Ejemplo n.º 1
    def K_dominance_check(self, _V_best_d, Q_d):
        :param _V_best_d: a list of d-dimension
        :param Q_d: a list of d-dimension
        :return: True if _V_best_d is prefered to Q_d regarding self.Lambda_inequalities and using Kdominance
         other wise it returns False
        _d = len(_V_best_d)

        prob = LpProblem("Ldominance", LpMinimize)
        lambda_variables = LpVariable.dicts("l", range(_d), 0)

        for inequ in self.Lambda_ineqalities:
            prob += lpSum([inequ[j + 1] * lambda_variables[j] for j in range(0, _d)]) + inequ[0] >= 0

        prob += lpSum([lambda_variables[i] * (_V_best_d[i]-Q_d[i]) for i in range(_d)])


        status = prob.solve()
        result = value(prob.objective)

        if result < 0:
            return False

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def K_dominnace_check_2(self, u_d, v_d, _inequalities):

        :param u_d: a d-dimensional vector(list) like [ 8.53149891  3.36436796]
        :param v_d: tha same list like u_d
        :param _inequalities: list of constraints on d-dimensional Lambda Polytope like
         [[0, 1, 0], [1, -1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, -1], [0.0, 1.4770889, -3.1250839]]
        :return: True if u is Kdominance to v regarding given _inequalities otherwise False
        _d = len(u_d)

        prob = LpProblem("Kdominance", LpMinimize)
        lambda_variables = LpVariable.dicts("l", range(_d), 0)

        for inequ in _inequalities:
            prob += lpSum([inequ[j + 1] * lambda_variables[j] for j in range(0, _d)]) + inequ[0] >= 0

        prob += lpSum([lambda_variables[i] * (u_d[i]-v_d[i]) for i in range(_d)])


        status = prob.solve()

        result = value(prob.objective)
        if result < 0:
            return False

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
def solve(g):
    el = g.get_edge_list()
    nl = g.get_node_list()
    p = LpProblem('min_cost', LpMinimize)
    capacity = {}
    cost = {}
    demand = {}
    x = {}
    for e in el:
        capacity[e] = g.get_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'capacity')
        cost[e] = g.get_edge_attr(e[0], e[1], 'cost')
    for i in nl:
        demand[i] = g.get_node_attr(i, 'demand')
    for e in el:
        x[e] = LpVariable("x"+str(e), 0, capacity[e])
    # add obj
    objective = lpSum (cost[e]*x[e] for e in el)
    p += objective
    # add constraints
    for i in nl:
        out_neig = g.get_out_neighbors(i)
        in_neig = g.get_in_neighbors(i)
        p += lpSum(x[(i,j)] for j in out_neig) -\
             lpSum(x[(j,i)] for j in in_neig)==demand[i]
    return x, value(objective)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def make_into_lp_problem(good_for, N):
    Helper function for solve_with_lp_and_reduce()

    N --- number of isoform sequences
    good_for --- dict of <isoform_index> --> list of matched paths index
    prob = LpProblem("The Whiskas Problem",LpMinimize)

    # each good_for is (isoform_index, [list of matched paths index])
    # ex: (0, [1,2,4])
    # ex: (3, [2,5])
    variables = [LpVariable(str(i),0,1,LpInteger) for i in xrange(N)]

    # objective is to minimize sum_{Xi}
    prob += sum(v for v in variables)

    # constraints are for each isoform, expressed as c_i * x_i >= 1
    # where c_i = 1 if x_i is matched for the isoform
    # ex: (0, [1,2,4]) becomes t_0 = x_1 + x_2 + x_4 >= 1
    for t_i, p_i_s in good_for:
        #c_i_s = [1 if i in p_i_s else 0 for i in xrange(N)]
        prob += sum(variables[i]*(1 if i in p_i_s else 0) for i in xrange(N)) >= 1
    return prob
Ejemplo n.º 5
def pi_solve(pi, Q, s):
    # The 'prob' variable will contain the problem data.
    prob = LpProblem('FindPi', LpMinimize)

    a0 = LpVariable('a0', 0.0)  # the minimum is 0.0
    a1 = LpVariable('a1', 0.0)  # the minimum is 0.0
    a2 = LpVariable('a2', 0.0)  # the minimum is 0.0
    a3 = LpVariable('a3', 0.0)  # the minimum is 0.0
    a4 = LpVariable('a4', 0.0)  # the minimum is 0.0
    v = LpVariable('v', 0.0)

    # The objective function is added to 'prob' first
    prob += v, "to minimize"

    # constraints
    prob +=  a0 * Q[s,0,0] + a1 * Q[s,1,0] + a2 * Q[s,2,0] + a3 * Q[s,3,0] + a4 * Q[s,4,0] <= v, 'constraint 1'
    prob +=  a0 * Q[s,0,1] + a1 * Q[s,1,1] + a2 * Q[s,2,1] + a3 * Q[s,3,1] + a4 * Q[s,4,1] <= v, 'constraint 2'
    prob +=  a0 * Q[s,0,2] + a1 * Q[s,1,2] + a2 * Q[s,2,2] + a3 * Q[s,3,2] + a4 * Q[s,4,2] <= v, 'constraint 3'
    prob +=  a0 * Q[s,0,3] + a1 * Q[s,1,3] + a2 * Q[s,2,3] + a3 * Q[s,3,3] + a4 * Q[s,4,3] <= v, 'constraint 4'
    prob +=  a0 * Q[s,0,4] + a1 * Q[s,1,4] + a2 * Q[s,2,4] + a3 * Q[s,3,4] + a4 * Q[s,4,4] <= v, 'constraint 5'

    prob +=  1.0*a0 + 1.0*a1 + 1.0*a2 + 1.0*a3 + 1.0*a4 == 1, 'constraint 6'


    pi_prime = [a.varValue for a in prob.variables()[:5]]

    return np.array(pi_prime)
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def get_linear_program_solution(self, c, b, A, x):
		prob = LpProblem("myProblem", LpMinimize)
		prob += lpSum([xp*cp for xp, cp in zip(x, c)]), "Total Cost of Ingredients per can" 

		for row, cell in zip(A, b):
			prob += lpSum(ap*xp for ap, xp in zip(row,  x)) <= cell

		solved = prob.solve()
		return prob
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main():
    x = LpVariable("x", 0, 3)
    y = LpVariable("y", 0, 1)
    prob = LpProblem("myProblem", LpMinimize)
    prob += x + y <= 2
    prob += -4*x + y
    status = prob.solve(COIN(msg = 0))
    print LpStatus[status]
    print value(x)
    print value(y)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def fuelSolution(airports):
    for i in range(len(airports)):
        airports[i].previous = airports[i-1]
    problem = LpProblem('Flight', LpMinimize)
    problem+=sum(airport.fuelcost*airport.refuel for airport in airports), 'Cost'
    for ap in airports:
        problem+= ap.min_fuel + ap.refuel <= ap.startingFuel, 'Min Fuel %s' % ap.startingFuel
        problem+= ap.startingFuel == ap.previous.startingFuel + ap.refuel - ap.distance*(1 + (ap.startingFuel + ap.previous.startingFuel - ap.refuel)/(2.*rate)), 'Takeoff Fuel Level %s' % ap.startingFuel
    return problem
Ejemplo n.º 9
def knapsack01(obj, weights, capacity):
    """ 0/1 knapsack solver, maximizes profit. weights and capacity integer """
    debug_subproblem = False
    assert len(obj) == len(weights)
    n = len(obj)
    if n == 0:
        return 0, []

    if debug_subproblem:
        relaxation = LpProblem('relaxation', LpMaximize)
        relax_vars = [str(i) for i in range(n)]
        var_dict   = LpVariable.dicts("", relax_vars, 0, 1, LpBinary)
        relaxation += (lpSum(var_dict[str(i)] * weights[i] for i in range(n)) 
                       <= capacity)
        relaxation += lpSum(var_dict[str(i)] * obj[i] for i in range(n))
        relax_obj = value(relaxation.objective)

        solution =  [i for i in range(n) if var_dict[str(i)].varValue > tol ]

        print relax_obj, solution

    c = [[0]*(capacity+1) for i in range(n)]
    added = [[False]*(capacity+1) for i in range(n)]
    # c [items, remaining capacity]
    # important: this code assumes strictly positive objective values
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(capacity+1):
            if (weights[i] > j):
                c[i][j] = c[i-1][j]
                c_add = obj[i] + c[i-1][j-weights[i]]
                if c_add > c[i-1][j]:
                    c[i][j] = c_add
                    added[i][j] = True
                    c[i][j] = c[i-1][j]

    # backtrack to find solution
    i = n-1
    j = capacity

    solution = []
    while i >= 0 and j >= 0:
        if added[i][j]:
            j -= weights[i]
        i -= 1
    return c[n-1][capacity], solution
def pe185():
    Modelling as an integer programming problem.
    Then using PuLP to solve it. It's really fast, just 0.24 seconds. 
    For details, see https://pythonhosted.org/PuLP/index.html
    from pulp import LpProblem, LpVariable, LpMinimize, LpInteger, lpSum, value

    constraints = [
        ('2321386104303845', 0),
        ('3847439647293047', 1),
        ('3174248439465858', 1),
        ('8157356344118483', 1),
        ('6375711915077050', 1),
        ('6913859173121360', 1),
        ('4895722652190306', 1),
        ('5616185650518293', 2),
        ('4513559094146117', 2),
        ('2615250744386899', 2),
        ('6442889055042768', 2),
        ('2326509471271448', 2),
        ('5251583379644322', 2),
        ('2659862637316867', 2),
        ('5855462940810587', 3),
        ('9742855507068353', 3),
        ('4296849643607543', 3),
        ('7890971548908067', 3),
        ('8690095851526254', 3),
        ('1748270476758276', 3),
        ('3041631117224635', 3),
        ('1841236454324589', 3)

    VALs = map(str, range(10))
    LOCs = map(str, range(16))
    choices = LpVariable.dicts("Choice", (LOCs, VALs), 0, 1, LpInteger)

    prob = LpProblem("pe185", LpMinimize)
    prob += 0, "Arbitrary Objective Function"

    for s in LOCs:
        prob += lpSum([choices[s][v] for v in VALs]) == 1, ""

    for c, n in constraints:
        prob += lpSum([choices[str(i)][v] for i,v in enumerate(c)]) == n, ""

    res = int(''.join(v for s in LOCs for v in VALs if value(choices[s][v])))

    # answer: 4640261571849533
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def get_best_assignments(self, row):
     df = self.assignments[(self.assignments.FromIcao == row['FromIcao']) &
                           (self.assignments.ToIcao == row['ToIcao']) & (self.assignments.Amount <= row['Seats'])]
     if not len(df):
         return None
     prob = LpProblem("Knapsack problem", LpMaximize)
     w_list = df.Amount.tolist()
     p_list = df.Pay.tolist()
     x_list = [LpVariable('x{}'.format(i), 0, 1, 'Integer') for i in range(1, 1 + len(w_list))]
     prob += sum([x * p for x, p in zip(x_list, p_list)]), 'obj'
     prob += sum([x * w for x, w in zip(x_list, w_list)]) <= row['Seats'], 'c1'
     return df.iloc[[i for i in range(len(x_list)) if x_list[i].varValue]]
Ejemplo n.º 12
def solve_under_coverage(graph, min_coverage=80):

    prob = LpProblem("granularity selection", LpMinimize)
    codelet_vars = LpVariable.dicts("codelet",

    # Objective function: minimize the total replay cost of selected codelets

    # Compute replay time
    for n,d in graph.nodes(data=True):
      d['_total_replay_cycles'] = 0
      for inv in d['_invocations']:
        d['_total_replay_cycles'] = d['_total_replay_cycles'] + float(inv["Invivo (cycles)"])

    prob += lpSum([codelet_vars[n]*d['_total_replay_cycles'] for n,d in graph.nodes(data=True)])

    # and with good coverage
    prob += (lpSum([codelet_vars[n]*d['_coverage'] for n,d in graph.nodes(data=True)]) >= min_coverage)

    # selected codelets should match
    for n,d in graph.nodes(data=True):
        if not d['_matching']:
            prob += codelet_vars[n] == 0

    # Finally we should never include both the children and the parents
    for dad in graph.nodes():
        for son in graph.nodes():
            if not dad in nx.ancestors(graph, son):
            # We cannot select dad and son at the same time
            prob += codelet_vars[dad] + codelet_vars[son] <= 1

    if (LpStatus[prob.status] != 'Optimal'):
        raise Unsolvable()

    for v in prob.variables():
        assert v.varValue == 1.0 or v.varValue == 0.0
        if v.varValue == 1.0:

            for n,d in graph.nodes(data=True):
                if ("codelet_"+str(n)) == v.name:
                    d["_selected"] = True
                    yield n
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def setup(self, statement):
     self.problem = LpProblem(statement, LpMinimize)
     self.problem += sum(self.variables.values())
     for a, b in combinations(self.candidates, 2):
         ab = a + b
         ba = b + a
         if ab in statement and ba in statement:
             # The statement itself contains the ordering information.
         elif ab in statement:
             self.constrainGreater(ab, ba)
         elif ba in statement:
             self.constrainGreater(ba, ab)
         #    self.constrainEqual(ab, ba)
     prev = None
     for rank in statement.split(">"):
         pairs = rank.split("=")
         if prev:
             self.constrainGreater(prev, pairs[0])
         for n in range(len(pairs) - 1):
             self.constrainEqual(pairs[n], pairs[n+1])
         prev = pairs[-1]
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_optimal_routes(sources, destinations):
    sources = collections.OrderedDict([(x['id'], x) for x in sources])
    destinations = collections.OrderedDict([(x['id'], x) for x in destinations])

    sources_points = [{'lat': x['lat'], 'lng': x['lng']} for x in sources.values()]
    destinations_points = [{'lat': x['lat'], 'lng': x['lng']} for x in destinations.values()]

    source_ids = [str(x['id']) for x in sources.values()]
    dest_ids = [str(x['id']) for x in destinations.values()]

    demand = {str(x['id']): convert_int(x['num_students']) for x in sources.values()}
    supply = {str(x['id']): convert_int(x['num_students']) for x in destinations.values()}

    log.info("Calling gmaps api...")
    distances = gmaps.distance_matrix(origins=sources_points, destinations=destinations_points, mode='walking')

    costs = {}
    for i, origin in enumerate(distances['rows']):
        origin_costs = {}
        for j, entry in enumerate(origin['elements']):
            origin_costs[dest_ids[j]] = entry['duration']['value']
        costs[source_ids[i]] = origin_costs

    prob = LpProblem("Evaucation Routing for Schools",LpMinimize)
    routes = [(s,d) for s in source_ids for d in dest_ids]
    route_lookup = {'Route_{}_{}'.format(x.replace(' ','_'),y.replace(' ','_')):(x,y) for (x,y) in routes}
    route_vars = LpVariable.dicts("Route",(source_ids,dest_ids),0,None,LpInteger)
    prob += lpSum([route_vars[w][b]*(costs[w][b]**2) for (w,b) in routes])
    for dest in dest_ids:
        prob += lpSum([route_vars[source][dest] for source in source_ids]) <= supply[dest], "Students going to {} is <= {}".format(dest, supply[dest])
    for source in source_ids:
        prob += lpSum([route_vars[source][dest] for dest in dest_ids]) == demand[source], "Students leaving {} is {}".format(source, demand[source])

    log.info("Optimizing routes...")

    if prob.status != 1:
        raise Exception("Algorithm could not converge to a solution")

    result = []
    for v in prob.variables():
        src, dst = route_lookup[v.name]
        value = v.value()
        result.append({'src': sources[src], 'dst': destinations[dst], 'value': int(value)})
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _recurse(work_pairs, mae, grace=None):
        req = grace or 1.0

        demands = {
            'morning': mae[0],
            'afternoon': mae[1],
            'exam': mae[2],
        total_avg = float(sum([demands[i] for i in SHIFTS])) / work_pairs
        total_low, total_high = floor(total_avg), ceil(total_avg)
        work_pair_count = work_pairs
        avgs = [float(demands[i]) / work_pair_count for i in SHIFTS]
        lows = [floor(a) for a in avgs]
        highs = [ceil(a) for a in avgs]

        target = req * total_avg * float(sum([COSTS[i] for i in SHIFTS])) / len(SHIFTS)

        prob = LpProblem("Work Distribution", LpMinimize)
        var_prefix = "shift"
        shift_vars = LpVariable.dicts(var_prefix, SHIFTS, 0, cat=LpInteger)
        prob += lpSum([COSTS[i] * shift_vars[i] for i in SHIFTS]), "cost of combination"
        prob += lpSum([COSTS[i] * shift_vars[i] for i in SHIFTS]) >= target, "not too good"
        prob += lpSum([shift_vars[i] for i in SHIFTS]) >= total_low, "low TOTAL"
        prob += lpSum([shift_vars[i] for i in SHIFTS]) <= total_high, "high TOTAL"

        for shift, low, high in zip(SHIFTS, lows, highs):
            prob += lpSum([shift_vars[shift]]) >= low, "low %s" % shift
            prob += lpSum([shift_vars[shift]]) <= high, "high %s" % shift


        if not LpStatus[prob.status] == 'Optimal':
            next_grace = req - 0.1
            assert 0.0 < next_grace
            return _recurse(work_pairs, mae, next_grace)

        new_mae = [0, 0, 0]
        solution = [0, 0, 0]
        for v in prob.variables():
            for pos, name in enumerate(SHIFTS):
                if v.name == "%s_%s" % (var_prefix, name):
                    solution[pos] = v.varValue
                    new_mae[pos] = mae[pos] - solution[pos]

        return (PairAlloc(solution), work_pairs - 1) + tuple(new_mae)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def create_prob(self, sense=LpMaximize, use_glpk=False):
     # create the LP
     self.prob = LpProblem('OptKnock', sense=sense)
     if use_glpk:
         self.prob.solver = solvers.GLPK()
         self.prob.solver = solvers.CPLEX(msg=self.verbose)
     if not self.prob.solver.available():
         raise Exception("CPLEX not available")    
Ejemplo n.º 17
def find_optimal_strategy(states, controls, costs, kernels, solver=None):
    :param states: Number of system states (X)
    :param controls: Number of system controls (U)
    :param сosts: Cost matrix |X| x |U|
    :param kernels: Transition kernels. Dimensionality |X| x |X| x |U|
    tolerance = 10e-15

    X = range(states)
    U = range(controls)
    R = costs
    Q = kernels

    # Check costs
    # Check num of rows
    assert(len(R) == states)
    for row in R:
        # Check num of cols
        assert(len(row) == controls)

    # Check kernels
    # Check num of rows
    assert(len(Q) == states)
    for row in Q:
        # Check num of cols
        assert(len(row) == states)
        for items in row:
            # Check num of items
            assert(len(items) == controls)
        # Check if distribution is normed
        for dist in zip(*row):
            assert(sum(dist)-1 < tolerance)

    # LP object
    optm = LpProblem("Optimal strategy", sense=LpMinimize)

    # Variables (continuous in range [0, 1])
    Z = [[LpVariable("z({},{})".format(x, u), 0, 1) \
                for u in U] for x in X]

    # Objective
    optm.objective = sum(np.dot(Z[x], R[x]) for x in X)

    # Constraints
    for x in X:
        cn = (sum(Z[x]) == sum(Q[y][x][u]*Z[y][u] for u in U for y in X))
    cn = sum(Z[x][u] for u in U for x in X) == 1


    return [(x, u) for u in U for x in X if value(Z[x][u]) != 0]
Ejemplo n.º 18
def runLPP(lines):
    # reads the data from the CSV file into the LPP
    variables, ingredients, servingsPerBlock, costsPerServing = [], [], [], []
    for row in lines:  # read in the variables from the lines
        variables.append(LpVariable("x_" + row[1], 0, None, LpInteger))
    variables.append(LpVariable("s", 0))

    # read in the upper and lower bounds for aLCM
    minServe = lines[0][4]
    maxServe = lines[0][5]

    # makes the new LP Problem
    problem = LpProblem("Approximate LCM", LpMinimize)

    # serving constraints: specifies the interval in which the approximate
    # LCM may lie
    min_constraint = variables[-1] >= float(minServe)
    max_constraint = variables[-1] <= float(maxServe)
    problem += min_constraint
    problem += max_constraint

    # block constraints: there must be enough of each ingredient for the
    # ultimate optimal number
    for v in range(len(variables) - 1):
        min_constraint = variables[v] * servingsPerBlock[v] >= variables[-1]
        problem += min_constraint

    pps = 0.0  # price per serving
    for i in range(len(variables) - 1):
        pps += costsPerServing[i]

    #  add objective function to be minimized (waste)
    obj_fn = 0 * variables[0]
    for i in range(len(variables) - 1):
        obj_fn += variables[i] * costsPerServing[i] * servingsPerBlock[i]
    obj_fn -= variables[-1] * pps
    problem += obj_fn  # add the objective funciton to the problem
    problem.solve()  # runs the linear programming problem

    return [variables, costsPerServing, obj_fn]
Ejemplo n.º 19
	def lp(self): 
		a_name = []
		p_name = []
		n_name = []
		a = []
		p = []
		n = []
		for i in range(self.att):
			a_name.append('a_' + str(i))
		for h in range(self.h):
			p_name.append('p_' + str(h))
		for m in range(self.m):
			n_name.append('n_' + str(m))

		a = [LpVariable(a_name[i]) for i in range(self.att)]
		b = LpVariable('b')

		p = [LpVariable(p_name[i],0) for i in range(self.h)]
		n = [LpVariable(n_name[i],0) for i in range(self.m)]

		#set objective function and constrains
		prob = LpProblem("myProblem",LpMinimize)
		sumP = 0
		sumN = 0
		for i in range(self.h):
			sumX = 0
			for j in range(self.att):
				sumX -= a[j] * self.H[i,j]
			prob += sumX + b + 1 <= p[i]
			sumP += p[i]
		for i in range(self.m):
			sumX = 0
			for j in range(self.att):
				sumX += a[j] * self.M[i,j]
			prob += sumX - b + 1 <= n[i]
			sumN += n[i]
		prob += (1/h) * sumP + (1/m) * sumN
		status = prob.solve()

		for i in range(self.att):
		self.b = pulp.value(b)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def pulp_solve(A, b, c, bounds):
    problem = LpProblem(sense = pulp.constants.LpMaximize)

    x = [LpVariable('x' + str(i + 1),
         for i, bound in enumerate(bounds)]

    problem += lpSum(ci * xi for ci, xi in zip(c, x))

    for ai, bi in zip(A, b):
        problem += lpSum(aij * xj for aij, xj in zip(ai, x)) == bi
    status = problem.solve()
    return (pulp.constants.LpStatus[status],
            [variable.varValue for variable in problem.sortedVariables()],
Ejemplo n.º 21
def pulp_solve(A, b, c):
    problem = LpProblem(sense = pulp.constants.LpMaximize)

    x = [LpVariable('x' + str(i + 1),
         for i in xrange(len(c))]

    problem += lpSum(ci * xi for ci, xi in zip(c, x))

    for ai, bi in zip(A, b):
        problem += lpSum(aij * xj for aij, xj in zip(ai, x)) == bi
    status = problem.solve()
    return (pulp.constants.LpStatus[status],
            [variable.varValue for variable in problem.sortedVariables()],
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def build_problem(self, model):
        """ Create and store solver-specific internal structure for the given model.
            model : ConstraintBasedModel

        problem = LpProblem(sense=LpMaximize)

        #create variables
        lpvars = {r_id: LpVariable(r_id, lb, ub) for r_id, (lb, ub) in model.bounds.items()}

        #create constraints
        table = model.metabolite_reaction_lookup_table()
        for m_id in model.metabolites:
            problem += lpSum([coeff * lpvars[r_id] for r_id, coeff in table[m_id].items()]) == 0, m_id

        self.problem = problem
        self.var_ids = model.reactions.keys()
        self.constr_ids = model.metabolites.keys()
Ejemplo n.º 23
def pulp_solver(G, h, A, b, c, n):
    # First, create a variable for each of the columsn of G and A.
    # pre-condition: G and A have the same number of columns.
    # The second argument specifies a lower bound for the variable, so we can
    # safely ignore the inequality constraints given by G and h.
    variables = [LpVariable('s{}'.format(i), 0) for i in range(G.shape[1])]
    # LpVariable has a second argument that allows you to specify a lower bound
    # for the variable (for example, x1 >= 0). We don't specify nonnegativity
    # here, because it is already specified by the inequality constraints G and
    # h.
    #variables = [LpVariable('s{}'.format(i)) for i in range(G.shape[1])]
    # Next, create a problem context object and add the objective function c to
    # it. The first object added to LpProblem is implicitly interpreted as the
    # objective function.
    problem = LpProblem('fraciso', LpMinimize)
    # The np.dot() function doesn't like mixing numbers and LpVariable objects,
    # so we compute the dot product ourselves.
    #problem += np.dot(variables, c), 'Dummy objective function'
    problem += _pulp_dot_product(c, variables), 'Dummy objective function'
    # Add each equality constraint to the problem context.
    for i, (row, b_value) in enumerate(zip(A, b)):
        #problem += np.dot(row, variables), 'Constraint {}'.format(i)
        # Convert the row to a list so pulp has an easier time dealing with it.
        row_as_list = np.asarray(row).flatten().tolist()
        dot_product = _pulp_dot_product(row_as_list, variables)
        problem += dot_product == b_value, 'Constraint {}'.format(i)
    solver_backend = GLPK()
    #solver_backend = COIN()
    if problem.status == LpStatusOptimal:
        # PuLP is silly and sorts the variables by name before returning them,
        # so we need to re-sort them in numerical order.
        solution = [s.varValue for s in sorted(problem.variables(),
                                               key=lambda s: int(s.name[1:]))]
        return True, solution
    # TODO status could be unknown here, but we're currently ignoring that
    return False, None
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def test_pulp_016(self):
     # zero objective
     prob = LpProblem("test016", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0)
     w = LpVariable("w", 0)
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7, "c3"
     prob += w >= 0, "c4"
     prob += lpSum([0, 0]) <= 0, "c5"
     print("\t Testing zero objective")
     pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal])
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def test_pulp_014(self):
     # repeated name
     prob = LpProblem("test014", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("x", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0)
     w = LpVariable("w", 0)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7, "c3"
     prob += w >= 0, "c4"
     print("\t Testing repeated Names")
     if self.solver.__class__ in [
                     x: 4,
                     y: -1,
                     z: 6,
                     w: 0
         except PulpError:
             # these solvers should raise an error
         pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {
             x: 4,
             y: -1,
             z: 6,
             w: 0
Ejemplo n.º 26
def vrp(g, nv, capa, demand='demand', cost='cost'):
        g: グラフ(node:demand, edge:cost)
        nv: 運搬車数
        capa: 運搬車容量
        demand: 需要の属性文字
        cost: 費用の属性文字
    from pulp import LpProblem, LpBinary, lpDot, lpSum, value
    from itertools import islice
    rv = range(nv)
    m = LpProblem()
    x = [{(i, j): addvar(cat=LpBinary) for i, j in g.edges()} for _ in rv]
    w = [[addvar() for i in g.nodes()] for _ in rv]
    m += lpSum(g.adj[i][j][cost] * lpSum(x[v][i, j] for v in rv)
               for i, j in g.edges())
    for v in rv:
        xv, wv = x[v], w[v]
        m += lpSum(xv[0, j] for j in g.nodes() if j) == 1
        for h in g.nodes():
            m += wv[h] <= capa
            m += lpSum(xv[i, j] for i, j in g.edges() if i == h) \
              == lpSum(xv[i, j] for i, j in g.edges() if j == h)
        for i, j in g.edges():
            if i == 0:
                m += wv[j] >= g.node[j][demand] - capa * (1 - xv[i, j])
                m += wv[j] >= wv[i] + g.node[j][demand] - capa * (1 - xv[i, j])
    for h in islice(g.nodes(), 1, None):
        m += lpSum(x[v][i, j] for v in rv for i, j in g.edges() if i == h) == 1
    if m.solve() != 1: return None
    return [[(i, j) for i, j in g.edges() if value(x[v][i, j]) > 0.5]
            for v in rv]
Ejemplo n.º 27
def pulp_mosaic(v_num, h_num, ch_num, box_array):
    from pulp import LpProblem, lpSum, lpDot, value, LpStatus
    from ortoolpy import addbinvars
    import time
    start = time.time()
    print("Calculate the optimal combination")
    print("Variables : {}".format(v_num * h_num * ch_num))
    if box_array.shape != (v_num, h_num, ch_num):
        raise Exception("shape does not match!!")
    # 変数宣言
    variable = np.array(addbinvars(v_num, h_num, ch_num))
    # 目的関数の最小化
    prob = LpProblem()
    # 目的関数の設定
    prob += (box_array * variable).sum()
    # 制約条件の設定
    for ch in range(ch_num):
        prob += variable[:, :, ch].sum() <= 1
    for v in range(v_num):
        for h in range(h_num):
            prob += variable[v, h, :].sum() == 1
    # 問題を解く
    if LpStatus[prob.status] != "Optimal":
        raise Exception("could not be optimized!!")
        print("status = " + LpStatus[prob.status])
    # 最適化された変数の値を抽出
    opt_var = np.vectorize(value)(variable).astype(int)
    # 全体で最小となるインデックスの組み合わせ
    bit_index = np.empty((v_num, h_num), dtype=np.int32)
    for v in range(v_num):
        for h in range(h_num):
            bit_index[v, h] = np.where(opt_var[v, h, :] == 1)[0]
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start
    print("elapsed_time:{0}".format(elapsed_time) + "[sec]")
    return bit_index
Ejemplo n.º 28
def optimize(

    prob = LpProblem('cost minimization', LpMinimize)

    net_grid = LpVariable('net_power_to_site', -100, 100)

    prob += sum([asset.gas_burnt() for asset in assets]) * gas_price \
        + net_grid * electricity_price

    prob += sum([asset.steam_generated() for asset in assets]) \
        - sum([asset.steam_consumed() for asset in assets]) \
        == site_steam_demand, 'steam_balance'

    prob += sum([asset.power_generated() for asset in assets]) \
        - sum([asset.power_consumed() for asset in assets]) \
        + net_grid == site_power_demand, 'power_balance'

    #  constraints on the asset min & maxes
    for asset in assets:
        prob += asset.cont - asset.ub * asset.binary <= 0
        prob += asset.lb * asset.binary - asset.cont <= 0

    info = generate_outputs(

    return info
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def create_model(self, warmStart=False, beta=0.0, alpha=0.9):
        """Creates the stochastic program as a integer linear program in pulp

        warmStart : bool, optional
            if set to true does not recreate variables, so that previous
            solutions can be used as a starting point (default is False)
        beta : float, optional
            weight of value-at-risk, between 0.0 and 1.0 (default is 0.0)
        alpha : float, optional
            only used when beta is not 0.0, for a given α ∈ (0, 1), the
            value-at-risk, VaR, is equal to the largest value η ensuring
            that the probability of obtaining a profit less than η is
            lower than 1 − α (default is 0.9)
        self._beta = float(beta)
        self._alpha = float(alpha)

        self._model = LpProblem(name="vehicle-reposition", sense=LpMaximize)

        if not warmStart:



        for constraint_group in self._constraints.values():
            for constraint in constraint_group:
                self._model += constraint

        if self._beta != 0.0:
            self._model += (1 - self._beta
                            ) * self._expected_profit + self._beta * self._eta
            self._model += self._expected_profit
Ejemplo n.º 30
def LP_set_cover(X, F):
    start = time.clock()
    var_name = ["S" + str(x) for x in range(len(F))]
    lp = LpProblem("The Problem of set cover", LpMinimize)
    lp_vars = LpVariable.dicts("lp", var_name, lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat=LpContinuous)
    all_occur = []
    for x in X:
        occur = {}
        for index, f in enumerate(F):
            if x in f:
                occur["S" + str(index)] = 1
                occur["S" + str(index)] = 0

    for x in range(len(F)):
        C_S["S" + str(x)]=len(F[x])
    lp += lpSum([lp_vars[i] for i in var_name])
    for occur in all_occur:
        lp += lpSum([occur[i] * lp_vars[i] for i in var_name]) >= 1
    result = []
    max_count = max([sum(occur.values()) for occur in all_occur])

    for v in lp.variables():
        if v.varValue > (1.0/max_count):
    elapsed = (time.clock() - start)
    F_set = set()
    for i in result:
        F_set = F_set | i
    _check = X == F_set

    print("Test LP_set_cover Time used:%s, F'size:%s"%(elapsed,len(X)))
    print("C's size: %d \ncover all elements in X:%s" % (len(result), _check))
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def create_problem(self, filename=None, use_no_fit=False):

        if self.polygons is None:
            raise ValueError('You must create the data before the model!')

        self.use_no_fit = use_no_fit

        self.problem = LpProblem('polygons_packing', LpMinimize)

        self.w = LpVariable('w', 0)

        self.tx = LpVariable.dicts('tx', range(self.N), 0)
        self.ty = LpVariable.dicts('ty', range(self.N), 0)

        # objective

        # w constraints
        widths = [
            np.max(pol[:, 0]) - np.min(pol[:, 0]) for pol in self.polygons
        for i in range(self.N):
            self.problem += self.w - self.tx[i] >= widths[
                i], f"w_constraint_{i}"

        # height constraints
        heights = [
            np.max(pol[:, 1]) - np.min(pol[:, 1]) for pol in self.polygons
        for i in range(self.N):
            self.problem += self.ty[
                i] <= self.H - heights[i], f"height_constraint_{i}"


        if filename is not None:
def min_vertex_cover_ilp(G):
    """Return a smallest vertex cover in the graph G.
    This method uses an ILP to solve for a smallest vertex cover.
    Specifically, the ILP minimizes
    .. math::
        \\sum_{v \\in V} x_v
    subject to
    .. math::
        x_v + x_u \\geq 1 \\mathrm{for all } \\{u, v\\} \\in E
        x_v \\in \\{0, 1\\} \\mathrm{for all } v \\in V
    where *V* and *E* are the vertex and edge sets of *G*.
    G : NetworkX graph
        An undirected graph.
        A set of nodes in a smallest vertex cover.
    prob = LpProblem('min_vertex_cover', LpMinimize)
    variables = {
        node: LpVariable('x{}'.format(i + 1), 0, 1, LpBinary)
        for i, node in enumerate(G.nodes())

    # Set the total domination number objective function
    prob += lpSum([variables[n] for n in variables])

    # Set constraints
    for edge in G.edges():
        prob += variables[edge[0]] + variables[edge[1]] >= 1

    solution_set = {node for node in variables if variables[node].value() == 1}
    return solution_set
Ejemplo n.º 33
def getOverallEfficiency(r):

    # Model Building
    model = LpProblem('CRS_model', LpMinimize)  # 建立一個新的model,命名為model

    # Decision variables Building
    theta_r = LpVariable(f'theta_r')
    lambda_k = LpVariable.dicts(f'lambda_k', lowBound=0, indexs=K)

    # Objective Function setting
    model += theta_r

    # Constraints setting
    for i in I:
        model += lpSum([lambda_k[k] * X[i][k]
                        for k in K]) <= theta_r * float(X[i][K[r]])
    for j in J:
        model += lpSum([lambda_k[k] * Y[j][k] for k in K]) >= float(Y[j][K[r]])

    # Model solving

    return f'{K[r]}:{round(value(model.objective), 3)}\n', value(
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def model_0(self, betsum, k):

        # 期待値を最大にする
        model = LpProblem(name='horse', sense=LpMaximize)
        model += lpSum(o * v * p
                       for o, p, v in zip(self.odds, self.pro, self.V))

        # 総ベット枚数が最初に引数で渡したベット枚数を超えないようにする
        model += lpSum(v for v in self.V) <= betsum

        for i in range(self.l):
            # ベット枚数は最小でも1枚はかける
            model += self.V[i] >= k

        return model
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def test_pulp_015(self):
     # zero constraint
     prob = LpProblem("test015", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0)
     w = LpVariable("w", 0)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7, "c3"
     prob += w >= 0, "c4"
     prob += lpSum([0, 0]) <= 0, "c5"
     print("\t Testing zero constraint")
     pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {x: 4, y: -1, z: 6, w: 0})
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def test_export_solver_dict_LP(self):
     prob = LpProblem("test_export_dict_LP", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0)
     w = LpVariable("w", 0)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7, "c3"
     prob += w >= 0, "c4"
     data = self.solver.to_dict()
     solver1 = get_solver_from_dict(data)
     print("\t Testing continuous LP solution - export solver dict")
     pulpTestCheck(prob, solver1, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {x: 4, y: -1, z: 6, w: 0})
Ejemplo n.º 37
def solve_set_covering(num_terms, protein):
    """ Find minimum number of proteins needed to reconstruct annotation set for a given protein using integer
        programming - set covering problem

    :param num_terms: number of terms
    :type num_terms: int
    :param protein: protein annotations data
    :type protein: list
    :return: minimum number of proteins needed to reconstruct annotation set
    :rtype: np.float
    c = [1 for i in range(num_terms)]
    x_name = ['x_' + str(i + 1) for i in range(num_terms)]
    x = [
        LpVariable(name=x_name[i], lowBound=0, upBound=1, cat='Binary')
        for i in range(num_terms)
    problem = LpProblem('set_covering', LpMinimize)
    z = LpAffineExpression([(x[i], c[i]) for i in range(num_terms)])
    for i in protein:
        problem += sum([x[j] for j in i]) >= 1
    problem += z
    return np.sum([value(i) for i in x])
Ejemplo n.º 38
def liniary_optimization(max_or_min: int = 1):
    model = LpProblem(name="current_task", sense=max_or_min2)
    x = {i: LpVariable(name="x{}".format(i), lowBound=0) for i in range(1, 5)}
    model += (1*x[1] + 1*x[2] + 1*x[3] + 1*x[4] <= 50, "manpower")
    model += (3*x[1] + 2*x[2] + 1*x[3] + 0*x[4] <= 100, "material_A")
    model += (0*x[1] + 1*x[2] + 2*x[3] + 3*x[4] <= 90,  "material_B")
    objective_function =  20*x[1] + 12*x[2] + 40*x[3] +  25*x[4]
    model += objective_function
    print("status: {}, {}".format(model.status, LpStatus[model.status]))
    print("objective: {}".format(model.objective.value()))

    for var in model.variables():
        print("{}: {}".format(var.name, var.value()))

    for name, constraint in model.constraints.items():
        print("{}: {}".format(name, constraint.value()))
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def test_pulp_100(self):
        Test the ability to sequentially solve a problem
        # set up a cubic feasible region
        prob = LpProblem("test100", const.LpMinimize)
        x = LpVariable("x", 0, 1)
        y = LpVariable("y", 0, 1)
        z = LpVariable("z", 0, 1)

        obj1 = x + 0 * y + 0 * z
        obj2 = 0 * x - 1 * y + 0 * z
        prob += x <= 1, "c1"

        if self.solver.__class__ in [CPLEX_DLL, COINMP_DLL, GUROBI]:
            print("\t Testing Sequential Solves")
            status = prob.sequentialSolve([obj1, obj2], solver=self.solver)
                [[const.LpStatusOptimal, const.LpStatusOptimal]],
                sol={x: 0, y: 1},
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def test_infeasible_problem__is_not_valid(self):
     """Given a problem where x cannot converge to any value
     given conflicting constraints, assert that it is invalid."""
     name = self._testMethodName
     prob = LpProblem(name, const.LpMaximize)
     x = LpVariable("x")
     prob += 1 * x
     prob += x >= 2  # Constraint x to be more than 2
     prob += x <= 1  # Constraint x to be less than 1
     if self.solver.name in ["GUROBI_CMD"]:
             prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusInfeasible, const.LpStatusUndefined]
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def test_export_json_LP(self):
     name = self._testMethodName
     prob = LpProblem(name, const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0)
     w = LpVariable("w", 0)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7, "c3"
     prob += w >= 0, "c4"
     filename = name + ".json"
     prob.toJson(filename, indent=4)
     var1, prob1 = LpProblem.fromJson(filename)
     x, y, z, w = [var1[name] for name in ["x", "y", "z", "w"]]
     print("\t Testing continuous LP solution - export JSON")
         prob1, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {x: 4, y: -1, z: 6, w: 0}
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def run_optimisation(self):

        # Declare problem instance, max/min problem
        self.prob = LpProblem("Squad", LpMaximize)

        # Declare decision variable - 1 if a player is part of the squad else 0
        self.decision = LpVariable.matrix("decision", list(self.data_length),
                                          0, 1, LpInteger)

        # Objective function -> Maximize specified optimisation parameter
        self.prob += lpSum(self.opt_list[i] * self.decision[i]
                           for i in self.data_length)

        # Constraint definition

        # solve problem

        # extract selected players and return
        return [
            self.id_list[i] for i in self.data_length
            if self.decision[i].varValue
Ejemplo n.º 43
def maximum_cut(g, weight="weight"):
        g: グラフ(node:weight)
        weight: 重みの属性文字
    m = LpProblem(sense=LpMaximize)
    v = [addvar(cat=LpBinary) for _ in g.nodes()]
    u = []
    for i in range(g.number_of_nodes()):
        for j in range(i + 1, g.number_of_nodes()):
            w = g.get_edge_data(i, j, {weight: None}).get(weight, 1)
            if w:
                t = addvar()
                u.append(w * t)
                m += t <= v[i] + v[j]
                m += t <= 2 - v[i] - v[j]
    m += lpSum(u)
    if m.solve() != 1:
        return None
    return value(m.objective), [i for i, x in enumerate(v) if value(x) > 0.5]
Ejemplo n.º 44
def prepare_problem(A, b, c):
    Создаёт проблемы по заданным матрице A,
    вектору b и оптимизируемой функции
    problem = LpProblem(sense = pulp.constants.LpMaximize)

    x_list = [LpVariable("x" + str(i + 1), 0) for i in xrange(len(A[0]))]

    problem += lpSum(ci * xi for ci, xi in zip(c, x_list))

    for aj, bj in zip(A, b):
        problem += lpSum([aij * xi for aij, xi in zip(aj, x_list)]) == bj

    return problem
Ejemplo n.º 45
    def run_linear_program(self, forecasts, initial_charge, freq, verbose):
        """creates battery model and runs it"""
        timestep = freq_to_timestep(freq)

        #  used to index timesteps
        idx = range(0, len(forecasts))
        self.prob = LpProblem("battery_cost_minimization", LpMinimize)
        variables = self.setup_vars(idx)

        imports = variables["imports"]
        exports = variables["exports"]
        charges = variables["charges"]
        losses = variables["losses"]

        #  the objective function we are minimizing
        self.prob += lpSum(
            [imports[i] * forecasts[i] for i in idx[:-1]] +
            [-(exports[i] - losses[i]) * forecasts[i] for i in idx[:-1]])

        #  initial charge
        assert initial_charge <= self.capacity
        assert initial_charge >= 0
        self.prob += charges[0] == initial_charge

        #  last item in the index isn't used because the last timestep only
        #  represents the final charge level - no import or export is done
        for i in idx[:-1]:
            #  energy balance across two time periods
            self.prob += (charges[i + 1] == charges[i] +
                          (imports[i] - exports[i]) / timestep)

            #  constrain battery charge level
            self.prob += charges[i] <= self.capacity
            self.prob += charges[i] >= 0

            self.prob += losses[i] == exports[i] * (1 - self.efficiency)

        solver = pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD(msg=0)

        opt_results = {
            "name": "optimization_results",
            "status": LpStatus[self.prob.status],

        if verbose:
            print(f" {self}, {opt_results['status']}")
        return idx, variables
Ejemplo n.º 46
def build_sudoku_problem():

    # The values, rows and cols sequences all follow this form
    values = range(9)
    rows = range(9)
    columns = range(9)

    # The boxes list is created, with the row and column index of each square in each box
    boxes = []
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            box = [(rows[3 * i + k], columns[3 * j + l]) for k in range(3)
                   for l in range(3)]

    # The problem variable is created to contain the problem data
    problem = LpProblem("Sudoku Problem", LpMinimize)
    # The problem variables are created
    choices = LpVariable.dicts("Choice", (rows, columns, values), 0, 1,
    # The arbitrary objective function is added
    problem += 0, "Arbitrary Objective Function"

    # A constraint ensuring that only one value can be in each square is created
    for r in rows:
        for c in columns:
            problem += lpSum(
                for v in values) == 1, "unique_val_" + str(r) + '_' + str(c)

    # The row, column and box constraints are added for each value
    for v in values:
        for r in rows:
            problem += lpSum(
                for c in columns) == 1, "row_" + str(v) + '_' + str(r)

        for c in columns:
            problem += lpSum(
                for r in rows) == 1, "col_" + str(v) + '_' + str(c)

        for box_index, b in enumerate(boxes):
            problem += lpSum(
                for (r, c) in b) == 1, "box_" + str(v) + '_' + str(box_index)

    return problem, choices, values, rows, columns
Ejemplo n.º 47
 def test_pulp_020(self):
     # MIP
     prob = LpProblem("test020", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0, None, const.LpInteger)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7.5, "c3"
     print("\t Testing MIP solution")
     pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {
         x: 3,
         y: -0.5,
         z: 7
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def test_pulp_018(self):
     # Long name in lp
     prob = LpProblem("test018", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x" * 90, 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y" * 90, -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z" * 90, 0)
     w = LpVariable("w" * 90, 0)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7, "c3"
     prob += w >= 0, "c4"
     if self.solver.__class__ in [PULP_CBC_CMD, COIN_CMD]:
         print("\t Testing Long lines in LP")
         pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {x: 4, y: -1, z: 6, w: 0},
Ejemplo n.º 49
 def test_timeLimit(self):
     name = self._testMethodName
     prob = LpProblem(name, const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0)
     w = LpVariable("w", 0)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7, "c3"
     prob += w >= 0, "c4"
     self.solver.timeLimit = 20
     # CHOCO has issues when given a time limit
     if self.solver.name != 'PULP_CHOCO_CMD':
         pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {x: 4, y: -1, z: 6, w: 0})
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def test_pulp_011(self):
     # Continuous Maximisation
     prob = LpProblem("test011", const.LpMaximize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0)
     w = LpVariable("w", 0)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7, "c3"
     prob += w >= 0, "c4"
     print("\t Testing maximize continuous LP solution")
         prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {x: 4, y: 1, z: 8, w: 0}
Ejemplo n.º 51
 def test_pulp_019(self):
     # divide
     prob = LpProblem("test019", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0)
     w = LpVariable("w", 0)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += (2 * x + 2 * y).__div__(2.0) <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7, "c3"
     prob += w >= 0, "c4"
     print("\t Testing LpAffineExpression divide")
         prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {x: 4, y: -1, z: 6, w: 0}
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def test_export_solver_json(self):
     if self.solver.name == "CPLEX_DLL":
         warnings.warn("CPLEX_DLL does not like being exported")
     name = self._testMethodName
     prob = LpProblem(name, const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0)
     w = LpVariable("w", 0)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7, "c3"
     prob += w >= 0, "c4"
     self.solver.mip = True
     logFilename = name + ".log"
     if self.solver.name == "CPLEX_CMD":
         self.solver.optionsDict = dict(
     elif self.solver.name in ["GUROBI_CMD", "COIN_CMD", "PULP_CBC_CMD"]:
         self.solver.optionsDict = dict(gapRel=0.1,
     filename = name + ".json"
     self.solver.toJson(filename, indent=4)
     solver1 = getSolverFromJson(filename)
     print("\t Testing continuous LP solution - export solver JSON")
     pulpTestCheck(prob, solver1, [const.LpStatusOptimal], {
         x: 4,
         y: -1,
         z: 6,
         w: 0
Ejemplo n.º 53
 def test_pulp_023(self):
     # Initial value (fixed)
     prob = LpProblem("test023", const.LpMinimize)
     x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
     y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
     z = LpVariable("z", 0, None, const.LpInteger)
     prob += x + 4 * y + 9 * z, "obj"
     prob += x + y <= 5, "c1"
     prob += x + z >= 10, "c2"
     prob += -y + z == 7.5, "c3"
     solution = {x: 4, y: -0.5, z: 7}
     for v in [x, y, z]:
     self.solver.optionsDict["warmStart"] = True
     print("\t Testing fixing value in MIP solution")
     pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], solution)
Ejemplo n.º 54
 def __init__(self,name='analysis',verbose=False):
     self.lpProblem = LpProblem()
     self.lpVariables = {}
     self.lpObjective = {}
     self.predictionMap = {}
     self.objectiveValue = None
     self.rowNames= []
     self.columnNames= []
     self.configFile = ''
     self.statusCode = None
     self.verbose = verbose
     self.useLimitTag = False
     self.mpsLogFile = False
     self.ignoreBadReferences = False
     self.Mip = True
     self.scip_path = ":" + os.environ["HOME"] + "/bin"
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def __init__(self, home_list, work_list, util_matrix):
        """ Input a list of utils
            utils = [   #Works
                    #1 2 3 4 5
                    [2,4,5,2,1],#A   Homes
                    [3,1,3,2,3] #B
        self.util_matrix = util_matrix
        self.homes = dict((home, home.houses) for home in home_list)
        self.works = dict((work, work.jobs) for work in work_list)
        self.utils = makeDict([home_list, work_list], util_matrix, 0)

        # Creates the 'prob' variable to contain the problem data
        self.prob = LpProblem("Residential Location Choice Problem", LpMinimize)

        # Creates a list of tuples containing all the possible location choices
        self.choices = [(h, w) for h in self.homes for w in self.works.keys()]

        # A dictionary called 'volumes' is created to contain the referenced variables(the choices)
        self.volumes = LpVariable.dicts("choice", (self.homes, self.works), 0, None, LpContinuous)

        # The objective function is added to 'prob' first
        self.prob += (
            lpSum([self.volumes[h][w] * self.utils[h][w] for (h, w) in self.choices]),

        # The supply maximum constraints are added to prob for each supply node (home)
        for h in self.homes:
            self.prob += (
                lpSum([self.volumes[h][w] for w in self.works]) <= self.homes[h],
                "Sum_of_Products_out_of_Home_%s" % h,

        # The demand minimum constraints are added to prob for each demand node (work)
        for w in self.works:
            self.prob += (
                lpSum([self.volumes[h][w] for h in self.homes]) >= self.works[w],
                "Sum_of_Products_into_Work%s" % w,
Ejemplo n.º 56
    def __generar_restricciones(self):
        X = LpVariable.dicts('X', self.variables, cat = LpBinary)
        self.cursado = LpProblem("Cursado",LpMaximize)

        # "\n\n Restricciones de dia-modulo\n\n"
        i = 1
        for r in self.r1.values():
            self.cursado += lpSum([X["".join(x)] for x in r]) <= 1, \
            "_1C" + str(i).zfill(3)
            i += 1

        #"\n\n Restricciones de cursado completo\n\n"

        for r in self.r2.values():
            self.cursado += int(r[0][0]) *X[r[0][1]+r[0][2]] == lpSum([X["".join(x[1:])] for x in r]), \
            "_2C" + str(i).zfill(3)
            i += 1

        #"\n\n Restricciones 1 sola comision\n\n"
        for r in self.r3.values():
            self.cursado += int(r[0][0]) *X[r[0][1]] == lpSum([X["".join(x[1:])] for x in r]), \
            "_3C" + str(i).zfill(3)
            i += 1

        #"\n\n Restricciones de Colision\n\n"
        for r in self.r4.values():
            self.cursado += lpSum([X["".join(x)] for x in r]) <= 1, \
            "_4C" + str(i).zfill(3)
            i += 1

        #"\n\n Restricciones de franja horaria\n\n"

        for r in [x + "" for x in ["".join(x) for x in self.r5]]:
            self.cursado += X[r] == 0, \
            "_5C" + str(i).zfill(3)
            i += 1

        self.X = X
Ejemplo n.º 57
class GenericSeparation(object):

    def __init__(self, origProb, x0):
        self.prob = origProb
        self.iter = 1
        self.x0 = x0
        self.var = origProb.variablesDict()
        self.dim = len(self.var)
        self.currentXtremePoint = {}
        self.solver = None
        self.c = dict(list((v.name,c) for v,c in origProb.objective.iteritems()))
        for v in self.var:
            if v in self.c:
                self.c[v] = 0.0
        self.piCurrent = dict([(v.name, 0) for v in self.var.values()]) 
        self.piPrevious = dict([(v.name, 0) for v in self.var.values()]) 
        self.extremePoints = []
        self.f = Figure()
    def generate_separation_problem(self):
        self.sepProb = LpProblem (name='separation '+self.prob.name, sense=LpMinimize)
        self.pi = dict(list((v,LpVariable('pi'+v, None, None, LpContinuous,
                                         for v in self.var)) 
        self.sepProb += lpSum(self.pi[v]*self.x0[v] for v in self.var)

    def generate_xtreme_point(self):
        obj = LpConstraintVar()
        for v in self.prob.variables():
            obj.addVariable(v, self.piCurrent[v.name])
        for v in self.var:
            self.currentXtremePoint[v] = self.var[v].value()
        if self.output == 1:
            currentXtremePointList = self.currentXtremePoint.items()
            for v in currentXtremePointList:
                print v[0]+'\t', v[1]
        return self.prob.objective.value()

    def add_inequality(self):
        # change this, you should not access sense directly call a method
        self.sepProb += lpSum (self.currentXtremePoint[v]*self.pi[v] for v in self.var) >= 1

    def separate(self, output = False, p = None):
        self.output = output
        while True:
            print 'Iteration ', self.iter
            if self.generate_xtreme_point() >= 1-EPS:
            if self.output:
                print "Separation problem solution status:", LpStatus[self.sepProb.solve()]
                for v in self.var:
                    if self.pi[v].value() is not None:
                        print self.pi[v].name+'\t\t', self.pi[v].value()
                        print self.pi[v].name+'\t\t', 0
            self.piPrevious = deepcopy(self.piCurrent)
            for v in self.var:
                if self.pi[v].value() is not None:
                    self.piCurrent[v] = self.pi[v].value()
                    self.piCurrent[v] = 0
            self.iter += 1
            if p is not None:
                self.f.add_polyhedron(p, label = 'Polyhedron P')
                xList = (self.x0.values()[0], self.x0.values()[1])
                if len(self.extremePoints) > 2:
                    pp = Polyhedron2D(points = self.extremePoints)
                    self.f.add_polyhedron(pp, color = 'red', linestyle = 'dashed',
                                          label = 'Convex Hull of Generated Points')
                elif len(self.extremePoints) == 1:
                    self.f.add_point(self.extremePoints[0], radius = 0.05, 
                                     color = 'green')
                                    self.extremePoints[0][1]-0.08, '$x^0$')
                                            color = 'red',
                                            linestyle = 'dashed',
                                            label = 'Convex Hull of Generated Points')
                self.f.set_xlim(p.plot_min[0], p.plot_max[0])
                self.f.set_ylim(p.plot_min[1], p.plot_max[1])
                self.f.add_point(xList, radius = 0.05, color = 'red')
                self.f.add_text(xList[0]-0.5, xList[1]-0.08, '$x^*$')
                dList = (self.piCurrent.values()[0], self.piCurrent.values()[1])
                self.f.add_line(dList, 1, 
                                p.plot_max, p.plot_min, color = 'green', 
                                linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Separating Hyperplane')
            if self.output:
                print self.sepProb.objective.value()            
Ejemplo n.º 58
 def generate_separation_problem(self):
     self.sepProb = LpProblem (name='separation '+self.prob.name, sense=LpMinimize)
     self.pi = dict(list((v,LpVariable('pi'+v, None, None, LpContinuous,
                                      for v in self.var)) 
     self.sepProb += lpSum(self.pi[v]*self.x0[v] for v in self.var)
Ejemplo n.º 59
class TransProblem(object):
    def __init__(self, home_list, work_list, util_matrix):
        """ Input a list of utils
            utils = [   #Works
                    #1 2 3 4 5
                    [2,4,5,2,1],#A   Homes
                    [3,1,3,2,3] #B
        self.util_matrix = util_matrix
        self.homes = dict((home, home.houses) for home in home_list)
        self.works = dict((work, work.jobs) for work in work_list)
        self.utils = makeDict([home_list, work_list], util_matrix, 0)

        # Creates the 'prob' variable to contain the problem data
        self.prob = LpProblem("Residential Location Choice Problem", LpMinimize)

        # Creates a list of tuples containing all the possible location choices
        self.choices = [(h, w) for h in self.homes for w in self.works.keys()]

        # A dictionary called 'volumes' is created to contain the referenced variables(the choices)
        self.volumes = LpVariable.dicts("choice", (self.homes, self.works), 0, None, LpContinuous)

        # The objective function is added to 'prob' first
        self.prob += (
            lpSum([self.volumes[h][w] * self.utils[h][w] for (h, w) in self.choices]),

        # The supply maximum constraints are added to prob for each supply node (home)
        for h in self.homes:
            self.prob += (
                lpSum([self.volumes[h][w] for w in self.works]) <= self.homes[h],
                "Sum_of_Products_out_of_Home_%s" % h,

        # The demand minimum constraints are added to prob for each demand node (work)
        for w in self.works:
            self.prob += (
                lpSum([self.volumes[h][w] for h in self.homes]) >= self.works[w],
                "Sum_of_Products_into_Work%s" % w,

    def solve(self):
        # The problem data is written to an .lp file

        # The problem is solved using PuLP's choice of Solver

        # print the utility matrix
        print "Utility Matrix", self.util_matrix

        # The status of the solution is printed to the screen
        print "Status:", LpStatus[self.prob.status]

        # The optimised objective function value is printed to the screen
        print "Total Utility = ", value(self.prob.objective)

    def get_solution(self):
        # put the solution variables into a dict
        sol_var = {}
        for vol in self.prob.variables():
            sol_var[vol.name] = vol.varValue
        # construct the solution dict
        opt_sol = {}
        for home in self.homes:
            for work in self.works:
                key = "choice" + "_" + str(home) + "_" + str(work)
                opt_sol[(work, home)] = sol_var[key]
                print (work, home), opt_sol[(work, home)]
        return opt_sol
Ejemplo n.º 60
    cur_index, parent, branch_var, sense, rhs = Q.pop()
    if cur_index is not 0:
        cur_depth = T.get_node_attr(parent, 'level') + 1
        cur_depth = 0

    print ""
    print "----------------------------------------------------"
    print ""
    print "Node: %s, Depth: %s, LB: %s" %(cur_index,cur_depth,LB)

    #    LP Relaxation
    #Compute lower bound by LP relaxation
    prob = LpProblem("relax",LpMaximize)
    prob += lpSum([OBJ[i]*var[i] for i in VARIABLES]), "Objective"
    for j in range(numCons):
        prob += lpSum([MAT[i][j]*var[i] for i in VARIABLES]) <= RHS[j], \

    #Fix all prescribed variables
    branch_vars = []
    if cur_index is not 0:
        print "Branching variables: "
        if sense == '>=':
            prob += LpConstraint(lpSum(var[branch_var]) >= rhs)
            prob += LpConstraint(lpSum(var[branch_var]) <= rhs)
        print branch_var,