Ejemplo n.º 1
class JobManager(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, num_workers, worker_name):
        threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=worker_name)

        self.pool = Pool(num_workers=num_workers, name=worker_name)

        self.in_progress_jobs = Manager().list()
        self.lock = Manager().Lock()

    def run(self):
        while 1:
            except Exception:
                # Print to debug console instead of to DB.
                import traceback

    def dispatch(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("Children must override dispatch()")

    def submit_job(self, work_unit):
        with self.lock:
            if work_unit.get_unique_key() in self.in_progress_jobs:
                return False


        # Remember these shared memory references
        work_unit.in_progress_jobs = self.in_progress_jobs
        work_unit.lock = self.lock


        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
class ICECacheLoader(QtCore.QObject):
    """ Class for loading cache files. Files are loaded through processes managed by the Pool class. The data loaded
    by processes is sent to ICECacheLoader via PyQt's QLocalSocket and QLocalServer which are basically a named pipe. """
    # signal sent for each new loaded cache
    # int: cache index
    # tuple: (reader, points, colors, sizes)
    #cacheLoaded = QtCore.pyqtSignal( int, tuple ) 
    cacheLoaded = QtCore.pyqtSignal( int, str ) 
    beginCacheLoading = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
    endCacheLoading = QtCore.pyqtSignal()

    # Loading state
    STOP = 0
    RUN = 1
    ERROR = 2
    def __init__(self, parent = None):    
        self._pool = None
        self._state = self.STOP
        self._files = []
        self._cache = {}
    def init_process_server( self ):
        self._state = self.STOP
        self._files = []
        self._cache = {}
        self._pool = Pool(self)
        self._pool.init(self.parent().prefs.process_count, self._on_process_callback)

    def cancel(self):
        self._state = self.STOP
        if self._pool:
        print "Operation was cancelled."

    def points( self, cache_index ):            
        if cache_index in self._cache and self._cache[ cache_index ] != None and POINT_DATA in self._cache[ cache_index ]:
            return self._cache[ cache_index ][ POINT_DATA ][:]
        return []

    def colors( self, cache_index ):
        if cache_index in self._cache and self._cache[ cache_index ] != None and COLOR_DATA in self._cache[ cache_index ]:
            return self._cache[ cache_index ][ COLOR_DATA ][:]
        return []
    def sizes( self, cache_index ):
        if cache_index in self._cache and self._cache[ cache_index ] != None and SIZE_DATA in self._cache[ cache_index ]:
            return self._cache[ cache_index ][ SIZE_DATA ][:]
        return []            

    def __getitem__( self, arg ):
        """ return item cache by index """
        return self._cache[ arg ]
    def load_cache_files( self, files, start, end ):    
        """ Start the loading process. """         
        # initialize the process server first

        self._files = files
        self.startindex = start
        self.endindex = end        

        # file_block can be used to assing multiple files per process. 
        # note: Normally this would make poor load-balancing and affect performance load
        self.file_block = 1
        self.indexset = range(0,len(self._files),self.file_block)     

        # Submit all load tasks to the process pool
        # note: 1 file / task gives very good performance in general.
        self._state = self.STOP
        file_count = len(self._files)
        self._files_processed = 0
        index = self.startindex
        for i in self.indexset:
            file_list = []
            file_index = []
            for j in range(self.file_block):
                if i+j < file_count:
                    file_list.append( self._files[i+j] )
                    file_index.append( index )
                    index += 1                    
            self._pool.submit( LoaderTask( [ file_list, file_index ] ) )
    def _on_process_callback( self, sender, notif, arg ):
        """ Called when an event occurs from a process """        
        if notif == Pool.STARTED:
            if self._state == self.STOP:
                self.t1 = time.time()
                self._state = self.RUN
        elif notif == Pool.ERROR:
            self._state = self.ERROR
        elif notif == Pool.STATE_CHANGE:
        elif notif == Pool.OUTPUT_MSG:
            if self._state == self.ERROR:
            # Process has finished loading the file
            s_data = bytes.decode( bytes( sender.readAllStandardOutput() ) )
                data = eval(s_data) 
                # save cache
                self._cache[ data[0] ] = h5.File( data[1], 'r' )
                # notify clients                
                self.cacheLoaded.emit( data[0], data[1] )
                # problem, just cancel everything
                raise Pool.Error
        elif notif == Pool.OUTPUT_ERROR_MSG:
            self._state = self.ERROR
            s_out = bytes.decode( bytes( sender.readAllStandardError() ) )
            print 'process error output: %s - %s\nRetry your operation.' % ((repr(sender)),s_out)
        elif notif == Pool.FINISHED:
            if self._state == self.STOP:
            if self._state == self.ERROR:
                # tell clients the loading process has been cancelled or was terminated prematurely
            #print 'process finished: %s\n' % (repr(sender))
            self._files_processed += self.file_block
            if self._files_processed >= len(self._files):
                self.t2 = time.time()
                self._state = self.STOP
                print 'Processes %d Loading time %0.3f s' % (self._pool.process_count,self.t2-self.t1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ICEExporter(QtCore.QObject):
    """ Class to manage processes for exporting ICE cache data to ascii. """
    # string: export file name
    cacheExporting = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)
    # int: number of files to export
    beginCacheExporting = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
    endCacheExporting = QtCore.pyqtSignal()

    # states
    STOP = 0
    RUN = 1
    ERROR = 2

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        super(ICEExporter, self).__init__(parent)
        self.files = []
        self.state = self.STOP
        self.destination_folder = '.'
        self.t1 = 0
        self.t2 = 0
        self.fmt = CONSTS.TEXT_FMT
        self.pool = Pool(self)

        # dialogs
        self._folder_dialog = ICEExportFolderDialog(self, parent)
        self._file_dialog = ICEExportFileDialog(self, parent)

    def folder_dialog(self):
        return self._folder_dialog

    def file_dialog(self):
        return self._file_dialog

    def cancel(self):

    def export_folder(self, folder, destination, fmt=CONSTS.TEXT_FMT):
        """ Export the cache files contained in a folder """
        (self.files, startindex, end) = get_files_from_cache_folder(folder)
        self.destination_folder = destination
        self.state = self.STOP
        self.files_processed = 0
        self.t1 = 0
        self.t2 = 0
        self.fmt = fmt

    def export_files(self, files, destination, fmt=CONSTS.TEXT_FMT):
        """ Export a list of cache files """
        (self.files, startindex, end) = get_files(files)
        self.destination_folder = destination
        self.state = self.STOP
        self.t1 = 0
        self.t2 = 0
        self.fmt = fmt

    def _start(self):
        """ Start file export process. """
        self.file_block = 1
        self.indexset = range(0, len(self.files), self.file_block)

        # Submit export tasks to process pool
        cpu_count = 1
        if self.parent():
            cpu_count = self.parent().prefs.process_count
            import multiprocessing as mp
            cpu_count = mp.cpu_count()

        self.pool.init(cpu_count, self._on_process_callback)
        self.state = self.STOP
        file_count = len(self.files)
        self.files_processed = 0
        for i in self.indexset:
            file_list = []
            for j in range(self.file_block):
                if i + j < file_count:
                    file_list.append(self.files[i + j])
                ExportTask([file_list, self.destination_folder, self.fmt]))

    def _on_process_callback(self, sender, notif, arg):
        """ Called when an event occurs from a process """

        if notif == Pool.STARTED:
            #print 'Pool.STARTED'
            if self.state == self.STOP:
                self.t1 = time.time()
                self.state = self.RUN

        elif notif == Pool.ERROR:
            print 'process error: %d - %s' % (sender.pid(), arg)
            self.state = self.ERROR

        elif notif == Pool.STATE_CHANGE:

        elif notif == Pool.OUTPUT_MSG:
            if self.state == self.ERROR:
            s_out = bytes.decode(bytes(sender.readAllStandardOutput()))
            #print 'Pool.OUTPUT_MSG: %s' % s_out

        elif notif == Pool.OUTPUT_ERROR_MSG:
            s_out = bytes.decode(bytes(sender.readAllStandardError()))
            print 'process error output: %s - %s\nRetry your operation.' % (
                (repr(sender)), s_out)

        elif notif == Pool.FINISHED:
            #print 'Pool.FINISHED'

            if self.state == self.ERROR:
            self.files_processed += self.file_block
            if self.files_processed >= len(self.files):
                self.t2 = time.time()
                self.state = self.STOP
                print 'Export time %0.3f s' % (self.t2 - self.t1)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ICEExporter(QtCore.QObject):
    """ Class to manage processes for exporting ICE cache data to ascii. """
    # string: export file name
    cacheExporting = QtCore.pyqtSignal( str ) 
    # int: number of files to export
    beginCacheExporting = QtCore.pyqtSignal( int ) 
    endCacheExporting = QtCore.pyqtSignal( ) 

    # states
    STOP = 0
    RUN = 1
    ERROR = 2
    def __init__(self, parent = None):
        self.files = []
        self.state = self.STOP
        self.destination_folder = '.'
        self.t1 = 0
        self.t2 = 0
        self.fmt = CONSTS.TEXT_FMT
        self.pool = Pool(self)
        # dialogs
        self._folder_dialog = ICEExportFolderDialog(self, parent)
        self._file_dialog = ICEExportFileDialog(self, parent)

    def folder_dialog( self ):
        return self._folder_dialog

    def file_dialog( self ):
        return self._file_dialog
    def cancel(self):

    def export_folder( self, folder, destination, fmt=CONSTS.TEXT_FMT ):    
        """ Export the cache files contained in a folder """
        (self.files,startindex,end) = get_files_from_cache_folder( folder )
        self.destination_folder = destination
        self.state = self.STOP
        self.files_processed = 0
        self.t1 = 0
        self.t2 = 0
        self.fmt = fmt

    def export_files( self, files, destination, fmt=CONSTS.TEXT_FMT):    
        """ Export a list of cache files """
        (self.files,startindex,end) = get_files(files)
        self.destination_folder = destination
        self.state = self.STOP
        self.t1 = 0
        self.t2 = 0
        self.fmt = fmt

    def _start( self ):
        """ Start file export process. """ 
        self.file_block = 1
        self.indexset = range( 0, len(self.files), self.file_block ) 

        # Submit export tasks to process pool
        cpu_count = 1
        if self.parent():
            cpu_count = self.parent().prefs.process_count
            import multiprocessing as mp
            cpu_count = mp.cpu_count() 
        self.pool.init( cpu_count, self._on_process_callback )
        self.state = self.STOP
        file_count = len(self.files)
        self.files_processed = 0
        for i in self.indexset:
            file_list = []
            for j in range(self.file_block):
                if i+j < file_count:
                    file_list.append( self.files[i+j] )                
            self.pool.submit( ExportTask( [file_list, self.destination_folder, self.fmt] ) )            

    def _on_process_callback( self, sender, notif, arg ):
        """ Called when an event occurs from a process """
        if notif == Pool.STARTED:
            #print 'Pool.STARTED'
            if self.state == self.STOP:
                self.t1 = time.time()
                self.beginCacheExporting.emit( len(self.files) )
                self.state = self.RUN
        elif notif == Pool.ERROR:
            print 'process error: %d - %s' % (sender.pid(), arg)
            self.endCacheExporting.emit( )
            self.state = self.ERROR
        elif notif == Pool.STATE_CHANGE:
        elif notif == Pool.OUTPUT_MSG:
            if self.state == self.ERROR:
            s_out = bytes.decode( bytes( sender.readAllStandardOutput() ) )
            #print 'Pool.OUTPUT_MSG: %s' % s_out
            self.cacheExporting.emit( s_out )            
        elif notif == Pool.OUTPUT_ERROR_MSG:
            s_out = bytes.decode( bytes( sender.readAllStandardError() ) )
            print 'process error output: %s - %s\nRetry your operation.' % ((repr(sender)),s_out)
        elif notif == Pool.FINISHED:
            #print 'Pool.FINISHED'

            if self.state == self.ERROR:
            self.files_processed += self.file_block
            if self.files_processed >= len(self.files):
                self.t2 = time.time()
                self.endCacheExporting.emit( )            
                self.state = self.STOP
                print 'Export time %0.3f s' % (self.t2-self.t1)