Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(args):
    argp = _argparser().parse_args(args[1:])

    if argp.re_parse:
        escape = False
        escape = not argp.do_not_escape

    if argp.override_tags:
        re_parse = True
        re_parse = argp.re_parse

    for line in (l.rstrip("\n") for l in argp.input):
        if re_parse:
            head = PTB_HEAD_REGEX.match(line).groupdict()["head"]
            gdicts_tag, gdicts_tok = tee((m.groupdict() for m in PTB_TOK_TAG_REGEX.finditer(line)), 2)
            tokens = (d["token"] for d in gdicts_tok)
            if not argp.override_tags:
                tags = (d["tag"] for d in gdicts_tag)
                tags = flattagger(d["token"] for d in gdicts_tag)
            head = HEAD_BY_PARSER[argp.parser]
            soup = line.split()
            tokens, tokens_to_tag = tee(
                    ptb_escape(t, preserve_quotes=True) if escape else t
                    for t in (ptb_escape_quotes_tokens(soup) if escape else soup)
            tags = flattagger(tokens_to_tag)

            "({} (S {}))\n".format(head, " ".join("({} {})".format(tag, token) for tag, token in izip(tags, tokens)))
    return 0
def main(args):
    argp = _argparser().parse_args(args[1:])

    if argp.re_parse:
        escape = False
        escape = not argp.do_not_escape

    if argp.override_tags:
        re_parse = True
        re_parse = argp.re_parse

    for line in (l.rstrip('\n') for l in argp.input):
        if re_parse:
            head = PTB_HEAD_REGEX.match(line).groupdict()['head']
            gdicts_tag, gdicts_tok = tee(
                (m.groupdict() for m in PTB_TOK_TAG_REGEX.finditer(line)), 2)
            tokens = (d['token'] for d in gdicts_tok)
            if not argp.override_tags:
                tags = (d['tag'] for d in gdicts_tag)
                tags = flattagger(d['token'] for d in gdicts_tag)
            head = HEAD_BY_PARSER[argp.parser]
            soup = line.split()
            tokens, tokens_to_tag = tee((
                ptb_escape(t, preserve_quotes=True) if escape else t
                for t in (ptb_escape_quotes_tokens(soup) if escape else soup)),
            tags = flattagger(tokens_to_tag)

        argp.output.write('({} (S {}))\n'.format(
            head, ' '.join('({} {})'.format(tag, token)
                           for tag, token in izip(tags, tokens))))
    return 0
    '[': '-LRB-',
    ']': '-RRB-',
    '}': '-LRB-',
    '{': '-RRB-',
    # The question mark handling below is consistent with Stanford and
    #   McCCJ, but not with Enju that assigns it a PoS-tag instead.
    '?': '.',
    # The exclamation mark handling below is consistent with Stanford, but
    #   not Enju for the same reason as above.
    '!': '.',
    '$': '$',
# Generate a mapping from each escaped version of a token to the same tag
for token, escaped_token in set((
) for t in TAG_BY_TOK if ptb_escape(t) != t):
    TAG_BY_TOK[escaped_token] = TAG_BY_TOK[token]

def flattagger(tokens):
    for token in tokens:
            tag = TAG_BY_TOK[token]
        except KeyError:
            # Go for the majority-class PoS-tag.
            tag = 'NN'
        yield tag

Ejemplo n.º 4
    "(": "-LRB-",
    ")": "-RRB-",
    "[": "-LRB-",
    "]": "-RRB-",
    "}": "-LRB-",
    "{": "-RRB-",
    # The question mark handling below is consistent with Stanford and
    #   McCCJ, but not with Enju that assigns it a PoS-tag instead.
    "?": ".",
    # The exclamation mark handling below is consistent with Stanford, but
    #   not Enju for the same reason as above.
    "!": ".",
    "$": "$",
# Generate a mapping from each escaped version of a token to the same tag
for token, escaped_token in set((t, ptb_escape(t)) for t in TAG_BY_TOK if ptb_escape(t) != t):
    TAG_BY_TOK[escaped_token] = TAG_BY_TOK[token]

def flattagger(tokens):
    for token in tokens:
            tag = TAG_BY_TOK[token]
        except KeyError:
            # Go for the majority-class PoS-tag.
            tag = "NN"
        yield tag

def _argparser():