def test_to_python_unknown_value():
    class Foo(proto.Enum):
        BAR = 1
        BAZ = 2

    enum_rule = EnumRule(Foo)
    with mock.patch.object(warnings, 'warn') as warn:
        assert enum_rule.to_python(4) == 4
        warn.assert_called_once_with('Unrecognized Foo enum value: 4')
def test_to_python():
    class Foo(proto.Enum):
        BAR = 1
        BAZ = 2

    enum_rule = EnumRule(Foo)
    foo_a = enum_rule.to_python(1)
    foo_b = enum_rule.to_python(Foo.BAR)
    assert foo_a is foo_b is Foo.BAR
def test_to_proto():
    class Foo(proto.Enum):
        BAR = 1
        BAZ = 2

    enum_rule = EnumRule(Foo)
    foo_a = enum_rule.to_proto(Foo.BAR)
    foo_b = enum_rule.to_proto(1)
    foo_c = enum_rule.to_proto('BAR')
    # We want to distinguish literal `1` from `Foo.BAR` here
    # (they are equivalent but not identical).
    assert foo_a is foo_b is foo_c is 1  # noqa: F632
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs):
        # Do not do any special behavior for `proto.Enum` itself.
        if bases[0] == enum.IntEnum:
            return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs)

        # Get the essential information about the proto package, and where
        # this component belongs within the file.
        package, marshal = _package_info.compile(name, attrs)

        # Run the superclass constructor.
        cls = super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs)

        # Register the enum with the marshal.
        marshal.register(cls, EnumRule(cls))

        # Done; return the class.
        return cls
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs):
        # Do not do any special behavior for `proto.Enum` itself.
        if bases[0] == enum.IntEnum:
            return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs)

        # Get the essential information about the proto package, and where
        # this component belongs within the file.
        package, marshal = _package_info.compile(name, attrs)

        # Determine the local path of this proto component within the file.
        local_path = tuple(attrs.get("__qualname__", name).split("."))

        # Sanity check: We get the wrong full name if a class is declared
        # inside a function local scope; correct this.
        if "<locals>" in local_path:
            ix = local_path.index("<locals>")
            local_path = local_path[: ix - 1] + local_path[ix + 1 :]

        # Determine the full name in protocol buffers.
        full_name = ".".join((package,) + local_path).lstrip(".")
        filename = _file_info._FileInfo.proto_file_name(
            attrs.get("__module__", name.lower())

        # Retrieve any enum options.
        # We expect something that looks like an EnumOptions message,
        # either an actual instance or a dict-like representation.
        pb_options = "_pb_options"
        opts = attrs.pop(pb_options, {})
        # This is the only portable way to remove the _pb_options name
        # from the enum attrs.
        # In 3.7 onwards, we can define an _ignore_ attribute and do some
        # mucking around with that.
        if pb_options in attrs._member_names:
            idx = attrs._member_names.index(pb_options)

        # Make the descriptor.
        enum_desc = descriptor_pb2.EnumDescriptorProto(
            # Note: the superclass ctor removes the variants, so get them now.
            # Note: proto3 requires that the first variant value be zero.
                    descriptor_pb2.EnumValueDescriptorProto(name=name, number=number)
                    # Minor hack to get all the enum variants out.
                    for name, number in attrs.items()
                    if isinstance(number, int)
                key=lambda v: v.number,

        file_info = _file_info._FileInfo.maybe_add_descriptor(filename, package)
        if len(local_path) == 1:
            file_info.nested_enum[local_path] = enum_desc

        # Run the superclass constructor.
        cls = super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs)

        # We can't just add a "_meta" element to attrs because the Enum
        # machinery doesn't know what to do with a non-int value.
        # The pb is set later, in generate_file_pb
        cls._meta = _EnumInfo(full_name=full_name, pb=None)

        file_info.enums[full_name] = cls

        # Register the enum with the marshal.
        marshal.register(cls, EnumRule(cls))

        # Generate the descriptor for the file if it is ready.
        if file_info.ready(new_class=cls):
            file_info.generate_file_pb(new_class=cls, fallback_salt=full_name)

        # Done; return the class.
        return cls