def reduceSolutionOptions(options, indent): #print indent+"OPTIONS:", options optionsOp = libListType(options) if optionsOp != 'STRING': i = 0 while i < len(options[1]): opt = options[1][i] if not isinstance(opt, str): reduceSolutionOptions(options[1][i], indent + '| ') if len(opt[1]) == 0: del options[1][i] cdlog(1, "DELETED:", i) continue changesMade = True while changesMade: changesMade = False opt = options[1][i] optOp = libListType(opt) optionsOp = libListType(options) if (optOp == 'AND' or optOp == 'OR') and ( optOp == optionsOp or len(opt[1]) == 1): # Both AND or both OR so unwrap child list options[1][i:i + 1] = opt[1] changesMade = True #elif optionsOp=='AND' and optOp=='OR':print("CROSS") # removeDuplicates(options) # TODO: Make this line remove duplicates i += 1
def checkIfLibFileMightSatisyNeedWithRequirements(tags, need, libFile, indent): [ReqTags,interfaceTags] = extractLibTags(libFile) Requirements = [] LibCanWork=True if need[0] == 'require': LibCanWork=False if 'provides' in interfaceTags: if need[1] in interfaceTags['provides']: #print(indent, '{}REQUIRE: {} in {}'.format(indent, need[1], interfaceTags['provides'])) LibCanWork = True for ReqTag in ReqTags: #print("REQUIREMENT: {}".format(ReqTag)) if ReqTag[0]=='feature': print("\n Nested Features should be implemented. Please implement them. (", ReqTag[1], ")n") exit(2) elif ReqTag[0]=='require': Requirements.append(ReqTag) elif ReqTag[0]=='tagOneOf': tagToCheck = ReqTag[1] validValues = progSpec.extractListFromTagList(ReqTag[2]) parentTag = progSpec.fetchTagValue(tags, tagToCheck) # E.g.: "platform" if parentTag==None: LibCanWork=False cdErr("ERROR: The tag '"+ tagToCheck + "' was not found in" + libFile + ".\n") if not parentTag in validValues: LibCanWork=False else: cdlog(1, " Validated: "+tagToCheck+" = "+parentTag) return [LibCanWork, Requirements]
def codeIsEQ(item, objsRefed, returnType, xlator): #print ' IsEq item:', item [S, retTypeSpec] = codeComparison(item[0], objsRefed, returnType, xlator) if len(item) > 1 and len(item[1]) > 0: if len(item[1]) > 1: print "Error: Chained == or !=.\n" exit(1) if (isinstance(retTypeSpec, int)): cdlog(logLvl(), "Invalid item in ==: {}".format(item[0])) leftOwner = owner = progSpec.getTypeSpecOwner(retTypeSpec) for i in item[1]: #print ' IsEq ', i if (i[0] == '=='): op = ' == ' elif (i[0] == '!='): op = ' != ' elif (i[0] == '==='): op = ' == ' else: print "ERROR: '==' or '!=' or '===' expected." exit(2) [S2, retType2] = codeComparison(i[1], objsRefed, returnType, xlator) rightOwner = progSpec.getTypeSpecOwner(retType2) if not isinstance(retTypeSpec, basestring) and isinstance( retTypeSpec['fieldType'], basestring) and isinstance( retType2, basestring): if retTypeSpec[ 'fieldType'] == "char" and retType2 == "string" and S2[ 0] == '"': S2 = "'" + S2[1:-1] + "'" if i[0] == '===': S = S + " == " + S2 else: S += op + S2 retTypeSpec = 'bool' return [S, retTypeSpec]
def processField(self, fieldName, field, fldCat): S = "" itemName = '_' + fieldName + '_item' if fldCat == 'func': return '' typeSpec = field['typeSpec'] if progSpec.isAContainer(typeSpec): if (progSpec.getDatastructID(typeSpec) == "list"): innerFieldType = progSpec.getFieldType(typeSpec) #print "ARRAYSPEC:",innerFieldType, field fldCatInner = progSpec.innerTypeCategory(innerFieldType) itemName = '_' + fieldName + '_item' calcdName = fieldName + '["+toString(' + itemName + '_key)+"]' S += " withEach " + itemName + " in " + fieldName + "{\n" S += " " + self.displayTextFieldAction( calcdName, itemName, field, fldCatInner) + " }\n" else: cdlog(2, "Map not supported") else: S += self.displayTextFieldAction(fieldName, fieldName, field, fldCat) if progSpec.typeIsPointer(typeSpec): T = " if(" + fieldName + ' == NULL){SRet_ <- SRet_ + ' + 'indent + dispFieldAsText("' + fieldName + '", 15)+"NULL\\n"}\n' T += " else{\n " + S + " }\n" S = T self.textFuncBody += S
def apply(classes, tags, className, dispMode): if dispMode[:4] == 'TAG_': dispModeTagName = dispMode[4:] dispMode = progSpec.fetchTagValue(tags, dispModeTagName) if (dispMode != 'none' and dispMode != 'text' and dispMode != 'draw' and dispMode != 'Proteus' and dispMode != 'toGUI'): cdErr( 'Invalid parameter for display mode in Code Data Display pattern: ' + str(dispMode)) if dispMode == 'none': return global classesToProcess classesToProcess = [className] global classesEncoded #classesEncoded={} if (dispMode == 'Proteus'): processor = structAsProteusWriter() elif (dispMode == 'text'): processor = structToStringWriter() elif (dispMode == 'draw'): processor = structDrawingWriter() processor.addGlobalCode(classes) for classToEncode in classesToProcess: if classToEncode in classesEncoded: continue cdlog(1, " ENCODING " + dispMode + ": " + classToEncode) classesEncoded[classToEncode] = 1 pattern_GenSymbols.apply( classes, {}, [classToEncode]) # Invoke the GenSymbols pattern processor.processStruct(classes, classToEncode) return
def Write_Extracter(classes, ToStructName, FromStructName, logLvl): global extracterFunctionAccumulator global alreadyWrittenFunctions nameForFunc = getFunctionName(FromStructName, ToStructName) cdlog( logLvl, "WRITING function {}() to extract struct {} from parse tree: stage 1..." .format(nameForFunc, ToStructName)) if nameForFunc in alreadyWrittenFunctions: return alreadyWrittenFunctions[nameForFunc] = True S = '' ObjectDef = progSpec.findSpecOf(classes[0], FromStructName, 'string') fields = ObjectDef["fields"] configType = ObjectDef['configType'] SeqOrAlt = '' if configType == 'SEQ': SeqOrAlt = 'parseSEQ' elif configType == 'ALT': SeqOrAlt = 'parseALT' cdlog( logLvl, "WRITING function {}() to extract struct {} from parse tree: stage 2..." .format(nameForFunc, ToStructName)) if configType == 'SEQ': S += Write_structExtracter(classes, ToStructName, FromStructName, fields, nameForFunc, logLvl) elif configType == 'ALT': S += Write_ALT_Extracter(classes, ToStructName, fields, 'SRec', '', 'tmpStr', ' ', -1, logLvl) seqExtracter = "\n void: " + nameForFunc + "(our stateRec: SRec0, their " + ToStructName + ": memStruct, their EParser: EP) <- {\n" + S + " }\n" extracterFunctionAccumulator += seqExtracter
def downloadExtractZip(downloadUrl, packageName, packageDirectory): zipExtension = "" if downloadUrl.endswith(".zip"): zipExtension = ".zip" elif downloadUrl.endswith(".tar.gz"): zipExtension = ".tar.gz" elif downloadUrl.endswith(".tar.bz2"): zipExtension = ".tar.bz2" elif downloadUrl.endswith(".tar.xz"): zipExtension = ".tar.xz" elif downloadUrl.endswith(".tar"): zipExtension = ".tar" else: pass zipFileDirectory = packageDirectory + '/' + packageName innerPackageName = packageName # TODO: get actual innerPackageName innerPackageDir = zipFileDirectory + '/' + innerPackageName packagePath = zipFileDirectory + '/' + packageName + zipExtension checkDirectory = os.path.isdir(zipFileDirectory) zipFileName = os.path.basename(downloadUrl) if not checkDirectory: makeDirs(zipFileDirectory + "/INSTALL") emgr.downloadFile(packagePath, downloadUrl) try: cdlog(1, "Extracting zip file: " + zipFileName) shutil.unpack_archive(packagePath, zipFileDirectory) except: cdErr("Could not extract zip archive file: " + zipFileName)
def parseInput(inputStr): cdlog(2, "Parsing build-specs...") progSpec.saveTextToErrFile(inputStr) try: localResults = progSpecParser.parseString(inputStr, parseAll=True) except ParseBaseException as pe: cdErr("While parsing: {}".format(pe)) return localResults
def writeFile(path, fileName, fileSpecs, fileExtension): #print path makeDir(path) fileName += fileExtension pathName = path + os.sep + fileName cdlog(1, "WRITING FILE: "+pathName) fo=open(pathName, 'w') fo.write(fileSpecs[0][1]) fo.close()
def packageInstalled(packageManagar, packageName): cdlog(1, "Package Installing: " + packageName) if'{packageManagar} {packageName}' + " -y > /dev/null 2>&1", shell=True) == 0: cdlog(1, "Package installed Successfully") return True else: cdErr("Unable to install package. \nPlease install manually : " + packageName)
def AddToObjectFromText(ProgSpec, clsNames, inputStr, description): macroDefs = {} # This var is not used here. If needed, make it an argument. inputStr = comment_remover(inputStr) #print '####################\n',inputStr, "\n######################^\n\n\n" errLevl=logLvl(); cdlog(errLevl, 'Parsing: '+description) progSpec.saveTextToErrFile(inputStr) # (map of classes, array of objectNames, string to parse) try: results = objectList.parseString(inputStr, parseAll = True) except ParseException , pe: cdErr( "Error parsing generated class {}: {}".format(description, pe))
def codeMain(classes, tags, objsRefed, xlator): cdlog(3, "\n Generating GLOBAL...") if("GLOBAL" in classes[1]): if(classes[0]["GLOBAL"]['stateType'] != 'struct'): print("ERROR: GLOBAL must be a 'struct'.") exit(2) [structCode, funcCode, globalFuncs]=codeStructFields(classes, "GLOBAL", tags, '', objsRefed, xlator) if(funcCode==''): funcCode="// No main() function.\n" if(structCode==''): structCode="// No Main Globals.\n" funcCode = "\n\n"+funcCode+"\nmain();" return ["\n\n// Globals\n" + structCode + globalFuncs, funcCode] return ["// No Main Globals.\n", "// No main() function defined.\n"]
def BuildAndPrintResults(workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr): cdlog(1, "Compiling From: {}".format(workingDirectory)) print("\n NOTE: Build Command is: ", buildStr) print(" NOTE: Working Dir is: ", workingDirectory) print(" NOTE: Run Command is: ", runStr, "\n") result = runCmdStreaming(buildStr, workingDirectory) if result == 0: print("\nSUCCESS\n") else: print("\nBuild failed\n") exit(-1)
def writeNonTermParseRule(classes, tags, modelName, fields, SeqOrAlt, nameSuffix, logLvl): global nextParseNameID nameIn=modelName+nameSuffix # Allocate or fetch a rule identifier for each '>' field. partIndexes=[] for field in fields: fname=field['fieldName'] if fname==None: fname='' else: fname='_'+fname typeSpec =field['typeSpec'] if(field['isNext']==True): # means in the parse there was a '>' symbol, a sequence seperator firstItm=progSpec.getFieldType(field['typeSpec'])[0] if firstItm=='[' or firstItm=='{': # Handle an ALT or SEQ sub structure cdlog(logLvl, "NonTERM: {} = {}".format(fname, firstItm)) nextParseNameID+=1 if firstItm=='[': innerSeqOrAlt='parseALT' newNameSuffix = nameSuffix+fname+'_ALT'+str(nextParseNameID) else: innerSeqOrAlt='parseSEQ' newNameSuffix = nameSuffix+fname+'_SEQ'+str(nextParseNameID) innerFields=field['innerDefs'] ruleIdxStr = writeNonTermParseRule(classes, tags, modelName, innerFields, innerSeqOrAlt, newNameSuffix, logLvl+1) field['parseRule']=ruleIdxStr if progSpec.isAContainer(typeSpec): # anything with [] is a container: lists and optionals global rules containerSpec = progSpec.getContainerSpec(typeSpec) idxType='' if 'indexType' in containerSpec: idxType=containerSpec['indexType'] if(isinstance(containerSpec['datastructID'], str)): datastructID = containerSpec['datastructID'] else: # it's a parseResult datastructID = containerSpec['datastructID'][0] if idxType[0:4]=='uint': pass if(datastructID=='list'): ruleIdxStr=appendRule(ruleIdxStr+'_REP', "nonterm", "parseREP", [ruleIdxStr, 0, 0]) elif datastructID=='opt': ruleIdxStr=appendRule(ruleIdxStr+'_OPT', "nonterm", "parseREP", [ruleIdxStr, 0, 1]) else: ruleIdxStr = fetchOrWriteTerminalParseRule(modelName, field, logLvl) partIndexes.append(ruleIdxStr) else: pass; # These fields probably have corresponding cofactuals nameOut=appendRule(nameIn, "nonterm", SeqOrAlt, partIndexes) return nameOut
def printResults(workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr): cdlog(1, "Compiling From: {}".format(workingDirectory)) print " NOTE: Build Command is: ", buildStr, "\n" print " NOTE: Run Command is: ", runStr, "\n" #print "workingDirectory: ", workingDirectory pipe = subprocess.Popen(buildStr, cwd=workingDirectory, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = pipe.communicate() if out: print "Result: ",out if err: print "Error Messages:\n--------------------------\n", err, print "--------------------------", exit(2) else: cdlog(1, "SUCCESS!")
def apply(classes, tags, topClassName): print('APPLY: in Apply\n') global classesToProcess global classesEncoded classesEncoded = {} # Choose an appropriate app style appStyle = 'default' topWhichScreenFieldID = topClassName + '::whichScreen(int)' if (progSpec.doesClassDirectlyImlementThisField( classes[0], topClassName, topWhichScreenFieldID)): # if all data fields are classes appStyle = 'Z_stack' else: appStyle = 'TabbedStack' guiStructName = topClassName + '_GUI' classesEncoded[guiStructName] = 1 classesToProcess = [[topClassName, 'struct', appStyle, guiStructName]] # Amend items to each GUI data class for classToAmend in classesToProcess: [className, widgetType, dialogStyle, newStructName] = classToAmend cdlog( 1, 'BUILDING ' + dialogStyle + ' GUI for ' + widgetType + ' ' + className + ' (' + newStructName + ')') if widgetType == 'struct': BuildGuiForStruct(classes, className, dialogStyle, newStructName) #elif widgetType == 'list': #buildListRowView(classes, className, dialogStyle, newStructName) # Fill createAppArea() primaryGUIName = 'primary_GUI_Mgr' CODE = ''' struct APP{ our ''' + topClassName + ''': primary our ''' + guiStructName + ''': <PRIMARY_GUI> me void: createAppArea(me GUI_Frame: frame) <- { Allocate(primary) Allocate(<PRIMARY_GUI>) their GUI_storyBoard: appStoryBoard <- <PRIMARY_GUI>.initWidget(primary) initializeAppGui() addToContainerAndExpand (frame, appStoryBoard) } }''' CODE = CODE.replace('<PRIMARY_GUI>', primaryGUIName) #print ('==========================================================\n'+CODE) codeDogParser.AddToObjectFromText(classes[0], classes[1], CODE, 'APP') return
def parseCodeDogString(inputString, ProgSpec, clsNames, macroDefs, description): tmpMacroDefs={} inputString = comment_remover(inputString) extractMacroDefs(tmpMacroDefs, inputString) inputString = doMacroSubstitutions(tmpMacroDefs, inputString) LogLvl=logLvl() cdlog(LogLvl, "PARSING: "+description+"...") results = parseInput(inputString) cdlog(LogLvl, "EXTRACTING: "+description+"...") tagStore = extractTagDefs(results.tagDefList) buildSpecs = extractBuildSpecs(results.buildSpecList) newClasses = extractObjectsOrPatterns(ProgSpec, clsNames, macroDefs, results.objectList) classes = [ProgSpec, clsNames] return[tagStore, buildSpecs, classes, newClasses]
def apply(classes, tags, topClassName): print "APPLY: in Apply\n" global classesToProcess global classesEncoded classesEncoded={} # Choose an appropriate app style appStyle='default' topWhichScreenFieldID = topClassName+'::whichScreen(int)' if (progSpec.doesClassDirectlyImlementThisField(classes[0], topClassName, topWhichScreenFieldID)): # if all data fields are classes appStyle='Z_stack' else: appStyle='TabbedStack' guiStructName = topClassName+'_GUI' classesEncoded[guiStructName]=1 classesToProcess=[[topClassName, 'struct', appStyle, guiStructName]] # Amend items to each GUI data class for classToAmend in classesToProcess: [className, widgetType, dialogStyle, newStructName] = classToAmend cdlog(1, "BUILDING "+dialogStyle+" GUI for "+widgetType+" " + className + ' ('+newStructName+')') if widgetType == 'struct': BuildGuiForStruct(classes, className, dialogStyle, newStructName) elif widgetType == 'list': BuildGuiForList(classes, className, dialogStyle, newStructName) # Fill createAppArea() primaryGUIName = 'primary_GUI_Mgr' primaryMakerFuncName = 'make'+topClassName[0].upper() + topClassName[1:]+'Widget' CODE =''' struct APP{ our <TOPCLASSNAME>: primary our <GUI_STRUCTNAME>: <PRIMARY_GUI> me void: createAppArea(me GUI_Frame: frame) <- { Allocate(primary) Allocate(<PRIMARY_GUI>) their GUI_storyBoard: appStoryBoard <- <PRIMARY_GUI>.<PRIMARY_MAKERFUNCNAME>(primary) initializeAppGui() gui.addToContainerAndExpand (frame, appStoryBoard) } }''' CODE = CODE.replace('<PRIMARY_GUI>', primaryGUIName) CODE = CODE.replace('<TOPCLASSNAME>', topClassName) CODE = CODE.replace('<GUI_STRUCTNAME>', guiStructName) CODE = CODE.replace('<PRIMARY_MAKERFUNCNAME>', primaryMakerFuncName) #print '==========================================================\n'+CODE codeDogParser.AddToObjectFromText(classes[0], classes[1], CODE, 'APP') return
def ChooseLibs(classes, buildTags, tags): clearFeaturesHandled() cdlog(0, "\n############## C H O O S I N G L I B R A R I E S") featuresNeeded = progSpec.fetchTagValue([tags], 'featuresNeeded') initialNeeds = [] for feature in featuresNeeded: featuresNeeded.extend(fetchFeaturesNeededByLibrary(feature)) initialNeeds.append(["feature", feature]) solutionOptions = constructANDListFromNeeds([tags, buildTags], initialNeeds, [], "") reduceSolutionOptions(solutionOptions, '') for libPath in solutionOptions[1]: cdlog(2, "USING LIBRARY:" + libPath) return solutionOptions[1]
def gitClone(cloneUrl, packageName, packageDirectory): checkSys.CheckPipModules({'GitPython': '3.1'}) import urllib.request from git import Repo packagePath = packageDirectory + '/' + packageName + '/' + packageName checkRepo = os.path.isdir(packagePath) if not checkRepo: try: urllib.request.urlopen(cloneUrl) except (urllib.error.URLError, urllib.error.HTTPError): cdErr("URL not found: " + cloneUrl) cdlog(1, "Cloning git repository: " + packageName) Repo.clone_from(cloneUrl, packagePath) makeDirs(packageDirectory + '/' + packageName + "/INSTALL")
def build(debugMode, minLangVersion, fileName, labelName, launchIconName, libFiles, buildName, platform, fileSpecs, progOrLib, packageData, tools): cdlog( 0, "\n############## B U I L D I N G S Y S T E M... ({})".format( buildName)) progOrLib = progOrLib.lower() if platform == 'Linux': [workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr] = LinuxBuilder(debugMode, minLangVersion, fileName, libFiles, buildName, platform, fileSpecs, progOrLib, packageData, tools) elif platform == 'Java' or platform == 'Swing': [workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr] = SwingBuilder(debugMode, minLangVersion, fileName, libFiles, buildName, platform, fileSpecs) elif platform == 'Android': buildAndroid.AndroidBuilder(debugMode, minLangVersion, fileName, labelName, launchIconName, libFiles, buildName, platform, fileSpecs) elif platform == 'Swift': [workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr] = SwiftBuilder(debugMode, minLangVersion, fileName, libFiles, buildName, platform, fileSpecs) elif platform == 'Windows': [workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr] = WindowsBuilder(debugMode, minLangVersion, fileName, libFiles, buildName, platform, fileSpecs, progOrLib, packageData, tools) elif platform == 'MacOS': [workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr] = buildMac.macBuilder(debugMode, minLangVersion, fileName, libFiles, buildName, platform, fileSpecs) elif platform == 'IOS': [workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr] = iOSBuilder(debugMode, minLangVersion, fileName, libFiles, buildName, platform, fileSpecs) else: print(" error: build string not generated for " + buildName) exit(2) if platform != 'Android': BuildAndPrintResults(workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr) print("--------------------------") return
def downloadFile(fileName, downloadURL): checkSys.CheckPipModules({'urllib3': '1.25'}) import urllib3 try: cdlog(1, "Downloading file: " + fileName) http = urllib3.PoolManager() r = http.request('GET', downloadURL, preload_content=False) except: cdErr("URL not found: " + downloadURL) else: with open(fileName, 'wb') as out: while True: data = if not data: break out.write(data) r.release_conn()
def constructANDListFromNeeds(tags, needs, files, indent): AND_List = ['AND', []] for need in needs: #print(indent, "**need*: ", need) if need[0] == 'feature': if need[1] in featuresHandled: continue cdlog(1, "FEATURE: "+str(need[1])) featuresHandled.append(need[1]) filesToTry = [findLibrary(need[1])] if filesToTry[0]=='': cdErr('Could not find a dog file for feature '+need[1]) else: filesToTry = files if len(filesToTry)>0: solutionOptions = constructORListFromFiles(tags, need, filesToTry, indent + "| ") if len(solutionOptions[1])>0: AND_List[1].append(solutionOptions) return AND_List
def build(debugMode, minLangVersion, fileName, libFiles, buildName, platform, fileSpecs): cdlog(0,"\n############## B U I L D I N G S Y S T E M... ({})".format(buildName)) if platform == 'Linux': [workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr] = LinuxBuilder(debugMode, minLangVersion, fileName, libFiles, buildName, platform, fileSpecs) printResults(workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr) elif platform == 'Java': [workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr] = SwingBuilder(debugMode, minLangVersion, fileName, libFiles, buildName, platform, fileSpecs) printResults(workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr) elif platform == 'Android': buildAndroid.AndroidBuilder(debugMode, minLangVersion, fileName, libFiles, buildName, platform, fileSpecs) elif platform == 'IOS': [workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr] = SwiftBuilder(debugMode, minLangVersion, fileName, libFiles, buildName, platform, fileSpecs) printResults(workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr) elif platform == 'Windows': [workingDirectory, buildStr, runStr] = WindowsBuilder(debugMode, minLangVersion, fileName, libFiles, buildName, platform, fileSpecs) else: print " error: build string not generated for "+ buildName exit(2) print "--------------------------" return
def codeIsEQ(item, objsRefed, returnType, expectedTypeSpec, xlator): #print(' IsEq item:', item) [S, retTypeSpec]=codeComparison(item[0], objsRefed, returnType, expectedTypeSpec, xlator) if len(item) > 1 and len(item[1])>0: if len(item[1])>1: print("Error: Chained == or !=.\n"); exit(1); if (isinstance(retTypeSpec, int)): cdlog(logLvl(), "Invalid item in ==: {}".format(item[0])) leftOwner=owner=progSpec.getTypeSpecOwner(retTypeSpec) [S_derefd, isDerefd] = derefPtr(S, retTypeSpec) for i in item[1]: #print ' IsEq ', i if (i[0] == '=='): op=' == ' elif (i[0] == '!='): op=' != ' elif (i[0] == '==='): op=' == ' else: print("ERROR: '==' or '!=' or '===' expected."); exit(2) [S2, retTypeSpec] = codeComparison(i[1], objsRefed, returnType, expectedTypeSpec, xlator) rightOwner=progSpec.getTypeSpecOwner(retTypeSpec) if not( leftOwner=='itr' and rightOwner=='itr') and i[0] != '===': if (S2!='nil' ): S=S_derefd elif S[-1]=='!': S=S[:-1] # Todo: Better detect this [S2, isDerefd]=derefPtr(S2, retTypeSpec) S+= op+S2 retTypeSpec='bool' return [S, retTypeSpec]
def ChooseLibs(classes, buildTags, tags): """Entry point to libraryMngr tags: dict """ featuresHandled.clear() cdlog(0, "\n############## C H O O S I N G L I B R A R I E S") featuresNeeded = progSpec.fetchTagValue([tags], 'featuresNeeded') initialNeeds1 = [] for feature in featuresNeeded: featuresNeeded.extend(fetchFeaturesNeededByLibrary(feature)) if not feature in initialNeeds1: initialNeeds1.append(feature) initialNeeds2 = [] for feature in initialNeeds1: initialNeeds2.append(['feature', feature]) solutionOptions = constructANDListFromNeeds([tags, buildTags], initialNeeds2, [], "") reduceSolutionOptions(solutionOptions, '') for libPath in solutionOptions[1]: cdlog(2, "USING LIBRARY:" + str(libPath)) return solutionOptions[1]
def CreateStructsForStringModels(classes, newClasses, tags): # Define fieldResult struct #~ structsName = 'fetchResult' #~ StructFieldStr = "mode [fetchOK, fetchNotReady, fetchSyntaxError, FetchIO_Error] : FetchResult" #~ progSpec.addObject(classes[0], classes[1], structsName, 'struct', 'SEQ') #~ codeDogParser.AddToObjectFromText(classes[0], classes[1], progSpec.wrapFieldListInObjectDef(structsName, StructFieldStr)) if len(newClasses)==0: return populateBaseRules() global extracterFunctionAccumulator extracterFunctionAccumulator="" global nextParseNameID nextParseNameID=0 numStringStructs=0 for className in newClasses: if className[0] == '!': continue ObjectDef = classes[0][className] if(ObjectDef['stateType'] == 'string'): className=className[1:] cdlog(1, " Writing parse system for "+className) numStringStructs+=1 fields = ObjectDef["fields"] configType= ObjectDef['configType'] classTags = ObjectDef['tags'] if 'StartSymbol' in classTags: writeParserWrapperFunction(classes, className) SeqOrAlt='' if configType=='SEQ': SeqOrAlt='parseSEQ' # seq has {} elif configType=='ALT': SeqOrAlt='parseALT' # alt has [] normedObjectName = className.replace('::', '_') if normedObjectName==className: normedObjectName+='_str' # Write the rules for all the fields, and a parent rule which is either SEQ or ALT, and REP/OPT as needed. cdlog(2, "CODING Parser Rules for {}".format(normedObjectName)) ruleID = writeNonTermParseRule(classes, tags, normedObjectName, fields, SeqOrAlt, '', 3) if SeqOrAlt=='parseSEQ': [memObj, memVersionName]=fetchMemVersion(classes, className) if memObj!=None: Write_Extracter(classes, className, className, 2) else: cdlog(2, "NOTE: Skipping {} because it has no struct version defined.".format(className)) if numStringStructs==0: return ExtracterCode = extracterFunctionAccumulator ############ Add struct parser parserCode=genParserCode() codeDogParser.AddToObjectFromText(classes[0], classes[1], parserCode, 'Parser for '+className) structsName='EParser' progSpec.addObject(classes[0], classes[1], structsName, 'struct', 'SEQ') codeDogParser.AddToObjectFromText(classes[0], classes[1], progSpec.wrapFieldListInObjectDef(structsName, ExtracterCode), 'class '+structsName)
def Write_ALT_Extracter(classes, parentStructName, fields, VarTagBase, VarTagSuffix, VarName, indent, level, logLvl): # Structname should be the name of the structure being parsed. It will be converted to the mem version to get 'to' fields. # Fields is the list of alternates. # VarTag is a string used to create local variables. # VarName is the LVAL variable name. global globalFieldCount cdlog(logLvl, "WRITING code to extract one of {} from parse tree...".format(parentStructName)) InnerMemObjFields = [] progSpec.populateCallableStructFields(InnerMemObjFields, classes, parentStructName) if parentStructName.find('::') != -1: cdErr("TODO: Make string parsing work on derived classes. Probably just select the correct fields for the destination struct.") S="" # Code to fetch the ruleIDX of this ALT. If the parse was terminal (i.e., 'const'), it will be at a different place. if(level==-1): level=1 VarTag='SRec1' VarTagSuffix='0' else: globalFieldCount+=1 VarTag=VarTagBase+str(level) VarTagSuffix=str(level-1)+''+VarTagSuffix indent2 = indent+' ' S+='\n'+indent+'{\n' S+='\n'+indent2+'our stateRec: '+VarTag+' <- '+VarTagBase+VarTagSuffix+'\n' loopVarName = "ruleIDX"+str(globalFieldCount) S+=indent2+'me int: '+loopVarName+' <- '+VarTag+'.child.productionID\n' #print "RULEIDX:", indent, parentStructName, VarName if VarName!='memStruct': S+=indent2 + 'me string: '+VarName+'\n' count=0 S+= indent2+"switch("+loopVarName+"){\n" for altField in fields: if(altField['isNext']!=True): continue; # This field isn't in the parse stream. cdlog(logLvl+1, "ALT: {}".format(altField['parseRule'])) if not 'parseRule' in altField: print("Error: Is syntax missing a '>'?"); exit(2); S+=indent2+" case " + altField['parseRule'] + ":{\n" coFactualCode='' if 'coFactuals' in altField: #Extract field and cofactsList for coFact in altField['coFactuals']: coFactualCode+= indent2 +' ' + VarName + '.' + coFact[0] + ' <- ' + coFact[2] + "\n" cdlog(logLvl+2, "Cofactual: "+coFactualCode) S+=Write_fieldExtracter(classes, parentStructName, altField, InnerMemObjFields, VarTagBase, VarName, False, indent2+' ', level, logLvl+1) S+=coFactualCode S+=indent2+" }\n" count+=1 S+=indent2+"}" S+=indent+"}" return S
def checkAndUpgradeOSPackageVersions(packageName): cdlog(1, f"Searching for package: {packageName}") installedPackage = os.popen( f'apt-cache policy {packageName} | grep Installed') if installedPackage = os.popen( f'apt-cache policy {packageName} | grep Installed') candidatePackage = os.popen( f'apt-cache policy {packageName} | grep Candidate') installedVersion =" ")[-1].replace( '\n', '') candidateVersion =" ")[-1].replace( '\n', '') cdlog(1, f"Candidate Package available: {candidateVersion}") if installedVersion or installedVersion == '(none)': if installedVersion != candidateVersion: getPackageManagerCMD(packageName, findPackageManager()) else: cdlog(1, f"Package already Installed: {packageName}") else: print( f"Unable to find package. \nPlease install manually : {packageName}" )
def FindOrFetchLibraries(buildName, packageData, platform, tools): #print("#############:buildName:", buildName, platform) packageDirectory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), buildName) [includeFolders, libFolders] = ["", ""] for package in packageData: packageMap = progSpec.extractMapFromTagMap(package) packageName = fetchType = fetchURL = fetchCommit = "" buildCmdsMap = {} if 'packageName' in packageMap: packageName = packageMap['packageName'][1:-1] if 'fetchMethod' in packageMap: fetchMethod = packageMap['fetchMethod'][1:-1] fetchSpec = packageMap['fetchMethod'][1:-1].split(':', 1) fetchType = fetchSpec[0] splitSpec = fetchSpec[1].split('@', 1) fetchURL = splitSpec[0] if len(splitSpec) >= 2: fetchCommit = splitSpec[1] if 'buildCmds' in packageMap: buildCmds = packageMap['buildCmds'] buildCmdsMap = progSpec.extractMapFromTagMap(buildCmds) if packageName != "" and fetchMethod != "": if fetchType == "git": gitClone(fetchURL, packageName, packageDirectory) elif fetchType == "file": downloadPackageFile(fetchURL, packageName, packageDirectory) elif fetchType == "zip": downloadExtractZip(fetchURL, packageName, packageDirectory) else: pass if buildCmdsMap != {} and platform in buildCmdsMap: #print("###########:",platform, ' = ', buildCmdsMap[platform]) buildCommand = buildCmdsMap[platform] buildCmdMap = progSpec.extractMapFromTagMap(buildCommand) downloadedFolder = packageDirectory + "/" + packageName + "/" + packageName if 'buildCmd' in buildCmdMap: actualBuildCmd = buildCmdMap['buildCmd'][1:-1] for folderKey, folderVal in importantFolders.items(): actualBuildCmd = actualBuildCmd.replace( '$' + folderKey, folderVal) #print("BUILDCOMMAND:", actualBuildCmd)#, " INSTALL:", buildCmdsMap[platform][1]) for toolName in tools: if emgr.checkToolLinux('go' if toolName == 'golang-go' else toolName): runCmdStreaming(actualBuildCmd, downloadedFolder) else: packageManager = emgr.findPackageManager() if not packageManager: print( f"Unable to find Package Manager.\nPlease install manually : {packageName}" ) else: emgr.getPackageManagerCMD(toolName, packageManager) runCmdStreaming(actualBuildCmd, downloadedFolder) if 'installFiles' in buildCmdMap: installfileList = buildCmdMap['installFiles'][1] # ~ installFiles = progSpec.extractListFromTagList(installfileList) # ~ print(" DATA:", str(installFiles)[:100]) LibsFolder = os.path.join(packageDirectory, packageName, 'INSTALL').replace("\\", "/") makeDirs(LibsFolder) importantFolders[packageName + '@Install'] = LibsFolder importantFolders[ packageName] = packageDirectory + '/' + packageName + '/' + packageName includeFolders += " '" + LibsFolder + "',\n" libFolders += " '" + LibsFolder + "',\n" for filenameX in installfileList: filename = downloadedFolder + '/' + filenameX[0][0][1:-1] cdlog(1, "Install: " + filename) copyRecursive(filename, LibsFolder) return [includeFolders, libFolders]