Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_unaryoperation_can_be_printed():
    '''Test that a UnaryOperation instance can always be printed (i.e. is
    initialised fully)'''
    unary_operation = UnaryOperation(UnaryOperation.Operator.MINUS)
    assert "UnaryOperation[operator:'MINUS']" in str(unary_operation)
    op1 = Literal("1", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    # Check the node children are also printed
    assert ("Literal[value:'1', Scalar<INTEGER, SINGLE>]"
            in str(unary_operation))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_cw_unaryoperator():
    '''Check the CWriter class unary_operation method correctly prints out
    the C representation of any given UnaryOperation.

    cwriter = CWriter()

    # Test UnaryOperation without children.
    unary_operation = UnaryOperation(UnaryOperation.Operator.MINUS)
    with pytest.raises(VisitorError) as err:
        _ = cwriter(unary_operation)
    assert ("UnaryOperation malformed or incomplete. It should have "
            "exactly 1 child, but found 0." in str(err.value))

    # Add child
    ref1 = Literal("a", CHARACTER_TYPE, unary_operation)
    assert cwriter(unary_operation) == '(-a)'

    # Test all supported Operators
    test_list = ((UnaryOperation.Operator.PLUS,
                  '(+a)'), (UnaryOperation.Operator.MINUS,
                            '(-a)'), (UnaryOperation.Operator.SQRT, 'sqrt(a)'),
                  '(!a)'), (UnaryOperation.Operator.COS,
                            'cos(a)'), (UnaryOperation.Operator.SIN, 'sin(a)'),
                  'tan(a)'), (UnaryOperation.Operator.ACOS, 'acos(a)'),
                  'asin(a)'), (UnaryOperation.Operator.ATAN, 'atan(a)'),
                  'abs(a)'), (UnaryOperation.Operator.REAL, '(float)a'))

    for operator, expected in test_list:
        unary_operation._operator = operator
        assert cwriter(unary_operation) in expected

    # Test that an unsupported operator raises an error
    class Unsupported(object):
        # pylint: disable=missing-docstring

    unary_operation._operator = Unsupported
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as err:
        _ = cwriter(unary_operation)
    assert "The C backend does not support the '" in str(err.value)
    assert "' operator." in str(err.value)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_unaryoperation_children_validation():
    '''Test that children added to unaryOperation are validated.
    UnaryOperations accept just 1 DataNode as child.

    operation = UnaryOperation(UnaryOperation.Operator.SIN)
    literal1 = Literal("1", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    literal2 = Literal("2", INTEGER_SINGLE_TYPE)
    statement = Return()

    # Statements are not valid
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as excinfo:
    assert ("Item 'Return' can't be child 0 of 'UnaryOperation'. The valid "
            "format is: 'DataNode'.") in str(excinfo.value)

    # First DataNodes is valid, but not subsequent ones
    with pytest.raises(GenerationError) as excinfo:
    assert ("Item 'Literal' can't be child 1 of 'UnaryOperation'. The valid "
            "format is: 'DataNode'.") in str(excinfo.value)