Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, parent=None,
                 topology_name="", loop_type=""):
        Loop.__init__(self, parent=parent,
                      valid_loop_types=["inner", "outer"])
        self.loop_type = loop_type

        if self._loop_type == "inner":
            self._variable_name = "i"
        elif self._loop_type == "outer":
            self._variable_name = "j"
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, parent=None, loop_type=""):
                      valid_loop_types=["", "colours", "colour"])
        self.loop_type = loop_type

        # Work out the variable name from  the loop type
        if self._loop_type == "colours":
            self._variable_name = "colour"
        elif self._loop_type == "colour":
            self._variable_name = "cell"
            self._variable_name = "cell"
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, parent=None,
                 topology_name="", loop_type=""):
        Loop.__init__(self, parent=parent,
                      valid_loop_types=["inner", "outer"])
        self.loop_type = loop_type

        if self._loop_type == "inner":
            self._variable_name = "i"
        elif self._loop_type == "outer":
            self._variable_name = "j"

        # Pre-initialise the Loop children  # TODO: See issue #440
        self.addchild(Literal("NOT_INITIALISED", parent=self))  # start
        self.addchild(Literal("NOT_INITIALISED", parent=self))  # stop
        self.addchild(Literal("1", parent=self))  # step
        self.addchild(Schedule(parent=self))  # loop body
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, ast, parent=None):
        from fparser.two.Fortran2003 import Loop_Control
        Loop.__init__(self, parent=parent, valid_loop_types=VALID_LOOP_TYPES)
        # Keep a ptr to the corresponding node in the AST
        self._ast = ast

        # Get the loop variable
        ctrl = walk_ast(ast.content, [Loop_Control])
        # Second element of items member of Loop Control is itself a tuple
        # containing:
        #   Loop variable, [start value expression, end value expression, step
        #   expression]
        # Loop variable will be an instance of Fortran2003.Name
        loop_var = str(ctrl[0].items[1][0])
        self._variable_name = str(loop_var)

        # Identify the type of loop
        if self._variable_name in NEMO_LOOP_TYPE_MAPPING:
            self.loop_type = NEMO_LOOP_TYPE_MAPPING[self._variable_name]
            self.loop_type = "unknown"

        # Get the loop limits. These are given in a list which is the second
        # element of a tuple which is itself the second element of the items
        # tuple:
        # (None, (Name('jk'), [Int_Literal_Constant('1', None), Name('jpk'),
        #                      Int_Literal_Constant('1', None)]), None)
        limits_list = ctrl[0].items[1][1]
        self._start = str(limits_list[0])
        self._stop = str(limits_list[1])
        if len(limits_list) == 3:
            self._step = str(limits_list[2])
            # Default loop increment is 1
            self._step = "1"

        # Is this loop body a kernel?
        if NemoKern.match(self._ast):
            self.addchild(NemoKern(self._ast, parent=self))
        # It's not - walk on down the AST...
        self.process_nodes(self, self._ast.content, self._ast)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, parent=None, loop_type=""):
                      valid_loop_types=["", "colours", "colour"])
        self.loop_type = loop_type

        # Work out the variable name from  the loop type
        if self._loop_type == "colours":
            self._variable_name = "colour"
        elif self._loop_type == "colour":
            self._variable_name = "cell"
            self._variable_name = "cell"

        # Pre-initialise the Loop children  # TODO: See issue #440
        self.addchild(Literal("NOT_INITIALISED", parent=self))  # start
        self.addchild(Literal("NOT_INITIALISED", parent=self))  # stop
        self.addchild(Literal("1", parent=self))  # step
        self.addchild(Schedule(parent=self))  # loop body
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, parent=None, topology_name="", loop_type=""):
        Loop.__init__(self, parent=parent, valid_loop_types=VALID_LOOP_TYPES)
        self.loop_type = loop_type

        # We set the loop variable name in the constructor so that it is
        # available when we're determining which vars should be OpenMP
        # PRIVATE (which is done *before* code generation is performed)
        if self.loop_type == "inner":
            self._variable_name = "i"
        elif self.loop_type == "outer":
            self._variable_name = "j"
            raise GenerationError(
                "Invalid loop type of '{0}'. Expected one of {1}".format(
                    self._loop_type, VALID_LOOP_TYPES))

        # Create a dictionary to simplify the business of looking-up
        # loop bounds
        self._bounds_lookup = {}
        for grid_offset in SUPPORTED_OFFSETS:
            self._bounds_lookup[grid_offset] = {}
            for gridpt_type in VALID_FIELD_GRID_TYPES:
                self._bounds_lookup[grid_offset][gridpt_type] = {}
                for itspace in VALID_ITERATES_OVER:
                    self._bounds_lookup[grid_offset][gridpt_type][itspace] = {}

        # Loop bounds for a mesh with NE offset
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_ne']['ct']['all_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "1", 'stop': "+1"},
             'outer': {'start': "1", 'stop': "+1"}}
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_ne']['ct']['internal_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "2", 'stop': ""},
             'outer': {'start': "2", 'stop': ""}}
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_ne']['cu']['all_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "1", 'stop': ""},
             'outer': {'start': "1", 'stop': "+1"}}
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_ne']['cu']['internal_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "2", 'stop': "-1"},
             'outer': {'start': "2", 'stop': ""}}
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_ne']['cv']['all_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "1", 'stop': "+1"},
             'outer': {'start': "1", 'stop': ""}}
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_ne']['cv']['internal_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "2", 'stop': ""},
             'outer': {'start': "2", 'stop': "-1"}}
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_ne']['cf']['all_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "1", 'stop': ""},
             'outer': {'start': "1", 'stop': ""}}
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_ne']['cf']['internal_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "1", 'stop': "-1"},
             'outer': {'start': "1", 'stop': "-1"}}
        # Loop bounds for a mesh with SE offset
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_sw']['ct']['all_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "1", 'stop': "+1"},
             'outer': {'start': "1", 'stop': "+1"}}
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_sw']['ct']['internal_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "2", 'stop': ""},
             'outer': {'start': "2", 'stop': ""}}
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_sw']['cu']['all_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "1", 'stop': "+1"},
             'outer': {'start': "1", 'stop': "+1"}}
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_sw']['cu']['internal_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "2", 'stop': "+1"},
             'outer': {'start': "2", 'stop': ""}}
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_sw']['cv']['all_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "1", 'stop': "+1"},
             'outer': {'start': "1", 'stop': "+1"}}
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_sw']['cv']['internal_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "2", 'stop': ""},
             'outer': {'start': "2", 'stop': "+1"}}
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_sw']['cf']['all_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "1", 'stop': "+1"},
             'outer': {'start': "1", 'stop': "+1"}}
        self._bounds_lookup['offset_sw']['cf']['internal_pts'] = \
            {'inner': {'start': "2", 'stop': "+1"},
             'outer': {'start': "2", 'stop': "+1"}}
        # For offset 'any'
        for gridpt_type in VALID_FIELD_GRID_TYPES:
            for itspace in VALID_ITERATES_OVER:
                self._bounds_lookup['offset_any'][gridpt_type][itspace] = \
                    {'inner': {'start': "1", 'stop': ""},
                     'outer': {'start': "1", 'stop': ""}}
        # For 'every' grid-point type
        for offset in SUPPORTED_OFFSETS:
            for itspace in VALID_ITERATES_OVER:
                self._bounds_lookup[offset]['every'][itspace] = \
                    {'inner': {'start': "1", 'stop': "+1"},
                     'outer': {'start': "1", 'stop': "+1"}}
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, ast, parent=None):
     Loop.__init__(self, parent=parent, valid_loop_types=VALID_LOOP_TYPES)
     # Keep a ptr to the corresponding node in the AST
     self._ast = ast
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, ast, parent=None):
     # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called, non-parent-init-called
     valid_loop_types = Config.get().api_conf("nemo").get_valid_loop_types()
     Loop.__init__(self, parent=parent, valid_loop_types=valid_loop_types)
     # Keep a ptr to the corresponding node in the AST
     self._ast = ast
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, parent=None, variable_name=''):
     valid_loop_types = Config.get().api_conf("nemo").get_valid_loop_types()