Ejemplo n.º 1
    def create_child_products(self, main_id, ids, sizes, prices, images_grouped):
        """Creating child products (both colors and sizes).
        Arguments it gets are: main_id as product id of the master product,
        images_grouped that is a dict of images grouped by color (field i field)
        and dicts ids, sizes and prices (e.g. dict with color names as keys and
        fields of ids for it as values 'black': ['32854, '32855''])"""
        item = ExpressItem()
        i = 0
        for k in ids:
            cur_id = main_id + "_" + chr(i + 97)
            item['product_id'] = [cur_id]
            item['master_product_id'] = [main_id]
            item['color'] = [k]
            # use this for some other path (our server)
#            images, thumbs = self.get_image_url(images_grouped[i])
            if images_grouped:
                images = self.get_absolute_url(images_grouped[k])
    #            item['normal_image_url'], item['thumb_image_url'] = self.map_url_to_server(images,main_id)
                item['normal_image_url'] = basic.cdata_field(self.map_url_to_server(images, main_id))
            j = 0
            for val in ids[k]:
                item['product_id'] = [cur_id + "_" + chr(j + 97)]
                item['master_product_id'] = [cur_id]
                if len(sizes):
                    item['size'] = [sizes[k][j]]
                item['size_option_id'] = [ids[k][j]]
                item['price'] = [prices[k][j]]
                j += 1
            i += 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _create_shop_lines(self, ids, names):
     item = ExpressItem()
     for i in range(0, len(ids)):
         item['product_id'] = [ids[i]]
         item['name'] = [basic.cdata(names[i])]
         item['shop_look'] = ['False']
         item['normal'] = ['False']
         item['shop_line'] = ['True']
         item['in_stock'] = ['IN_STOCK']
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def parse_shop_look(self, hxs):
     products = hxs.select('//div[@id="cat-ens-prod-item"]')
     i = 0
     # do this with actual id
     item = ExpressItem()
     whole_page = hxs.extract()
     whole_page = "".join(whole_page)
     ensemble_id = basic.get_middle_text(whole_page, "ensembleId: '", "',")
     name = hxs.select('//div[@id="cat-ens-prod-con"]/h1/text()').extract()
     name = basic.clean_string_field(name)
     item['ensemble_id'] = ensemble_id
     item['normal_image_url'] = self.shl_get_image(hxs)
     item['product_id'] = ["DUMMIE1"]
     item['shop_look'] = ['True']
     item['normal'] = ['False']
     item['shop_line'] = ['False']
     item['in_stock'] = ['IN_STOCK']
     item['name'] = name
     for p in products:
         i += 1
         item = ExpressItem()
         item['master_product_id'] = ['DUMMIE1']
         item['product_id'] = ["DUMMIE1_" + str(i)]
         item['name'], item['price'], item['style'] = self.shl_basic_info(p)
         page = p.extract()
         item['variants'] = basic.cdata_field([self.shl_create_variants(self.get_variants(page))])
         item['colors'] = basic.cdata_field(self.shl_get_swatches(p))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def parse_for_shop_look(self, hxs, id, product_id, page, images_grouped, product_url, index):
     """Special parse function for shop looks and lines.
     It gets same info stored in different format, mostly json and reference
     to master product id that is actually shop look/line id.
     TO DO: see if there is need to specially handle the case
     for not available"""
     item = ExpressItem()
     item['master_product_id'] = [id]
     item['product_id'] = [id + "_" + product_id]
     if self.ordered:
         item['order_index'] = [self.order_list[index]]
     item['style'] = [product_id]
     item['product_page'] = [product_url]
     item['category_id'], item['subcategory_id'] = self.get_categories(hxs)
     item['add_to_cart_id'] = self.get_add_to_cart_id(hxs)
     # below is part fot creating swatch images and images json
     color_names, urls, swatch_image_names, jsons = self.get_swatch_images(hxs)
     i = 0
     colors = []
     for k in color_names:
         d = {'name': k, 'swatch_url': urls[i], 'image_url': self.get_absolute_url(images_grouped[k])}
         i += 1
     item['colors'] = basic.cdata_field(colors)
     item['price'], item['discount_price'] = self.get_product_prices(hxs)
     item['description'], item['promo_text'] = self.get_basic_info(hxs)
     item['name'] = self.get_name(hxs)
     # below is part for creating variants json
     ids, sizes, prices = self.get_variants(page)
     variants = []
     for k in ids:
         d = {'color': k, 'prices': prices[k], 'ids': ids[k]}
             d['sizes'] = sizes[k]
         except StandardError:
             print "This product has no sizes"
     item['variants'] = basic.cdata_field(variants)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def parse(self, response):
        self.counter += 1
        basic.print_status(self.counter, self.total)
        hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
        item = ExpressItem()
        index = self.url_list.index(response.url)
        self.url_list[index] = self.counter
        flag = 0
        shop_look = 0
        # main try that catches all unhandled errors
            hxs = HtmlXPathSelector(response)
            if response.url != "http://www.zmags.com/":
                error_404 = hxs.select('//img[@alt="404 Error Page Not Found"]').extract()
                flag = 1
                if not error_404:
                    flag = 1
                    available = hxs.select('//span[@class="glo-tex-error"]/text()').extract()
                    page = " ".join(hxs.select('//html').extract())
                    #part for creating main product in xml
                    id = self.get_product_id(hxs)[0]
                    if id != self.id_list[index]:
                        msg = "\nNot equal, id in sheet {0}, on site {1}".format(self.id_list[index], id)
                        self.temp_msg += msg
                    item['product_id'] = [id]
                    item['name'] = self.get_name(hxs)
                    item['description'], item['promo_text'] = self.get_basic_info(hxs)
                    item['master_price'], item['discount_price'] = self.get_product_prices(hxs)
                    item['shop_look'] = ['False']
                    item['normal'] = ['True']
                    item['shop_line'] = ['False']
                    item['in_stock'] = ["NOT_IN_STOCK"]
                    if available[0] != "This item is no longer available for purchase.":
                        item['category_id'], item['subcategory_id'] = self.get_categories(hxs)
                        item['add_to_cart_id'] = self.get_add_to_cart_id(hxs)
                        color_names, urls, swatch_image_names, jsons = self.get_swatch_images(hxs)
                        #urls = basic.cdata_field(self.map_url_to_server(urls, id, True))
                        item['color_image_url'] = self.create_color_json(urls, color_names)
                        item['in_stock'] = ["IN_STOCK"]
                        item['product_page'] = [response.url]
                        product_images, images_grouped = self.parse_jsons(jsons, color_names)
                        ids, sizes, prices = self.get_variants(page)
                        # calling function that will handle creating all child products
                        self.create_child_products(id, ids, sizes, prices, images_grouped)
                        item['image_urls'] = urls + product_images
                        if self.shop_look_list[index]:
                            self.parse_for_shop_look(hxs, self.shop_look_list[index],
                                                     id, page, images_grouped, response.url, index)
                        if self.shop_line_list[index]:
                            self.parse_for_shop_look(hxs, self.shop_line_list[index],
                                                     id, page, images_grouped, response.url, index)
                        self.exc.code_handler(102, response.url)

                    self.exc.code_handler(104, response.url)
                self.exc.code_handler(101, response.url)
            if not flag:
                item['product_id'] = [self.id_list[index]]
                item['in_stock'] = ["NOT_AVAILABLE"]
                item['name'] = ["not available"]
        except StandardError:
            self.exc.code_handler(100, response.url)
        #if it's last product write xml and run end_operations
        return item