Ejemplo n.º 1
def person(request, name):
    author = capwords(name.replace('+', ' '))
    author = author.replace(' Von ', ' von ').replace(' Van ', ' van ')
    author = author.replace(' Der ', ' der ')

    # take care of dashes
    off = author.find('-')
    while off > 0:
        off += 1
        if off <= len(author):
            author = author[:off] + author[off].upper() + author[off + 1:]
        off = author.find('-', off)

    # split into forename, middlenames and surname
    names = name.replace(' ', '+').split('+')

    # find publications of this author
    publications = []
    types = Type.objects.all()
    types_dict = {}

    for t in types:
        types_dict[t] = []

    # construct a liberal query
    surname = names[-1]
    surname = surname.replace(u'ä', u'%%')
    surname = surname.replace(u'ae', u'%%')
    surname = surname.replace(u'ö', u'%%')
    surname = surname.replace(u'oe', u'%%')
    surname = surname.replace(u'ü', u'%%')
    surname = surname.replace(u'ue', u'%%')
    surname = surname.replace(u'ß', u'%%')
    surname = surname.replace(u'ss', u'%%')
    query_str = u'SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE lower(authors) LIKE lower(\'%%{surname}%%\') ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC, id DESC'
    query = Publication.objects.raw(
        query_str.format(table=Publication._meta.db_table, surname=surname))

    # further filter results
    if len(names) > 1:
        name_simple = Publication.simplify_name(names[0][0] + '. ' + names[-1])
        for publication in query:
            if name_simple in publication.authors_list_simple:

    elif len(names) > 0:
        for publication in query:
            if Publication.simplify_name(
                    names[-1].lower()) in publication.authors_list_simple:

    # remove empty types
    for t in types:
        if not types_dict[t]:
            types = types.exclude(pk=t.pk)

    # attach publications to types
    for t in types:
        t.publications = types_dict[t]

    if 'ascii' in request.GET:
        return render_to_response('publications/publications.txt',
                                  {'publications': publications},
                                  content_type='text/plain; charset=UTF-8')

    elif 'bibtex' in request.GET:
        return render_to_response('publications/publications.bib',
                                  {'publications': publications},
                                  content_type='text/x-bibtex; charset=UTF-8')

    elif 'rss' in request.GET:
        return render_to_response(
            'publications/publications.rss', {
                'url': 'http://' + request.META['HTTP_HOST'] + request.path,
                'author': author,
                'publications': publications
            content_type='application/rss+xml; charset=UTF-8')

        for publication in publications:
            publication.links = publication.customlink_set.all()
            publication.files = publication.customfile_set.all()

        return render_to_response('publications/person.html', {
            'publications': publications,
            'types': types,
            'author': author
Ejemplo n.º 2
def person(request, name):
	author = capwords(name.replace('+', ' '))
	author = author.replace(' Von ', ' von ').replace(' Van ', ' van ')
	author = author.replace(' Der ', ' der ')

	# take care of dashes
	off = author.find('-')
	while off > 0:
		off += 1
		if off <= len(author):
			author = author[:off] + author[off].upper() + author[off + 1:]
		off = author.find('-', off)

	# split into forename, middlenames and surname
	names = name.replace(' ', '+').split('+')

	# construct a liberal query
	surname = names[-1]
	surname = surname.replace(u'ä', u'%%')
	surname = surname.replace(u'ae', u'%%')
	surname = surname.replace(u'ö', u'%%')
	surname = surname.replace(u'oe', u'%%')
	surname = surname.replace(u'ü', u'%%')
	surname = surname.replace(u'ue', u'%%')
	surname = surname.replace(u'ß', u'%%')
	surname = surname.replace(u'ss', u'%%')

	query_str = u'SELECT * FROM {table} ' \
		'WHERE lower({table}.authors) LIKE lower(\'%%{surname}%%\') ' \
		'ORDER BY {table}.year DESC, {table}.month DESC, {table}.id DESC'
	query = Publication.objects.raw(
		query_str.format(table=Publication._meta.db_table, surname=surname))

	# find publications of this author
	publications = []
	publications_by_type = defaultdict(lambda: [])

	# further filter results
	if len(names) > 1:
		name_simple = Publication.simplify_name(names[0][0] + '. ' + names[-1])
		for publication in query:
			if name_simple in publication.authors_list_simple:

	elif len(names) > 0:
		for publication in query:
			if Publication.simplify_name(names[-1].lower()) in publication.authors_list_simple:

	# attach publications to types
	types = Type.objects.filter(id__in=publications_by_type.keys())
	for t in types:
		t.publications = publications_by_type[t.id]

	if 'ascii' in request.GET:
		return render_to_response('publications/publications.txt', {
				'publications': publications
			}, context_instance=RequestContext(request), content_type='text/plain; charset=UTF-8')

	elif 'bibtex' in request.GET:
		return render_to_response('publications/publications.bib', {
				'publications': publications
			}, context_instance=RequestContext(request), content_type='text/x-bibtex; charset=UTF-8')

	elif 'mods' in request.GET:
		return render_to_response('publications/publications.mods', {
				'publications': publications
			}, context_instance=RequestContext(request), content_type='application/xml; charset=UTF-8')

	elif 'rss' in request.GET:
		return render_to_response('publications/publications.rss', {
				'url': 'http://' + request.META['HTTP_HOST'] + request.path,
				'author': author,
				'publications': publications
			}, context_instance=RequestContext(request), content_type='application/rss+xml; charset=UTF-8')

		customlinks = CustomLink.objects.filter(publication__in=publications)
		customfiles = CustomFile.objects.filter(publication__in=publications)

		publications_ = {}
		for publication in publications:
			publication.links = []
			publication.files = []
			publications_[publication.id] = publication

		for link in customlinks:
		for file in customfiles:

		return render_to_response('publications/person.html', {
				'publications': publications,
				'types': types,
				'author': author
			}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def person(request, name):
	author = capwords(name.replace('+', ' '))
	author = author.replace(' Von ', ' von ').replace(' Van ', ' van ')
	author = author.replace(' Der ', ' der ')

	# take care of dashes
	off = author.find('-')
	while off > 0:
		off += 1
		if off <= len(author):
			author = author[:off] + author[off].upper() + author[off + 1:]
		off = author.find('-', off)

	# split into forename, middlenames and surname
	names = name.replace(' ', '+').split('+')

	# find publications of this author
	publications = []
	types = Type.objects.all()
	types_dict = {}

	for t in types:
		types_dict[t] = []

	# construct a liberal query
	surname = names[-1]
	surname = surname.replace(u'ä', u'%%')
	surname = surname.replace(u'ae', u'%%')
	surname = surname.replace(u'ö', u'%%')
	surname = surname.replace(u'oe', u'%%')
	surname = surname.replace(u'ü', u'%%')
	surname = surname.replace(u'ue', u'%%')
	surname = surname.replace(u'ß', u'%%')
	surname = surname.replace(u'ss', u'%%')
	query_str = u'SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE lower(authors) LIKE lower(\'%%{surname}%%\') ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC, id DESC'
	query = Publication.objects.raw(
		query_str.format(table=Publication._meta.db_table, surname=surname))

	# further filter results
	if len(names) > 1:
		name_simple = Publication.simplify_name(names[0][0] + '. ' + names[-1])
		for publication in query:
			if name_simple in publication.authors_list_simple:

	elif len(names) > 0:
		for publication in query:
			if Publication.simplify_name(names[-1].lower()) in publication.authors_list_simple:

	# remove empty types
	for t in types:
		if not types_dict[t]:
			types = types.exclude(pk=t.pk)

	# attach publications to types
	for t in types:
		t.publications = types_dict[t]

	if 'ascii' in request.GET:
		return render_to_response('publications/publications.txt', {
				'publications': publications
			}, context_instance=RequestContext(request), content_type='text/plain; charset=UTF-8')

	elif 'bibtex' in request.GET:
		return render_to_response('publications/publications.bib', {
				'publications': publications
			}, context_instance=RequestContext(request), content_type='text/x-bibtex; charset=UTF-8')

	elif 'rss' in request.GET:
		return render_to_response('publications/publications.rss', {
				'url': 'http://' + request.META['HTTP_HOST'] + request.path,
				'author': author,
				'publications': publications
			}, context_instance=RequestContext(request), content_type='application/rss+xml; charset=UTF-8')

		for publication in publications:
			publication.links = publication.customlink_set.all()
			publication.files = publication.customfile_set.all()

		return render_to_response('publications/person.html', {
				'publications': publications,
				'types': types,
				'author': author
			}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def author(request, name):
    fullname = capwords(name.replace('+', ' '))
    fullname = fullname.replace(' Von ', ' von ').replace(' Van ', ' van ')
    fullname = fullname.replace(' Der ', ' der ')

    # take care of dashes
    off = fullname.find('-')
    while off > 0:
        off += 1
        if off <= len(fullname):
            fullname = fullname[:off] + fullname[off].upper() + fullname[off +
        off = fullname.find('-', off)

    # split into forename, middlenames and surname
    names = name.replace(' ', '+').split('+')

    # construct a liberal query
    surname = names[-1]
    surname = surname.replace(u'ä', u'%%')
    surname = surname.replace(u'ae', u'%%')
    surname = surname.replace(u'ö', u'%%')
    surname = surname.replace(u'oe', u'%%')
    surname = surname.replace(u'ü', u'%%')
    surname = surname.replace(u'ue', u'%%')
    surname = surname.replace(u'ß', u'%%')
    surname = surname.replace(u'ss', u'%%')

    query_str = u'SELECT * FROM {table} ' \
                'WHERE lower({table}.authors) LIKE lower(\'%%{surname}%%\') ' \
                'ORDER BY {table}.year DESC, {table}.month DESC, {table}.id DESC'
    query = Publication.objects.raw(
        query_str.format(table=Publication._meta.db_table, surname=surname))

    # find publications of this author
    publications = []
    publications_by_type = defaultdict(lambda: [])

    # further filter results
    if len(names) > 1:
        name_simple = Publication.simplify_name(names[0][0] + '. ' + names[-1])
        for publication in query:
            if name_simple in publication.authors_list_simple:

    elif len(names) > 0:
        for publication in query:
            if Publication.simplify_name(
                    names[-1].lower()) in publication.authors_list_simple:

    # attach publications to types
    types = Type.objects.filter(id__in=publications_by_type.keys())
    for t in types:
        t.publications = publications_by_type[t.id]

    if 'plain' in request.GET:
        return render(request,
                      {'publications': publications},
                      content_type='text/plain; charset=UTF-8')

    if 'bibtex' in request.GET:
        return render(request,
                      {'publications': publications},
                      content_type='text/x-bibtex; charset=UTF-8')

    if 'mods' in request.GET:
        return render(request,
                      {'publications': publications},
                      content_type='application/xml; charset=UTF-8')

    if 'ris' in request.GET:
        return render(
            'publications/publications.ris', {'publications': publications},
            content_type='application/x-research-info-systems; charset=UTF-8')

    if 'rss' in request.GET:
        return render(request,
                      'publications/publications.rss', {
                          'url': 'http://' + request.get_host() + request.path,
                          'author': fullname,
                          'publications': publications
                      content_type='application/rss+xml; charset=UTF-8')

    # load custom links and files

    return render(request, 'publications/author.html', {
        'publications': publications,
        'types': types,
        'author': fullname