Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_per_host_dict_args(self):
     host2, host3 = '', ''
     server2, _ = start_server_from_ip(host2, port=self.listen_port)
     server3, _ = start_server_from_ip(host3, port=self.listen_port)
     hosts = [self.host, host2, host3]
     hosts_gen = (h for h in hosts)
     host_args = [dict(zip(('host_arg1', 'host_arg2',),
                           ('arg1-%s' % (i,), 'arg2-%s' % (i,),)))
                  for i, _ in enumerate(hosts)]
     cmd = 'echo %(host_arg1)s %(host_arg2)s'
     client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=self.listen_port,
     output = client.run_command(cmd, host_args=host_args)
     for i, host in enumerate(hosts):
         expected = ["%(host_arg1)s %(host_arg2)s" % host_args[i]]
         stdout = list(output[host]['stdout'])
         self.assertEqual(expected, stdout)
         self.assertTrue(output[host]['exit_code'] == 0)
     self.assertRaises(HostArgumentException, client.run_command,
                       cmd, host_args=[host_args[0]])
     # Host list generator should work also
     client.hosts = hosts_gen
     output = client.run_command(cmd, host_args=host_args)
     for i, host in enumerate(hosts):
         expected = ["%(host_arg1)s %(host_arg2)s" % host_args[i]]
         stdout = list(output[host]['stdout'])
         self.assertEqual(expected, stdout)
         self.assertTrue(output[host]['exit_code'] == 0)
     client.hosts = (h for h in hosts)
     self.assertRaises(HostArgumentException, client.run_command,
                       cmd, host_args=[host_args[0]])
     client.hosts = hosts
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_per_host_dict_args(self):
     server2_socket = make_socket('', port=self.listen_port)
     server2_port = server2_socket.getsockname()[1]
     server2 = start_server(server2_socket)
     server3_socket = make_socket('', port=self.listen_port)
     server3_port = server3_socket.getsockname()[1]
     server3 = start_server(server3_socket)
     hosts = [self.host, '', '']
     hosts_gen = (h for h in hosts)
     host_args = [dict(zip(('host_arg1', 'host_arg2',),
                           ('arg1-%s' % (i,), 'arg2-%s' % (i,),)))
                  for i, _ in enumerate(hosts)]
     cmd = 'echo %(host_arg1)s %(host_arg2)s'
     client = ParallelSSHClient(hosts, port=self.listen_port,
     output = client.run_command(cmd, host_args=host_args)
     for i, host in enumerate(hosts):
         expected = ["%(host_arg1)s %(host_arg2)s" % host_args[i]]
         stdout = list(output[host]['stdout'])
         self.assertEqual(expected, stdout)
         self.assertTrue(output[host]['exit_code'] == 0)
     self.assertRaises(HostArgumentException, client.run_command,
                       cmd, host_args=[host_args[0]])
     # Host list generator should work also
     client.hosts = hosts_gen
     output = client.run_command(cmd, host_args=host_args)
     for i, host in enumerate(hosts):
         expected = ["%(host_arg1)s %(host_arg2)s" % host_args[i]]
         stdout = list(output[host]['stdout'])
         self.assertEqual(expected, stdout)
         self.assertTrue(output[host]['exit_code'] == 0)
     client.hosts = (h for h in hosts)
     self.assertRaises(HostArgumentException, client.run_command,
                       cmd, host_args=[host_args[0]])
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_pssh_hosts_iterator_hosts_modification(self):
     """Test using iterator as host list and modifying host list in place"""
     host2, host3 = '', ''
     server2, _ = start_server_from_ip(host2, port=self.listen_port)
     server3, _ = start_server_from_ip(host3, port=self.listen_port)
     hosts = [self.host, '']
     client = ParallelSSHClient(iter(hosts),
     output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd)
     stdout = [list(output[k]['stdout']) for k in output]
     expected_stdout = [[self.fake_resp], [self.fake_resp]]
     self.assertEqual(len(hosts), len(output),
                      msg="Did not get output from all hosts. Got output for " \
                      "%s/%s hosts" % (len(output), len(hosts),))
     # Run again without re-assigning host list, should do nothing
     output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd)
     self.assertFalse(hosts[0] in output,
                      msg="Expected no host output, got %s" % (output,))
                      msg="Expected empty output, got %s" % (output,))
     # Re-assigning host list with new hosts should work
     hosts = ['', '']
     client.hosts = iter(hosts)
     output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd)
     self.assertEqual(len(hosts), len(output),
                      msg="Did not get output from all hosts. Got output for " \
                      "%s/%s hosts" % (len(output), len(hosts),))
     self.assertTrue(hosts[1] in output,
                     msg="Did not get output for new host %s" % (hosts[1],))
     del client
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_pssh_hosts_iterator_hosts_modification(self):
     """Test using iterator as host list and modifying host list in place"""
     server2_socket = make_socket("", port=self.listen_port)
     server2_port = server2_socket.getsockname()[1]
     server2 = start_server(server2_socket)
     server3_socket = make_socket("", port=self.listen_port)
     server3_port = server3_socket.getsockname()[1]
     server3 = start_server(server3_socket)
     hosts = [self.host, ""]
     client = ParallelSSHClient(iter(hosts), port=self.listen_port, pkey=self.user_key, pool_size=1)
     output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd)
     stdout = [list(output[k]["stdout"]) for k in output]
     expected_stdout = [[self.fake_resp], [self.fake_resp]]
         msg="Did not get output from all hosts. Got output for " "%s/%s hosts" % (len(output), len(hosts)),
     # Run again without re-assigning host list, should do nothing
     output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd)
     self.assertFalse(hosts[0] in output, msg="Expected no host output, got %s" % (output,))
     self.assertFalse(output, msg="Expected empty output, got %s" % (output,))
     # Re-assigning host list with new hosts should work
     hosts = ["", ""]
     client.hosts = iter(hosts)
     output = client.run_command(self.fake_cmd)
         msg="Did not get output from all hosts. Got output for " "%s/%s hosts" % (len(output), len(hosts)),
     self.assertTrue(hosts[1] in output, msg="Did not get output for new host %s" % (hosts[1],))
     del client, server2, server3