def formula2dict(self, rxn_formula_list):
     Convert a list of reaction formula to a list of dictionary, each with key is metabolite, value is stoichiometry
     return [
         for cur_formula in rxn_formula_list
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _train(self):
     Train the regression model for dSf estimation, using both dSf and dSr data as training data
     Standardization is performed before fitting
     self.dSr_training_rdict_list = [thermo_data.parse_formula(cur_formula) for cur_formula in self.dSr_training_formula_list]
     dSf_property_mat_train, to_subtract_dSr_array_train = self.build_property_mat(self.dSf_training_sids, self.dSr_training_rdict_list)
     self.dSf_train_mat_0_cols = np.where(~dSf_property_mat_train.any(axis=0))[0]
     self.dSf_property_mat_train = np.delete(dSf_property_mat_train, self.dSf_train_mat_0_cols, 1)
     self.dSf_train_data = self.dSf_data_total - to_subtract_dSr_array_train
     best_lasso_alpha = 0.000225701971963 #selected l1 alpha for the final model
     self.dSf_rg = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), linear_model.Lasso(alpha=best_lasso_alpha, max_iter=250000, tol=0.001)), self.dSf_train_data/1000)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_sids_from_formula(self, rxn_formula_list):
     Obtain all the species ids from the list of reaction formulas
     :param rxn_formula_list: a list of reaction formulas, each reaction formula can either be a string such as "2 CHB_16761 = CHB_15422 + CHB_16027" or a dictionary such as {'CHB_15422': 1, 'CHB_16027': 1, 'CHB_16761': -2.0}
     :return: the list of species ids at pH7 in the reaction formulas
     cid_list_from_formula = []
     for cur_formula in rxn_formula_list:
         if type(cur_formula) == dict:
             cid_list_from_formula += cur_formula.keys()
             cid_list_from_formula += thermo_data.parse_formula(cur_formula).keys()
     cid_list_from_formula = list(set(cid_list_from_formula))
     sid_list_from_formula = [self.compounds_pH7_species_id_dict[cur_cid] for cur_cid in cid_list_from_formula]
     return sid_list_from_formula
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def dSr_predictor(self, rxn2calc_dicts, compounds_data_dict, compounds_pH7_species_id_dict, sid2predict_dSf = []):
     Predict dSr or dSf for given reactions or aqueous species
     :param rxn2calc_dicts: a list of reactions to estimated dSr; each reaction can either be a string such as "2 CHB_16761 = CHB_15422 + CHB_16027" or a dictionary such as {'CHB_15422': 1, 'CHB_16027': 1, 'CHB_16761': -2.0}
     :param compounds_data_dict: dictionary that stores information for different protonation states of the compound
     :param pH7species_id_dict: dictionary that maps compound id to its dominant pH 7 species id
     :param sid2predict_dSf: the list of aqueous species ids to predict dSf
     :return: the list of predicted dSr for reactions (and dSf for aqueous species)
     self.compounds_data_dict = compounds_data_dict
     self.compounds_pH7_species_id_dict = compounds_pH7_species_id_dict
     rxn2calc_dicts = [cur_rxn if type(cur_rxn) == dict else thermo_data.parse_formula(cur_rxn) for cur_rxn in rxn2calc_dicts]
     dSf_property_mat_predict, to_subtract_dSr_array_predict = self.build_property_mat(sid_list2query = sid2predict_dSf, rxn_formula_list = rxn2calc_dicts)
     dSf_prediction = self.dSf_rg.predict(np.delete(dSf_property_mat_predict, self.dSf_train_mat_0_cols, 1))
     dSf_prediction = dSf_prediction*1000 + to_subtract_dSr_array_predict
     for i, cur_rxn_dict in enumerate(rxn2calc_dicts):
         if cur_rxn_dict in self.dSr_training_rdict_list:
             dSf_prediction[i+len(sid2predict_dSf)] = self.dSr_data[self.dSr_training_rdict_list.index(cur_rxn_dict)]
     return dSf_prediction
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def build_property_mat(self, sid_list2query = [], rxn_formula_list = []):
        Construct the property matrix to estimate dSf
        :param sid_list2query: a list of species ids, the aqueous species to get the groups and molecular properties
        :param rxn_formula_list: a list of reaction formula or reaction dictionaries, the reaction to get the sum of groups and molecular properties from its participating aqueous species
        :return: numpy array, the property matrix with row corresponding to aqueous species and reactions, columns are groups and molecular properties
        #for dSf training data, we also have dSr calculated from dSf, that is effectively the stoichiometric sum of multiple dSf
        sid_list = list(set(sid_list2query + self.get_sids_from_formula(rxn_formula_list)))

        sid2get_groups = \
        list(set(sid_list) - set([sid for sid in self.compounds_data_dict.keys() if 'groups' in self.compounds_data_dict[sid].keys()])) + \
        list(set.intersection(set(sid_list),set([self.compounds_pH7_species_id_dict[cid] for cid in self.cofactor_cids])))
        sid2get_groups_smiles_forms = []
        for sid in sid2get_groups:
            if sid in self.compounds_data_dict.keys():
        sid2get_groups_gmat = compound_groups.get_group_matrix(sid2get_groups_smiles_forms)
        group_num = compound_groups.get_group_matrix(['CC']).shape[1] #defined groups that are meaningful, index over this range means the compound is nondecomposable

        #get dSf group matrix and dSf_property matrix
        dSf_group_mat = np.zeros((len(sid_list2query) + len(rxn_formula_list), group_num))
        property_startInd = self.dSf_pKMg_data_df.columns.tolist().index('C_partial_charge')
        property_endInd = self.dSf_pKMg_data_df.columns.tolist().index('TPSA')
        dSf_property_mat = np.zeros((len(sid_list2query) + len(rxn_formula_list), property_endInd + 1 - property_startInd))
        to_subtract_dSr_array = np.zeros(len(sid_list2query) + len(rxn_formula_list)) #to substract off inorganic compounds
        for i, cur_entry in enumerate(sid_list2query + rxn_formula_list):
            if i < len(sid_list2query):
                #is sid
                if cur_entry in sid2get_groups:
                    dSf_group_mat[i] = sid2get_groups_gmat[sid2get_groups.index(cur_entry)][:group_num]
                    dSf_group_mat[i] = np.array(self.compounds_data_dict[cur_entry]['groups'][:group_num])
                dSf_property_mat[i] = self.dSf_pKMg_data_df[self.dSf_pKMg_data_df.species_id == cur_entry].iloc[:,property_startInd:property_endInd+1].values[0]
                #is reaction
                cur_rxn_dict = cur_entry if type(cur_entry) == dict else thermo_data.parse_formula(cur_entry)
                for cur_cid, stoich in cur_rxn_dict.iteritems():
                    cur_sid = self.compounds_pH7_species_id_dict[cur_cid]
                    #construct group matrix for the reaction
                    if cur_sid in sid2get_groups:
                        #nondecomposable groups will effectively have 0 contribution to groups
                        dSf_group_mat[i] += stoich * sid2get_groups_gmat[sid2get_groups.index(cur_sid)][:group_num]
                        dSf_group_mat[i] += stoich * np.array(self.compounds_data_dict[cur_sid]['groups'][:group_num])
                    #construct property matrix
                        #inorganic compounds are not considered for dSr fitting
                        to_subtract_dSr_array[i] += self.compounds_data_dict[cur_sid]['dS_f'] * stoich
                    except KeyError:
                        if cur_sid in self.dSf_pKMg_data_df.species_id.tolist():
                            cur_mol_properties = self.dSf_pKMg_data_df[self.dSf_pKMg_data_df.species_id == cur_sid].iloc[:,property_startInd:property_endInd+1].values[0]
                        elif cur_sid in self.new_sid_properties_dict.keys():
                            cur_mol_properties = self.new_sid_properties_dict[cur_sid]
                            print "Calculating molecular properties for %s" % cur_cid
                            cur_mol_properties = Calculate_mol_properties(self.compounds_data_dict[cur_sid]['smiles_form'])
                            self.new_sid_properties_dict[cur_sid] = cur_mol_properties
                        dSf_property_mat[i] += stoich * np.array(cur_mol_properties)

        #print dSf_group_mat.shape
        #print dSf_property_mat.shape
        dSf_group_property_mat = np.hstack((dSf_group_mat, dSf_property_mat))
        return dSf_group_property_mat, to_subtract_dSr_array