Ejemplo n.º 1
async def scan_area(robot: anki_vector.robot.Robot, state: MapState):
    collect_future = concurrent.futures.Future()

    # The collect_proximity_data task relies on this external trigger to know when its finished.
    state.collection_active = True

    # Activate the collection task while the robot turns in place.
    collect_task = robot.conn.loop.create_task(collect_proximity_data_loop(robot, collect_future, state))

    # Turn around in place, then send the signal to kill the collection task.
    robot.behavior.turn_in_place(angle=degrees(360.0), speed=degrees(360.0 / PROXIMITY_SCAN_TURN_DURATION_S))
    state.collection_active = False

    # Wait for the collection task to finish.
    # While the result of the task is not used, this call will propagate any exceptions that
    # occured in the task, allowing for debug visibility.
Ejemplo n.º 2
async def map_explorer(robot: anki_vector.robot.Robot):
    # Drop the lift, so that it does not block the proximity sensor

    # Create the map state, and add it's rendering function to the viewer's render pipeline
    state = MapState()

    # Comparison function used for sorting which open nodes are the furthest from all existing
    # walls and loose contacts.
    # (Using 1/r^2 to respond strongly to small numbers of close contact and weaking to many distant contacts)
    def open_point_sort_func(position: Vector3):
        proximity_sum = 0
        for p in state.contact_nodes:
            proximity_sum = proximity_sum + 1 / (p - position).magnitude_squared
        for c in state.walls:
            for p in c.vertices:
                proximity_sum = proximity_sum + 1 / (p - position).magnitude_squared
        return proximity_sum

    # Loop until running out of open samples to navigate to,
    # or if the process has yet to start (indicated by a lack of cleared_territories).
    while (state.open_nodes and ACTIVELY_EXPLORE_SPACE) or not state.cleared_territories:
        if robot.pose:
            # Delete any open samples range of the robot.
            state.open_nodes = [position for position in state.open_nodes if (position - robot.pose.position).magnitude > PROXIMITY_SCAN_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD_MM]

            # Collect map data for the robot's current location.
            await scan_area(robot, state)

            # Add where the robot is to the map's cleared territories.
            state.cleared_territories.append(ClearedTerritory(robot.pose.position, PROXIMITY_SCAN_DISTANCE_THRESHOLD_MM))

            # @TODO: This whole block should ideally be replaced with the go_to_pose actions when that is ready to go.
            # Alternatively, the turn&drive commands can be modified to respond to collisions by cancelling.  After
            # either change, ACTIVELY_EXPLORE_SPACE should be defaulted True
            if ACTIVELY_EXPLORE_SPACE and state.open_nodes:
                # Sort the open nodes and find our next navigation point.
                nav_point = state.open_nodes[0]

                # Calculate the distance and direction of this next navigation point.
                nav_point_delta = Vector3(
                    nav_point.x - robot.pose.position.x,
                    nav_point.y - robot.pose.position.y,
                nav_distance = nav_point_delta.magnitude
                nav_direction = nav_point_delta.normalized

                # Convert the nav_direction into a turn angle relative to the robot's current facing.
                robot_forward = Vector3(*robot.pose.rotation.to_matrix().forward_xyz).normalized
                turn_angle = acos(nav_direction.dot(robot_forward))
                if nav_direction.cross(robot_forward).z > 0:
                    turn_angle = -turn_angle

                # Turn toward the nav point, and drive to it.
                robot.behavior.turn_in_place(angle=radians(turn_angle), speed=degrees(EXPLORE_TURN_SPEED_DPS))
                robot.behavior.drive_straight(distance=distance_mm(nav_distance), speed=speed_mmps(EXPLORE_DRIVE_SPEED_MMPS))

        while True:
            await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
        print('finished exploring - waiting an additional {0} seconds, then shutting down'.format(PROXIMITY_EXPLORATION_SHUTDOWN_DELAY_S))