Ejemplo n.º 1
parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", type=str, help="the name of the input directory")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", type=str, help="the name of the output directory")

# Interpolation method
parser.add_argument("--method", type=str, help="the interpolation method to use", default="biharmonic")

# Parse the command line arguments
arguments = parser.parse_args()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# If an input directory is given
if arguments.input is not None:

    # Determine the full path to the input directory
    input_path = fs.absolute(arguments.input)

    # Give an error if the input directory does not exist
    if not fs.is_directory(input_path): raise argparse.ArgumentError(input_path, "The input directory does not exist")

# If no input directory is given, assume the input is placed in the current working directory
else: input_path = fs.cwd()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# If an output directory is given
if arguments.output is not None:
    # Determine the full path to the output directory
    output_path = fs.absolute(arguments.output)
Ejemplo n.º 2
                    help='write a report file')
                    help="add this option to keep the remote input and output")
    help="specify the types of output files that have to be retrieved")

# Parse the command line arguments
arguments = parser.parse_args()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the full path to the parameter file
arguments.filepath = fs.absolute(arguments.file)

# Determine the full path to the input and output directories
if arguments.input is not None:
    arguments.input_path = fs.absolute(arguments.input)
if arguments.output is not None:
    arguments.output_path = fs.absolute(arguments.output)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the log file path
logfile_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(),
                       time.unique_name("launch") +
                       ".txt") if arguments.report else None

# Determine the log level
Ejemplo n.º 3
# Input regions
parser.add_argument("--ignore", type=str, help="the name of the file specifying regions to ignore (in sky coordinates!)")
parser.add_argument("--special", type=str, help="the name of the file specifying regions with objects needing special attention (in sky coordinates!)")
parser.add_argument("--bad", type=str, help="the name of the file specifying regions that have to be added to the mask of bad pixels")

# Parse the command line arguments
arguments = parser.parse_args()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# If an input directory is given
if arguments.input is not None:

    # Determine the full path to the input directory
    input_path = fs.absolute(arguments.input)

    # Give an error if the input directory does not exist
    if not fs.is_directory(input_path):
        raise argparse.ArgumentError(input_path, "The input directory does not exist")

# If no input directory is given, assume the input is placed in the current working directory
else: input_path = fs.cwd()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# If an output directory is given
if arguments.output is not None:
    # Determine the full path to the output directory
    output_path = fs.absolute(arguments.output)
Ejemplo n.º 4
parser.add_argument("--steps", action="store_true", help="write the results of intermediate steps")
parser.add_argument("--config", type=str, help="the name of a configuration file")

# Visualisation
parser.add_argument("--visualise", action="store_true", help="make visualisations")

# Parse the command line arguments
arguments = parser.parse_args()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the full input and output paths
if arguments.output is None: arguments.output = fs.cwd()
if arguments.input is None: arguments.input = fs.cwd()
arguments.input = fs.absolute(arguments.input)
arguments.output = fs.absolute(arguments.output)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the log file path
logfile_path = fs.join(arguments.output, time.unique_name("log") + ".txt") if arguments.report else None

# Determine the log level
level = "DEBUG" if arguments.debug else "INFO"

# Initialize the logger
log = logging.setup_log(level=level, path=logfile_path)
log.start("Starting prepare_image ...")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Ejemplo n.º 5
                    help="the name of a configuration file")

# Visualisation
                    help="make visualisations")

# Parse the command line arguments
arguments = parser.parse_args()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the full input and output paths
if arguments.output is None: arguments.output = fs.cwd()
if arguments.input is None: arguments.input = fs.cwd()
arguments.input = fs.absolute(arguments.input)
arguments.output = fs.absolute(arguments.output)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the log file path
logfile_path = fs.join(arguments.output,
                       time.unique_name("log") +
                       ".txt") if arguments.report else None

# Determine the log level
level = "DEBUG" if arguments.debug else "INFO"

# Initialize the logger
log = logging.setup_log(level=level, path=logfile_path)
log.start("Starting prepare_image ...")
Ejemplo n.º 6
parser.add_argument("--unit", type=str, help="the unit to which the recreated observed images should be converted")
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="add this option to enable debug output")
parser.add_argument("--report", action="store_true", help="write a report file")
parser.add_argument("--keep", action="store_true", help="add this option to keep the remote input and output")
    "--retrieve", type=parsing.string_list, help="specify the types of output files that have to be retrieved"

# Parse the command line arguments
arguments = parser.parse_args()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the full path to the parameter file
arguments.filepath = fs.absolute(arguments.file)

# Determine the full path to the input and output directories
if arguments.input is not None:
    arguments.input_path = fs.absolute(arguments.input)
if arguments.output is not None:
    arguments.output_path = fs.absolute(arguments.output)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Determine the log file path
logfile_path = fs.join(fs.cwd(), time.unique_name("launch") + ".txt") if arguments.report else None

# Determine the log level
level = "DEBUG" if arguments.debug else "INFO"