Ejemplo n.º 1
def findLottery(vote, classHeights, solverSettings):
    Returns a Lottery satisfying all constraints specified by the classHeights parameter

    @type vote: vote.society.Vote
    @type classHeights: dict(vote.society.ChoiceClass, float)
    @type solverSettings: vote.solver.settings.SolverSettings
    @rtype: vote.society.Lottery
    @raise ValueError: If the constraints are not satisfiable
    classNames = getUniqueNames(classHeights.keys(), prefix="Class ")
    choiceNames = getUniqueNames(vote.getChoices(), prefix="Choice ")

    problem = LpProblem("Lambda", LpMaximize)
    choiceVariables = LpVariable.dicts("p", choiceNames.values(), lowBound=0)

    problem += lpSum(choiceVariables) <= 1, "Distribution"
    for choiceClass, height in classHeights.items():
        problem += createLpSum(choiceClass, choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
            height, classNames[choiceClass] + " height"


    choiceValues = dict()
    for choice, choiceName in choiceNames.items():
        choiceValues[choice.getObject()] = choiceVariables[choiceName].value()
    return Lottery(choiceValues, solverSettings)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def findLottery(vote, classHeights, solverSettings):
    Returns a Lottery satisfying all constraints specified by the classHeights parameter

    @type vote: vote.society.Vote
    @type classHeights: dict(vote.society.ChoiceClass, float)
    @type solverSettings: vote.solver.settings.SolverSettings
    @rtype: vote.society.Lottery
    @raise ValueError: If the constraints are not satisfiable
    classNames = getUniqueNames(classHeights.keys(), prefix="Class ")
    choiceNames = getUniqueNames(vote.getChoices(), prefix="Choice ")

    problem = LpProblem("Lambda", LpMaximize)
    choiceVariables = LpVariable.dicts("p", choiceNames.values(), lowBound=0)

    problem += lpSum(choiceVariables) <= 1, "Distribution"
    for choiceClass, height in classHeights.items():
        problem += createLpSum(choiceClass, choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
            height, classNames[choiceClass] + " height"


    choiceValues = dict()
    for choice, choiceName in choiceNames.items():
        choiceValues[choice.getObject()] = choiceVariables[choiceName].value()
    return Lottery(choiceValues, solverSettings)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def genera_strutture_ausiliarie(self, dati) -> None:

        model = pl.LpProblem("CalcolaOrario", pl.LpMaximize)

        # set dei docenti che hanno insegnamenti tra i moduli da fissare in orario
        doc = set(m.get_matricola() for m in dati.get_moduli())
        # dict che mantiene l'associazione tra i moduli e i docenti titolari degli stessi
        tit = LpVariable.dicts("assign", [(m,d) for m in dati.get_moduli() for d in doc],
                            lowBound = 0,
                            upBound = 1,
                            cat = pl.LpInteger)
        # dict che mantiene l'associazione tra i moduli e le aule compatibili in relazione alla numerosità attesa
        cpt = LpVariable.dicts("assign", [(m,a) for m in dati.get_moduli() for a in dati.get_aule()],
                            lowBound = 0,
                            upBound = 1,
                            cat = pl.LpInteger)
        # valore 1 -> docente ha la titolarità di un dato modulo
        for m in dati.get_moduli():
            for d in doc:
                if d == m.get_matricola():
                    tit[m,d] = 1
                    tit[m,d] = 0
        # valore 1 -> l'aula è compatibile con la numerosità di un dato corso    
        for m in dati.get_moduli():
            for a in dati.get_aule():
                if a.get_tipo() == m.get_tipo_aula() and a.get_capienza() >= m.get_max_studenti():
                    cpt[m,a] = 1
                    cpt[m,a] = 0
        # Le variabili skd valgono uno se per un dato slot di un dato giorno viene assegnata la lezione di un modulo 
        # di una dato corso in un data aula
        skd = LpVariable.dicts("assign", [(c,m,a,g,s) for c in dati.get_corsi() for m in dati.get_moduli() for a in dati.get_aule() 
                                                    for g in dati.get_giorni() for s in dati.get_slot()], 
                                lowBound = 0,
                                upBound = 1,
                                cat = pl.LpInteger)
        return model, StruttureAusiliarie(doc, tit, cpt, skd)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def computeLambda(state, maximumTime=1.0):
    activeAgents = state.getActiveAgents()
    agentNames = getUniqueNames(activeAgents, prefix="Agent ")
    classNames = getUniqueNames(state.getChoiceClasses(), prefix="Class ")
    choiceNames = getUniqueNames(state.getChoices(), prefix="")

    choiceVariables = LpVariable.dicts("p", choiceNames.values(), lowBound=0)
    lambdaVariable = LpVariable("l", lowBound=0.0, upBound=maximumTime)

    def createConstraints(problem, variable):
        problem += lpSum(choiceVariables) <= 1, "Distribution"
        for choiceClass, height in state.getCurrentClassHeights().items():
            problem += createLpSum(choiceClass, choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
                height, classNames[choiceClass] + " height"
        for agent in state.getActiveAgents():
            problem += createLpSum(state.getCurrentAgentChoiceClass(agent),
                                   choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
                state.getAgentHeight(agent) + variable * state.getAgentSpeed(agent), \
                agentNames[agent] + " push"

    problem = LpProblem("Lambda", LpMaximize)
    createConstraints(problem, lambdaVariable)
    lambdaOpt = lambdaVariable.value()

    bouncingAgents = []
    stringAgents = []  #TODO just a workaround; find better solution
    for currentAgent in activeAgents:
        print "Current agent: " + agentNames[
            currentAgent]  # name is off by one
        problem = LpProblem(agentNames[currentAgent], LpMaximize)
        createConstraints(problem, lambdaOpt)
        (choiceClass, height, speed) = state.getAgentData(currentAgent)
        # print "Choice Class: " + repr(choiceClass) + ",
        print "height: " + repr(height) + " , speed: " + repr(speed)
            createLpSum(choiceClass, choiceNames, choiceVariables) -
            lambdaOpt * speed - height)
        value = problem.objective.value()
        # print "value: " + repr(value) + "\n"
        if not state.getSettings().isNonnegative(value):
            raise ValueError(
                str(value) + " negative while determining bounce of " +
                repr(currentAgent) + " from " + repr(choiceClass) + "@" +
                str(height) + "/" + str(speed))
        if state.getSettings().isClose(value, 0):
        print "climbing time: " + repr(lambdaOpt) + ", bouncingAgents: " + str(
            stringAgents) + "\n"
        # print map(Agent.getName(), bouncingAgents)
    return (lambdaOpt, bouncingAgents)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def computeLambda(state, maximumTime=1.0):
    activeAgents = state.getActiveAgents()
    agentNames = getUniqueNames(activeAgents, prefix="Agent ")
    classNames = getUniqueNames(state.getChoiceClasses(), prefix="Class ")
    choiceNames = getUniqueNames(state.getChoices(), prefix="")

    choiceVariables = LpVariable.dicts("p", choiceNames.values(), lowBound=0)
    lambdaVariable = LpVariable("l", lowBound=0.0, upBound=maximumTime)

    def createConstraints(problem, variable):
        problem += lpSum(choiceVariables) <= 1, "Distribution"
        for choiceClass, height in state.getCurrentClassHeights().items():
            problem += createLpSum(choiceClass, choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
                height, classNames[choiceClass] + " height"
        for agent in state.getActiveAgents():
            problem += createLpSum(state.getCurrentAgentChoiceClass(agent),
                                   choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
                state.getAgentHeight(agent) + variable * state.getAgentSpeed(agent), \
                agentNames[agent] + " push"

    problem = LpProblem("Lambda", LpMaximize)
    createConstraints(problem, lambdaVariable)
    lambdaOpt = lambdaVariable.value()

    bouncingAgents = []
    stringAgents = [] #TODO just a workaround; find better solution
    for currentAgent in activeAgents:
	print "Current agent: " + agentNames[currentAgent] # name is off by one
        problem = LpProblem(agentNames[currentAgent], LpMaximize)
        createConstraints(problem, lambdaOpt)
        (choiceClass, height, speed) = state.getAgentData(currentAgent)
	# print "Choice Class: " + repr(choiceClass) + ", 
	print "height: " + repr(height) + " , speed: " + repr(speed)
        problem.setObjective(createLpSum(choiceClass, choiceNames, choiceVariables)
                             - lambdaOpt * speed - height)
        value = problem.objective.value()
	# print "value: " + repr(value) + "\n"
        if not state.getSettings().isNonnegative(value):
            raise ValueError(str(value) + " negative while determining bounce of " +
                             repr(currentAgent) + " from " + repr(choiceClass) +
                             "@" + str(height) + "/" + str(speed))
        if state.getSettings().isClose(value, 0):
	print "climbing time: " + repr(lambdaOpt) + ", bouncingAgents: " + str(stringAgents) + "\n"	
	# print map(Agent.getName(), bouncingAgents)
    return (lambdaOpt, bouncingAgents)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def computeLambda(state, maximumTime=1.0):
    @type state: SSRState
    @type maximumTime: float
    towerNames = getUniqueNames(state.getTowers(), prefix="T")
    choiceNames = getUniqueNames(state.getChoices(), prefix="")
    choiceVariables = LpVariable.dicts("p", choiceNames.values(), lowBound=0.0)
    lambdaVariable = LpVariable("l", lowBound=0.0, upBound=maximumTime)

    def createConstraints(problem, variable):
        problem += lpSum(choiceVariables) <= 1, "Distribution"
        for tower, towerName in towerNames.items():
            problem += createLpSum(tower.getChoiceClass(), choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
                tower.getHeight() + variable * \
                tower.getSpeed(), towerName

    problem = LpProblem("Lambda", LpMaximize)
    createConstraints(problem, lambdaVariable)
    lambdaOpt = lambdaVariable.value()

    freezingTowers = []
    for currentTower, towerName in towerNames.items():
        if currentTower.isFrozen():
        problem = LpProblem(towerName, LpMaximize)
        createConstraints(problem, lambdaOpt)
            createLpSum(currentTower.getChoiceClass(), choiceNames,
                        choiceVariables) -
            lambdaOpt * currentTower.getSpeed() - currentTower.getHeight())
        value = problem.objective.value()
        if not state.getSettings().isNonnegative(value):
            raise ValueError(
                str(value) + " negative while determining frozen state of " +
        if state.getSettings().isClose(problem.objective.value(), 0):

    return (lambdaOpt, frozenset(freezingTowers))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def computeLambda(state, maximumTime=1.0):
    @type state: SSRState
    @type maximumTime: float
    towerNames = getUniqueNames(state.getTowers(), prefix="T")
    choiceNames = getUniqueNames(state.getChoices(), prefix="")
    choiceVariables = LpVariable.dicts("p", choiceNames.values(), lowBound=0.0)
    lambdaVariable = LpVariable("l", lowBound=0.0, upBound=maximumTime)

    def createConstraints(problem, variable):
        problem += lpSum(choiceVariables) <= 1, "Distribution"
        for tower, towerName in towerNames.items():
            problem += createLpSum(tower.getChoiceClass(), choiceNames, choiceVariables) >= \
                tower.getHeight() + variable * \
                tower.getSpeed(), towerName

    problem = LpProblem("Lambda", LpMaximize)
    createConstraints(problem, lambdaVariable)
    lambdaOpt = lambdaVariable.value()

    freezingTowers = []
    for currentTower, towerName in towerNames.items():
        if currentTower.isFrozen():
        problem = LpProblem(towerName, LpMaximize)
        createConstraints(problem, lambdaOpt)
        problem.setObjective(createLpSum(currentTower.getChoiceClass(), choiceNames, choiceVariables)
                             - lambdaOpt * currentTower.getSpeed() - currentTower.getHeight())
        value = problem.objective.value()
        if not state.getSettings().isNonnegative(value):
            raise ValueError(str(value) + " negative while determining frozen state of " +
        if state.getSettings().isClose(problem.objective.value(), 0):

    return (lambdaOpt, frozenset(freezingTowers))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def get_optimal_rackspace(cpu_usage, mem_usage, optimal=True, debug=False):
    Calculates the price of optimal resources allocation over a certain time span (with monthly granularity). 
    Formulates the problem of satisfying user demand (in CPU and RAM) as an LP problem with a monetary objective function. 
    assert(len(cpu_usage) == len(mem_usage))
    prob = LpProblem("Rackspace cost optimization", LpMinimize)
    # variables
    ## 1h instances
    per_h_ondems = []
    for p in range(len(cpu_usage)):
        per_h_ondems += ["p %s ondem %s" %(p, i) for i in vms.keys()]
    category = LpInteger if optimal else LpContinuous
    vars = LpVariable.dicts("rackspace", per_h_ondems, 0, None, cat=category)
    # objective function
    prob += lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[3]][0] for vm in per_h_ondems]), "Total cost of running the infra (wrt to CPU/RAM)" 
    # constraints    
    ## demand constraints
    for p in range(len(cpu_usage)):
        prob += lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[3]][2] for vm in per_h_ondems if int(vm.split(" ")[1]) == p]) >= cpu_usage[p], "CU demand period %s" %p
        prob += lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[3]][3] for vm in per_h_ondems if int(vm.split(" ")[1]) == p]) >= mem_usage[p], "RAM demand period %s" %p

    if debug:        
        for v in prob.variables():
            if v.varValue != 0.0:
                print v.name, "=", v.varValue

        print "Total Cost of the solution = ", value(prob.objective)
    return value(prob.objective)
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: aws.py Proyecto: HEP-KBFI/ccc
def get_optimal_ec2(cpu_usage, mem_usage, optimal=True, debug=False):
    Calculates the optimal allocation of resources over a certain time span (with monthly granularity). 
    Formulates the problem of satisfying user demand (in CPU and RAM) as an LP problem with a monetary objective function. 
    Returns allocation of reserved instances and a total price for running the allocation on AWS.    
    assert(len(cpu_usage) == len(mem_usage))
    prob = LpProblem("The Simplified EC2 cost optimization", LpMinimize)
    # variables
    ## 1h instances (both on-demand and reserved)
    per_h_ondems = []
    per_h_reserved = []
    for p in range(len(cpu_usage)):
        # ondemand
        per_h_ondems += ["p %s ondem %s" %(p, i) for i in vms.keys()]
        # reserved
        per_h_reserved += ["p %s reserved %s" %(p, i) for i in vms.keys()]
    ## nr of 1-year reserved instances
    nr_of_1year_reserved = [ "res_1year %s" % i for i in vms.keys()]
    nr_of_3year_reserved = [ "res_3year %s" % i for i in vms.keys()]
    category = LpInteger if optimal else LpContinuous
    vars = LpVariable.dicts("aws", per_h_ondems + per_h_reserved + nr_of_1year_reserved + nr_of_3year_reserved, \
                            lowBound = 0, upBound = None, cat = category)

    # objective function    
    prob += lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[3]][0] for vm in per_h_ondems]) \
            + lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[3]][3] for vm in per_h_reserved]) \
            + lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[1]][1] for vm in nr_of_1year_reserved]) \
            + lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[1]][2] for vm in nr_of_3year_reserved]) \
            , "Total cost of running the infrastructure consuming (CPU/RAM)/h" 

    # constraints
    ## demand constraints
    for p in range(len(cpu_usage)):
        prob += lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[3]][4] for vm in (per_h_ondems + per_h_reserved) if int(vm.split(" ")[1]) == p]) >= cpu_usage[p], "CPU demand, period %s" %p
        prob += lpSum([vars[vm] * vms[vm.split(" ")[3]][5] for vm in (per_h_ondems + per_h_reserved) if int(vm.split(" ")[1]) == p]) >= mem_usage[p], "RAM demand. period %s" %p
    ## constraints on the reserved instances - cannot use more than we paid for
    for i in per_h_reserved:
        t = i.split(" ")[3]
        prob += vars["res_1year %s" % t] + vars["res_3year %s" % t] >= vars[i], "Nr. of used reserved machines of type %s" %i    
    if debug:
        print "Status:", LpStatus[prob.status]
        print "Total Cost of the solution = ", value(prob.objective)
    res_instance = {}
    for v in prob.variables():
        if v.name.startswith("aws_res_") and v.varValue != 0.0:
            res_instance[v.name] = v.varValue
        if debug and v.varValue != 0.0:
            print v.name, "=", v.varValue
    return (res_instance, value(prob.objective))