Ejemplo n.º 1
 def setDateStart( self, dateStart ):
     Sets the start date for this item.  This will automatically push the
     end date to match the duration for this item.  So if the item starts
     on 1/1/12 and ends on 1/2/12, and the start date is changed to 2/1/12,
     the end date will change to 2/2/12.  To affect the duration of the 
     item, use either setDuration, or setDateEnd.
     :param      dateStart | <QDate>
     dateStart = QDate(dateStart)
     duration = self.duration()
     self._dateStart = dateStart
     self._dateEnd   = dateStart.addDays(duration - 1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def setDateStart(self, dateStart):
        Sets the start date for this item.  This will automatically push the
        end date to match the duration for this item.  So if the item starts
        on 1/1/12 and ends on 1/2/12, and the start date is changed to 2/1/12,
        the end date will change to 2/2/12.  To affect the duration of the 
        item, use either setDuration, or setDateEnd.
        :param      dateStart | <QDate>
        dateStart = QDate(dateStart)

        duration = self.duration()
        self._dateStart = dateStart
        self._dateEnd = dateStart.addDays(duration - 1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def rebuildMonth( self ):
     Rebuilds the month for this scene.
     # make sure we start at 0 for sunday vs. 7 for sunday
     day_map     = dict([(i+1, i+1) for i in range(7)])
     day_map[7]  = 0
     today   = QDate.currentDate()
     curr    = self.currentDate()
     first   = QDate(curr.year(), curr.month(), 1)
     last    = QDate(curr.year(), curr.month(), curr.daysInMonth())
     first   = first.addDays(-day_map[first.dayOfWeek()])
     last    = last.addDays(6-day_map[last.dayOfWeek()])
     cols    = 7
     rows    = (first.daysTo(last) + 1) / cols
     hlines  = []
     vlines  = []
     padx    = 6
     pady    = 6
     header  = 24
     w       = self.width() - (2 * padx)
     h       = self.height() - (2 * pady)
     dw      = (w / cols) - 1
     dh      = ((h - header) / rows) - 1
     x0      = padx
     y0      = pady + header
     x       = x0
     y       = y0
     for row in range(rows + 1):
         hlines.append(QLine(x0, y, w, y))
         y += dh
     for col in range(cols + 1):
         vlines.append(QLine(x, y0, x, h))
         x += dw
     self._buildData['grid'] = hlines + vlines
     # draw the date fields
     date = first
     row  = 0
     col  = 0
     # draw the headers
     x = x0
     y = pady
     regular_text = []
     mid_text     = []
     self._buildData['regular_text'] = regular_text
     self._buildData['mid_text']     = mid_text
     for day in ('Sun', 'Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'):
         regular_text.append((x + 5,
                              Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter,
         x += dw
     for i in range(first.daysTo(last) + 1):
         top    = (y0 + (row * dh))
         left   = (x0 + (col * dw))
         rect   = QRectF(left - 1, top, dw, dh)
         # mark the current date on the calendar
         if ( date == curr ):
             self._buildData['curr_date'] = rect
         # mark today's date on the calendar
         elif ( date == today ):
             self._buildData['today'] = rect
         # determine how to draw the calendar
         format = 'd'
         if ( date.day() == 1 ):
             format = 'MMM d'
         # determine the color to draw the text
         if ( date.month() == curr.month() ):
             text = regular_text
             text = mid_text
         # draw the text
         text.append((left + 2,
                      top + 2,
                      dw - 4,
                      dh - 4,
                      Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignLeft,
         # update the limits
         if ( not i ):
             self._minimumDate = date
         self._maximumDate = date
         self._dateGrid[date.toJulianDay()] = ((row, col), rect)
         if ( col == (cols - 1) ):
             row += 1
             col = 0
             col += 1
         date = date.addDays(1)