Ejemplo n.º 1
    def init(self):
        if not isinstance(self.config.file, str):
            raise BadConfig('This should be a string.', self, 'file')
        self.file = expand(self.config.file)

        if not os.path.exists(self.file):
            msg = 'File %r does not exist.' % self.file
            raise BadConfig(msg, self, 'file')

        timestamps_file = self.file + MPlayer.TIMESTAMPS_SUFFIX
        if os.path.exists(timestamps_file):
            self.info('Reading timestamps from %r.' % timestamps_file)
            self.timestamps = open(timestamps_file)
            self.timestamps = None
            self.info('Will use fps for timestamps.')

        self.mencoder_started = False

        self.state.timestamp = None
        self.state.timestamp = self.get_next_timestamp()
        self.state.next_frame = None
        self.state.finished = False

        self.num_frames_read = 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def init(self):
        self.programs = check_programs_existence(programs=['mencoder'])

        for p in self.programs:
            self.info('Using %13s = %s' % (p, self.programs[p]))

        if not isinstance(self.config.file, str):
            raise BadConfig('This should be a string.', self, 'file')

        self.file = expand(self.config.file)

        if not os.path.exists(self.file):
            msg = 'File %r does not exist.' % self.file
            raise BadConfig(msg, self, 'file')

        timestamps_file = self.file + MPlayer.TIMESTAMPS_SUFFIX
        if os.path.exists(timestamps_file):
            self.info('Reading timestamps from %r.' % timestamps_file)
            self.timestamps = open(timestamps_file)
            self.timestamps = None
            #self.info('Will use fps for timestamps.')

        self.mencoder_started = False

        self.state.timestamp = None
        self.state.timestamp = self.get_next_timestamp()
        self.state.next_frame = None
        self.state.finished = False

        self.num_frames_read = 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def init(self):
        dirname = self.config.dir
        dirname = expand(dirname)

        if not os.path.exists(dirname):
            raise BadConfig('Not existent directory %r.' % dirname, self,

        if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
            raise BadConfig('The file %r is not a directory.' % dirname, self,

        regexp = self.config.regexp

        # TODO: use proper logging
        self.info("Reading %r from %r." % (regexp, dirname))
        all_files = os.listdir(dirname)

        selected = [os.path.join(dirname, f)
                    for f in all_files
                    if re.match(regexp, f)]

        def natural_key(string):
            """See http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/001018.html"""
            return [int(s) if s.isdigit() else s for s in re.split(r'(\d+)', string)]

        selected.sort(key=lambda x: natural_key(os.path.basename(x)))

        self.info("Selected %d/%d files." % (len(selected), len(all_files)))

        fps = float(self.config.fps)
        if fps <= 0:
            raise BadConfig(self, "Invalid fps value %s." % fps, 'fps')
        # tuples (timestamp, filename)
        frames = [(i / fps, f)
                    for i, f in enumerate(selected)]

        if not frames:
            raise Exception('No frames found in dir %r.' % dirname)

        self.state.frames = frames
        self.state.next_frame = 0
 def init(self):
     dirname = self.config.dir
     dirname = expand(dirname)
     if not os.path.exists(dirname):
         raise Exception('Non existent directory "%s".' % dirname)
     if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
         raise Exception('The file "%s" is not a directory.' % dirname)
     # TODO: use proper logging
     self.info("Reading directory listings from %s" % dirname)
     all_files = os.listdir(dirname)
     regexp = '(\w+)_(\d+)\.(\d+)\.png'
     # tuples (timestamp, filename)
     frames = []
     for filename in all_files:
         m = re.match(regexp, filename)
         if m:
             # signal_name = m.group(1)
             seconds = m.group(2)
             fraction = m.group(3)
             timestamp = float(seconds) + float('0.%s' % fraction)
             global_filename = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
             frames.append((timestamp, global_filename))
     if not frames:
         raise Exception('No frames found in dir "%s".' % dirname)
     self.info("Read %s frames -- sorting." % len(frames))
     frames.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
     self.state.frames = frames
     self.state.next_frame = 0
     self.info("Camera log ready for %s" % dirname)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def try_initialization(self):
        # If we don't have at least two frames, continue
        if len(self.buffer) < 2:

        # Get height and width from first image
        first_image = self.buffer[0][1]

        self.shape = first_image.shape
        self.height = self.shape[0]
        self.width = self.shape[1]

        if self.height > 8192 or self.width > 8192:
            msg = 'Mencoder cannot support movies this big (%sx%s)'
            msg = msg % (self.height, self.width)
            raise Exception(msg)
        self.ndim = len(self.shape)

        # Format for mencoder's rawvideo "format" option
        if self.ndim == 2:
            format = 'y8'  # @ReservedAssignment
            if self.shape[2] == 3:
                format = 'rgb24'  # @ReservedAssignment
            elif self.shape[2] == 4:
                # Note: did not try this yet
                format = 'rgba'  # @ReservedAssignment
                msg = 'I detected that you are trying to write a transparent'
                msg += 'video. This does not work well yet (and besides,'
                msg += 'it is not supported in many applications, like '
                msg += 'Keynote). Anyway, the plan is to use mencoder '
                msg += 'to write a .AVI with codec "png". This will fail '
                msg += 'for now, but perhaps in the future it will be '
                msg += '.better'

        # guess the fps if we are not given the config
        if self.config.fps is None:
            delta = self.buffer[-1][0] - self.buffer[0][0]

            if delta == 0:
                timestamps = [x[0] for x in self.buffer]
                self.debug('Got 0 delta: timestamps: %s' % timestamps)
                fps = 0
                fps = (len(self.buffer) - 1) / delta

            # Check for very wrong results
            if not (3 < fps < 60):
                self.error('Detected fps is %.2f; this seems strange to me,'
                           ' so I will use the safe choice fps = %.2f.' %
                           (fps, self.config.fps_safe))
                fps = self.config.fps_safe
            fps = self.config.fps

        # adapt the bitrate to the size of the image
        vbitrate0 = self.config.firstpass_bitrate
        shape0 = (640, 480)

        n1 = self.width * self.height
        n0 = shape0[0] * shape0[1]
        vbitrate = vbitrate0 * n1 / n0

        self.info('Estimated bitrate %r' % vbitrate)

        max_bitrate = 90 * 1000 * 1000
        if vbitrate > max_bitrate:

            vbitrate = max_bitrate
            self.info('Estimated bitrate too high, capping at %s' % vbitrate)

        self.filename = expand(self.config.file)
        if os.path.exists(self.filename):
            self.info('Removing previous version of %s.' %

        self.tmp_filename = '%s-active.avi' % self.filename


        self.info('Writing %dx%d %s video stream at %.3f fps to %r.' %
                  (self.width, self.height, format, fps,

        if format == 'rgba':
            ovc = ['-ovc', 'lavc', '-lavcopts', 'vcodec=png']
            ovc = [
                '-ovc', 'lavc', '-lavcopts',
                'vcodec=%s:vbitrate=%d' % ('mpeg4', vbitrate)

        out = ['-o', self.tmp_filename]
        args = [
            self.programs['mencoder'], '/dev/stdin', '-demuxer', 'rawvideo',
            'w=%d:h=%d:fps=%f:format=%s' %
            (self.width, self.height, fps, format)
        ] + ovc + out

        # '-v', "0", # verbosity level (1 prints stats \r)

        # self.debug('$ %s' % " ".join(args))
        # Note: mp4 encoding is currently broken in mencoder :-(
        #       so we have to use ffmpeg as a second step.
        # These would be the options to add:
        # '-of', 'lavf', '-lavfopts', 'format=mp4'

        self.tmp_stdout = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
        self.tmp_stderr = tempfile.TemporaryFile()

        quiet = self.config.quiet
        if quiet:
            # XXX /dev/null not portable
            #            self.debug('stderr: %s' % self.tmp_stderr)
            #            self.debug('stdout: %s' % self.tmp_stdout)
            # TODO: write error
            self.process = subprocess.Popen(args,
            self.process = subprocess.Popen(args=args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)

        if self.config.timestamps:
            self.timestamps_filename = self.filename + '.timestamps'
            self.timestamps_file = open(self.timestamps_filename, 'w')
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def try_initialization(self):
        # If we don't have at least two frames, continue
        if len(self.buffer) < 2:

        # Get height and width from first image
        first_image = self.buffer[0][1]

        self.shape = first_image.shape
        self.height = self.shape[0]
        self.width = self.shape[1]

        if self.height > 8192 or self.width > 8192:
            msg = 'Mencoder cannot support movies this big (%sx%s)'
            msg = msg % (self.height, self.width)
            raise Exception(msg)
        self.ndim = len(self.shape)

        # Format for mencoder's rawvideo "format" option
        if self.ndim == 2:
            format = 'y8'  # @ReservedAssignment
            if self.shape[2] == 3:
                format = 'rgb24'  # @ReservedAssignment
            elif self.shape[2] == 4:
                # Note: did not try this yet
                format = 'rgba'  # @ReservedAssignment
                msg = 'I detected that you are trying to write a transparent'
                msg += 'video. This does not work well yet (and besides,'
                msg += 'it is not supported in many applications, like '
                msg += 'Keynote). Anyway, the plan is to use mencoder '
                msg += 'to write a .AVI with codec "png". This will fail '
                msg += 'for now, but perhaps in the future it will be '
                msg += '.better'

        # guess the fps if we are not given the config
        if self.config.fps is None:
            delta = self.buffer[-1][0] - self.buffer[0][0]

            if delta == 0:
                timestamps = [x[0] for x in self.buffer]
                self.debug('Got 0 delta: timestamps: %s' % timestamps)
                fps = 0
                fps = (len(self.buffer) - 1) / delta

            # Check for very wrong results
            if not (3 < fps < 60):
                self.error('Detected fps is %.2f; this seems strange to me,'
                           ' so I will use the safe choice fps = %.2f.' % 
                           (fps, self.config.fps_safe))
                fps = self.config.fps_safe
            fps = self.config.fps

        # adapt the bitrate to the size of the image
        vbitrate0 = self.config.firstpass_bitrate
        shape0 = (640, 480)

        n1 = self.width * self.height
        n0 = shape0[0] * shape0[1]
        vbitrate = vbitrate0 * n1 / n0
        self.info('Estimated bitrate %r' % vbitrate)
        max_bitrate = 90*1000*1000
        if vbitrate > max_bitrate:
            vbitrate = max_bitrate
            self.info('Estimated bitrate too high, capping at %s' % vbitrate)

        self.filename = expand(self.config.file)
        if os.path.exists(self.filename):
            self.info('Removing previous version of %s.' % 


        self.tmp_filename = '%s-active.avi' % self.filename

        self.info('Writing %dx%d %s video stream at %.3f fps to %r.' % 
                  (self.width, self.height, format, fps,

        if format == 'rgba':
            ovc = ['-ovc', 'lavc', '-lavcopts', 'vcodec=png']
            ovc = ['-ovc', 'lavc', '-lavcopts',
                  'vcodec=%s:vbitrate=%d' % ('mpeg4', vbitrate)]

        out = ['-o', self.tmp_filename]
        args = [
                '-demuxer', 'rawvideo',
                '-rawvideo', 'w=%d:h=%d:fps=%f:format=%s' % 
                (self.width, self.height, fps, format)
        ] + ovc + out

                # '-v', "0", # verbosity level (1 prints stats \r)

        # self.debug('$ %s' % " ".join(args))
        # Note: mp4 encoding is currently broken in mencoder :-(
        #       so we have to use ffmpeg as a second step.
        # These would be the options to add:
        # '-of', 'lavf', '-lavfopts', 'format=mp4'

        self.tmp_stdout = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
        self.tmp_stderr = tempfile.TemporaryFile()

        quiet = self.config.quiet
        if quiet:
            # XXX /dev/null not portable
#            self.debug('stderr: %s' % self.tmp_stderr)
#            self.debug('stdout: %s' % self.tmp_stdout)
            # TODO: write error
            self.process = subprocess.Popen(args,
                stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=self.tmp_stdout.fileno(),
            self.process = subprocess.Popen(args=args,

        if self.config.timestamps:
            self.timestamps_filename = self.filename + '.timestamps'
            self.timestamps_file = open(self.timestamps_filename, 'w')