def _expandFragments(self, source, target): fields = [f for f in tags(source, psins, fld)] fragments = [f for f in tags(target, psins, fmnt)] for fragment in fragments: fclass = getclass(fragment) for field in fields: if fclass == getname(field): for child in fragment.childNodes: clone = child.cloneNode(1) field.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, field) for field in fields: field.parentNode.removeChild(field)
def tostatic(self, file=None): self._exports = {} if file: self._doc = nr.parseUri(file) stripws(self._doc) names = [getname(i) for i in tags(self._doc, psins, rsrc)] classes = [getclass(i) for i in tags(self._doc, psins, rsrc)] self._unexpanded = [i for i in tags(self._doc, psins, rsrc) if getclass(i) in names] self._templates = [i for i in tags(self._doc, psins, rsrc) if getname(i) in classes] self._expandTemplates() self._expandResources() self._exportResources()
def _expandTemplatesDW(self): tbe = 'TemplateBeginEditable name="%s"' tee = 'TemplateEndEditable' dwtemplates = [d.cloneNode(1) for d in self._templates] for i in dwtemplates: for master in self._templates: if getclass(i) == getname(master): child = master.cloneNode(1) attset(child, nm, getname(i)) attdel(child, cls) self._expandFragmentsDW(child, i) dwtemplates.remove(i) dwtemplates.append(child) i = child fields = [f for f in tags(i, psins, fld)] for field in fields: pn = field.parentNode ppn = pn.parentNode.insertBefore ttbe = self._doc.createComment(tbe % getname(field)) ttee = self._doc.createComment(tee) ppn(ttbe, pn) ppn(ttee, pn.nextSibling) ph = self._doc.createTextNode(getname(i)) field.parentNode.replaceChild(ph, field) self._exports['/Templates/%s.dwt' % getname(i)] = i.firstChild self._expand(self._templates, self._expandFragments, self._cleanTemplates) self._cleanUnexpanded()
def fixspans(doc): tables = list(tags(doc, htmlns, 'table')) for table in tables: trcount, tdcount = 0, 0 for tr in table.childNodes: if tr.localName == 'tr': trcount += 1 for tr in table.childNodes: count = 0 for td in tr.childNodes: if td.localName == 'td': count += 1 if count > tdcount: tdcount = count for tr in table.childNodes: for td in tr.childNodes: if iselement(td): if hasatt(td, 'rowspan'): if int(attget(td, 'rowspan')) > trcount: attset(td, 'rowspan', str(trcount)) elif hasatt(td, 'colspan'): if int(attget(td, 'colspan')) > tdcount: attset(td, 'colspan', str(tdcount)) grid, temp = [], [] for tr in table.childNodes: if iselement(tr) and isname(tr, 'tr'): if len(temp): grid.append(temp) temp = [] for td in tr.childNodes: if iselement(td) and isname(td, 'td'): temp.append(td) if len(temp): grid.append(temp) rowspans = list(tagsbyAttr(table, 'rowspan')) if len(rowspans): for td in rowspans: trs, sibs = [], ['td.parentNode'] for x in range(int(attget(td, 'rowspan'))-1): sibs.append('.nextSibling') if eval(''.join(sibs)): trs.append(eval(''.join(sibs))) for nodelist in grid: for i in nodelist: if td in nodelist: loc = nodelist.index(td) for tr in trs: if tr.firstChild in nodelist: nodelist.insert(loc, td) for nodelist in grid: for td in nodelist: if hasatt(td, 'colspan'): index = nodelist.index(td) colspan = int(attget(td, 'colspan')) offset, largest = len(nodelist[:index]), 0 for nlist in grid: actual = len(nlist[index:-offset]) if colspan > actual: if actual > largest: count = 0 for i in nlist[index:-offset]: if hasatt(i, 'colspan'): count += int(attget(i, 'colspan')) if count != colspan: largest = actual if largest: attset(td, 'colspan', str(largest)) if int(attget(td, 'colspan')) <= 1: attdel(td, 'colspan')
def _expandFragmentsDW(self, source, target): tbe = 'InstanceBeginEditable name="%s"' tee = 'InstanceEndEditable' fields = [f for f in tags(source, psins, fld)] fragments = [f for f in tags(target, psins, fmnt)] for fragment in fragments: fclass = getclass(fragment) for field in fields: if fclass == getname(field): pn = field.parentNode ppn = pn.parentNode.insertBefore ttbe = self._doc.createComment(tbe % getname(field)) ttee = self._doc.createComment(tee) ppn(ttbe, field.parentNode) for child in fragment.childNodes: clone = child.cloneNode(1) pn.insertBefore(clone, field) ppn(ttee, pn.nextSibling) for field in fields: field.parentNode.removeChild(field)
def cssifier(doc, **kwargs): def insertcss(attdict): for id in attdict: if id[1] in map: mapping = map.get(id[1]) if mapping: if type(mapping) == types.TupleType: if len(mapping) > 1: for item in mapping: if item.find('%s') != -1: value = attlist.get(id).value try: if int(value): value = ''.join([value, 'px']) except ValueError: pass delete.append(id) yield item % value else: delete.append(id) yield item elif len(mapping) == 1: if mapping not in css: value = tag.attributes.get(id).value css[mapping % value] = 0 delete.append(id) elif type(mapping) == types.DictType: value = mapping.get(tag.attributes.get(id).value) if value: delete.append(id) yield value elif mapping.find('%s') != -1: value = tag.attributes.get(id).value try: if int(value): value = ''.join([value, 'px']) except ValueError: pass delete.append(id) yield mapping % value def recss(cdict): return '; '.join(['%s: %s' % (i, j) for i, j in cdict.iteritems()]) from htmldefs import html2css import types if 'embed' in kwargs: embed = 1 else: embed = None if 'file' in kwargs: file = kwargs['file'] else: file = None css, tags, count = getcss(doc), list(tagsbyNS(htmlns, doc)), 1 for tag in tags: if tag.localName in html2css: delete, map = list(), html2css.get(tag.localName) tcss, scss = list(insertcss(tag.attributes)), dict() if len(delete): for i in delete: del tag.attributes[i] if len(tcss): for cmd, value in cssplit2('; '.join(tcss)): scss[cmd] = value if hasatt(tag, 'class'): scss.update(css.get(''.join(['.', attget(tag, 'class')]))) attdel(tag, 'class') if hasatt(tag, 'style'): style = css.get(getattr(tag, 'style')) for cmd, value in cssplit2(style): scss[cmd] = value attdel(tag, 'style') if scss not in css.values(): classvalue = ''.join(['css', str(count)]) css[''.join(['.', classvalue])] = scss count += 1 elif scss in css.values(): for i, j in css.iteritems(): if j == scss: classvalue = i.strip('.') if embed or file: attset(tag, 'class', classvalue) else: attset(tag, 'style', recss(scss)) if embed or file: cssgather = [('%s {%s}' % (i, recss(css.get(i)))) for i in css] cssgather.sort() cssmaster = '\n'.join(cssgather) for i in tagsinList(doc, ['style', 'link']): if isname(i, 'link'): if hasatt(i, 'rel'): if attget(i, 'rel') == 'stylesheet': i.parentNode.removeChild(i) elif isname(i, 'style'): i.parentNode.removeChild(i) if kwargs: if embed: style = doc.createElementNS(htmlns, 'style') style.appendChild(doc.createComment(cssmaster)) list(tags(doc, htmlns, 'head'))[0].appendChild(style) elif file: import urllib open(file, 'wb').write(cssmaster) style = doc.createElementNS(htmlns, 'link') attset(style, 'rel', 'stylesheet') attset(style, 'href', urllib.pathname2url(file)) attset(style, 'type', 'text/css') list(tags(doc, htmlns, 'head'))[0].appendChild(style)
def notrwidth(doc): trs = list(tags(doc, htmlns, 'tr')) for tr in trs: tr.removeAttributeNS(None, 'width')