Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_huzel_43_a1_throat(self):
        """Test against Huzel and Huang example problem 4-3, for the A-1 engine
        at the throat."""
        # Values given in the problem statement
        p_c = 6.9e6    # 1000 psi
        c_star = 1725.    # 5660 ft second**-1
        D_t = 0.633    # 24.9 inch
        c_p = 2031.    # 0.485 BTU lbm**-1 rankine**-1
        mu_e =  7.47e-5   # 4.18e-6 lbm inch**-1 second**-1
        Pr = 0.816    # Prandtl number
        sigma = 1.0    # Correction factor

        # Answer given for the convection coefficient
        h_g_huzel = 7950.    # 0.0027 BTU inch**-2 second**-1 fahrenheit**-1

        h_g = convection.bartz(p_c, c_star, D_t, D_t, c_p, mu_e, Pr, sigma)

        self.assertTrue(abs(h_g - h_g_huzel) < 1e3)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_huzel_43_a1_throat(self):
        """Test against Huzel and Huang example problem 4-3, for the A-1 engine
        at the throat."""
        # Values given in the problem statement
        p_c = 6.9e6  # 1000 psi
        c_star = 1725.  # 5660 ft second**-1
        D_t = 0.633  # 24.9 inch
        c_p = 2031.  # 0.485 BTU lbm**-1 rankine**-1
        mu_e = 7.47e-5  # 4.18e-6 lbm inch**-1 second**-1
        Pr = 0.816  # Prandtl number
        sigma = 1.0  # Correction factor

        # Answer given for the convection coefficient
        h_g_huzel = 7950.  # 0.0027 BTU inch**-2 second**-1 fahrenheit**-1

        h_g = convection.bartz(p_c, c_star, D_t, D_t, c_p, mu_e, Pr, sigma)

        self.assertTrue(abs(h_g - h_g_huzel) < 1e3)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_ssme(self):
        """Test agaisnt the SSME example from 16.512 Lecture 7."""
        T_e = 3200.
        T_w = 1000.
        T_avg = (T_e + T_w) / 2
        sigma = convection.bartz_sigma_sanchez(T_e, T_avg)
        p_c = 22e6
        c_star = 2600.
        c_p = 2800.
        mu_e = 3e-5
        Pr = 1
        D_t = 0.25    # Not given in example, taken from another reference.

        # Note: the value for h_g given in the lecture notes, 160e3 W m**-2 K**-1
        # appears to be incorrect. Kelly Mathesius and Matt Vernacchia re-did
        # the calculation, and instead got 22e3 W m**-2 K**-1.
        h_g_exp = 22e3    # Answer from the example

        h_g = convection.bartz(p_c, c_star, D_t, D_t, c_p, mu_e, Pr, sigma)

        self.assertTrue(abs(h_g - h_g_exp) < 0.1e3)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_ssme(self):
        """Test agaisnt the SSME example from 16.512 Lecture 7."""
        T_e = 3200.
        T_w = 1000.
        T_avg = (T_e + T_w) / 2
        sigma = convection.bartz_sigma_sanchez(T_e, T_avg)
        p_c = 22e6
        c_star = 2600.
        c_p = 2800.
        mu_e = 3e-5
        Pr = 1
        D_t = 0.25  # Not given in example, taken from another reference.

        # Note: the value for h_g given in the lecture notes, 160e3 W m**-2 K**-1
        # appears to be incorrect. Kelly Mathesius and Matt Vernacchia re-did
        # the calculation, and instead got 22e3 W m**-2 K**-1.
        h_g_exp = 22e3  # Answer from the example

        h_g = convection.bartz(p_c, c_star, D_t, D_t, c_p, mu_e, Pr, sigma)

        self.assertTrue(abs(h_g - h_g_exp) < 0.1e3)