Ejemplo n.º 1
def sendPacket():
    global udpsocket
    global reseting
    if reseting:
        reseting = False
    packet = grSim_Packet()
    yellow = False
    if (cmbTeam.currentText()=="Yellow"):
        yellow = True
    packet.commands.isteamyellow = yellow
    packet.commands.timestamp = 0.0
    command = packet.commands.robot_commands.add()
    command.id = int(edtId.text()) if edtId.text() else 0

    command.wheelsspeed = (not chkVel.isChecked())
    command.wheel1 = float(edtV1.text()) if edtV1.text() else 0
    command.wheel2 = float(edtV2.text()) if edtV2.text() else 0
    command.wheel3 = float(edtV3.text()) if edtV3.text() else 0
    command.wheel4 = float(edtV4.text()) if edtV4.text() else 0
    command.veltangent = float(edtVx.text()) if edtVx.text() else 0
    command.velnormal = float(edtVy.text()) if edtVy.text() else 0
    command.velangular = float(edtW.text()) if edtW.text() else 0

    command.kickspeedx = float(edtKick.text()) if edtKick.text() else 0
    command.kickspeedz = float(edtChip.text()) if edtChip.text() else 0
    command.spinner = (chkSpin.isChecked())

    udpsocket.sendto(packet.SerializeToString(), (_addr, _port))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def sendCommands(self, data, id):
        packet = grSim_Packet_pb2.grSim_Packet()
        now_time = (time.mktime(datetime.now().timetuple()))
        packet.commands.timestamp = now_time

        if self.friend_color == "yellow":
            packet.commands.isteamyellow = True
            packet.commands.isteamyellow = False

        commands = packet.commands.robot_commands.add()
        commands.id = id
        commands.kickspeedx = data.kick_speed_x
        commands.kickspeedz = data.kick_speed_z
        if math.isnan(data.vel_surge)  \
            or math.isnan(data.vel_sway)  \
            or math.isnan(data.omega):
            commands.veltangent = 0
            commands.velnormal = 0
            commands.velangular = 0
            commands.veltangent = data.vel_surge
            commands.velnormal = data.vel_sway
            commands.velangular = data.omega

        if data.dribble_power > 0:
            commands.spinner = True
            commands.spinner = False

        commands.wheelsspeed = False

        message = packet.SerializeToString()
        self.sock.sendto(message, (self.host, self.port))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def reset_ball(self):
     package = sim_pkg.grSim_Packet()
     replacement = package.replacement
     ball_rep = replacement.ball
     ball_rep.x = np.random.randint(-600, 600) / 100.0
     ball_rep.y = np.random.randint(-450, 450) / 100.0
     ball_rep.vx = 0.0
     ball_rep.vy = 0.0
     self.socket.sendto(package.SerializeToString(), self.address)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def send_commands(self):
        Sends all robot outputs in a packet to grSim
        sim_packet = grSim_Packet()
        sim_packet.commands.isteamyellow = self.team_bots.team == Team.YELLOW
        sim_packet.commands.timestamp = 0

Ejemplo n.º 5
    def send_ball_replacement(self, data):
        packet = grSim_Packet_pb2.grSim_Packet()

        replace_ball = packet.replacement.ball
        replace_ball.x = self.REVERSE * data.pos_x
        replace_ball.y = self.REVERSE * data.pos_y
        replace_ball.vx = self.REVERSE * data.vel_x
        replace_ball.vy = self.REVERSE * data.vel_y

        message = packet.SerializeToString()
        self.sock.sendto(message, (self.host, self.port))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def mouseMoveEvent(self, e):
        global udpsocket

        packet = grSim_Packet()
        packet.replacement.ball.x = e.x() * self.ratio / 1000 - 10400 / 1000 / 2
        packet.replacement.ball.y = -e.y() * self.ratio / 1000 + 7400 / 1000 / 2
        packet.replacement.ball.vx = 0
        packet.replacement.ball.vy = 0

        print("Clicked! {}, {}".format(packet.replacement.ball.x, packet.replacement.ball.y))

        udpsocket.sendto(packet.SerializeToString(), (SEND_ADDR, SEND_PORT))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def reset_bot(self, robot_num):
        package = sim_pkg.grSim_Packet()
        replacement = package.replacement
        bot_rep = replacement.robots.add()

        bot_rep.x = np.random.randint(-600, 600) / 100.0
        bot_rep.y = np.random.randint(-450, 450) / 100.0
        bot_rep.dir = np.pi * np.random.randint(-180, 180) / 180.0
        bot_rep.id = robot_num
        bot_rep.yellowteam = False

        self.socket.sendto(package.SerializeToString(), self.address)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def send_robot_replacement(self, data):
        packet = grSim_Packet_pb2.grSim_Packet()

        replace_robot = packet.replacement.robots.add()
        replace_robot.id = data.robot_id
        replace_robot.yellowteam = data.is_yellow
        replace_robot.x = self.REVERSE * data.pos_x
        replace_robot.y = self.REVERSE * data.pos_y
        replace_robot.dir = self.REVERSE_ANGLE + data.dir
        replace_robot.turnon = data.turn_on

        message = packet.SerializeToString()
        self.sock.sendto(message, (self.host, self.port))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def mouseMoveEvent(self, e):
        global udpsocket

        packet = grSim_Packet()
        packet.replacement.ball.x = e.x() * self.ratio / 1000 - 10400 / 1000 / 2
        packet.replacement.ball.y = -e.y() * self.ratio / 1000 + 7400 / 1000 / 2
        packet.replacement.ball.vx = 0
        packet.replacement.ball.vy = 0

        print("Clicked! {}, {}".format(packet.replacement.ball.x,

        udpsocket.sendto(packet.SerializeToString(), (SEND_ADDR, SEND_PORT))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def send_action(self, robot_num=0, vx=0, vy=0, w=0, kp=0):
        package = sim_pkg.grSim_Packet()
        commands = package.commands

        commands.timestamp = 0
        commands.isteamyellow = False
        command = commands.robot_commands.add()
        command.id = robot_num
        command.kickspeedx = kp
        command.kickspeedz = 0
        command.veltangent = vx
        command.velnormal = vy
        command.velangular = w
        command.spinner = 1
        command.wheelsspeed = False

        self.socket.sendto(package.SerializeToString(), self.address)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def send_reset(self, robot_num=0, ifrandom=0):
        package = sim_pkg.grSim_Packet()
        replacement = package.replacement
        if ifrandom:
            x = 2 * (random() - 0.5) * 4.0
            y = 2 * (random() - 0.5) * 2.5
            theta = 4 * (random() - 0.5) * math.pi
            ball = replacement.ball
            ball.x = x + 0.1
            ball.y = y
            ball.vx = 0.0
            ball.vy = 0.0
        for i in range(16):
            robot = replacement.robots.add()
            if i != robot_num:
                robot.x = i * 0.3
                robot.y = -5.0
                robot.id = i
                robot.dir = 0
                robot.yellowteam = False
                robot.turnon = True
                if ifrandom == 0:
                    robot.x = i * 0.3
                    robot.y = 0.0
                    robot.id = i
                    robot.dir = 0.0
                    robot.yellowteam = False
                    robot.turnon = True
                    robot.x = x
                    robot.y = y
                    robot.id = i
                    robot.dir = theta
                    robot.yellowteam = False
                    robot.turnon = True
            robot = replacement.robots.add()
            robot.x = -i * 0.3
            robot.y = -5.5
            robot.id = i
            robot.dir = 0
            robot.yellowteam = True
            robot.turnon = True

        self.socket.sendto(package.SerializeToString(), self.address)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def reset(self, robot_num):
        package = sim_pkg.grSim_Packet()
        replacement = package.replacement
        #ball_rep = replacement.ball
        bot_rep = replacement.robots.add()

        #ball_rep.x = 100.0
        #ball_rep.y = 0.0
        #ball_rep.vx = 0.0
        #ball_rep.vy = 0.0

        bot_rep.x = 0.0
        bot_rep.y = 0.0
        bot_rep.dir = 0.0
        bot_rep.id = robot_num
        bot_rep.yellowteam = False

        self.socket.sendto(package.SerializeToString(), self.address)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _send_replacements(self, msg):
        packet = grSim_Packet_pb2.grSim_Packet()

        if msg.ball.is_enabled:
            replace_ball = packet.replacement.ball
            replace_ball.x = msg.ball.x
            replace_ball.y = msg.ball.y
            replace_ball.vx = msg.ball.vx
            replace_ball.vy = msg.ball.vy

        for robot in msg.robots:
            replace_robot = packet.replacement.robots.add()
            replace_robot.x = robot.x
            replace_robot.y = robot.y
            replace_robot.dir = robot.dir
            replace_robot.id = robot.id
            replace_robot.yellowteam = robot.yellowteam
            replace_robot.turnon = robot.turnon

        message = packet.SerializeToString()
        self._sock.sendto(message, (self._host, self._port))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _send_commands(self, msg):
        packet = grSim_Packet_pb2.grSim_Packet()
        packet.commands.timestamp = msg.header.stamp.to_sec()
        packet.commands.isteamyellow = msg.is_yellow

        for command in msg.commands:
            packet_command = packet.commands.robot_commands.add()

            # ロボットID
            packet_command.id = command.robot_id

            # 走行速度
            packet_command.veltangent = command.vel_surge if not math.isnan(
                command.vel_surge) else 0
            packet_command.velnormal = command.vel_sway if not math.isnan(
                command.vel_sway) else 0
            packet_command.velangular = command.vel_angular if not math.isnan(
                command.vel_angular) else 0

            # キック速度
            packet_command.kickspeedx = command.kick_power * self._MAX_KICK_SPEED

            # チップキック
            if command.chip_enable:
                packet_command.kickspeedz = packet_command.kickspeedx
                packet_command.kickspeedz = 0

            # ドリブラー
            if command.dribble_power > 0:
                packet_command.spinner = True
                packet_command.spinner = False

            # タイヤ個別に速度設定しない
            packet_command.wheelsspeed = False

        message = packet.SerializeToString()
        self._sock.sendto(message, (self._host, self._port))
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def computeAI(self):
        global udpsocket
        global shoot

        commandList = []

        packet = grSim_Packet()
        packet.commands.isteamyellow = True
        packet.commands.timestamp = 0.0
        resetCommand(commandList[0], 0)
        resetCommand(commandList[1], 1)

        while playAll and len(wc.teams) == 0:

        while playAll:
            # goalX = -3100
            # goalY = 0
            goalX = wc.teams[0][1].x
            goalY = wc.teams[0][1].y

            if not shoot:
                commandList[0].kickspeedx = 0
                bX = wc.ball.x
                bY = wc.ball.y
                commandList[0].kickspeedx = 5
                bX = goalX
                bY = goalY
                shoot = False

            pX = wc.teams[0][0].x
            pY = wc.teams[0][0].y

            angle = math.atan2((bY - pY), (bX - pX))
            angle2 = math.atan2((bY - wc.teams[0][1].y), (bX - wc.teams[0][1].x))
            if fakeOri == 0:
                aimAngle = -wc.teams[0][0].orientation
                angle = angle
            elif fakeOri == 1:
                aimAngle = angle + ida(0)
                angle = 0
                # aimAngle = angle + math.pi / 2
                # angle = math.pi + math.pi / 2 + math.pi / 4
            elif fakeOri == 2:
                aimAngle = angle + ida(math.pi + math.pi / 2)
                angle = math.pi + math.pi / 2
            elif fakeOri == 3:
                aimAngle = angle + ida(math.pi)
                angle = math.pi
            elif fakeOri == 4:
                aimAngle = angle + ida(math.pi / 2)
                angle = math.pi / 2
            elif fakeOri == 5:
                aimAngle = -wc.teams[0][0].orientation + math.pi / 2
                angle = angle
            elif fakeOri == 6:
                aimAngle = -wc.teams[0][0].orientation - math.pi / 2
                angle = angle
            elif fakeOri == 7:
                # You can adjust the factor. Lower means
                # that it will go towards the destination
                # using a smaller arc
                aimAngle = -wc.teams[0][0].orientation + 0.5
                angle = angle
            elif fakeOri == 8:
                # You can adjust the factor. Lower means
                # that it will go towards the destination
                # using a smaller arc
                aimAngle = -wc.teams[0][0].orientation - 0.5
                angle = angle
            elif fakeOri == 9:
                bX, bY, angle, aimAngle = fetchAndRotate(bX, bY, goalX, goalY, pX, pY)
            elif fakeOri == 10:
                aimAngle = -wc.teams[0][0].orientation
                angle = angle

            bX, bY = rotatePoint(bX, bY, pX, pY, aimAngle)

            # angle = The angle to look towards
            # pX, pY = rotatePoint(pX, pY, bX, bY, -angle)

            tempD = computeDistance(bX, bY, pX, pY)

            if bX == pX:
                bX += 1
            if bY == pY:
                bY += 1

            ratioX = tempD / (bX - pX)
            ratioY = tempD / (bY - pY)

            # offsetX = bX - (bX - tempD)
            # offsetX = bY - (bY - tempD)

            if fakeOri != 10:
                commandList[0].velnormal = 1 / ratioY
                commandList[0].veltangent = 1 / ratioX
                commandList[0].velnormal = -1 / ratioY
                commandList[0].veltangent = -1 / ratioX

            # angle = 0

            angleDiff = getAngleDiff(angle, wc.teams[0][0].orientation)

            angleDiff2 = getAngleDiff(angle2, wc.teams[0][1].orientation)

            commandList[0].velangular = angleDiff * 10
            commandList[1].velangular = angleDiff2 * 10

            debugP("Mode: {}".format(fakeOri))
            debugP("Angle: {}".format(angle))
            debugP("Diff: {}".format(angleDiff))
            debugP("RatioX: {}".format(ratioX))
            debugP("RatioY: {}".format(ratioY))

            debugP("Ball at:")
            debugP("\tx: {}".format(wc.ball.x))
            debugP("\ty: {}".format(wc.ball.y))
            debugP("Robot 0 of {}:".format(len(wc.teams[0])))
            debugP("\tx: {}".format(wc.teams[0][0].x))
            debugP("\ty: {}".format(wc.teams[0][0].y))
            debugP("\tOri: {}".format(wc.teams[0][0].orientation))


            udpsocket.sendto(packet.SerializeToString(), (SEND_ADDR, SEND_PORT))


Ejemplo n.º 16
    def computeAI(self):
        global udpsocket
        global shoot

        commandList = []

        packet = grSim_Packet()
        packet.commands.isteamyellow = True
        packet.commands.timestamp = 0.0
        resetCommand(commandList[0], 0)
        resetCommand(commandList[1], 1)

        while playAll and len(wc.teams) == 0:

        while playAll:
            #goalX = -3100
            #goalY = 0
            goalX = wc.teams[0][1].x
            goalY = wc.teams[0][1].y

            if not shoot:
                commandList[0].kickspeedx = 0
                bX = wc.ball.x
                bY = wc.ball.y
                commandList[0].kickspeedx = 5
                bX = goalX
                bY = goalY
                shoot = False

            pX = wc.teams[0][0].x
            pY = wc.teams[0][0].y

            angle = math.atan2((bY - pY), (bX - pX))
            angle2 = math.atan2((bY - wc.teams[0][1].y),
                                (bX - wc.teams[0][1].x))
            if fakeOri == 0:
                aimAngle = -wc.teams[0][0].orientation
                angle = angle
            elif fakeOri == 1:
                aimAngle = angle + ida(0)
                angle = 0
                #aimAngle = angle + math.pi / 2
                #angle = math.pi + math.pi / 2 + math.pi / 4
            elif fakeOri == 2:
                aimAngle = angle + ida(math.pi + math.pi / 2)
                angle = math.pi + math.pi / 2
            elif fakeOri == 3:
                aimAngle = angle + ida(math.pi)
                angle = math.pi
            elif fakeOri == 4:
                aimAngle = angle + ida(math.pi / 2)
                angle = math.pi / 2
            elif fakeOri == 5:
                aimAngle = -wc.teams[0][0].orientation + math.pi / 2
                angle = angle
            elif fakeOri == 6:
                aimAngle = -wc.teams[0][0].orientation - math.pi / 2
                angle = angle
            elif fakeOri == 7:
                #You can adjust the factor. Lower means
                #that it will go towards the destination
                #using a smaller arc
                aimAngle = -wc.teams[0][0].orientation + 0.5
                angle = angle
            elif fakeOri == 8:
                #You can adjust the factor. Lower means
                #that it will go towards the destination
                #using a smaller arc
                aimAngle = -wc.teams[0][0].orientation - 0.5
                angle = angle
            elif fakeOri == 9:
                bX, bY, angle, aimAngle = fetchAndRotate(
                    bX, bY, goalX, goalY, pX, pY)
            elif fakeOri == 10:
                aimAngle = -wc.teams[0][0].orientation
                angle = angle

            bX, bY = rotatePoint(bX, bY, pX, pY, aimAngle)

            #angle = The angle to look towards
            #pX, pY = rotatePoint(pX, pY, bX, bY, -angle)

            tempD = computeDistance(bX, bY, pX, pY)

            if (bX == pX):
                bX += 1
            if (bY == pY):
                bY += 1

            ratioX = tempD / (bX - pX)
            ratioY = tempD / (bY - pY)

            #offsetX = bX - (bX - tempD)
            #offsetX = bY - (bY - tempD)

            if fakeOri != 10:
                commandList[0].velnormal = 1 / ratioY
                commandList[0].veltangent = 1 / ratioX
                commandList[0].velnormal = -1 / ratioY
                commandList[0].veltangent = -1 / ratioX

            #angle = 0

            angleDiff = getAngleDiff(angle, wc.teams[0][0].orientation)

            angleDiff2 = getAngleDiff(angle2, wc.teams[0][1].orientation)

            commandList[0].velangular = angleDiff * 10
            commandList[1].velangular = angleDiff2 * 10

            debugP("Mode: {}".format(fakeOri))
            debugP("Angle: {}".format(angle))
            debugP("Diff: {}".format(angleDiff))
            debugP("RatioX: {}".format(ratioX))
            debugP("RatioY: {}".format(ratioY))

            debugP("Ball at:")
            debugP("\tx: {}".format(wc.ball.x))
            debugP("\ty: {}".format(wc.ball.y))
            debugP("Robot 0 of {}:".format(len(wc.teams[0])))
            debugP("\tx: {}".format(wc.teams[0][0].x))
            debugP("\ty: {}".format(wc.teams[0][0].y))
            debugP("\tOri: {}".format(wc.teams[0][0].orientation))


                             (SEND_ADDR, SEND_PORT))

