Ejemplo n.º 1
 def load(self, camera_config, local_config, scale=1.0):
     if camera_config is None:
         if os.path.exists(local_config):
             # load local config file if it exists
             result = props_json.load(local_config, self.config)
             if not result:
                 print("Cannot continue with invalid camera file.")
                 "no camera config specified and no local camera config file found:",
         # seed the camera calibration and distortion coefficients
         # from a known camera config
         print("Setting camera config from:", camera_config)
         props_json.load(camera_config, self.config)
         self.config.setString('name', camera_config)
         props_json.save(local_config, self.config)
     if scale:
         # adjust effective K to account for scaling
         self.K = self.K * scale
         self.K[2, 2] = 1.0
     self.config.setLen('mount_ypr', 3, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def write_configs():
    config = getNode("/config", True)
    file = os.path.join(flight_dir, 'master-config.json')
    props_json.save(file, config)

    config = getNode("/config/autopilot", True)
    file = os.path.join(flight_dir, 'ap-config.json')
    props_json.save(file, config)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def save(self):
        # create a project dictionary and write it out as json
        if not os.path.exists(self.analysis_dir):
            print("Error: project doesn't exist:", self.analysis_dir)

        project_file = os.path.join(self.analysis_dir, "config.json")
        config_node = getNode("/config", True)
        props_json.save(project_file, config_node)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def save_images_info(self):
        # create a project dictionary and write it out as json
        if not os.path.exists(self.analysis_dir):
            print("Error: project doesn't exist:", self.analysis_dir)

        meta_dir = os.path.join(self.analysis_dir, 'meta')
        images_node = getNode("/images", True)
        for name in images_node.getChildren():
            image_node = images_node.getChild(name, True)
            image_path = os.path.join(meta_dir, name + '.json')
            props_json.save(image_path, image_node)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def save(self, cal_file):
        config = PropertyNode()
        config.setFloat('min_temp_C', self.min_temp)
        config.setFloat('max_temp_C', self.max_temp)

        node = config.getChild('p', create=True)
        p = self.p_bias
        node.setString('bias', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))
        p = self.p_scale
        node.setString('scale', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))

        node = config.getChild('q', create=True)
        p = self.q_bias
        node.setString('bias', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))
        p = self.q_scale
        node.setString('scale', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))

        node = config.getChild('r', create=True)
        p = self.r_bias
        node.setString('bias', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))
        p = self.r_scale
        node.setString('scale', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))

        node = config.getChild('ax', create=True)
        p = self.ax_bias
        node.setString('bias', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))
        p = self.ax_scale
        node.setString('scale', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))

        node = config.getChild('ay', create=True)
        p = self.ay_bias
        node.setString('bias', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))
        p = self.ay_scale
        node.setString('scale', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))

        node = config.getChild('az', create=True)
        p = self.az_bias
        node.setString('bias', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))
        p = self.az_scale
        node.setString('scale', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))

        affine_str = []
        for x in self.mag_affine.flat:
            affine_str.append('%.10f' % x)
        print(' '.join(affine_str))
        config.setString('mag_affine', ' '.join(affine_str))

            props_json.save(cal_file, config)
            print("error saving " + cal_file + ": " + str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def save(self, cal_file):
        config = PropertyNode()
        config.setFloat('min_temp_C', self.min_temp)
        config.setFloat('max_temp_C', self.max_temp)

        node = config.getChild('p', create=True)
        p = self.p_bias
        node.setString('bias', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))
        p = self.p_scale
        node.setString('scale', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))

        node = config.getChild('q', create=True)
        p = self.q_bias
        node.setString('bias', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))
        p = self.q_scale
        node.setString('scale', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))

        node = config.getChild('r', create=True)
        p = self.r_bias
        node.setString('bias', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))
        p = self.r_scale
        node.setString('scale', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))

        node = config.getChild('ax', create=True)
        p = self.ax_bias
        node.setString('bias', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))
        p = self.ax_scale
        node.setString('scale', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))

        node = config.getChild('ay', create=True)
        p = self.ay_bias
        node.setString('bias', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))
        p = self.ay_scale
        node.setString('scale', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))

        node = config.getChild('az', create=True)
        p = self.az_bias
        node.setString('bias', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))
        p = self.az_scale
        node.setString('scale', "%.8f %.8f %.8f" % (p[0], p[1], p[2]))

        affine_str = []
        for x in self.mag_affine.flat:
            affine_str.append('%.10f' % x)
        print ' '.join(affine_str)
        config.setString('mag_affine', ' '.join(affine_str))
            props_json.save(cal_file, config)
            print "error saving " + cal_file + ": " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def save(self):
        if self.filename == "":
            filename = str(self.setFileName())
            if filename == "":
                # print "cancelled save ..."
                self.filename = filename
                self.fileroot, ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename)
                # print self.fileroot, ext

        # create the design as a property tree
        design = self.gen_property_tree()

            props_json.save(self.filename, design)
            print "error saving file"

        self.setWindowTitle( self.default_title + " - " + os.path.basename(str(self.filename)) )
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def save(self):
        if self.filename == "":
            filename = str(self.setFileName())
            if filename == "":
                # print "cancelled save ..."
                self.filename = filename
                self.fileroot, ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename)
                # print self.fileroot, ext

        # create the design as a property tree
        design = self.gen_property_tree()

            props_json.save(self.filename, design)
            print("error saving file")

        self.setWindowTitle(self.default_title + " - " +
# copy config.json from first listed source project
print("Copying config.json from source project")
config_src = os.path.join(args.source[0], "ImageAnalysis", "config.json")
config_dest = os.path.join(analysis_dir, "config.json")
if os.path.exists(config_src):
    shutil.copyfile(config_src, config_dest)

# assemble the collective smart.json file
print("Combining all the smart.json files")
smart_node = getNode("/smart", True)
for p in args.source:
    smart_src = os.path.join(p, "ImageAnalysis", "smart.json")
    props_json.load(smart_src, smart_node)
smart_dst = os.path.join(project_dir, "ImageAnalysis", "smart.json")
props_json.save(smart_dst, smart_node)

# assemble the collective annotations.json file
print("Combining any annotations.json files")
ann_node = getNode("/annotations", True)
ann_list = []
for p in args.source:
    ann_src = os.path.join(p, "ImageAnalysis", "annotations.json")
    if os.path.exists(ann_src):
        f = open(ann_src, 'r')
        ann_list += json.load(f)
ann_dst = os.path.join(project_dir, "ImageAnalysis", "annotations.json")
f = open(ann_dst, 'w')
json.dump(ann_list, f, indent=4)

# populate the meta directory
Ejemplo n.º 10
def log_imu_calibration(config):
    os.path.join(flight_dir, 'imucal.json')
    props_json.save(config, jsonfile)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 11

from props import PropertyNode, root, getNode
import props_xml
import props_json
import sys

# run the system through it's paces

xmlfile = sys.argv[1]
jsonfile = sys.argv[2]

config = PropertyNode()
props_xml.load(xmlfile, config)
props_json.save(jsonfile, config)
Ejemplo n.º 12
cam_yaw = config.getFloatEnum('mount_ypr', 0)
cam_pitch = config.getFloatEnum('mount_ypr', 1)
cam_roll = config.getFloatEnum('mount_ypr', 2)

# setup camera calibration and distortion coefficients
if args.select_cam:
    # set the camera calibration from known preconfigured setups
    name, K, dist = cam_calib.set_camera_calibration(args.select_cam)
    config.setString('name', name)
    config.setFloat("fx", K[0][0])
    config.setFloat("fy", K[1][1])
    config.setFloat("cu", K[0][2])
    config.setFloat("cv", K[1][2])
    for i, d in enumerate(dist):
        config.setFloatEnum("dist_coeffs", i, d)
    props_json.save(camera_config, config)
    # load the camera calibration from the config file
    name = config.getString('name')
    size = config.getLen("dist_coeffs")
    dist = []
    for i in range(size):
        dist.append(config.getFloatEnum("dist_coeffs", i))
    K = np.zeros((3, 3))
    K[0][0] = config.getFloat("fx")
    K[1][1] = config.getFloat("fy")
    K[0][2] = config.getFloat("cu")
    K[1][2] = config.getFloat("cv")
    K[2][2] = 1.0
    print 'Camera:', name
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def update(self, dt):
        if not self.active:
            return False

        # update filters
        p = self.imu_node.getFloat("p_rad_sec")
        q = self.imu_node.getFloat("q_rad_sec")
        r = self.imu_node.getFloat("r_rad_sec")
        ax = self.imu_node.getFloat("ax_mps_sec")
        ay = self.imu_node.getFloat("ay_mps_sec")
        az = self.imu_node.getFloat("az_mps_sec")
        hx_raw = self.imu_node.getFloat("hx_raw")
        hy_raw = self.imu_node.getFloat("hy_raw")
        hz_raw = self.imu_node.getFloat("hz_raw")
        self.p_filt.update(p, dt)
        self.q_filt.update(q, dt)
        self.r_filt.update(r, dt)
        self.ax_filt.update(ax, dt)
        self.ay_filt.update(ay, dt)
        self.az_filt.update(az, dt)

        up_axis = self.detect_up()
        if up_axis == "none":
            self.armed = True
            self.rot = 0.0

        if self.state < 1:
            print("up axis:", up_axis, "armed:", self.armed,
                  " rot: %0f" % self.rot)
        sample_time = 5

        if self.state == 0:
            if self.armed and up_axis != "none":
                if self.axis_time[up_axis] < sample_time:
                    self.samples.append([hx_raw, hy_raw, hz_raw])
                    if hx_raw < self.min[0]: self.min[0] = hx_raw
                    if hx_raw > self.max[0]: self.max[0] = hx_raw
                    if hy_raw < self.min[1]: self.min[1] = hy_raw
                    if hy_raw > self.max[1]: self.max[1] = hy_raw
                    if hz_raw < self.min[2]: self.min[2] = hz_raw
                    if hz_raw > self.max[2]: self.max[2] = hz_raw
                    print(self.min, self.max)
                self.axis_time[up_axis] += dt
            done = True
            for key in self.axis_time:
                if self.axis_time[key] < sample_time:
                    message = "need more: " + self.axis_hint[key]
                    self.task_calib_node.setString("mag_status", message)
                    done = False
            if done:
                self.state += 1
        elif self.state == 1:
            # did we measure a bunch of samples?
            if len(self.samples) < 100:
                print("Somehow didn't get many samples. :-(")
                self.state += 2
                # center, evecs, radii, v = ellipsoid_fit(s)
                # print("center:\n", center)
                # print("evecs:\n", evecs)
                # print("radii:\n", radii)
                # print("v:\n", v)

                # ellipsoid fit with our sample data
                s = np.array(self.samples).T
                M, n, d = ellipsoid_fit(s)

                # calibration parameters.  Note: some implementations
                # of sqrtm return complex type, taking real
                M_1 = linalg.inv(M)
                self.b = -np.dot(M_1, n)
                self.A_1 = np.real(self.F /
                                   np.sqrt(np.dot(n.T, np.dot(M_1, n)) - d) *

                print("b:\n", self.b)
                print("A_1:\n", self.A_1)

                # assemble the mag calibration matrix
                T = tr.translation_matrix(-self.b.flatten())
                A1_h = np.eye(4)
                A1_h[:3, :3] = self.A_1
                self.mag_affine = A1_h @ T  # this is the correct order
                print("mag_affine:\n", self.mag_affine)
                scale, shear, angles, translate, perspective = tr.decompose_matrix(
                print("scale:", scale)
                print("shear:", shear)
                print("angles:", angles)
                print("translate:", translate)
                print("perspective:", perspective)
                # fixme what can we look at to sanity check?
                # nothing bad detected, goto success state
                self.state += 1
        elif self.state == 2:
            # calibration complete, success, save, report!
            print("calibration succeeded")
            print("magnetometer calibration:")
            # as if this wasn't already fancy enough, get even fancier!
            mapped = []
            for i, v in enumerate(self.samples):
                #print("sample:", i, v)
                v1 = self.mag_affine @ np.hstack((v, 1))
                v2 = self.A_1 @ (np.array(v) - self.b.flatten())
                #print(v, v1[:3], v2)
            samples = np.array(self.samples)
            print("x range:", np.min(samples[:, 0]), np.max(samples[:, 0]))
            print("y range:", np.min(samples[:, 1]), np.max(samples[:, 1]))
            print("z range:", np.min(samples[:, 2]), np.max(samples[:, 2]))
            mapped = np.array(mapped)
            print("x range:", np.min(mapped[:, 0]), np.max(mapped[:, 0]))
            print("y range:", np.min(mapped[:, 1]), np.max(mapped[:, 1]))
            print("z range:", np.min(mapped[:, 2]), np.max(mapped[:, 2]))
            self.state += 2
            calib_node = self.config_imu_node.getChild("calibration", True)
            calib_node.setLen("mag_affine", 16)
            for i in range(16):
                calib_node.setFloatEnum("mag_affine", i,
            home = os.path.expanduser("~")
            props_json.save(os.path.join(home, "imu_calibration.json"),
            message = "mag calibration succeeded"
            self.task_calib_node.setString("mag_status", message)
            self.state += 2
        elif self.state == 3:
            # calibration complete, failed, sad face. :-(
            message = "mag calibration failed"
            self.task_calib_node.setString("mag_status", message)
            self.state += 1
Ejemplo n.º 14
    fx = focal_len_mm * width / args.ccd_width
    fy = focal_len_mm * height / ccd_height
    print("Cannot autodetect calibrated focal length, please specify a ccd-width")
print('ccd: %.3f x %.3f' % (ccd_width, ccd_height))
print('fx fy = %.2f %.2f' % (fx, fy))

cu = width * 0.5
cv = height * 0.5
print('cu cv = %.2f %.2f' % (cu, cv))

cam = Camera.Camera()
cam.set_meta(make, model, lens_model)
cam.set_lens_params(ccd_width, ccd_height, focal_len_mm)
cam.set_K(fx, fy, cu, cv)
cam.set_image_params(width, height)

if os.path.exists(camera_file):
    print("Camera config file already exists:", camera_file)
    if args.force:
        print("Overwriting ...")
        print("Use [ --force ] to overwrite ...")

print("Saving:", camera_file)
cam_node = getNode('/config/camera', True)
props_json.save(camera_file, cam_node)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 # emulate alpha blending
 alpha = args.alpha
 if alpha < 0: alpha = 0
 if alpha > 1: alpha = 1
 cv2.addWeighted(hud1_frame, alpha, frame_undist, 1 - alpha, 0, hud1_frame)
 cv2.imshow('hud', hud1_frame)
 key = cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF
 if key == 27:
 elif key == ord('y'):
     cam_yaw += 0.5
     config.setFloat('cam_yaw_deg', cam_yaw)
     props_json.save(movie_config, config)
 elif key == ord('Y'):
     cam_yaw -= 0.5
     config.setFloat('cam_yaw_deg', cam_yaw)
     props_json.save(movie_config, config)
 elif key == ord('p'):
     cam_pitch += 0.5
     config.setFloat('cam_pitch_deg', cam_pitch)
     props_json.save(movie_config, config)
 elif key == ord('P'):
     cam_pitch -= 0.5
     config.setFloat('cam_pitch_deg', cam_pitch)
     props_json.save(movie_config, config)
 elif key == ord('r'):
     cam_roll -= 0.5
     config.setFloat('cam_roll_deg', cam_roll)
Ejemplo n.º 16
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(abspath)
srtname = basename + ".srt"
dirname = basename + "_frames"
print("basename:", basename)
print("srtname:", srtname)
print("dirname:", dirname)

local_config = os.path.join(dirname, "camera.json")
config = PropertyNode()
if args.camera:
    # seed the camera calibration and distortion coefficients from a
    # known camera config
    print('Setting camera config from:', args.camera)
    props_json.load(args.camera, config)
    config.setString('name', args.camera)
    props_json.save(local_config, config)
elif os.path.exists(local_config):
    # load local config file if it exists
    props_json.load(local_config, config)
K_list = []
for i in range(9):
    K_list.append( config.getFloatEnum('K', i) )
K = np.copy(np.array(K_list)).reshape(3,3)
dist = []
for i in range(5):
    dist.append( config.getFloatEnum("dist_coeffs", i) )

# check for required input files
if not os.path.isfile(args.video):
    print("%s doesn't exist, aborting ..." % args.video)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def save(self, local_config):
     props_json.save(local_config, self.config)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def update(self, dt):
        if not self.active:
            return False

        # update filters
        ax = self.imu_node.getFloat("ax_raw")
        ay = self.imu_node.getFloat("ay_raw")
        az = self.imu_node.getFloat("az_raw")
        self.ax_slow.update(ax, dt)
        self.ax_fast.update(ax, dt)
        self.ay_slow.update(ay, dt)
        self.ay_fast.update(ay, dt)
        self.az_slow.update(az, dt)
        self.az_fast.update(az, dt)

        # (no) motion test
        ax_diff = self.ax_slow.filter_value - self.ax_fast.filter_value
        ay_diff = self.ay_slow.filter_value - self.ay_fast.filter_value
        az_diff = self.az_slow.filter_value - self.az_fast.filter_value
        d = math.sqrt(ax_diff*ax_diff + ay_diff*ay_diff + az_diff*az_diff)
        if d < 0.04:
            stable = True
            stable = False
        up_axis = self.detect_up()
        if up_axis == "none":
            self.armed = True
        if self.state < 6:
            print("up axis:", up_axis, "armed:", self.armed, " slow-fast: %.3f" % d, " stable:", stable)

        if not self.armed:
            self.task_node.setInt("calib_state", 99)
            self.task_node.setInt("calib_state", self.state)
        if self.state == 0:
            print("Place level and right side up - stable:", stable)
            if self.armed and stable and self.new_axis():
                self.meas[self.state] = [ self.ax_fast.filter_value,
                                          self.az_fast.filter_value ]
                self.checked[up_axis] = True
                self.state += 1
                self.armed = False
        elif self.state == 1:
            print("Place up side down - stable:", stable)
            if self.armed and stable and self.new_axis():
                self.meas[self.state] = [ self.ax_fast.filter_value,
                                          self.az_fast.filter_value ]
                self.checked[up_axis] = True
                self.state += 1
                self.armed = False
        elif self.state == 2:
            print("Place nose down - stable:", stable)
            if self.armed and stable and self.new_axis():
                self.meas[self.state] = [ self.ax_fast.filter_value,
                                          self.az_fast.filter_value ]
                self.checked[up_axis] = True
                self.state += 1
                self.armed = False
        elif self.state == 3:
            print("Place nose up - stable:", stable)
            if self.armed and stable and self.new_axis():
                self.meas[self.state] = [ self.ax_fast.filter_value,
                                          self.az_fast.filter_value ]
                self.checked[up_axis] = True
                self.state += 1
                self.armed = False
        elif self.state == 4:
            print("Place right wing down - stable:", stable)
            if self.armed and stable and self.new_axis():
                self.meas[self.state] = [ self.ax_fast.filter_value,
                                          self.az_fast.filter_value ]
                self.checked[up_axis] = True
                self.state += 1
                self.armed = False
        elif self.state == 5:
            print("Place right wing up - stable:", stable)
            if self.armed and stable and self.new_axis():
                self.meas[self.state] = [ self.ax_fast.filter_value,
                                          self.az_fast.filter_value ]
                self.checked[up_axis] = True
                self.state += 1
                self.armed = False
        elif self.state == 6:
            # did we measure 6 unique axes?
            if len(self.checked) != 6:
                print("Somehow didn't calibrate 6 orientations. :-(")
                self.state += 2
                # compute affine rotation fit
                v0 = np.array(self.meas, dtype=np.float64, copy=True).T
                v1 = np.array(self.ref, dtype=np.float64, copy=True).T
                self.accel_affine = tr.affine_matrix_from_points(v0, v1, shear=True, scale=True)
                print("accel_affine:\n", self.accel_affine)
                self.scale, shear, angles, self.translate, perspective = tr.decompose_matrix(self.accel_affine)
                print("scale:", self.scale)
                print("shear:", shear)
                print("angles:", angles)
                print("translate:", self.translate)
                print("perspective:", perspective)

                # recompose the original affine matrix with:
                # translate @ rotate @ scale
                T = tr.translation_matrix(self.translate)
                self.R = tr.euler_matrix(*angles)
                S = np.diag([self.scale[0], self.scale[1], self.scale[2], 1.0])
                print("T:\n", T)
                print("R:\n", self.R)
                print("S:\n", S)
                print("R @ R.T:\n", self.R @ self.R.T)
                recompose = T @ self.R @ S
                print("recompose:\n", recompose)
                # check rotation matrix, if any row or column doesn't
                # have an element close to 1, then bomb
                if np.max(np.abs(self.R[0])) < 0.9:
                    print("bad row 1")
                    self.state += 2
                elif np.max(np.abs(self.R[1])) < 0.9:
                    print("bad row 2")
                    self.state += 2
                elif np.max(np.abs(self.R[2])) < 0.9:
                    print("bad row 3")
                    self.state += 2
                elif np.max(np.abs(self.R[:,0])) < 0.9:
                    print("bad column 1")
                    self.state += 2
                elif np.max(np.abs(self.R[:,1])) < 0.9:
                    print("bad column 2")
                    self.state += 2
                elif np.max(np.abs(self.R[:,2])) < 0.9:
                    print("bad column 3")
                    self.state += 2
                    # nothing bad detected, goto success state
                    self.state += 1
        elif self.state == 7:
            # calibration complete, success, report!
            comms.events.log("calibrate accels", "calibration succeeded.")
            #print("strapdown calibration:")
            # as if this wasn't already fancy enough, get even fancier!
            errors = []
            for i, v in enumerate(self.meas):
                print("measure:", i, v)
                v1 =  self.accel_affine @ np.hstack((v, 1))
                v0 = self.ref[i]
                err = np.linalg.norm(v0 - v1[:3])
            #print("errors:", errors)
            mean = np.mean(errors)
            std = np.std(errors)
            #print("calibration mean:", mean, " std:", std)
            self.state += 2
            calib_node = self.config_imu_node.getChild("calibration", True)
            calib_node.setLen("strapdown", 9)
            for i in range(9):
                calib_node.setFloatEnum("strapdown", i, self.R[:3,:3].flatten()[i])
            calib_node.setFloat("accel_fit_mean", mean)
            calib_node.setFloat("accel_fit_std", std)
            calib_node.setLen("accel_scale", 3)
            for i in range(3):
                calib_node.setFloatEnum("accel_scale", i, self.scale[i])
            calib_node.setLen("accel_translate", 3)
            for i in range(3):
                calib_node.setFloatEnum("accel_translate", i, self.translate[i])
            home = os.path.expanduser("~")
            filename = os.path.join(home, "imu_calibration.json")
            props_json.save(filename, calib_node)
            comms.events.log("calibrate accels", "saved results to: " + filename)
        elif self.state == 8:
            # calibration complete, but failed. :-(
            comms.events.log("calibrate accels", "calibration FAILED!")
Ejemplo n.º 19
def save(analysis_dir):
    surface_file = os.path.join(analysis_dir, "smart.json")
    props_json.save(surface_file, smart_node)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def set_aircraft_poses(proj, posefile="", order='ypr', max_angle=25.0):
    log("Setting aircraft poses")

    #analysis_dir = os.path.join(proj.project_dir, 'ImageAnalysis')
    meta_dir = os.path.join(proj.analysis_dir, 'meta')
    images_node = getNode("/images", True)

    by_index = False

    f = fileinput.input(posefile)
    for line in f:
        if re.match('^\s*#', line):
            #print("skipping comment ", line)
        if re.match('^\s*File', line):
            #print("skipping header ", line)
        if re.match('^\s*Image', line):
            #print("skipping header ", line)
            by_index = True
            file_list = gen_image_list(proj.project_dir)
        field = line.split(',')
        if not by_index:
            name = field[0]
            index = int(field[0]) - 1
            name = file_list[index]
        lat_deg = float(field[1])
        lon_deg = float(field[2])
        alt_m = float(field[3])
        if order == 'ypr':
            yaw_deg = float(field[4])
            pitch_deg = float(field[5])
            roll_deg = float(field[6])
        elif order == 'rpy':
            roll_deg = float(field[4])
            pitch_deg = float(field[5])
            yaw_deg = float(field[6])
        if len(field) >= 8:
            flight_time = float(field[7])
            flight_time = -1.0

        found_dir = ''
        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(proj.project_dir, name)):
            log("No image file:", name, "skipping ...")
        if camera.camera_node.getString(
                "make") == "DJI" or camera.camera_node.getString(
                    "make") == "Hasselblad":
            # camera is on a gimbal so check if pitch is nearly nadir (-90)
            if pitch_deg > -45:
                log("gimbal not looking down:", name, "roll:", roll_deg,
                    "pitch:", pitch_deg)
        elif abs(roll_deg) > max_angle or abs(pitch_deg) > max_angle:
            # fairly 'extreme' attitude, skip image
            log("extreme attitude:", name, "roll:", roll_deg, "pitch:",

        base, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
        i1 = image.Image(proj.analysis_dir, base)
        i1.set_aircraft_pose(lat_deg, lon_deg, alt_m, yaw_deg, pitch_deg,
                             roll_deg, flight_time)
        image_node = images_node.getChild(base, True)
        image_path = os.path.join(meta_dir, base + '.json')
        props_json.save(image_path, image_node)

        log("pose:", name,
            "yaw=%.1f pitch=%.1f roll=%.1f" % (yaw_deg, pitch_deg, roll_deg))
Ejemplo n.º 21
# in this system we force fx == fy, but here fy computed separately
# just for fun.
fx = focal_len_mm * float(width) / args.ccd_width
fy = focal_len_mm * float(height) / ccd_height
print('fx fy = %.2f %.2f' % (fx, fy))

cu = width * 0.5
cv = height * 0.5
print('cu cv = %.2f %.2f' % (cu, cv))

cam = Camera.Camera()
cam.set_meta(make, model, lens_model)
cam.set_lens_params(args.ccd_width, ccd_height, focal_len_mm)
cam.set_K(fx, fy, cu, cv)
cam.set_image_params(width, height)

file_name = os.path.join(args.config, base_name + '.json')
if os.path.exists(file_name):
    print('Camera config file already exists:', file_name)
    if args.force:
        print('Overwriting ...')
        print('Aborting ...')

print('Saving:', file_name)
cam_node = getNode('/config/camera', True)
props_json.save(file_name, cam_node)