Ejemplo n.º 1
def getSimpleModeIniFiles(subdir, pattern = '*.ini'):
	machine_type = profile.getMachineSetting('machine_type')
	paths = []
	paths.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.Cura', 'quickprint', machine_type, subdir))))
	paths.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.Cura', 'quickprint', subdir))))
	paths.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(resourceBasePath, 'quickprint', machine_type, subdir)))
	paths.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(resourceBasePath, 'quickprint', subdir)))
	for path in paths:
		if os.path.isdir(path):
			files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, pattern)))
			if len(files) > 0:
				return files
	return []
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getSimpleModeMaterials():
	machine_type = profile.getMachineSetting('machine_type')
	paths = []
	paths.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.Cura', 'quickprint', machine_type))))
	paths.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.Cura', 'quickprint'))))
	paths.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(resourceBasePath, 'quickprint', machine_type)))
	paths.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(resourceBasePath, 'quickprint')))

	materials = []
	global_options = []
	for path in paths:
		if os.path.isdir(path):
			option_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, 'option_*.ini')))
			for option_file in option_files:
				option = ProfileIni(option_file)
				if not option._isInList(global_options):

			material_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*/material.ini')))
			if len(material_files) > 0:
				for material_file in material_files:
					material = PrintMaterial(material_file)
					if not material._isInList(materials):
						for ini in materials:
							if ini.base_name == material.base_name:

	for material in materials:

	#print "Materials found for %s :\n%s" % (machine_type, materials)
	return materials
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getLatestFHVersion(ver):

    #Go to a different url depending on the printer to get the desired firmware
    if profile.getMachineSetting('machine_type') == 'BCN3DSigma':

        if haveInternet() != True:
                _("It seems like you do not have an internet connection.\n"
                  "In order to check whether you have the latest version\n"
                  "you need to be connected to the internet.\n\n"
                  "Please check your connection and try again!"), _("Alert!"),
                wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION)
        elif haveInternet() == True:
            base_url = 'https://github.com/BCN3D/BCN3DSigma-Firmware/archive/'
            url = 'https://github.com/BCN3D/BCN3DSigma-Firmware/releases'
            urlContent = urllib2.urlopen(url)
            data = urlContent.read()

            first_v = ver[:2]
            second_v = ver[:2]

            if first_v == '01':
                versionMatch = re.search(r'(01-[\d.]+)\.(zip)', data)
                if not versionMatch:
                    sys.exit('Couldn\'t find the Latest Version!')
                version = versionMatch.group(1)
                print 'The latest firmware version available is:', version
                print ver

                if ver == version:
                    wx.MessageBox(_("Your firmware is already up to date!"),
                                  _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
                    return None

                elif ver != version:
                    mychoice = wx.MessageBox(
                        _("Your firmware version is: " + ver +
                          "\nThe latest firmware version available is: " +
                          version + "\nWant to download the new version?"),
                        _("New Version"), wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION)

                    if mychoice == wx.NO:
                        return None
                        isDownloaded = downloadLatestFHVersion(
                            version, base_url)
                        if isDownloaded == None:
                            return None
                        elif isDownloaded != None:
                            return version

            elif second_v == '02':
                versionMatch = re.search(r'(02-[\d.]+)\.(zip)', data)
                if not versionMatch:
                    sys.exit('Couldn\'t find the Latest Version!')
                version = versionMatch.group(1)
                print 'The latest firmware version available is:', version

                if ver == version:
                    wx.MessageBox(_("Your firmware is already up to date!"),
                                  _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
                    return None

                elif ver != version:
                    mychoice = wx.MessageBox(
                        _("Your firmware version is: " + ver +
                          "\nThe latest firmware version available is: " +
                          version + "\nWant to download the new version?"),
                        _("New Version"), wx.YES_NO)

                    if mychoice == wx.NO:
                        return None
                        isDownloaded = downloadLatestFHVersion(
                            version, base_url)
                        if isDownloaded == None:
                            return None
                        elif isDownloaded != None:
                            return version

    elif profile.getMachineSetting('machine_type') == 'BCN3DPlus':
        wx.MessageBox(_("Couldn\'t find the latest version!"),
                      _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
        return None

    elif profile.getMachineSetting('machine_type') == 'BCN3DR':
        wx.MessageBox(_("Couldn\'t find the latest version!"),
                      _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getLatestFHVersion(ver):

    #Go to a different url depending on the printer to get the desired firmware
    if profile.getMachineSetting('machine_type') == 'BCN3DSigma':
        base_url = 'https://github.com/BCN3D/BCN3DSigma-Firmware/archive/'
        url = 'https://github.com/BCN3D/BCN3DSigma-Firmware/releases'
        urlContent = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        data = urlContent.read()

        first_v = ver[:2]
        second_v = ver[:2]

        if first_v == '01':
            versionMatch = re.search(r'(01-[\d.]+)\.(zip)', data)
            if not versionMatch:
                sys.exit('Couldn\'t find the Latest Version!')
            version = versionMatch.group(1)
            print 'The latest firmware version available is:', version

            if ver == version:
                wx.MessageBox(_("Your firmware is already up to date!"),
                              _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
                return None

            elif ver != version:
                mychoice = wx.MessageBox(
                    _("Your firmware version is: " + ver +
                      "\nThe latest firmware version available is: " +
                      version + "\nWant to download the new version?"),
                    _("New Version"), wx.YES_NO)

                if mychoice == wx.NO:
                    return None
                    isDownloaded = downloadLatestFHVersion(version, base_url)
                    if isDownloaded == None:
                        return None
                    elif isDownloaded != None:
                        return not None

        elif second_v == '02':
            versionMatch = re.search(r'(02-[\d.]+)\.(zip)', data)
            if not versionMatch:
                sys.exit('Couldn\'t find the Latest Version!')
            version = versionMatch.group(1)
            print 'The latest firmware version available is:', version

            if ver == version:
                wx.MessageBox(_("Your firmware is already up to date!"),
                              _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
                return None

            elif ver != version:
                mychoice = wx.MessageBox(
                    _("Your firmware version is: " + ver +
                      "\nThe latest firmware version available is: " +
                      version + "\nWant to download the new version?"),
                    _("New Version"), wx.YES_NO)

                if mychoice == wx.NO:
                    return None
                    isDownloaded = downloadLatestFHVersion(version, base_url)
                    if isDownloaded == None:
                        return None
                    elif isDownloaded != None:
                        return not None

    elif profile.getMachineSetting('machine_type') == 'BCN3DPlus':
        wx.MessageBox(_("Couldn\'t find the latest version!"),
                      _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
        return None

    elif profile.getMachineSetting('machine_type') == 'BCN3DR':
        wx.MessageBox(_("Couldn\'t find the latest version!"),
                      _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
        return None
def getLatestFHVersion(ver):

    #Go to a different url depending on the printer to get the desired firmware
    if profile.getMachineSetting('machine_type') == 'BCN3DSigma':
        base_url = 'https://github.com/BCN3D/BCN3DSigma-Firmware/archive/'
        url = 'https://github.com/BCN3D/BCN3DSigma-Firmware/releases'
        urlContent = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        data = urlContent.read()
    elif profile.getMachineSetting('machine_type') == 'BCN3DPlus':
        wx.MessageBox(_("Couldn\'t find the latest version!"), _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
        return None
        #base_url = 'https://github.com/remelbourne/BCN3DSigma-Firmware-Updates/archive/'
        #url = 'https://github.com/remelbourne/BCN3DSigma-Firmware-Updates/releases/'
        #urlContent = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        #data = urlContent.read()
    elif profile.getMachineSetting('machine_type') == 'BCN3DR':
        wx.MessageBox(_("Couldn\'t find the latest version!"), _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
        return None
        #base_url = 'https://github.com/remelbourne/BCN3DSigma-Firmware-Updates/archive/'
        #url = 'https://github.com/remelbourne/BCN3DSigma-Firmware-Updates/releases/'
        #urlContent = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        #data = urlContent.read()

    first_v = ver[:2]
    second_v = ver[:2]

    if first_v == '01':
        versionMatch = re.search(r'(01-[\d.]+)\.(zip)', data)
        if not versionMatch:
            sys.exit('Couldn\'t find the Latest Version!')
        version = versionMatch.group(1)
        print 'The latest firmware version available is:',version

        if ver == version:
            wx.MessageBox(_("Your firmware is already up to date!"), _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
            return None

        elif ver != version:
            mychoice = wx.MessageBox(_("Your firmware version is: " + ver + "\nThe latest firmware version available is: " + version + "\nWant to download the new version?"), _("New Version"), wx.YES_NO)

            if mychoice == wx.NO:
                return None
                isDownloaded = downloadLatestFHVersion(version, base_url)
                if isDownloaded == None:
                    return None
                elif isDownloaded != None:
                    return not None

    elif second_v == '02':
        versionMatch = re.search(r'(02-[\d.]+)\.(zip)', data)
        if not versionMatch:
            sys.exit('Couldn\'t find the Latest Version!')
        version = versionMatch.group(1)
        print 'The latest firmware version available is:',version

        if ver == version:
            wx.MessageBox(_("Your firmware is already up to date!"), _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
            return None

        elif ver != version:
            mychoice = wx.MessageBox(_("Your firmware version is: " + ver + "\nThe latest firmware version available is: " + version + "\nWant to download the new version?"), _("New Version"), wx.YES_NO)

            if mychoice == wx.NO:
                return None
                isDownloaded = downloadLatestFHVersion(version, base_url)
                if isDownloaded == None:
                    return None
                elif isDownloaded != None:
                    return not None
Ejemplo n.º 6
def getLatestFHVersion(ver):
    #Go to a different url depending on the printer to get the desired firmware
    if profile.getMachineSetting('machine_type') == 'BCN3DSigma':
        if haveInternet() != True:
            wx.MessageBox(_("It seems like you do not have an internet connection.\n"
                            "In order to check whether you have the latest version\n"
                            "you need to be connected to the internet.\n\n"
                            "Please check your connection and try again!"), _("Alert!"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION)
        elif haveInternet() == True:
            base_url = 'https://github.com/BCN3D/BCN3DSigma-Firmware/archive/'
            url = 'https://github.com/BCN3D/BCN3DSigma-Firmware/releases'
            urlContent = urllib2.urlopen(url)
            data = urlContent.read()
            first_v = ver[:2]
            second_v = ver[:2]
            if first_v == '01':
                versionMatch = re.search(r'(01-[\d.]+)\.(zip)', data)
                if not versionMatch:
                    sys.exit('Couldn\'t find the Latest Version!')
                version = versionMatch.group(1)
                print 'The latest firmware version available is:',version
                print ver
                if ver == version:
                    wx.MessageBox(_("Your firmware is already up to date!"), _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
                    return None
                elif ver != version:
                    mychoice = wx.MessageBox(_("Your firmware version is: " + ver + "\nThe latest firmware version available is: " + version + "\nWant to download the new version?"), _("New Version"), wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION)
                    if mychoice == wx.NO:
                        return None
                        isDownloaded = downloadLatestFHVersion(version, base_url)
                        if isDownloaded == None:
                            return None
                        elif isDownloaded != None:
                            return version
            elif second_v == '02':
                versionMatch = re.search(r'(02-[\d.]+)\.(zip)', data)
                if not versionMatch:
                    sys.exit('Couldn\'t find the Latest Version!')
                version = versionMatch.group(1)
                print 'The latest firmware version available is:',version
                if ver == version:
                    wx.MessageBox(_("Your firmware is already up to date!"), _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
                    return None
                elif ver != version:
                    mychoice = wx.MessageBox(_("Your firmware version is: " + ver + "\nThe latest firmware version available is: " + version + "\nWant to download the new version?"), _("New Version"), wx.YES_NO)
                    if mychoice == wx.NO:
                        return None
                        isDownloaded = downloadLatestFHVersion(version, base_url)
                        if isDownloaded == None:
                            return None
                        elif isDownloaded != None:
                            return version

    elif profile.getMachineSetting('machine_type') == 'BCN3DPlus':
        wx.MessageBox(_("Couldn\'t find the latest version!"), _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
        return None
    elif profile.getMachineSetting('machine_type') == 'BCN3DR':
        wx.MessageBox(_("Couldn\'t find the latest version!"), _("Firmware Information"), wx.OK)
        return None