Ejemplo n.º 1
def timeManagementYearlyPlanEdit(id):
    yearlyPlan = YearlyPlan.objects(id=id).first()
    levels = current_app.config['PLAN_LEVEL']
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render_template('admin/timeManagementYearlyPlanEdit.html',
                               levels=levels, yearlyPlan=yearlyPlan,
                               startTime=str(yearlyPlan.startTime).split(' ')[0],
                               endTime=str(yearlyPlan.endTime).split(' ')[0])

    if request.method == 'POST':
        title = request.form['title']
        startTime = request.form['startTime']
        endTime = request.form['endTime']

        planLevel = request.form.getlist('planLevel[]')
        planTitle = request.form.getlist('planTitle[]')
        isDone = request.form.getlist('isDone[]')

        if not strLength(title,1,100):
            return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'请输入1-100个字符的年计划标题'})
        if not startTime or not endTime:
            return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'请选择时间范围'})

        startTime = strToDatetime('%s 00:00:00' % startTime)
        endTime = strToDatetime('%s 23:59:59' % endTime)
        if endTime <= startTime:
            return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'结束时间要晚于开始时间'})

        # 判断年计划时间是否冲突
        yps = YearlyPlan.objects
        for i in yps:
            if i == yearlyPlan: continue
            if not (startTime > i.endTime or endTime < i.startTime):
                return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'年计划时间范围(%s - %s)与其他年计划时间(%s - %s)冲突!' %
                                                         (startTime, endTime, i.startTime, i.endTime)})

        plans = []
        for index, t in enumerate(planTitle):
            if len(t)>0:
                p = Plan()
                p.title = t
                p.level = planLevel[index]
                if isDone[index] == 'y':
                    p.isDone = True
                    p.isDone = False
        yearlyPlan.title = title
        yearlyPlan.startTime = startTime
        yearlyPlan.endTime = endTime
        yearlyPlan.plans = plans
        return jsonify({'status': True, 'info': u'年计划修改成功'})
Ejemplo n.º 2
def timeManagementWeeklyPlanAdd():
    title = request.form['title']
    monthlyPlanId = request.form['monthlyPlanId']
    startTime = request.form['startTime']
    endTime = request.form['endTime']
    planLevel = request.form.getlist('planLevel[]')
    planTitle = request.form.getlist('planTitle[]')

    if not strLength(title,1,100):
        return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'请输入1-100个字符的周计划标题!'})
    if not startTime or not endTime:
        return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'请选择时间范围!'})

    startTime = strToDatetime('%s 00:00:00' % startTime)
    endTime = strToDatetime('%s 23:59:59' % endTime)
    if endTime <= startTime:
        return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'结束时间必须要晚于开始时间!'})

    m = MonthlyPlan.objects(id=monthlyPlanId).first()
    if not (startTime>=m.startTime and endTime<=m.endTime):
        return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'周计划的时间范围必须在月计划的时间范围内!'})
    wps = WeeklyPlan.objects(monthlyPlan=m)
    for i in wps:
        if not (startTime >= i.endTime or endTime <= i.startTime):
            return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'周计划的时间范围(%s - %s)和“%s”的时间范围(%s - %s)冲突' %

    plans = []
    for index, t in enumerate(planTitle):
        if len(t) > 0:
            p = Plan()
            p.title = t
            p.level = planLevel[index]

    w = WeeklyPlan()
    w.title = title
    w.startTime = startTime
    w.endTime = endTime
    w.plans = plans
    w.monthlyPlan = m
    return jsonify({'status': True, 'info': u'周计划添加成功!'})
Ejemplo n.º 3
def timeManagementMonthlyPlanAdd():
    title = request.form['title']
    yearlyPlanId = request.form['yearlyPlanId']
    startTime = request.form['startTime']
    endTime = request.form['endTime']
    planLevel = request.form.getlist('planLevel[]')
    planTitle = request.form.getlist('planTitle[]')

    if not strLength(title,1,100):
        return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'请输入1-100个字符的月计划标题!'})
    if not startTime or not endTime:
        return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'请选择时间范围'})

    startTime = strToDatetime('%s 00:00:00' % startTime)
    endTime = strToDatetime('%s 23:59:59' % endTime)
    if endTime <= startTime:
        return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'结束时间必须要晚于开始时间'})

    y = YearlyPlan.objects(id=yearlyPlanId).first()
    if not (startTime>=y.startTime and endTime<=y.endTime):
        return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'月计划的时间范围必须在年计划的时间范围内'})
    mps = MonthlyPlan.objects(yearlyPlan=y)
    for i in mps:
        if not (startTime >= i.endTime or endTime <= i.startTime):
            return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'月计划的时间范围(%s - %s)和“%s”的时间范围(%s - %s)冲突' %

    plans = []
    for index, t in enumerate(planTitle):
        if len(t) > 0:
            p = Plan()
            p.title = t
            p.level = planLevel[index]

    m = MonthlyPlan()
    m.title = title
    m.startTime = startTime
    m.endTime = endTime
    m.plans = plans
    m.yearlyPlan = y
    return jsonify({'status': True, 'info': u'月计划添加成功'})
Ejemplo n.º 4
def timeManagementYearlyPlanAdd():
    title = request.form['title']
    startTime = request.form['startTime']
    endTime = request.form['endTime']

    planLevel = request.form.getlist('planLevel[]')
    planTitle = request.form.getlist('planTitle[]')

    if not strLength(title,1,100):
        return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'请输入1-100个字符的年计划标题'})
    if not startTime or not endTime:
        return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'请选择时间范围'})

    startTime = strToDatetime('%s 00:00:00' % startTime)
    endTime = strToDatetime('%s 23:59:59' % endTime)
    if endTime <= startTime:
        return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'结束时间必须要晚于开始时间'})

    yps = YearlyPlan.objects
    for i in yps:
        if not (startTime>i.endTime or endTime<i.startTime):
            return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'年计划时间范围(%s - %s)与其他年计划时间(%s - %s)冲突!' %

    plans = []
    for index, t in enumerate(planTitle):
        if len(t) > 0:
            p = Plan()
            p.title = t
            p.level = planLevel[index]

    yearlyPlan = YearlyPlan()
    yearlyPlan.title = title
    yearlyPlan.startTime = startTime
    yearlyPlan.endTime = endTime
    yearlyPlan.plans = plans
    return jsonify({'status': True, 'info': u'年计划添加成功'})
Ejemplo n.º 5
def timeManagementDailyPlanEdit(id):
    d = DailyPlan.objects(id=id).first()
    if request.method == 'GET':
        levels = current_app.config['PLAN_LEVEL']
        wps = WeeklyPlan.objects.order_by('-id')[:12]
        return render_template('admin/timeManagementDailyPlanEdit.html',
                               levels=levels, d=d, wps=wps)

    if request.method == 'POST':
        weeklyPlanId = request.form['weeklyPlanId'].strip()
        whichDay = request.form['whichDay'].strip()
        planLevel = request.form.getlist('planLevel[]')
        planTitle = request.form.getlist('planTitle[]')
        isDone = request.form.getlist('isDone[]')

            whichDayTemp = strToDatetime('%s 00:00:00' % whichDay)
            return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'请输入正确的时间格式!'})

        w = WeeklyPlan.objects(id=weeklyPlanId).first()
        # 时间范围判断
        # 日计划的时间范围必须在周计划的时间范围内
        if not (whichDayTemp >= w.startTime and whichDayTemp <= w.endTime):
            return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'日计划的时间范围必须在周计划的时间范围内!'})
        # 该周计划下的日计划时间范围不冲突
        dps = DailyPlan.objects(weeklyPlan=w)
        for i in dps:
            if d == i:continue
            if i.whichDay == whichDay:
                return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'该日期 “%s” 已经有日计划了!' % whichDay})

        plans = []
        for index, t in enumerate(planTitle):
            if len(t) > 0:
                p = Plan()
                p.title = t.strip()
                p.level = planLevel[index].strip()
                if isDone[index] == 'y':
                    p.isDone = True
                    p.isDone = False

        d.title = "%s日计划" % whichDay
        d.whichDay = whichDay
        d.plans = plans
        d.weeklyPlan = w
        return jsonify({'status': True, 'info': u'日计划修改成功!'})
Ejemplo n.º 6
def timeManagementDailyPlanAdd():
    weeklyPlanId = request.form['weeklyPlanId'].strip()
    whichDay = request.form['whichDay'].strip()
    planLevel = request.form.getlist('planLevel[]')
    planTitle = request.form.getlist('planTitle[]')
    print (planLevel)

        whichDayTemp = strToDatetime('%s 00:00:00' % whichDay)
        return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'请输入正确的时间格式!'})

    w = WeeklyPlan.objects(id=weeklyPlanId).first()
    if not (whichDayTemp>=w.startTime and whichDayTemp<=w.endTime):
        return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'日计划的时间范围必须在周计划的时间范围内!'})
    dps = DailyPlan.objects(weeklyPlan=w)
    for i in dps:
        if i.whichDay == whichDay:
            return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'该日期 “%s” 已经有日计划了!' % whichDay})

    plans = []
    for index, t in enumerate(planTitle):
        if len(t) > 0:
            p = Plan()
            p.title = t.strip()
            p.level = planLevel[index].strip()

    d = DailyPlan()
    d.title = "%s日计划" % whichDay
    d.whichDay = whichDay
    d.plans = plans
    d.weeklyPlan = w
    return jsonify({'status': True, 'info': u'日计划添加成功!'})
Ejemplo n.º 7
def timeManagementWeeklyPlanEdit(id):
    w = WeeklyPlan.objects(id=id).first()
    if request.method == 'GET':
        levels = current_app.config['PLAN_LEVEL']
        mps = MonthlyPlan.objects.order_by('-id')[:12]
        return render_template('admin/timeManagementWeeklyPlanEdit.html',
                               levels=levels, w=w, mps=mps,
                               startTime=str(w.startTime).split(' ')[0],
                               endTime=str(w.endTime).split(' ')[0])

    if request.method == 'POST':
        title = request.form['title']
        monthlyPlanId = request.form['monthlyPlanId']
        startTime = request.form['startTime']
        endTime = request.form['endTime']
        planLevel = request.form.getlist('planLevel[]')
        planTitle = request.form.getlist('planTitle[]')
        isDone = request.form.getlist('isDone[]')

        if not strLength(title, 1, 100):
            return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'请输入1-100个字符的周计划标题!'})
        if not startTime or not endTime:
            return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'请选择时间范围!'})

        startTime = strToDatetime('%s 00:00:00' % startTime)
        endTime = strToDatetime('%s 23:59:59' % endTime)
        if endTime <= startTime:
            return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'结束时间必须要晚于开始时间!'})

        m = MonthlyPlan.objects(id=monthlyPlanId).first()
        # 时间范围判断
        # 周计划的时间范围必须在月计划的时间范围内
        if not (startTime >= m.startTime and endTime <= m.endTime):
            return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'周计划的时间范围必须在月计划的时间范围内!'})
        # 该月计划下的周计划时间范围不冲突
        wps = WeeklyPlan.objects(monthlyPlan=m)
        for i in wps:
            if i==w:continue
            if not (startTime >= i.endTime or endTime <= i.startTime):
                return jsonify({'status': False, 'info': u'周计划的时间范围(%s - %s)和“%s”的时间范围(%s - %s)冲突' %
                                (startTime, endTime, i.title, i.startTime, i.endTime)})

        plans = []
        for index, t in enumerate(planTitle):
            if len(t) > 0:
                p = Plan()
                p.title = t
                p.level = planLevel[index]
                if isDone[index] == 'y':
                    p.isDone = True
                    p.isDone = False

        w.title = title
        w.startTime = startTime
        w.endTime = endTime
        w.plans = plans
        w.monthlyPlan = m
        return jsonify({'status': True, 'info': u'周计划修改成功!'})