Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_numeral():
    from prolog.interpreter.term import Callable, Atom, BindingVar
    from prolog.interpreter.continuation import Engine
    t = parse_file("""
numeral(null). % end of line comment
numeral(succ(X)) :- numeral(X). % another one

add_numeral(X, null, X).
add_numeral(X, succ(Y), Z) :- add_numeral(succ(X), Y, Z).

greater_than(succ(null), null).
greater_than(succ(X), null) :- greater_than(X, null).
greater_than(succ(X), succ(Y)) :- greater_than(X, Y).
    builder = TermBuilder()
    facts = builder.build(t)
    e = Engine()
    m = e.modulewrapper
    for fact in facts:
        print fact
    assert m.modules["user"].lookup(Signature.getsignature("add_numeral", 3)).rulechain.head.argument_at(1).name() == "null"
    four = Callable.build("succ", [Callable.build("succ", [Callable.build("succ",
                [Callable.build("succ", [Callable.build("null")])])])])
    term = parse_query_term(
        """add_numeral(succ(succ(null)), succ(succ(null)), X).""")
    hp = Heap()
    var = BindingVar().dereference(hp)
    # does not raise
    var.unify(four, hp)
    term = parse_query_term(
        """greater_than(succ(succ(succ(null))), succ(succ(null))).""")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_unwrap_list():
    a = Callable.build("a")
    l = unwrap_list(Callable.build(".", 
            [a, Callable.build("[]")]))
    assert len(l) == 1
    assert l[0] is a

    v1 = BindingVar()
    a1 = Callable.build("a")
    l1 = unwrap_list(Callable.build(".",
            [v1, Callable.build(".", [a1, Callable.build("[]")])]))
    assert l1 == [v1, a1]

    empty = Callable.build("[]")
    v2 = BindingVar()
    l2 = Callable.build(".", [a, v2])
    v2.unify(empty, Heap())
    unwrapped = unwrap_list(l2)
    assert unwrapped == [a]

    v3 = BindingVar()
    v4 = BindingVar()
    b = Callable.build("b")
    h = Heap()
    l3 = Callable.build(".", [a, v3])
    v3.unify(Callable.build(".", [b, v4]), h)
    v4.unify(Callable.build("[]"), h)
    unwrapped2 = unwrap_list(l3)
    assert unwrapped2 == [a, b]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_numeral():
    from prolog.interpreter.term import Callable, Atom, BindingVar
    from prolog.interpreter.continuation import Engine
    t = parse_file("""
numeral(null). % end of line comment
numeral(succ(X)) :- numeral(X). % another one

add_numeral(X, null, X).
add_numeral(X, succ(Y), Z) :- add_numeral(succ(X), Y, Z).

greater_than(succ(null), null).
greater_than(succ(X), null) :- greater_than(X, null).
greater_than(succ(X), succ(Y)) :- greater_than(X, Y).
    builder = TermBuilder()
    facts = builder.build(t)
    e = Engine()
    m = e.modulewrapper
    for fact in facts:
        print fact
    assert m.modules["user"].lookup(Signature.getsignature(
        "add_numeral", 3)).rulechain.head.argument_at(1).name() == "null"
    four = Callable.build("succ", [
        Callable.build("succ", [
                           [Callable.build("succ", [Callable.build("null")])])
    term = parse_query_term(
        """add_numeral(succ(succ(null)), succ(succ(null)), X).""")
    hp = Heap()
    var = BindingVar().dereference(hp)
    # does not raise
    var.unify(four, hp)
    term = parse_query_term(
        """greater_than(succ(succ(succ(null))), succ(succ(null))).""")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_var():
    b = BindingVar()
    heap = Heap()
    b.unify(Callable.build("hallo"), heap)
    assert b.dereference(heap).name()== "hallo"
    a = BindingVar()
    b = BindingVar()
    a.unify(b, heap)
    a.unify(Callable.build("hallo"), heap)
    assert a.dereference(heap).name()== "hallo"
    assert b.dereference(heap).name()== "hallo"
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_var():
    b = BindingVar()
    heap = Heap()
    b.unify(Callable.build("hallo"), heap)
    assert b.dereference(heap).name() == "hallo"
    a = BindingVar()
    b = BindingVar()
    a.unify(b, heap)
    a.unify(Callable.build("hallo"), heap)
    assert a.dereference(heap).name() == "hallo"
    assert b.dereference(heap).name() == "hallo"
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_recursive():
    b = BindingVar()
    heap = Heap()
    b.unify(Callable.build("hallo", [b]), heap)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_unify_var():
    b = BindingVar()
    heap = Heap()
    b.unify(b, heap)
    b.unify(Callable.build("hallo"), heap)
    py.test.raises(UnificationFailed, b.unify, Callable.build("bye"), heap)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_simple_hooks():
    hp = Heap()
    v = BindingVar()
    a = AttVar()
    v.unify(a, hp)
    assert hp.hook is None
    v.unify(Number(1), hp)
    assert hp.hook.attvar == a

    hp = Heap()
    v1 = BindingVar()
    v2 = BindingVar()
    a1 = AttVar()
    a2 = AttVar()
    v1.unify(a1, hp)
    assert hp.hook is None
    v2.unify(a2, hp)
    assert hp.hook is None
    v1.unify(v2, hp)
    assert hp.hook.attvar == a1

    hp = Heap()
    v1 = BindingVar()
    v2 = BindingVar()
    v3 = BindingVar()
    a1 = AttVar()
    a2 = AttVar()
    a3 = AttVar()
    v1.unify(a1, hp)
    v2.unify(a2, hp)
    v3.unify(a3, hp)

    v1.unify(v2, hp)
    v2.unify(v3, hp)
    assert hp.hook.attvar == a2
    assert hp.hook.next.attvar == a1
    assert hp.hook.next.next is None

    hp = Heap()
    v1 = BindingVar()
    v2 = BindingVar()
    a1 = AttVar()
    a2 = AttVar()
    v1.unify(a1, hp)
    v2.unify(a2, hp)
    assert hp.hook is None
    v1.unify(v2, hp)
    assert hp.hook.attvar == a1
    v1.unify(Number(1), hp)
    assert hp.hook.attvar == a2
    assert hp.hook.next.attvar == a1
    assert hp.hook.next.next is None

    hp = Heap()
    v1 = BindingVar()
    v2 = BindingVar()
    a1 = AttVar()
    a2 = AttVar()
    v1.unify(a1, hp)
    v2.unify(a2, hp)
    t1 = Callable.build("f", [v1, v2])
    t2 = Callable.build("f", [Atom("a"), Atom("b")])
    t1.unify(t2, hp)
    assert hp.hook.attvar == a2
    assert hp.hook.next.attvar == a1
    assert hp.hook.next.next is None

    hp = Heap()
    v = BindingVar()
    av = AttVar()
    v.unify(av, hp)
    assert hp.hook is None
    a = Callable.build("a")
    v.unify(a, hp)
    assert hp.hook.attvar == av
    v.unify(a, hp)
    assert hp.hook.attvar == av
    assert hp.hook.next is None
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_recursive():
    b = BindingVar()
    heap = Heap()
    b.unify(Callable.build("hallo", [b]), heap)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_unify_var():
    b = BindingVar()
    heap = Heap()
    b.unify(b, heap)
    b.unify(Callable.build("hallo"), heap)
    py.test.raises(UnificationFailed, b.unify, Callable.build("bye"), heap)