Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_can_construct_with_throttle_arg(requests_mocker):
    A client instance can be constructed with task_throttle arg that is passed
    to Client._task_executor
    throttle_count = 42
    client = Client("https://pulp.example.com/", task_throttle=throttle_count)
    assert client._task_executor._delegate._throttle() == throttle_count
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_threads(spy_requested_threads):
    """Caller's requested 'threads' are passed into any internal ThreadPoolExecutors."""

    with Client("https://pulp.example.com/", threads=3) as client:

    # Everything should have used the requested number of threads
    assert set(spy_requested_threads) == set([3])
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_at_least_one_thread(spy_requested_threads):
    """Client always enforces at least one thread (per pool)"""

    with Client("https://pulp.example.com/", threads=-5) as client:

    # Everything should have used a single thread each
    assert set(spy_requested_threads) == set([1])
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_search_stops_paginate(requests_mocker):
    """Paginated search will stop issuing requests if pages are no longer referenced."""

    with Client("https://pulp.example.com/") as client:
        client._PAGE_SIZE = 10

        responses = []
        current_response = []
        for i in range(0, 997):
            repo_id = "repo-%s" % i
            current_response.append({"id": repo_id})
            if len(current_response) == client._PAGE_SIZE:
                responses.append({"json": current_response})
                current_response = []

        responses.append({"json": current_response})

        # Inject a failing response for stable behavior from test:
        # The expected behavior is that, after the first two requests,
        # pagination is cancelled since we no longer hold onto a page.
        # But that cancellation is racing with the scheduling of the
        # request, and there is generally no way to ensure our cancel
        # happens before the request thread starts the request, so we
        # can't be sure about how many requests we'd do.
        # However, if we insert a failure after the first two pages,
        # then the client will need to retry a request (with some delay).
        # It should always be possible to cancel the request during that
        # retry delay, making the test stable.
        responses.insert(2, {"status_code": 500})


        # Imagine we have some function which processes two pages of results and
        # then stops
        def do_something_first_two_pages(page):
            return len(page.data) + len(page.next.data)

        two_pages_len = do_something_first_two_pages(

        # It should have seen the first two pages
        assert two_pages_len == 20

        # Now wait a bit to ensure any futures under the hood have time to finish up

        # It should have done only two or three requests
        # (2 vs 3 depends on scheduling). Because we threw away all references to
        # the search result, it stopped searching rather than continuing through
        # all pages.
        assert requests_mocker.call_count in (2, 3)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _get_pulp_client(self):
        auth = None

        # checks if pulp password is available as enviornment variable
        if self.args.user:
            if not self.args.password:
                self.args.password = os.environ.get("PULP_PASSWORD")
                if not self.args.password:
                    LOG.warning("No password provided for %s", self.args.user)
            auth = (self.args.user, self.args.password)

        return Client(self.args.url, auth=auth, verify=False)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _get_pulp_client(self):
        auth = None

        # checks if pulp password is available as enviornment variable
        if self.args.pulp_user:
            pulp_password = self.args.pulp_password or os.environ.get(
            if not pulp_password:
                LOG.warning("No pulp password provided for %s",
            auth = (self.args.pulp_user, pulp_password)

        return Client(self.args.pulp_url, auth=auth)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_client_lifecycle(client, requests_mocker):
    """Client is usable in with statement"""

            "id": "repo1"

    client = Client("https://pulp.example.com")
    with client:
        # This should work OK
        assert client.search_repository().result()

    # But after end of 'with' statement, it should be shut down
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:

    assert "cannot schedule new futures after shutdown" in str(excinfo.value)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_construct_raises_on_bad_args(requests_mocker):
    """A client instance cannot be constructed with unexpected args."""
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        client = Client("https://pulp.example.com/", whatever="foobar")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_can_construct_with_session_args(requests_mocker):
    """A client instance can be constructed with requests.Session kwargs."""
    client = Client("https://pulp.example.com/", auth=("x", "y"), verify=False)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_can_construct(requests_mocker):
    """A client instance can be constructed with URL alone."""
    client = Client("https://pulp.example.com/")
 def _make_pulp_client(self, url, auth, insecure):
     return Client("https://" + url, auth=auth, verify=not insecure)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_search_async_cb(requests_mocker):
    """Paginated search works fine with an async callback on page.next.

    This test aims to cover a specific bug by which searches may be incorrectly
    cancelled even if the result was being awaited.

    with Client("https://pulp.example.com/") as client:
        client._PAGE_SIZE = 10

        class ResponseGenerator(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.repo_ids = ["repo-%s" % i for i in range(0, 997)]

            def __call__(self, request, context):
                # We're trying to trigger a certain bug which happens depending
                # on timing of GC. Simulating a non-instant HTTP request helps to
                # trigger it reliably.

                current_response = []
                while self.repo_ids:
                    current_response.append({"id": self.repo_ids.pop(0)})
                    if len(current_response) == client._PAGE_SIZE:

                # GC in the middle of HTTP requests to increase chance of
                # hitting the error scenario.

                return current_response


        class Handler(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self._got_data = []

            def __call__(self, page):
                if page.next:
                    # set ourselves up to process the next page.
                    # It's important here that we only grab a reference to page.next
                    # and don't keep a reference to page, as we are trying to cover
                    # a previous bug where that scenario would wrongly cancel search.
                    return f_flat_map(page.next, self)
                return f_return(self._got_data)

        all_data_f = f_flat_map(client.search_repository(), Handler())

        # Searches are now running. Let's try doing many GCs while that's in progress
        # to increase the chance that we'll trigger the targeted bug.
        for _ in range(0, 50):

        # It should be able to complete the search.
        # Note: if "early GC" bug is not fixed, it would hang here, hence the
        # application of a timeout.
        all_data = all_data_f.result(10.0)

        # It should get all the repos successfully.
        ids = [repo.id for repo in all_data]
        assert ids == ["repo-%s" % i for i in range(0, 997)]