Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_importConditions(self):
        standard_files = []
        standard_files.append(join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.xlsx'))
        #standard_files.append(join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.xls')) # xls is depreciated
        standard_files.append(join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.csv'))
        standard_files.append(join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes_eu.csv'))
        standard_files.append(join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.tsv'))
        # some extra formats (expected fails)
        fileName_pkl = join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.pkl')
        fileName_docx = join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.docx')

        expected_cond = utils.OrderedDict([('text', 'red'), ('congruent', 1),
                                           ('corrAns', 1),
                                           ('letterColor', 'red'), ('n', 2),
                                           ('float', 1.1)])
        # check import worked for standard file formats
        for filename in standard_files:
            conds = utils.importConditions(filename)
            assert conds[0] == expected_cond, (
                "Did not correctly import for '{}': "
                "expected({}) != imported({})".format(filename, expected_cond,

        # test for None in filename with _assertValidVarNames
        assert utils.importConditions(fileName=None) == []
        assert utils.importConditions(fileName=None,
                                      returnFieldNames=True) == ([], [])
        # Test value error for non-existent file
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as errMsg:
        assert 'Conditions file not found: %s' % os.path.abspath(
            'raiseErrorfileName') in str(errMsg.value)

        conds = utils.importConditions(fileName_pkl)
        assert conds[0] == expected_cond

        # trialTypes.pkl saved in list of list format (see trialTypes.docx)
        # test assertion for invalid file type
        with pytest.raises(IOError) as errMsg:
        assert ('Your conditions file should be an '
                'xlsx, csv, dlm, tsv or pkl file') == str(errMsg.value)

        # test random selection of conditions
        all_conditions = utils.importConditions(standard_files[0])
        assert len(all_conditions) == 6
        num_selected_conditions = 1001
        selected_conditions = utils.importConditions(
                ([0.9], np.random.random(num_selected_conditions - 1) *
        assert selected_conditions[0] == expected_cond
        assert len(selected_conditions) == num_selected_conditions
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_importConditions(self):
        fileName_xlsx = os.path.join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.xlsx')
        fileName_xls = os.path.join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.xls')
        fileName_csv = os.path.join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.csv')
        fileName_pkl = os.path.join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.pkl')
        fileName_docx = os.path.join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.docx')

        expected_cond = utils.OrderedDict(
            [('text', 'red'),
             ('congruent', 1),
             ('corrAns', 1),
             ('letterColor', 'red'),
             ('n', 2),
             ('float', 1.1)])
        conds = utils.importConditions(fileName_xlsx)
        assert conds[0] == expected_cond

        # test for None in filename with _assertValidVarNames
        assert utils.importConditions(fileName=None) == []
        assert utils.importConditions(fileName=None, returnFieldNames=True) == ([], [])
        # Test value error for non-existent file
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as errMsg:
        assert 'Conditions file not found: %s' % os.path.abspath('raiseErrorfileName') in str(errMsg.value)
        # Check file extensions in nested pandasToDictList()
        conds = utils.importConditions(fileName_csv)
        assert conds[0] == expected_cond
        conds = utils.importConditions(fileName_xls)
        assert conds[0] == expected_cond

        if PY3:
            conds = utils.importConditions(fileName_pkl)
            assert conds[0] == expected_cond
            with pytest.raises((IOError)) as errMsg:
            assert ('Could not open %s as conditions' % fileName_pkl) == str(errMsg.value)

        # trialTypes.pkl saved in list of list format (see trialTypes.docx)
        # test assertion for invalid file type
        with pytest.raises(IOError) as errMsg:
        assert ('Your conditions file should be an ''xlsx, csv or pkl file') == str(errMsg.value)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def importItems(self, items):
        """Import items from csv or excel sheet and convert to list of dicts.
        Will also accept a list of dicts.

        Note, for csv and excel files, 'options' must contain comma separated values,
        e.g., one, two, three. No parenthesis, or quotation marks required.

        items :  Excel or CSV file, list of dicts
            Items used to populate the Form

        List of dicts
            A list of dicts, where each list entry is a dict containing all fields for a single Form item
        def _checkSynonyms(items, fieldNames):
            """Checks for updated names for fields (i.e. synonyms)"""

            replacedFields = set()
            for field in _synonyms:
                synonym = _synonyms[field]
                for item in items:
                    if synonym in item:
                        # convert to new name
                        item[field] = item[synonym]
                        del item[synonym]
            for field in replacedFields:
                logging.warning("Form {} included field no longer used {}. "
                                "Replacing with new name '{}'".format(
                                    self.name, _synonyms[field], field))

        def _checkRequiredFields(fieldNames):
            """Checks for required headings (do this after checking synonyms)"""
            for hdr in _knownFields:
                # is it required and/or present?
                if _knownFields[hdr] == _REQUIRED and hdr not in fieldNames:
                    raise ValueError("Missing header ({}) in Form ({}). "
                                     "Headers found were: {}".format(
                                         hdr, self.name, fieldNames))

        def _checkTypes(types, itemText):
            """A nested function for testing the number of options given

            Raises ValueError if n Options not > 1
            itemDiff = set([types]) - set(_knownRespTypes)

            for incorrItemType in itemDiff:
                if incorrItemType == _REQUIRED:
                    if self._itemsFile:
                        itemsFileStr = ("in items file '{}'".format(
                        itemsFileStr = ""
                    msg = ("Item {}{} is missing a required "
                           "value for its response type. Permitted types are "
                           "{}.".format(itemText, itemsFileStr,
                if self.autoLog:
                raise ValueError(msg)

        def _addDefaultItems(items):
            Adds default items when missing. Works in-place.

            items : List of dicts
            headers : List of column headers for each item
            def isPresent(d, field):
                # check if the field is there and not empty on this row
                return (field in d and d[field] not in [None, ''])

            missingHeaders = []
            defaultValues = _knownFields
            for index, item in enumerate(items):
                defaultValues['index'] = index
                for header in defaultValues:
                    # if header is missing of val is None or ''
                    if not isPresent(item, header):
                        oldHeader = header.replace('item', 'question')
                        if isPresent(item, oldHeader):
                            item[header] = item[oldHeader]
                                "{} is a deprecated heading for Forms. "
                                "Use {} instead".format(oldHeader, header))
                        # Default to colour scheme if specified
                        if defaultValues[header] in ['fg', 'bg', 'em']:
                            item[header] = self.colorScheme[
                            item[header] = defaultValues[header]

            msg = "Using default values for the following headers: {}".format(
            if self.autoLog:

        if self.autoLog:
            logging.info("Importing items...")

        if not isinstance(items, list):
            # items is a conditions file
            self._itemsFile = Path(items)
            items, fieldNames = importConditions(items, returnFieldNames=True)
        else:  # we already have a list so lets find the fieldnames
            fieldNames = set()
            for item in items:
                fieldNames = fieldNames.union(item)
            fieldNames = list(fieldNames)  # convert to list at the end
            self._itemsFile = None

        _checkSynonyms(items, fieldNames)
        # Add default values if entries missing

        # Convert options to list of strings
        for idx, item in enumerate(items):
            if item['ticks']:
                item['ticks'] = listFromString(item['ticks'])
            if 'tickLabels' in item and item['tickLabels']:
                item['tickLabels'] = listFromString(item['tickLabels'])
            if 'options' in item and item['options']:
                item['options'] = listFromString(item['options'])

        # Check types
        [_checkTypes(item['type'], item['itemText']) for item in items]
        # Check N options > 1
        # Randomise items if requested
        if self.randomize:
        return items
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_import_blankColumns(self):
     fileName_blanks = join(fixturesPath, 'trialsBlankCols.xlsx')
     conds = utils.importConditions(fileName_blanks)
     assert len(conds) == 6
     assert len(list(conds[0].keys())) == 6
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def importItems(self, items):
        """Import items from csv or excel sheet and convert to list of dicts.
        Will also accept a list of dicts.

        Note, for csv and excel files, 'options' must contain comma separated values,
        e.g., one, two, three. No parenthesis, or quotation marks required.

        items :  Excel or CSV file, list of dicts
            Items used to populate the Form

        List of dicts
            A list of dicts, where each list entry is a dict containing all fields for a single Form item
        def _checkOptions(options):
            """A nested function for testing the number of options given

            Raises ValueError if n Options not > 1
            if not len(options) > 1:
                msg = "Provide at least two possible options for your item responses."
                if self.autoLog:
                raise ValueError(msg)

        def _checkTypes(types):
            """A nested function for testing the number of options given

            Raises ValueError if n Options not > 1
            allowedTypes = ['rating', 'slider', 'textbox', 'radio']
            itemDiff = set([types]) - set(allowedTypes)
            if len(itemDiff) > 0:
                msg = (
                    "In Forms, {} is not allowed. You can only use type {}. "
                    "Please amend your item types in your item list").format(
                        itemDiff, allowedTypes)
                if self.autoLog:
                raise ValueError(msg)

        def _checkHeaders(fields):
            """A nested function for testing the names of fields in any given set of items

            Raises NameError if fields do not match required survey fields
            surveyFields = [
                'index', 'responseWidth', 'layout', 'questionText', 'type',
                'questionWidth', 'options'
            if not set(surveyFields) == set(fields):
                msg = "Use the following fields/column names for Forms...\n{}".format(
                if self.autoLog:
                raise NameError(msg)

        if self.autoLog:
            psychopy.logging.info("Importing items...")
        if not isinstance(items, list):
            items, returnFieldNames = importConditions(items,
            # Check fieldnames are correct
            for item in items:
        # Convert options to list of strings
        for idx, item in enumerate(items):
            if isinstance(item['options'], str):
                items[idx]['options'] = item['options'].split(',')
        # Check types
        [_checkTypes(item['type']) for item in items]
        # Check N options > 1
        [_checkOptions(item['options']) for item in items]
        return self.randomizeItems(items)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def importItems(self, items):
        """Import items from csv or excel sheet and convert to list of dicts.
        Will also accept a list of dicts.

        Note, for csv and excel files, 'options' must contain comma separated values,
        e.g., one, two, three. No parenthesis, or quotation marks required.

        items :  Excel or CSV file, list of dicts
            Items used to populate the Form

        List of dicts
            A list of dicts, where each list entry is a dict containing all fields for a single Form item

        def _checkOptions(options):
            """A nested function for testing the number of options given

            Raises ValueError if n Options not > 1
            if not len(options) > 1:
                msg = "Provide at least two possible options for your item responses."
                if self.autoLog:
                raise ValueError(msg)

        def _checkTypes(types):
            """A nested function for testing the number of options given

            Raises ValueError if n Options not > 1
            allowedTypes = ['rating', 'slider', 'textbox', 'radio']
            itemDiff = set([types])-set(allowedTypes)

            if len(itemDiff) > 0:
                msg = ("In Forms, {} is not allowed. You can only use type {}. "
                       "Please amend your item types in your item list").format(itemDiff,
                if self.autoLog:
                raise ValueError(msg)

        def _checkHeaders(fields):
            """A nested function for checking the names of fields in any given set of items

                missingHeaders : Set of missing headers, or None if no missing headers
            surveyFields = {'index', 'responseWidth', 'layout', 'questionText',
                            'type', 'questionWidth', 'options',
                            'questionColor', 'responseColor'}
            fields = set(fields)

            if not surveyFields == fields:
                missingHeaders = surveyFields.difference(fields)
                msg = ("Missing headers: {}. "
                       "Note, headers are case sensitive and must match: {}"
                       .format(missingHeaders, surveyFields))
                if self.autoLog:
                return missingHeaders

        def _addDefaultItems(items, missingHeaders):
            Adds default items when missing. Works in-place.

            items : List of dicts
            headers : List of column headers for each item
            if missingHeaders is None:

            defaultValues = {'index': 0,
                             'responseWidth': .3,
                             'questionWidth': .7,
                             'layout': 'horiz',
                             'questionText': 'Default question',
                             'type': 'rating',
                             'options': 'Yes, No',
                             'questionColor': 'white',
                             'responseColor': 'white'}

            msg = "Using default values for the following headers: {}".format(missingHeaders)
            if self.autoLog:

            for index, item in enumerate(items):
                defaultValues['index'] = index
                for header in missingHeaders:
                    items[index][header] = defaultValues[header]

        if self.autoLog:
            psychopy.logging.info("Importing items...")

        if not isinstance(items, list):
            # items is a conditions file
            items, returnFieldNames = importConditions(items, returnFieldNames=True)
            # Check fieldnames are correct
            missingHeaders = _checkHeaders(returnFieldNames)
            # Add default values if headers are missing
            _addDefaultItems(items, missingHeaders)
            # items is a list of dicts
            for item in items:
                # Check fieldnames are correct
                missingHeaders = _checkHeaders(item.keys())
                # Add default values if headers are missing
                _addDefaultItems(items, missingHeaders)

        # Convert options to list of strings
        for idx, item in enumerate(items):
            if PY3:
                if isinstance(item['options'], str):
                    items[idx]['options'] = item['options'].split(',')
            else: # Python2
                if isinstance(item['options'], basestring):
                    items[idx]['options'] = item['options'].split(',')

        # Check types
        [_checkTypes(item['type']) for item in items]
        # Check N options > 1
        [_checkOptions(item['options']) for item in items]
        # Randomise items if requested
        return items
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_importConditions(self):
        fileName_xlsx = os.path.join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.xlsx')
        fileName_xls = os.path.join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.xls')
        fileName_csv = os.path.join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.csv')
        fileName_pkl = os.path.join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.pkl')
        fileName_docx = os.path.join(fixturesPath, 'trialTypes.docx')

        expected_cond = utils.OrderedDict([('text', 'red'), ('congruent', 1),
                                           ('corrAns', 1),
                                           ('letterColor', 'red'), ('n', 2),
                                           ('float', 1.1)])
        conds = utils.importConditions(fileName_xlsx)
        assert conds[0] == expected_cond

        # test for None in filename with _assertValidVarNames
        assert utils.importConditions(fileName=None) == []
        assert utils.importConditions(fileName=None,
                                      returnFieldNames=True) == ([], [])
        # Test value error for non-existent file
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as errMsg:
        assert 'Conditions file not found: %s' % os.path.abspath(
            'raiseErrorfileName') in str(errMsg.value)
        # Check file extensions in nested pandasToDictList()
        conds = utils.importConditions(fileName_csv)
        assert conds[0] == expected_cond
        conds = utils.importConditions(fileName_xls)
        assert conds[0] == expected_cond

        if PY3:
            conds = utils.importConditions(fileName_pkl)
            assert conds[0] == expected_cond
            with pytest.raises((IOError)) as errMsg:
            assert ('Could not open %s as conditions' % fileName_pkl) == str(

        # trialTypes.pkl saved in list of list format (see trialTypes.docx)
        # test assertion for invalid file type
        with pytest.raises(IOError) as errMsg:
        assert ('Your conditions file should be an '
                'xlsx, csv or pkl file') == str(errMsg.value)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def importItems(self, items):
        """Import items from csv or excel sheet and convert to list of dicts.
        Will also accept a list of dicts.

        Note, for csv and excel files, 'options' must contain comma separated values,
        e.g., one, two, three. No parenthesis, or quotation marks required.

        items :  Excel or CSV file, list of dicts
            Items used to populate the Form

        List of dicts
            A list of dicts, where each list entry is a dict containing all fields for a single Form item

        def _checkOptions(options):
            """A nested function for testing the number of options given

            Raises ValueError if n Options not > 1
            if not len(options) > 1:
                msg = "Provide at least two possible options for your item responses."
                if self.autoLog:
                raise ValueError(msg)

        def _checkTypes(types):
            """A nested function for testing the number of options given

            Raises ValueError if n Options not > 1
            allowedTypes = ['rating', 'slider', 'textbox', 'radio']
            itemDiff = set([types])-set(allowedTypes)
            if len(itemDiff) > 0:
                msg = ("In Forms, {} is not allowed. You can only use type {}. "
                       "Please amend your item types in your item list").format(itemDiff,
                if self.autoLog:
                raise ValueError(msg)

        def _checkHeaders(fields):
            """A nested function for testing the names of fields in any given set of items

            Raises NameError if fields do not match required survey fields
            surveyFields = ['index', 'responseWidth', 'layout', 'questionText', 'type', 'questionWidth', 'options']
            if not set(surveyFields) == set(fields):
                msg = "Use the following fields/column names for Forms...\n{}".format(surveyFields)
                if self.autoLog:
                raise NameError(msg)

        if self.autoLog:
            psychopy.logging.info("Importing items...")
        if not isinstance(items, list):
            items, returnFieldNames = importConditions(items, returnFieldNames=True)
            # Check fieldnames are correct
            for item in items:
        # Convert options to list of strings
        for idx, item in enumerate(items):
            if PY3:
                if isinstance(item['options'], str):
                    items[idx]['options'] = item['options'].split(',')
            else: # Python2
                if isinstance(item['options'], basestring):
                    items[idx]['options'] = item['options'].split(',')
        # Check types
        [_checkTypes(item['type']) for item in items]
        # Check N options > 1
        [_checkOptions(item['options']) for item in items]
        return self.randomizeItems(items)