i, 2] / 10.
    return graph, demand, node, features
def load_LA_3():
    graph = np.loadtxt('data/LA_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    demand = np.loadtxt('data/LA_od_3.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    node = np.loadtxt('data/LA_node.csv', delimiter=',')
    # features = table in the format [[capacity, length, FreeFlowTime]]
    features = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')
    # increase capacities of these two links because they have a travel time
    # in equilibrium that that is too big
    features[10787,0] = features[10787,0] * 1.5
    graph[10787,-1] = graph[10787,-1] / (1.5**4)
    features[3348,:] = features[3348,:] * 1.2
    graph[3348,-1] = graph[3348,-1] / (1.2**4)
    # divide demand going to node 106 by 10 because too large
    for i in range(demand.shape[0]):
        if demand[i,1] == 106.:
            demand[i,2] = demand[i,2] / 10.
    return graph, demand, node, features
def visualize_LA_result_Scenario_Study(fileName, ratio):
    net, demand, node = load_LA()
    f = np.loadtxt(fileName, delimiter=',', skiprows=0)
    features = np.zeros((f.shape[0], 4))
    features[:, :3] = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')
    #features[:,:3] = extract_features('data/ChicagoRegional_net.txt')
    f = np.divide(f * 4000, features[:, 0])
    features[:, 3] = f
    links = process_links(net, node, features, in_order=True)
    #creates color array used to visulized the links
    #values useful in differenciating links based of flow on links
    color = 2.0 * f + 1.0

    #Keeping track of the percentage of congestion
    links_congested = len(color[np.where(color >= 3)])
    percentage_of_congestion = float(links_congested) / float(len(color))
    print("congestion is at %3f " % percentage_of_congestion)
        ratio, links, ['capacity', 'length', 'fftt', 'flow_over_capacity'],
Ejemplo n.º 26
        spnd[i] = nodes[i]
           comments='')  #Node ID is equal to node index: the file is sparse
           comments='')  #The file is densified and there are no blank lines
nodes = [el[0] for el in ondes]

#Select Links
links = np.loadtxt('data/LA_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
features = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')
lniks = []
faetures = []
for i in range(0, len(links)):
    if links[i][1] in nodes and links[i][
            2] in nodes:  #Check if both nodes of the link are in the zone
        arr = np.concatenate((np.array([0, 0]), features[i]))
Ejemplo n.º 27
def load_chicago():
    net = np.loadtxt('data/Chicago_net.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    demand = np.loadtxt('data/Chicago_od.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    node = np.loadtxt('data/Chicago_node.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    geometry = extract_features('data/ChicagoSketch_net.txt')
    return net, demand, node, geometry
Ejemplo n.º 28
    demand = np.loadtxt('data/Chicago_od.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
    demand[:, 2] = 0.5 * demand[:, 2] / 4000
    od = construct_od(demand)

# make link to lat/lng coordinate json file
if make_link2coord:
    with open(
            '{}/{}_net_od_2_alpha_0.{:02d}.txt'.format(dash_data, prefix, 50),
            'r') as infile:
        run = pickle.loads(
    fs = run['f']
    f = np.array([l[0] + l[1] for l in fs])
    if net == 'la':
        node = np.loadtxt('data/LA_node.csv', delimiter=',')
        features = np.zeros((f.shape[0], 4))
        features[:, :3] = extract_features('data/LA_net.txt')
    elif net == 'chicago':
        node = np.loadtxt('data/Chicago_node.csv', delimiter=',', skiprows=1)
        features = np.zeros((f.shape[0], 4))
        features[:, :3] = extract_features('data/ChicagoSketch_net.txt')
    f = np.divide(f * 4000, features[:, 0])
    features[:, 3] = f
    links = process_links(graph, node, features, in_order=True)

    link2coord = {}
    for i in range(len(links)):
        link2coord[i] = {
            'origin': [links[i, 0], links[i, 1]],
            'destination': [links[i, 2], links[i, 3]],
    with open('{}/link_coord.json'.format(out_data), 'w') as f:
def load_chicago():
    net = np.loadtxt("data/Chicago_net.csv", delimiter=",", skiprows=1)
    demand = np.loadtxt("data/Chicago_od.csv", delimiter=",", skiprows=1)
    node = np.loadtxt("data/Chicago_node.csv", delimiter=",", skiprows=1)
    geometry = extract_features("data/ChicagoSketch_net.txt")
    return net, demand, node, geometry