Ejemplo n.º 1
def update_importer_config(repo_id, importer_config):
    Attempts to update the saved configuration for the given repo's importer. The importer will be
    asked if the new configuration is valid. If not, this method will raise an error and the
    existing configuration will remain unchanged.

    :param repo_id: identifies the repo
    :type  repo_id: str
    :param importer_config: new configuration values to use for this repo
    :type  importer_config: dict
    repo_importer = model.Importer.objects.get_or_404(repo_id=repo_id)
    importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(repo_importer.importer_type_id)
    validate_importer_config(repo_id, repo_importer.importer_type_id, plugin_config)

    # The convention is that None in an update removes the value and sets it to the default.
    unset_property_names = [k for k in importer_config if importer_config[k] is None]
    for key in unset_property_names:
        repo_importer.config.pop(key, None)
        importer_config.pop(key, None)

    # Whatever is left over are the changed/added values, so merge them in.
    except ValidationError, e:
        raise exceptions.InvalidValue(e.to_dict().keys())
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def remove_importer(repo_id):
        Removes an importer from a repository.

        :param repo_id:         identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:         str
        :raise MissingResource: if the given repo does not exist
        :raise MissingResource: if the given repo does not have an importer

        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)

        repo_importer = importer_coll.find_one({"repo_id": repo_id})

        if repo_importer is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        # remove schedules
        RepoSyncScheduleManager().delete_by_importer_id(repo_id, repo_importer["id"])

        # Call the importer's cleanup method
        importer_type_id = repo_importer["importer_type_id"]
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(importer_type_id)

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer["config"])

        transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()

        importer_instance.importer_removed(transfer_repo, call_config)

        # Update the database to reflect the removal
        importer_coll.remove({"repo_id": repo_id})
Ejemplo n.º 3
def remove_from_importer(repo_id, removed_units):

    # Retrieve the repo from the database and convert to the transfer repo
    repo_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
    repo = repo_query_manager.get_repository(repo_id)

    importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()
    repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

    transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
    transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(repo_importer['importer_type_id'], repo_id, mkdir=True)

    # Convert the units into transfer units
    unit_type_ids = calculate_associated_type_ids(repo_id, removed_units)
    transfer_units = create_transfer_units(removed_units, unit_type_ids)

    # Retrieve the plugin instance to invoke
    importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(repo_importer['importer_type_id'])
    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer['config'])

    # Invoke the importer's remove method
        importer_instance.remove_units(transfer_repo, transfer_units, call_config)
    except Exception:
        _LOG.exception('Exception from importer [%s] while removing units from repo [%s]' % (repo_importer['id'], repo_id))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def sync(repo_id, sync_config_override=None):
    Performs a synchronize operation on the given repository and triggers publishs for distributors
    with autopublish enabled.

    The given repo must have an importer configured. This method is intentionally limited to
    synchronizing a single repo. Performing multiple repository syncs concurrently will require a
    more global view of the server and must be handled outside the scope of this class.

    :param repo_id: identifies the repo to sync
    :type  repo_id: str
    :param sync_config_override: optional config containing values to use for this sync only
    :type  sync_config_override: dict

    :return: TaskResult containing sync results and a list of spawned tasks
    :rtype:  pulp.server.async.tasks.TaskResult

    :raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource: if specified repo does not exist, or it does not have
                                            an importer and associated plugin
    :raise pulp_exceptions.PulpExecutionException: if the task fails.

    repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)
    transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()

    importer_collection = RepoImporter.get_collection()
    repo_importer = importer_collection.find_one({'repo_id': repo_obj.repo_id})
    if repo_importer is None:
        raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource(repository=repo_id)

        importer, imp_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(repo_importer['importer_type_id'])
    except plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound:
        raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource(repository=repo_id)

    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(imp_config, repo_importer['config'], sync_config_override)
    transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()
    conduit = RepoSyncConduit(repo_id, repo_importer['id'])
    sync_result_collection = RepoSyncResult.get_collection()

    # Fire an events around the call
    fire_manager = manager_factory.event_fire_manager()

    # Perform the sync
    sync_start_timestamp = _now_timestamp()
    sync_result = None

        # Replace the Importer's sync_repo() method with our register_sigterm_handler decorator,
        # which will set up cancel_sync_repo() as the target for the signal handler
        sync_repo = register_sigterm_handler(importer.sync_repo, importer.cancel_sync_repo)
        sync_report = sync_repo(transfer_repo, conduit, call_config)

    except Exception, e:
        sync_end_timestamp = _now_timestamp()
        sync_result = RepoSyncResult.error_result(
            repo_obj.repo_id, repo_importer['id'], repo_importer['importer_type_id'],
            sync_start_timestamp, sync_end_timestamp, e, sys.exc_info()[2])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def remove_from_importer(repo_id, transfer_units):
    # Retrieve the repo from the database and convert to the transfer repo
    repo_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
    repo = repo_query_manager.get_repository(repo_id)

    importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()
    repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

    transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
    transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(
        repo_importer['importer_type_id'], repo_id, mkdir=True)

    # Retrieve the plugin instance to invoke
    importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(
    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config,

    # Invoke the importer's remove method
        importer_instance.remove_units(transfer_repo, transfer_units,
    except Exception:
        msg = _(
            'Exception from importer [%(i)s] while removing units from repo [%(r)s]'
        msg = msg % {'i': repo_importer['id'], 'r': repo_id}
Ejemplo n.º 6
def remove_from_importer(repo_id, transfer_units):

    # Retrieve the repo from the database and convert to the transfer repo
    repo_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
    repo = repo_query_manager.get_repository(repo_id)

    importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()
    repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

    transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
    transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(repo_importer['importer_type_id'],
                                                                  repo_id, mkdir=True)

    # Retrieve the plugin instance to invoke
    importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(
    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer['config'])

    # Invoke the importer's remove method
        importer_instance.remove_units(transfer_repo, transfer_units, call_config)
    except Exception:
        msg = _('Exception from importer [%(i)s] while removing units from repo [%(r)s]')
        msg = msg % {'i': repo_importer['id'], 'r': repo_id}
Ejemplo n.º 7
def validate_importer_config(repo_obj, importer_type_id, config):
    Validates the importer configuration.

    :param repo_obj: repository object
    :type  repo_obj: pulp.server.db.model.Repository
    :param importer_type_id: type of importer, must correspond to a plugin loaded at server startup
    :type  importer_type_id: str
    :param config: configuration values for the importer
    :type  config: dict

    :raises PulpCodedValidationException: if importer_type_id is invalid
    :raises exceptions.PulpDataException: if config is invalid.
    if not plugin_api.is_valid_importer(importer_type_id):
        raise exceptions.PulpCodedValidationException(error_code=error_codes.PLP1008,

    importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(importer_type_id)
    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, config)
    transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()
    result = importer_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo, call_config)

    # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
    if isinstance(result, bool):
        valid_config = result
        message = None
        valid_config, message = result

    if not valid_config:
        raise exceptions.PulpDataException(message)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def remove_importer(repo_id):
        Removes an importer from a repository.

        :param repo_id:         identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:         str
        :raise MissingResource: if the given repo does not exist
        :raise MissingResource: if the given repo does not have an importer

        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)

        repo_importer = importer_coll.find_one({'repo_id': repo_id})

        if repo_importer is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        # remove schedules
        RepoSyncScheduleManager().delete_by_importer_id(repo_id, repo_importer['id'])

        # Call the importer's cleanup method
        importer_type_id = repo_importer['importer_type_id']
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(importer_type_id)

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer['config'])

        transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()

        importer_instance.importer_removed(transfer_repo, call_config)

        # Update the database to reflect the removal
        importer_coll.remove({'repo_id': repo_id})
Ejemplo n.º 9
def validate_importer_config(repo_id, importer_type_id, importer_config):
    This validates that the repository and importer type exist as these are both required to
    validate the configuration.

    :param repo_id: identifies the repo
    :type  repo_id: str
    :param importer_type_id: type of importer, must correspond to a plugin loaded at server startup
    :type  importer_type_id: str
    :param importer_config: configuration values for the importer; may be None
    :type  importer_config: dict

    :raises exceptions.PulpCodedValidationException: if config is invalid.
    repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)

    if not plugin_api.is_valid_importer(importer_type_id):
        raise exceptions.PulpCodedValidationException(error_code=error_codes.PLP1008,

    importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(importer_type_id)
    clean_config = clean_config_dict(importer_config)
    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
    transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()
    result = importer_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo, call_config)

    # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
    if isinstance(result, bool):
        valid_config = result
        message = None
        valid_config, message = result

    if not valid_config:
        raise exceptions.PulpCodedValidationException(validation_errors=message)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def set_importer(repo_id, importer_type_id, repo_plugin_config):
        Configures an importer to be used for the given repository.

        Keep in mind this method is written assuming single importer for a repo.
        The domain model technically supports multiple importers, but this
        call is what enforces the single importer behavior.

        :param repo_id:                      identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:                      str
        :param importer_type_id:             identifies the type of importer being added;
                                             must correspond to an importer loaded at server startup
        :type  importer_type_id:             str
        :param repo_plugin_config:           configuration values for the importer; may be None
        :type  repo_plugin_config:           dict
        :raise MissingResource:              if repo_id does not represent a valid repo
        :raise InvalidImporterConfiguration: if the importer cannot be initialized for the given
        RepoImporterManager.validate_importer_config(repo_id, importer_type_id, repo_plugin_config)
        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(importer_type_id)

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        if repo_plugin_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v) for k, v in repo_plugin_config.items() if v is not None])
            clean_config = None

        # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(importer_type_id, repo_id)

        # Remove old importer if one exists
        except MissingResource:
            pass  # it didn't exist, so no harm done

        # Let the importer plugin initialize the repository
            importer_instance.importer_added(transfer_repo, call_config)
        except Exception:
                'Error initializing importer [%s] for repo [%s]' % (importer_type_id, repo_id))
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Database Update
        importer_id = importer_type_id  # use the importer name as its repo ID

        importer = RepoImporter(repo_id, importer_id, importer_type_id, clean_config)
        importer_coll.save(importer, safe=True)

        return importer
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def resolve_dependencies_by_units(repo_id, units, options):
        Calculates dependencies for the given set of units in the given

        :param repo_id:         identifies the repository
        :type  repo_id:         str
        :param units:           list of database representations of units to resolve dependencies
        :type  units:           list
        :param options:         dict of options to pass the importer to drive the resolution
        :type  options:         dict or None
        :return:                report from the plugin
        :rtype:                 object
        :raise MissingResource: if the repo does not exist or does not have an importer
        # Validation
        repo_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()

        # The following will raise MissingResource as appropriate
        repo = repo_query_manager.get_repository(repo_id)
        repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

            importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(
        except plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Package for the importer call
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer['config'], options)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(
            repo_importer['importer_type_id'], repo_id, mkdir=True)

        conduit = DependencyResolutionConduit(repo_id, repo_importer['id'])

        # Convert all of the units into the plugin standard representation
        transfer_units = []

        # Preload all the type defs so we don't hammer the database unnecessarily
        type_defs = {}
        all_type_def_ids = set([u['unit_type_id'] for u in units])
        for def_id in all_type_def_ids:
            type_def = types_db.type_definition(def_id)
            type_defs[def_id] = type_def

        for unit in units:
            type_id = unit['unit_type_id']
            u = conduit_common_utils.to_plugin_associated_unit(unit, type_defs[type_id])

        # Invoke the importer
            dep_report = importer_instance.resolve_dependencies(transfer_repo, transfer_units,
                                                                conduit, call_config)
        except Exception, e:
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def set_importer(repo_id, importer_type_id, repo_plugin_config):
        Configures an importer to be used for the given repository.

        Keep in mind this method is written assuming single importer for a repo.
        The domain model technically supports multiple importers, but this
        call is what enforces the single importer behavior.

        :param repo_id:                      identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:                      str
        :param importer_type_id:             identifies the type of importer being added;
                                             must correspond to an importer loaded at server startup
        :type  importer_type_id:             str
        :param repo_plugin_config:           configuration values for the importer; may be None
        :type  repo_plugin_config:           dict
        :raise MissingResource:              if repo_id does not represent a valid repo
        :raise InvalidImporterConfiguration: if the importer cannot be initialized for the given

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id' : repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        if not plugin_api.is_valid_importer(importer_type_id):
            raise InvalidValue(['importer_type_id'])

        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(importer_type_id)

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        if repo_plugin_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v) for k, v in repo_plugin_config.items() if v is not None])
            clean_config = None

        # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(importer_type_id, repo_id)

            result = importer_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo, call_config)

            # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
            if isinstance(result, bool):
                valid_config = result
                message = None
                valid_config, message = result

        except Exception, e:
                'Exception received from importer [%s] while validating config' % importer_type_id)
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def resolve_dependencies_by_units(repo_id, units, options):
        Calculates dependencies for the given set of units in the given

        :param repo_id:         identifies the repository
        :type  repo_id:         str
        :param units:           list of database representations of units to resolve dependencies
        :type  units:           list
        :param options:         dict of options to pass the importer to drive the resolution
        :type  options:         dict or None
        :return:                report from the plugin
        :rtype:                 object
        :raise MissingResource: if the repo does not exist or does not have an importer
        # Validation
        repo_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()

        # The following will raise MissingResource as appropriate
        repo = repo_query_manager.get_repository(repo_id)
        repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

            importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(
        except plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Package for the importer call
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer['config'], options)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)

        conduit = DependencyResolutionConduit(repo_id, repo_importer['id'])

        # Convert all of the units into the plugin standard representation
        transfer_units = []

        # Preload all the type defs so we don't hammer the database unnecessarily
        type_defs = {}
        all_type_def_ids = set([u['unit_type_id'] for u in units])
        for def_id in all_type_def_ids:
            type_def = types_db.type_definition(def_id)
            type_defs[def_id] = type_def

        for unit in units:
            type_id = unit['unit_type_id']
            u = conduit_common_utils.to_plugin_associated_unit(unit, type_defs[type_id])

        # Invoke the importer
            dep_report = importer_instance.resolve_dependencies(transfer_repo, transfer_units,
                                                                conduit, call_config)
        except Exception:
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        return dep_report
Ejemplo n.º 14
def sync(repo_id, sync_config_override=None, scheduled_call_id=None):
    Performs a synchronize operation on the given repository and triggers publishes for
    distributors with auto-publish enabled.

    The given repo must have an importer configured. This method is intentionally limited to
    synchronizing a single repo. Performing multiple repository syncs concurrently will require a
    more global view of the server and must be handled outside the scope of this class.

    :param repo_id: identifies the repo to sync
    :type  repo_id: str
    :param sync_config_override: optional config containing values to use for this sync only
    :type  sync_config_override: dict
    :param scheduled_call_id: id of scheduled call that dispatched this task
    :type  scheduled_call_id: str

    :return: TaskResult containing sync results and a list of spawned tasks
    :rtype:  pulp.server.async.tasks.TaskResult

    :raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource: if specified repo does not exist, or it does not have
                                            an importer and associated plugin
    :raise pulp_exceptions.PulpExecutionException: if the task fails.

    repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)
    transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()

    repo_importer = model.Importer.objects.get_or_404(repo_id=repo_id)
        importer, imp_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(repo_importer.importer_type_id)
    except plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound:
        raise pulp_exceptions.MissingResource(repository=repo_id)

    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(imp_config, repo_importer.config, sync_config_override)
    transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.get_working_directory()
    conduit = RepoSyncConduit(repo_id, repo_importer.importer_type_id, repo_importer.id)
    sync_result_collection = RepoSyncResult.get_collection()

    # Fire an events around the call
    fire_manager = manager_factory.event_fire_manager()

    # Perform the sync
    sync_start_timestamp = _now_timestamp()
    sync_result = None

        # Replace the Importer's sync_repo() method with our register_sigterm_handler decorator,
        # which will set up cancel_sync_repo() as the target for the signal handler
        sync_repo = register_sigterm_handler(importer.sync_repo, importer.cancel_sync_repo)
        sync_report = sync_repo(transfer_repo, conduit, call_config)

    except Exception, e:
        sync_end_timestamp = _now_timestamp()
        sync_result = RepoSyncResult.error_result(
            repo_obj.repo_id, repo_importer['id'], repo_importer['importer_type_id'],
            sync_start_timestamp, sync_end_timestamp, e, sys.exc_info()[2])
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def import_uploaded_unit(self, repo_id, unit_type_id, unit_key, unit_metadata, upload_id):
        Called to trigger the importer's handling of an uploaded unit. This
        should not be called until the bits have finished uploading. The
        importer is then responsible for moving the file to the correct location,
        adding it to the Pulp server's inventory, and associating it with the

        This call will first call is_valid_upload to check the integrity of the
        destination repository. See that method's documentation for exception

        @param repo_id: identifies the repository into which the unit is uploaded
        @type  repo_id: str

        @param unit_type_id: type of unit being uploaded
        @type  unit_type_id: str

        @param unit_key: unique identifier for the unit (user-specified)
        @type  unit_key: dict

        @param unit_metadata: any user-specified information about the unit
        @type  unit_metadata: dict

        @param upload_id: upload being imported
        @type  upload_id: str

        # If it doesn't raise an exception, it's good to go
        self.is_valid_upload(repo_id, unit_type_id)

        repo_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()

        repo = repo_query_manager.find_by_id(repo_id)
        repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

            importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(repo_importer['importer_type_id'])
        except plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Assemble the data needed for the import
        conduit = UploadConduit(repo_id, repo_importer['id'], RepoContentUnit.OWNER_TYPE_USER, pulp_principal.get_principal()['login'])

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer['config'], None)
        transfer_repo = repo_common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = repo_common_utils.importer_working_dir(repo_importer['importer_type_id'], repo_id, mkdir=True)

        file_path = self._upload_file_path(upload_id)

        # Invoke the importer
            # def upload_unit(self, type_id, unit_key, metadata, file_path, conduit, config):
            report = importer_instance.upload_unit(transfer_repo, unit_type_id, unit_key, unit_metadata, file_path, conduit, call_config)
        except Exception, e:
            _LOG.exception('Error from the importer while importing uploaded unit to repository [%s]' % repo_id)
            raise PulpExecutionException(e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def set_importer(repo_id, importer_type_id, repo_plugin_config):
        Configures an importer to be used for the given repository.

        Keep in mind this method is written assuming single importer for a repo.
        The domain model technically supports multiple importers, but this
        call is what enforces the single importer behavior.

        :param repo_id:                      identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:                      str
        :param importer_type_id:             identifies the type of importer being added;
                                             must correspond to an importer loaded at server startup
        :type  importer_type_id:             str
        :param repo_plugin_config:           configuration values for the importer; may be None
        :type  repo_plugin_config:           dict
        :raise MissingResource:              if repo_id does not represent a valid repo
        :raise InvalidImporterConfiguration: if the importer cannot be initialized for the given
        RepoImporterManager.validate_importer_config(repo_id, importer_type_id, repo_plugin_config)
        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(importer_type_id)

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        if repo_plugin_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v) for k, v in repo_plugin_config.items() if v is not None])
            clean_config = None

        # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()

        # Remove old importer if one exists
        except MissingResource:
            pass  # it didn't exist, so no harm done

        # Let the importer plugin initialize the repository
            importer_instance.importer_added(transfer_repo, call_config)
        except Exception:
                'Error initializing importer [%s] for repo [%s]' % (importer_type_id, repo_id))
            raise PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Database Update
        importer_id = importer_type_id  # use the importer name as its repo ID

        importer = RepoImporter(repo_id, importer_id, importer_type_id, clean_config)

        return importer
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def _get_importer_instance_and_config(repo_id):
     importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()
         repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)
         importer, config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(repo_importer['importer_type_id'])
     except (MissingResource, plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound):
         importer = None
         config = None
     return importer, config
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def _get_importer_instance_and_config(self, repo_id):
     importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()
         repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)
         importer, config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(repo_importer['importer_type_id'])
     except (MissingResource, plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound):
         importer = None
         config = None
     return importer, config
Ejemplo n.º 19
def set_importer(repo_id, importer_type_id, repo_plugin_config):
    Configures an importer to be used for the given repository.

    :param repo: repository object that the importer should be associated with
    :type  repo: pulp.server.db.model.Repository
    :param importer_type_id: type of importer, must correspond to a plugin loaded at server startup
    :type  importer_type_id: str
    :param repo_plugin_config: configuration values for the importer; may be None
    :type  repo_plugin_config: dict or None

    :return: key-value pairs describing the importer that was set
    :rtype:  dict

    :raises PulpExecutionException: if something goes wrong in the plugin
    :raises exceptions.InvalidValue: if the values passed to create the importer are invalid
    repo = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)

    if not plugin_api.is_valid_importer(importer_type_id):
        raise exceptions.PulpCodedValidationException(error_code=error_codes.PLP1008,

    importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(importer_type_id)
    clean_config = clean_config_dict(repo_plugin_config)

    # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
    transfer_repo = repo.to_transfer_repo()
    validate_importer_config(repo, importer_type_id, clean_config)

    except exceptions.MissingResource:
        pass  # it didn't exist, so no harm done

    # Let the importer plugin initialize the importer
        importer_instance.importer_added(transfer_repo, call_config)
    except Exception:
            'Error initializing importer [%s] for repo [%s]' % (importer_type_id, repo.repo_id))
        raise exceptions.PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

    importer = model.Importer(repo_id, importer_type_id, clean_config)
    except ValidationError, e:
        raise exceptions.InvalidValue(e.to_dict().keys())
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test_importers(self):
     # listing
     importers = api.list_importers()
     self.assertEqual(len(importers), 1)
     self.assertEqual(importers, {IMPORTER_ID: METADATA})
     # list types
     self.assertEqual(api.list_importer_types(IMPORTER_ID), METADATA)
     # by id
     importer = api.get_importer_by_id(IMPORTER_ID)
     self.assertFalse(importer is None)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(importer[0], MockImporter))
     self.assertRaises(PluginNotFound, api.get_importer_by_id, 'not-valid')
     # is_valid
Ejemplo n.º 21
def remove_from_importer(repo_id, transfer_units):
    repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)
    transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()
    repo_importer = model.Importer.objects(repo_id=repo_id).first()

    # Retrieve the plugin instance to invoke
    importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(repo_importer.importer_type_id)
    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer.config)

    # Invoke the importer's remove method
        importer_instance.remove_units(transfer_repo, transfer_units, call_config)
    except Exception:
        msg = _("Exception from importer [%(i)s] while removing units from repo [%(r)s]")
        msg = msg % {"i": repo_importer.importer_type_id, "r": repo_id}
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def validate_importer_config(repo_id, importer_type_id, importer_config):
        Validate an importer configuration. This validates that the repository and importer type
        exist as these are both required to validate the configuration.

        :param repo_id:             identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:             str
        :param importer_type_id:    identifies the type of importer being added;
                                    must correspond to an importer loaded at server startup
        :type  importer_type_id:    str
        :param importer_config:     configuration values for the importer; may be None
        :type  importer_config:     dict
        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        if not plugin_api.is_valid_importer(importer_type_id):
            raise PulpCodedValidationException(error_code=error_codes.PLP1008,

        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(importer_type_id)

        # Convention is that a value of None means unset. Remove any keys that
        # are explicitly set to None so the plugin will default them.
        if importer_config is not None:
            clean_config = dict([(k, v) for k, v in importer_config.items() if v is not None])
            clean_config = None

        # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, clean_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(importer_type_id, repo_id)

        result = importer_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo, call_config)

        # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
        if isinstance(result, bool):
            valid_config = result
            message = None
            valid_config, message = result

        if not valid_config:
            raise PulpCodedValidationException(validation_errors=message)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def remove_from_importer(repo_id, transfer_units):
    repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)
    transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()

    importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()
    repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

    # Retrieve the plugin instance to invoke
    importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(
    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer['config'])

    # Invoke the importer's remove method
        importer_instance.remove_units(transfer_repo, transfer_units, call_config)
    except Exception:
        msg = _('Exception from importer [%(i)s] while removing units from repo [%(r)s]')
        msg = msg % {'i': repo_importer['id'], 'r': repo_id}
Ejemplo n.º 24
def remove_importer(repo_id):
    Removes an importer from a repository.

    :param repo_id: identifies the repo
    :type  repo_id: str
    repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)
    repo_importer = model.Importer.objects.get_or_404(repo_id=repo_id)

    # remove schedules
    sync_manager = manager_factory.repo_sync_schedule_manager()
    sync_manager.delete_by_importer_id(repo_id, repo_importer.importer_type_id)

    # Call the importer's cleanup method
    importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(repo_importer.importer_type_id)

    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer.config)
    transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()
    importer_instance.importer_removed(transfer_repo, call_config)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def remove_importer(repo_id):
    Removes an importer from a repository.

    :param repo_id: identifies the repo
    :type  repo_id: str
    repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)
    repo_importer = model.Importer.objects.get_or_404(repo_id=repo_id)

    # remove schedules
    sync_manager = manager_factory.repo_sync_schedule_manager()
    sync_manager.delete_by_importer_id(repo_id, repo_importer.importer_type_id)

    # Call the importer's cleanup method
    importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(repo_importer.importer_type_id)

    call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer.config)
    transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()
    importer_instance.importer_removed(transfer_repo, call_config)
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def remove_importer(repo_id):
        Removes an importer from a repository.

        :param repo_id:         identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:         str
        :raise MissingResource: if the given repo does not exist
        :raise MissingResource: if the given repo does not have an importer

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        # Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        repo_importer = importer_coll.find_one({'repo_id': repo_id})

        if repo_importer is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        # remove schedules
        RepoSyncScheduleManager().delete_by_importer_id(repo_id, repo_importer['id'])

        # Call the importer's cleanup method
        importer_type_id = repo_importer['importer_type_id']
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(importer_type_id)

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer['config'])

        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(importer_type_id, repo_id)

        importer_instance.importer_removed(transfer_repo, call_config)

        # Update the database to reflect the removal
        importer_coll.remove({'repo_id': repo_id}, safe=True)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def get_importer_by_id(object_id):
    Get a plugin and call configuration using the document ID
    of the repository-importer association document.

    :param object_id: The document ID.
    :type object_id: str
    :return: A tuple of:
        (pulp.plugins.importer.Importer, pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration)
    :rtype: tuple
    :raise pulp.plugins.loader.exceptions.PluginNotFound: not found.
        object_id = ObjectId(object_id)
    except InvalidId:
        raise plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound()
        document = model.Importer.objects.get(id=object_id)
    except DoesNotExist:
        raise plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound()
    plugin, cfg = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(document.importer_type_id)
    call_conf = PluginCallConfiguration(cfg, document.config)
    return plugin, call_conf
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def associate_from_repo(source_repo_id, dest_repo_id, criteria=None,
        Creates associations in a repository based on the contents of a source
        repository. Units from the source repository can be filtered by
        specifying a criteria object.

        The destination repository must have an importer that can support
        the types of units being associated. This is done by analyzing the
        unit list and the importer metadata and takes place before the
        destination repository is called.

        Pulp does not actually perform the associations as part of this call.
        The unit list is determined and passed to the destination repository's
        importer. It is the job of the importer to make the associate calls
        back into Pulp where applicable.

        If criteria is None, the effect of this call is to copy the source
        repository's associations into the destination repository.

        :param source_repo_id:         identifies the source repository
        :type  source_repo_id:         str
        :param dest_repo_id:           identifies the destination repository
        :type  dest_repo_id:           str
        :param criteria:               optional; if specified, will filter the units retrieved from
                                       the source repository
        :type  criteria:               pulp.server.db.model.criteria.UnitAssociationCriteria
        :param import_config_override: optional config containing values to use for this import only
        :type  import_config_override: dict
        :return:                       dict with key 'units_successful' whose
                                       value is a list of unit keys that were copied.
                                       units that were associated by this operation
        :rtype:                        dict
        :raise MissingResource:        if either of the specified repositories don't exist
        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()
        source_repo = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(source_repo_id)
        dest_repo = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(dest_repo_id)

        # This will raise MissingResource if there isn't one, which is the
        # behavior we want this method to exhibit, so just let it bubble up.
        dest_repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(dest_repo_id)
        source_repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(source_repo_id)

        # The docs are incorrect on the list_importer_types call; it actually
        # returns a dict with the types under key "types" for some reason.
        supported_type_ids = set(plugin_api.list_importer_types(

        # Get the unit types from the repo source repo
        source_repo_unit_types = set(source_repo.content_unit_counts.keys())

        # Now we can make sure the destination repository's importer is capable
        # of importing either the selected units or all of the units
        if not source_repo_unit_types.issubset(supported_type_ids):
            raise exceptions.PulpCodedException(
                message='The the target importer does not support the types from the source')

        transfer_units = None
        # If criteria is specified, retrieve the list of units now
        if criteria is not None:
            # if all source types have been converted to mongo - search via new style
            if source_repo_unit_types.issubset(set(plugin_api.list_unit_models())):
                association_q = mongoengine.Q(__raw__=criteria.association_spec)
                unit_q = mongoengine.Q(__raw__=criteria.unit_spec)
                transfer_units = repo_controller.find_repo_content_units(
                # else, search via old style
                associate_us = load_associated_units(source_repo_id, criteria)
                # If units were supposed to be filtered but none matched, we're done
                if len(associate_us) == 0:
                    # Return an empty list to indicate nothing was copied
                    return {'units_successful': []}
                # Convert all of the units into the plugin standard representation if
                # a filter was specified
                transfer_units = None
                if associate_us is not None:
                    associated_unit_type_ids = calculate_associated_type_ids(source_repo_id,
                    transfer_units = create_transfer_units(associate_us, associated_unit_type_ids)

        # Convert the two repos into the plugin API model
        transfer_dest_repo = dest_repo.to_transfer_repo()
        transfer_source_repo = source_repo.to_transfer_repo()

        # Invoke the importer
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, dest_repo_importer['config'],
        conduit = ImportUnitConduit(
            source_repo_id, dest_repo_id, source_repo_importer['id'], dest_repo_importer['id'])

            copied_units = importer_instance.import_units(
                transfer_source_repo, transfer_dest_repo, conduit, call_config,

            unit_ids = [u.to_id_dict() for u in copied_units]
            return {'units_successful': unit_ids}
        except Exception:
            msg = _('Exception from importer [%(i)s] while importing units into repository [%(r)s]')
            msg_dict = {'i': dest_repo_importer['importer_type_id'], 'r': dest_repo_id}
            logger.exception(msg % msg_dict)
            raise exceptions.PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def associate_from_repo(self, source_repo_id, dest_repo_id, criteria=None):
        Creates associations in a repository based on the contents of a source
        repository. Units from the source repository can be filtered by
        specifying a criteria object.

        The destination repository must have an importer that can support
        the types of units being associated. This is done by analyzing the
        unit list and the importer metadata and takes place before the
        destination repository is called.

        Pulp does not actually perform the associations as part of this call.
        The unit list is determined and passed to the destination repository's
        importer. It is the job of the importer to make the associate calls
        back into Pulp where applicable.

        If criteria is None, the effect of this call is to copy the source
        repository's associations into the destination repository.

        @param source_repo_id: identifies the source repository
        @type  source_repo_id: str

        @param dest_repo_id: identifies the destination repository
        @type  dest_repo_id: str

        @param criteria: optional; if specified, will filter the units retrieved
                         from the source repository
        @type  criteria: L{Criteria}

        @raise MissingResource: if either of the specified repositories don't exist

        # Validation
        repo_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()
        dependency_manager = manager_factory.dependency_manager()
        association_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_unit_association_query_manager()

        source_repo = repo_query_manager.get_repository(source_repo_id)
        dest_repo = repo_query_manager.get_repository(dest_repo_id)

        # This will raise MissingResource if there isn't one, which is the
        # behavior we want this method to exhibit, so just let it bubble up.
        dest_repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(dest_repo_id)
        source_repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(source_repo_id)

        # The docs are incorrect on the list_importer_types call; it actually
        # returns a dict with the types under key "types" for some reason.
        supported_type_ids = plugin_api.list_importer_types(dest_repo_importer['importer_type_id'])['types']

        # If criteria is specified, retrieve the list of units now
        associate_us = None
        if criteria is not None:
            criteria.association_fields = None
            criteria.unit_fields = None

            # Retrieve the units to be associated
            associate_us = association_query_manager.get_units(source_repo_id, criteria=criteria)

            # If units were supposed to be filtered but none matched, we're done
            if len(associate_us) is 0:

        # Now we can make sure the destination repository's importer is capable
        # of importing either the selected units or all of the units
        if associate_us is not None:
            associated_unit_type_ids = set([u['unit_type_id'] for u in associate_us])
            association_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_unit_association_query_manager()

            # We may want to make a call here that only retrieves the unique
            # type IDs instead of all of the units, but for now it doesn't exist
            # and I'm not entirely sure this will be a huge problem.
            all_units = association_query_manager.get_units(source_repo_id)
            associated_unit_type_ids = set(u['unit_type_id'] for u in all_units)

        unsupported_types = [t for t in associated_unit_type_ids if t not in supported_type_ids]

        if len(unsupported_types) > 0:
            raise exceptions.InvalidValue(['types'])

        # Convert all of the units into the plugin standard representation if
        # a filter was specified
        transfer_units = None
        if associate_us is not None:
            type_defs = {}
            for def_id in associated_unit_type_ids:
                type_def = types_db.type_definition(def_id)
                type_defs[def_id] = type_def

            transfer_units = []
            for unit in associate_us:
                type_id = unit['unit_type_id']
                u = conduit_common_utils.to_plugin_unit(unit, type_defs[type_id])

        # Convert the two repos into the plugin API model
        transfer_dest_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(dest_repo)
        transfer_dest_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(dest_repo_importer['importer_type_id'], dest_repo['id'], mkdir=True)

        transfer_source_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(source_repo)
        transfer_source_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(source_repo_importer['importer_type_id'], source_repo['id'], mkdir=True)

        # Invoke the importer
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(dest_repo_importer['importer_type_id'])

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, dest_repo_importer['config'])
        conduit = ImportUnitConduit(source_repo_id, dest_repo_id, source_repo_importer['id'], dest_repo_importer['id'])

            importer_instance.import_units(transfer_source_repo, transfer_dest_repo, conduit, call_config, units=transfer_units)
        except Exception:
            _LOG.exception('Exception from importer [%s] while importing units into repository [%s]' % (dest_repo_importer['importer_type_id'], dest_repo_id))
            raise exceptions.PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def import_uploaded_unit(repo_id, unit_type_id, unit_key, unit_metadata, upload_id,
        Called to trigger the importer's handling of an uploaded unit. This
        should not be called until the bits have finished uploading. The
        importer is then responsible for moving the file to the correct location,
        adding it to the Pulp server's inventory, and associating it with the

        This call will first call is_valid_upload to check the integrity of the
        destination repository. See that method's documentation for exception

        :param repo_id:       identifies the repository into which the unit is uploaded
        :type  repo_id:       str
        :param unit_type_id:  type of unit being uploaded
        :type  unit_type_id:  str
        :param unit_key:      unique identifier for the unit (user-specified)
        :type  unit_key:      dict
        :param unit_metadata: any user-specified information about the unit
        :type  unit_metadata: dict
        :param upload_id:     upload being imported
        :type  upload_id:     str
        :return:              A dictionary describing the success or failure of the upload. It must
                              contain the following keys:
                                'success_flag': bool. Indicates whether the upload was successful
                                'summary':      json-serializable object, providing summary
                                'details':      json-serializable object, providing details
        :rtype:               dict
        :raises MissingResource: if upload request was for the non-existent repository
        :raises PulpCodedException: if import was unsuccessful and it was handled by the importer
        :raises PulpException: if import was unsuccessful and it was not handled by the importer
        :raises PulpExecutionException: if an unexpected error occured during the upload
        # If it doesn't raise an exception, it's good to go
        ContentUploadManager.is_valid_upload(repo_id, unit_type_id)
        repo_obj = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(repo_id)
        repo_importer = model.Importer.objects.get_or_404(repo_id=repo_id)

            importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(
        except plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Assemble the data needed for the import
        conduit = UploadConduit(repo_id, repo_importer['id'])

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer['config'],
        transfer_repo = repo_obj.to_transfer_repo()

        file_path = ContentUploadManager._upload_file_path(upload_id)

        # Invoke the importer
            result = importer_instance.upload_unit(transfer_repo, unit_type_id, unit_key,
                                                   unit_metadata, file_path, conduit, call_config)
            if not result['success_flag']:
                raise PulpCodedException(
                    error_code=error_codes.PLP0047, repo_id=transfer_repo.id,
                    unit_type=unit_type_id, summary=result['summary'], details=result['details']

            return result

        except PulpException:
            msg = _('Error from the importer while importing uploaded unit to repository [%(r)s]')
            msg = msg % {'r': repo_id}
        except Exception, e:
            msg = _('Error from the importer while importing uploaded unit to repository [%(r)s]')
            msg = msg % {'r': repo_id}
            raise PulpExecutionException(e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def associate_from_repo(source_repo_id, dest_repo_id, criteria=None,
        Creates associations in a repository based on the contents of a source
        repository. Units from the source repository can be filtered by
        specifying a criteria object.

        The destination repository must have an importer that can support
        the types of units being associated. This is done by analyzing the
        unit list and the importer metadata and takes place before the
        destination repository is called.

        Pulp does not actually perform the associations as part of this call.
        The unit list is determined and passed to the destination repository's
        importer. It is the job of the importer to make the associate calls
        back into Pulp where applicable.

        If criteria is None, the effect of this call is to copy the source
        repository's associations into the destination repository.

        :param source_repo_id:         identifies the source repository
        :type  source_repo_id:         str
        :param dest_repo_id:           identifies the destination repository
        :type  dest_repo_id:           str
        :param criteria:               optional; if specified, will filter the units retrieved from
                                       the source repository
        :type  criteria:               UnitAssociationCriteria
        :param import_config_override: optional config containing values to use for this import only
        :type  import_config_override: dict
        :return:                       list of unit IDs (see pulp.plugins.model.Unit.to_id_dict) for
                                       units that were associated by this operation
        :rtype:                        list
        :raise MissingResource:        if either of the specified repositories don't exist
        # Validation
        repo_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()

        source_repo = repo_query_manager.get_repository(source_repo_id)
        dest_repo = repo_query_manager.get_repository(dest_repo_id)

        # This will raise MissingResource if there isn't one, which is the
        # behavior we want this method to exhibit, so just let it bubble up.
        dest_repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(dest_repo_id)
        source_repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(source_repo_id)

        # The docs are incorrect on the list_importer_types call; it actually
        # returns a dict with the types under key "types" for some reason.
        supported_type_ids = plugin_api.list_importer_types(

        # If criteria is specified, retrieve the list of units now
        associate_us = None
        if criteria is not None:
            associate_us = load_associated_units(source_repo_id, criteria)

            # If units were supposed to be filtered but none matched, we're done
            if len(associate_us) is 0:
                # Return an empty list to indicate nothing was copied
                return []

        # Now we can make sure the destination repository's importer is capable
        # of importing either the selected units or all of the units
        associated_unit_type_ids = calculate_associated_type_ids(source_repo_id, associate_us)
        unsupported_types = [t for t in associated_unit_type_ids if t not in supported_type_ids]

        if len(unsupported_types) > 0:
            raise exceptions.InvalidValue(['types'])

        # Convert all of the units into the plugin standard representation if
        # a filter was specified
        transfer_units = None
        if associate_us is not None:
            transfer_units = create_transfer_units(associate_us, associated_unit_type_ids)

        # Convert the two repos into the plugin API model
        transfer_dest_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(dest_repo)
        transfer_dest_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(
            dest_repo_importer['importer_type_id'], dest_repo['id'], mkdir=True)

        transfer_source_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(source_repo)
        transfer_source_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(
            source_repo_importer['importer_type_id'], source_repo['id'], mkdir=True)

        # Invoke the importer
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, dest_repo_importer['config'],
        login = manager_factory.principal_manager().get_principal()['login']
        conduit = ImportUnitConduit(
            source_repo_id, dest_repo_id, source_repo_importer['id'], dest_repo_importer['id'],
            RepoContentUnit.OWNER_TYPE_USER, login)

            copied_units = importer_instance.import_units(
                transfer_source_repo, transfer_dest_repo, conduit, call_config,
            unit_ids = [u.to_id_dict() for u in copied_units]
            return {'units_successful': unit_ids}

        except Exception:
            msg = _('Exception from importer [%(i)s] while importing units into repository [%(r)s]')
            msg = msg % {'i': dest_repo_importer['importer_type_id'], 'r': dest_repo_id}
            raise exceptions.PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def update_importer_config(repo_id, importer_config):
        Attempts to update the saved configuration for the given repo's importer.
        The importer will be asked if the new configuration is valid. If not,
        this method will raise an error and the existing configuration will
        remain unchanged.

        :param repo_id:              identifies the repo
        :type  repo_id:              str
        :param importer_config:      new configuration values to use for this repo
        :type  importer_config:      dict
        :raise MissingResource:      if the given repo does not exist
        :raise MissingResource:      if the given repo does not have an importer
        :raise InvalidConfiguration: if the plugin indicates the given configuration is invalid

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        # Input Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id': repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        repo_importer = importer_coll.find_one({'repo_id': repo_id})
        if repo_importer is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        importer_type_id = repo_importer['importer_type_id']
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(importer_type_id)

        # The supplied config is a delta of changes to make to the existing config.
        # The plugin expects a full configuration, so we apply those changes to
        # the original config and pass that to the plugin's validate method.
        merged_config = dict(repo_importer['config'])

        # The convention is that None in an update is removing the value and
        # setting it to the default. Find all such properties in this delta and
        # remove them from the existing config if they are there.
        unset_property_names = [k for k in importer_config if importer_config[k] is None]
        for key in unset_property_names:
            merged_config.pop(key, None)
            importer_config.pop(key, None)

        # Whatever is left over are the changed/added values, so merge them in.

        # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, merged_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)

            result = importer_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo, call_config)

            # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
            if isinstance(result, bool):
                valid_config = result
                message = None
                valid_config, message = result
        except Exception, e:
            msg = _('Exception received from importer [%(i)s] while validating config for repo '
            msg = msg % {'i': importer_type_id, 'r': repo_id}
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def associate_from_repo(cls, source_repo_id, dest_repo_id, criteria,
        Creates associations in a repository based on the contents of a source
        repository. Units from the source repository can be filtered by
        specifying a criteria object.

        The destination repository must have an importer that can support
        the types of units being associated. This is done by analyzing the
        unit list and the importer metadata and takes place before the
        destination repository is called.

        Pulp does not actually perform the associations as part of this call.
        The unit list is determined and passed to the destination repository's
        importer. It is the job of the importer to make the associate calls
        back into Pulp where applicable.

        If criteria is None, the effect of this call is to copy the source
        repository's associations into the destination repository.

        :param source_repo_id:         identifies the source repository
        :type  source_repo_id:         str
        :param dest_repo_id:           identifies the destination repository
        :type  dest_repo_id:           str
        :param criteria:               optional; if specified, will filter the units retrieved from
                                       the source repository
        :type  criteria:               pulp.server.db.model.criteria.UnitAssociationCriteria
        :param import_config_override: optional config containing values to use for this import only
        :type  import_config_override: dict
        :return:                       dict with key 'units_successful' whose
                                       value is a list of unit keys that were copied.
                                       units that were associated by this operation
        :rtype:                        dict
        :raise MissingResource:        if either of the specified repositories don't exist
        criteria = UnitAssociationCriteria.from_dict(criteria)
        source_repo = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(source_repo_id)
        dest_repo = model.Repository.objects.get_repo_or_missing_resource(dest_repo_id)

        dest_repo_importer = model.Importer.objects.get_or_404(repo_id=dest_repo_id)
        source_repo_importer = model.Importer.objects.get_or_404(repo_id=source_repo_id)

        # The docs are incorrect on the list_importer_types call; it actually
        # returns a dict with the types under key "types" for some reason.
        supported_type_ids = set(plugin_api.list_importer_types(

        # Get the unit types from the repo source repo
        source_repo_unit_types = set(source_repo.content_unit_counts.keys())

        # Now we can make sure the destination repository's importer is capable
        # of importing either the selected units or all of the units
        if not source_repo_unit_types.issubset(supported_type_ids):
            raise exceptions.PulpCodedException(error_code=error_codes.PLP0044)
        transfer_units = None
        # if all source types have been converted to mongo - search via new style
        if source_repo_unit_types.issubset(set(plugin_api.list_unit_models())):
            transfer_units = cls._units_from_criteria(source_repo, criteria)
            # else, search via old style
            associate_us = load_associated_units(source_repo_id, criteria)
            # If units were supposed to be filtered but none matched, we're done
            if len(associate_us) == 0:
                # Return an empty list to indicate nothing was copied
                return {'units_successful': []}
            # Convert all of the units into the plugin standard representation if
            # a filter was specified
            transfer_units = None
            if associate_us is not None:
                transfer_units = create_transfer_units(associate_us)

        # Convert the two repos into the plugin API model
        transfer_dest_repo = dest_repo.to_transfer_repo()
        transfer_source_repo = source_repo.to_transfer_repo()

        # Invoke the importer
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, dest_repo_importer.config,
        conduit = ImportUnitConduit(
            source_repo_id, dest_repo_id, source_repo_importer.importer_type_id,

            copied_units = importer_instance.import_units(
                transfer_source_repo, transfer_dest_repo, conduit, call_config,
            if isinstance(copied_units, tuple):
                suc_units_ids = [u.to_id_dict() for u in copied_units[0] if u is not None]
                unsuc_units_ids = [u.to_id_dict() for u in copied_units[1]]
                return {'units_successful': suc_units_ids,
                        'units_failed_signature_filter': unsuc_units_ids}
            unit_ids = [u.to_id_dict() for u in copied_units if u is not None]
            return {'units_successful': unit_ids}
        except Exception:
            msg = _('Exception from importer [%(i)s] while importing units into repository [%(r)s]')
            msg_dict = {'i': dest_repo_importer.importer_type_id, 'r': dest_repo_id}
            logger.exception(msg % msg_dict)
            raise exceptions.PulpExecutionException(), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def import_uploaded_unit(self, repo_id, unit_type_id, unit_key,
                             unit_metadata, upload_id):
        Called to trigger the importer's handling of an uploaded unit. This
        should not be called until the bits have finished uploading. The
        importer is then responsible for moving the file to the correct location,
        adding it to the Pulp server's inventory, and associating it with the

        This call will first call is_valid_upload to check the integrity of the
        destination repository. See that method's documentation for exception

        @param repo_id: identifies the repository into which the unit is uploaded
        @type  repo_id: str

        @param unit_type_id: type of unit being uploaded
        @type  unit_type_id: str

        @param unit_key: unique identifier for the unit (user-specified)
        @type  unit_key: dict

        @param unit_metadata: any user-specified information about the unit
        @type  unit_metadata: dict

        @param upload_id: upload being imported
        @type  upload_id: str

        # If it doesn't raise an exception, it's good to go
        self.is_valid_upload(repo_id, unit_type_id)

        repo_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()

        repo = repo_query_manager.find_by_id(repo_id)
        repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

            importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(
        except plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Assemble the data needed for the import
        conduit = UploadConduit(
            repo_id, repo_importer['id'], RepoContentUnit.OWNER_TYPE_USER,

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config,
                                              repo_importer['config'], None)
        transfer_repo = repo_common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = repo_common_utils.importer_working_dir(
            repo_importer['importer_type_id'], repo_id, mkdir=True)

        file_path = self._upload_file_path(upload_id)

        # Invoke the importer
            importer_instance.upload_unit(transfer_repo, unit_type_id,
                                          unit_key, unit_metadata, file_path,
                                          conduit, call_config)
        except PulpException:
                'Error from the importer while importing uploaded unit to repository [%s]'
                % repo_id)
        except Exception, e:
                'Error from the importer while importing uploaded unit to repository [%s]'
                % repo_id)
            raise PulpExecutionException(e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def update_importer_config(self, repo_id, importer_config):
        Attempts to update the saved configuration for the given repo's importer.
        The importer will be asked if the new configuration is valid. If not,
        this method will raise an error and the existing configuration will
        remain unchanged.

        @param repo_id: identifies the repo
        @type  repo_id: str

        @param importer_config: new configuration values to use for this repo
        @type  importer_config: dict

        @raise MissingResource: if the given repo does not exist
        @raise MissingResource: if the given repo does not have an importer
        @raise InvalidConfiguration: if the plugin indicates the given
                configuration is invalid

        repo_coll = Repo.get_collection()
        importer_coll = RepoImporter.get_collection()

        # Input Validation
        repo = repo_coll.find_one({'id' : repo_id})
        if repo is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        repo_importer = importer_coll.find_one({'repo_id' : repo_id})
        if repo_importer is None:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id)

        importer_type_id = repo_importer['importer_type_id']
        importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(importer_type_id)

        # The supplied config is a delta of changes to make to the existing config.
        # The plugin expects a full configuration, so we apply those changes to
        # the original config and pass that to the plugin's validate method.
        merged_config = dict(repo_importer['config'])

        # The convention is that None in an update is removing the value and
        # setting it to the default. Find all such properties in this delta and
        # remove them from the existing config if they are there.
        unset_property_names = [k for k in importer_config if importer_config[k] is None]
        for key in unset_property_names:
            merged_config.pop(key, None)
            importer_config.pop(key, None)

        # Whatever is left over are the changed/added values, so merge them in.

        # Let the importer plugin verify the configuration
        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, merged_config)
        transfer_repo = common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)
        transfer_repo.working_dir = common_utils.importer_working_dir(importer_type_id, repo_id)

        query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
        related_repos = query_manager.find_with_importer_type(importer_type_id)

        transfer_related_repos = []
        for r in related_repos:

            # Don't include the repo being updated in this list
            if r['id'] == repo_id:

            all_configs = [d['config'] for d in r['importers']]
            trr = common_utils.to_related_repo(r, all_configs)

            result = importer_instance.validate_config(transfer_repo, call_config, transfer_related_repos)

            # For backward compatibility with plugins that don't yet return the tuple
            if isinstance(result, bool):
                valid_config = result
                message = None
                valid_config, message = result
        except Exception, e:
            _LOG.exception('Exception received from importer [%s] while validating config for repo [%s]' % (importer_type_id, repo_id))
            raise PulpDataException(e.args), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def import_uploaded_unit(repo_id, unit_type_id, unit_key, unit_metadata, upload_id,
        Called to trigger the importer's handling of an uploaded unit. This
        should not be called until the bits have finished uploading. The
        importer is then responsible for moving the file to the correct location,
        adding it to the Pulp server's inventory, and associating it with the

        This call will first call is_valid_upload to check the integrity of the
        destination repository. See that method's documentation for exception

        :param repo_id:       identifies the repository into which the unit is uploaded
        :type  repo_id:       str
        :param unit_type_id:  type of unit being uploaded
        :type  unit_type_id:  str
        :param unit_key:      unique identifier for the unit (user-specified)
        :type  unit_key:      dict
        :param unit_metadata: any user-specified information about the unit
        :type  unit_metadata: dict
        :param upload_id:     upload being imported
        :type  upload_id:     str
        :return:              A SyncReport indicating the success or failure of the upload
        :rtype:               pulp.plugins.model.SyncReport
        # If it doesn't raise an exception, it's good to go
        ContentUploadManager.is_valid_upload(repo_id, unit_type_id)

        repo_query_manager = manager_factory.repo_query_manager()
        importer_manager = manager_factory.repo_importer_manager()

        repo = repo_query_manager.find_by_id(repo_id)
        repo_importer = importer_manager.get_importer(repo_id)

            importer_instance, plugin_config = plugin_api.get_importer_by_id(
        except plugin_exceptions.PluginNotFound:
            raise MissingResource(repo_id), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # Assemble the data needed for the import
        conduit = UploadConduit(repo_id, repo_importer['id'])

        call_config = PluginCallConfiguration(plugin_config, repo_importer['config'],
        transfer_repo = repo_common_utils.to_transfer_repo(repo)

        file_path = ContentUploadManager._upload_file_path(upload_id)

        # Invoke the importer
            return importer_instance.upload_unit(transfer_repo, unit_type_id, unit_key,
                                                 unit_metadata, file_path, conduit, call_config)
        except PulpException:
            msg = _('Error from the importer while importing uploaded unit to repository [%(r)s]')
            msg = msg % {'r': repo_id}
        except Exception, e:
            msg = _('Error from the importer while importing uploaded unit to repository [%(r)s]')
            msg = msg % {'r': repo_id}
            raise PulpExecutionException(e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]