Ejemplo n.º 1
def basic_capacitated_node_link(g, demands):
    """ Creates a basic capacitated network design problem in node-link formulation

        g : networkx.DiGraph
            a directed network graph g,
        d : dictionary
            a dictionary of demands indexed by node pairs
            a PuLP problem instance suitable for solving or writing.
    # Set up Node Link Formulation Linear Program
    # First some nice lists to help us stay organized
    demand_list = sorted(demands.keys())
    link_list = sorted(g.edges())
    node_list = sorted(g.nodes())
    # print demand_list
    # print link_list
    # print node_list
    prob = LpProblem("Basic Node Link Formulation", LpMinimize)
    # Create a dictionary to hold link flow variables
    # these will be indexed by a tuple of (link, demand) pairs.
    # remember that these are each tuples themselves
    link_flows = {}
    for link in link_list:
        for demand in demand_list:
            name = "D{}_{}_xL{}_{}".format(demand[0], demand[1], link[0],
            link_flows[(link, demand)] = LpVariable(name, 0)
    # Add the objective function which is the sum of all the
    # link flow variables times their respective link weights.
    tmp_list = []
    for link in link_list:
        for demand in demand_list:
            tmp_list.append(g[link[0]][link[1]]["weight"] *
                            link_flows[(link, demand)])
    prob += lpSum(tmp_list)
    # Now lets include the link capacity constraints
    # we have one to add for each
    for link in link_list:
        tmp_list = []
        for demand in demand_list:
            tmp_list.append(link_flows[(link, demand)])
        link_name = "L{}_{}".format(link[0], link[1])
        prob += lpSum(tmp_list) <= g[link[0]][
            link[1]]['capacity'], "LinkCap|" + link_name
    # Now for the node flow conservation constraints
    # We have one of these for each node and demand pair.
    for node in node_list:
        for demand in demand_list:
            tmp_list = []
            in_edges = g.in_edges(node)
            out_edges = g.out_edges(node)
            for link in out_edges:
                tmp_list.append(link_flows[(link, demand)])
            for link in in_edges:
                tmp_list.append(-1.0 * link_flows[(link, demand)])
            rhs = 0.0  # Default transit node, but check if source or sink
            if node == demand[0]:  # Is node the source of the demand
                rhs = demands[demand]
            if node == demand[1]:  # Is node the sink of the demand
                rhs = -demands[demand]
            constraint_name = "NodeCons|{}D{}_{}".format(
                node, demand[0], demand[1])
            prob += lpSum(tmp_list) == rhs, constraint_name
    return prob, link_flows
from pulp import LpVariable, LpProblem, LpMaximize, value

#  -------- INPUT -------------
# Definisikan variabel
# x1 maupun x2 tidak boleh bernilai negatif
x1 = LpVariable('x1', lowBound=0, cat='Integer')
x2 = LpVariable('x2', lowBound=0, cat='Integer')

# Definisikan mode maksimum
prob = LpProblem('myProblem', LpMaximize)

# Definisikan constrain
prob += (2 * x1) + x2 <= 400
prob += (2 * x1) + (5 * x2) <= 800

# Definisikan solusi
prob += (300 * x1) + (500 * x2)
# --------------------------

status = prob.solve()
hasil_x1 = int(value(x1))
hasil_x2 = int(value(x2))
maksimal = int(300 * hasil_x1 + 500 * hasil_x2)

# Pencetakan
print('Kue dadar yang dibuat sebaiknya berjumlah', hasil_x1)
print('Kue apem yang dibuat sebaiknya berjumlah', hasil_x2)
print('Dengan keuntungan maksimum yang didapat Rp.{}'.format(maksimal))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def add_variable(self, name):
     return LpVariable(name, cat=LpBinary)
Ejemplo n.º 4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jul 22 16:07:55 2020

@author: Omer

import pulp

from pulp import LpMaximize, LpProblem, LpStatus, lpSum, LpVariable

model = LpProblem(name="small-problem", sense=LpMaximize)

x = LpVariable(name="x", lowBound=0)
y = LpVariable(name="y", lowBound=0)

model += (2 * x + y <= 20, "red_cons")
model += (4 * x - 5 * y >= -10, "blue_cons")
model += (-x + 2 * y >= -2, "yellow_cons")
model += (-x + 5 * y == 15, "green_cons")

obj_func = x + 2 * y
model += obj_func


status = model.solve()


for var in model.variables():
Ejemplo n.º 5
 print("g.edges(): ", g.edges())
 print("g.nodes(): ", g.nodes())
 node_list = list((g.nodes()))
 node_list = sorted(node_list[0:7])
 #print("debug: ",node_list[0])
 print("demand_list: ", demand_list)
 print("link_list; ", link_list)
 print("node_list: ", node_list)
 prob = LpProblem("Basic Link Path Formulation", LpMinimize)
 # Create a dictionary to hold demand path variables
 # these will be indexed by a tuple of (demand, path_num) pairs.
 demand_paths = {}
 for d in demand_list:
     for p in range(len(paths[d])):
         name = "xD{}_{}P_{}".format(d[0], d[1], str(p))
         demand_paths[d, p] = LpVariable(name, 0)
 print("demand_paths are: ", demand_paths)
 # Add the objective function which for now is the sum of all the
 # demand path variables times their respective path length.
 tmp_list = []
 for d in demand_list:
     for p in range(len(paths[d])):
         tmp_list.append((len(paths[d][p]) - 1) * demand_paths[d, p])
 prob += lpSum(tmp_list)
 # Now lets include the link capacity constraints
 # we have one to add for each lin
 for link in link_list:
     tmp_list = []
     for d in demand_list:
         for p in range(len(paths[d])):
             if link_in_path(link, paths[d][p]):
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def setup_variable(self, category, id, min_bound, max_bound):
        name = '%s_%s' % (category, str(id))
        pulpVar = LpVariable(name, min_bound, max_bound, LpInteger)

        self.pulp_vars[name] = pulpVar
Ejemplo n.º 7
grafo = [[0, 1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 1],
         [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]

capacidade = [[0, 200, 300, 100, 0], [0, 0, 400, 0, 300], [0, 0, 0, 100, 200],
              [0, 0, 50, 0, 200], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]

# Variaveis de decisao

var = {}

for i in nos:
    for j in nos:
        if grafo[i][j] == 1:
            var[(i, j)] = LpVariable(name=f'x{i}{j}',

# Criacao do Modelo

model = LpProblem('Problema_fluxo_maximo', LpMaximize)

# Funcao objetivo
lista_fo = []

for x in var.keys():
    if x[0] == no_origem:
Ejemplo n.º 8
def opAss_LP(machineList,
             weightFactors=[2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1],

    from pulp import LpProblem, LpMaximize, LpVariable, LpBinary, lpSum, LpStatus
    import pulp
    import copy
    import glob
    import os

    machines = machineList.keys()
    sumWIP = float(sum([machineList[mach]['WIP'] for mach in machines]))

    # define LP problem
    prob = LpProblem("PBassignment", LpMaximize)
    obj = []

    # declare variables...binary assignment variables (operator i to machine j)
    PB_ass = LpVariable.dicts(
        'PB', [(oper, mach) for oper in PBlist for mach in machines
               if machineList[mach]['stationID'] in PBskills[oper]],

    # objective...assignment of PBs to stations with higher WIP...sum of WIP associated with stations where PB is assigned
    if weightFactors[0] > 0 and sumWIP > 0:
            machineList[mach]['WIP'] * PB_ass[(oper, mach)] *
            weightFactors[0] / float(sumWIP) for oper in PBlist
            for mach in machines
            if machineList[mach]['stationID'] in PBskills[oper]

    # second set of variables (delta assignment between stations) to facilitate the distribution of PBs across different stations
    if weightFactors[1] > 0:
        stationGroup = {}
        for mach in machines:
            if machineList[mach]['stationID'] not in stationGroup:
                stationGroup[machineList[mach]['stationID']] = []
        Delta_Station = LpVariable.dicts(
            "D_station", [(st1, st2)
                          for i1, st1 in enumerate(stationGroup.keys())
                          for st2 in stationGroup.keys()[i1 + 1:]])

        # calculate global max number of machines within a station that will be used as dividers for Delta_Station
        maxNoMachines = 0
        for st in stationGroup:
            if len(stationGroup[st]) > maxNoMachines:
                maxNoMachines = len(stationGroup[st])

        # calculation of DeltaStation values
        for i, st1 in enumerate(stationGroup.keys()):
            tempList = []
            for mach1 in stationGroup[st1]:
                for oper1 in PBlist:
                    if st1 in PBskills[oper1]:
                        tempList.append(PB_ass[(oper1, mach1)] /

            for st2 in stationGroup.keys()[i + 1:]:

                finalList = copy.copy(tempList)
                for mach2 in stationGroup[st2]:
                    for oper2 in PBlist:
                        if st2 in PBskills[oper2]:
                            finalList.append(PB_ass[(oper2, mach2)] * -1 /

                prob += lpSum(finalList) >= Delta_Station[(st1, st2)]
                prob += lpSum([i * -1 for i in finalList
                               ]) >= Delta_Station[(st1, st2)]

        # integration of second obj
        normalisingFactorDeltaStation = 0
        for i in range(len(stationGroup)):
            normalisingFactorDeltaStation += i
        for i1, st1 in enumerate(stationGroup.keys()):
            for st2 in stationGroup.keys()[i1 + 1:]:
                obj.append(Delta_Station[(st1, st2)] * weightFactors[1] /

    # min variation in PB assignment
    if weightFactors[2] > 0:
        Delta_Assignment = []
        OldAss = {}
        for pb in previousAssignment:
            if pb in PBlist:
                for station in PBskills[pb]:
                    for mach in machineList:
                        if machineList[mach]['stationID'] == station:
                            Delta_Assignment.append([pb, mach])
                            if previousAssignment[pb] == mach:
                                OldAss[(pb, mach)] = 1
                                OldAss[(pb, mach)] = 0

        # create delta assignment variables
        Delta_Ass = LpVariable.dicts("D_Ass",
                                     [(d[0], d[1]) for d in Delta_Assignment])

        # integration of third objective
        for d in Delta_Assignment:
            obj.append(Delta_Ass[(d[0], d[1])] *
                       (-1.0 * weightFactors[2] /
                        (2 * len(previousAssignment))))

        # calculation of Delta_Ass
        for d in Delta_Assignment:
            if OldAss[(d[0], d[1])] == 1:
                prob += lpSum(OldAss[(d[0], d[1])] -
                              PB_ass[(d[0], d[1])]) <= Delta_Ass[(d[0], d[1])]
                prob += lpSum(PB_ass[(d[0], d[1])] -
                              OldAss[(d[0], d[1])]) <= Delta_Ass[(d[0], d[1])]

    # 4th obj = fill a subline
    if weightFactors[3] > 0:
        # verify whether there are machines active in the sublines
        subline = {0: {'noMach': 0, 'WIP': 0}, 1: {'noMach': 0, 'WIP': 0}}
        for mach in machineList:
            if machineList[mach]['stationID'] in [0, 1, 2]:
                subline[machineList[mach]['machineID']]['noMach'] += 1
                        ['machineID']]['WIP'] += machineList[mach]['WIP']

        chosenSubLine = False

        # choose subline to be filled first
        if subline[0]['noMach'] == 3:
            # case when both sublines are fully active
            if subline[1]['noMach'] == 3:
                if subline[0]['WIP'] >= subline[1]['WIP']:
                    chosenSubLine = 1
                    chosenSubLine = 2
                chosenSubLine = 1

        elif subline[1]['noMach'] == 3:
            chosenSubLine = 2

        #create variable for the chosen subline
        if chosenSubLine:
            chosenSubLine -= 1
            subLine = LpVariable('SubL', lowBound=0)
            sub = []
            for station in range(3):
                mach = Tool[station][
                    chosenSubLine].name  #'St'+str(station)+'_M'+str(chosenSubLine)
                for oper in PBlist:
                    if station in PBskills[oper]:
                        sub.append(PB_ass[(oper, mach)])

            prob += lpSum(sub) >= subLine
            chosenSubLine += 1
            obj.append(subLine * weightFactors[3] / 3.0)

    # 5th objective: prioritise machines with furthest in time last assignment
    LastAssignmentSum = float(
        sum([machineList[mach]['lastAssignment'] for mach in machines]))
    if LastAssignmentSum > 0 and weightFactors[4] > 0:
        obj += [
            machineList[mach]['lastAssignment'] * PB_ass[(oper, mach)] *
            weightFactors[4] / float(LastAssignmentSum) for oper in PBlist
            for mach in machines
            if machineList[mach]['stationID'] in PBskills[oper]

    # 6th objective: max the number of pb assigned
    if weightFactors[5] > 0:
        obj += [
            PB_ass[(oper, mach)] * weightFactors[5] / float(len(PBlist))
            for oper in PBlist for mach in machines
            if machineList[mach]['stationID'] in PBskills[oper]

    prob += lpSum(obj)

    # constraint 1: # operators assigned to a station <= 1
    for machine in machines:
        prob += lpSum([
            PB_ass[(oper, machine)] for oper in PBlist
            if machineList[machine]['stationID'] in PBskills[oper]
        ]) <= 1

    # constraint 2: # machines assigned to an operator <= 1
    for operator in PBlist:
        prob += lpSum([
            PB_ass[(operator, machine)] for machine in machines
            if machineList[machine]['stationID'] in PBskills[operator]
        ]) <= 1

    # write the problem data to an .lp file.


    if LpStatus[prob.status] != 'Optimal':
        print 'WARNING: LP solution ', LpStatus[prob.status]

    PBallocation = {}

    for mach in machines:
        for oper in PBlist:
            if machineList[mach]['stationID'] in PBskills[oper]:
                if PB_ass[(oper, mach)].varValue > 0.00001:
                    PBallocation[oper] = mach

    files = glob.glob('*.mps')
    for f in files:

    files = glob.glob('*.lp')
    for f in files:

    return PBallocation
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def optimal_routing_mlu_critical_pairs(self, tm_idx, critical_pairs):
        tm = self.traffic_matrices[tm_idx]

        pairs = critical_pairs

        demands = {}
        background_link_loads = np.zeros((self.num_links))
        for i in range(self.num_pairs):
            s, d = self.pair_idx_to_sd[i]
            #background link load
            if i not in critical_pairs:
                                                tm[s][d], s, d)
                demands[i] = tm[s][d]

        model = LpProblem(name="routing")

        pair_links = [(pr, e[0], e[1]) for pr in pairs for e in self.lp_links]
        ratio = LpVariable.dicts(name="ratio",

        link_load = LpVariable.dicts(name="link_load", indexs=self.links)

        r = LpVariable(name="congestion_ratio")

        for pr in pairs:
            model += (lpSum([
                ratio[pr, e[0], e[1]]
                for e in self.lp_links if e[1] == self.pair_idx_to_sd[pr][0]
            ]) - lpSum([
                ratio[pr, e[0], e[1]]
                for e in self.lp_links if e[0] == self.pair_idx_to_sd[pr][0]
            ]) == -1, "flow_convervation_constr1_%d" % pr)

        for pr in pairs:
            model += (lpSum([
                ratio[pr, e[0], e[1]]
                for e in self.lp_links if e[1] == self.pair_idx_to_sd[pr][1]
            ]) - lpSum([
                ratio[pr, e[0], e[1]]
                for e in self.lp_links if e[0] == self.pair_idx_to_sd[pr][1]
            ]) == 1, "flow_convervation_constr2_%d" % pr)

        for pr in pairs:
            for n in self.lp_nodes:
                if n not in self.pair_idx_to_sd[pr]:
                    model += (lpSum([
                        ratio[pr, e[0], e[1]]
                        for e in self.lp_links if e[1] == n
                    ]) - lpSum([
                        ratio[pr, e[0], e[1]]
                        for e in self.lp_links if e[0] == n
                    ]) == 0, "flow_convervation_constr3_%d_%d" % (pr, n))

        for e in self.lp_links:
            ei = self.link_sd_to_idx[e]
            model += (
                link_load[ei] == background_link_loads[ei] +
                lpSum([demands[pr] * ratio[pr, e[0], e[1]]
                       for pr in pairs]), "link_load_constr%d" % ei)
            model += (link_load[ei] <= self.link_capacities[ei] * r,
                      "congestion_ratio_constr%d" % ei)

        model += r + OBJ_EPSILON * lpSum([link_load[ei] for ei in self.links])

        assert LpStatus[model.status] == 'Optimal'

        obj_r = r.value()
        solution = {}
        for k in ratio:
            solution[k] = ratio[k].value()

        return obj_r, solution
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jan 13 10:34:59 2021

@author: felipecas

from pulp import LpMaximize, LpProblem, LpStatus, lpSum, LpVariable, GLPK

#Create the model
model = LpProblem(name = "Wyndor_Glass_Co", sense = LpMaximize)

#Initialize the decision variables
x1 = LpVariable(name = "x1", lowBound = 0)
x2 = LpVariable(name = "x2", lowBound = 0)

#Add the constraints to the model
model += (x1 <= 4, "Plant 1")
model += (2*x2 <= 12, "Plant 2")
model += (3*x1 + 2*x2 <= 18, "Plant 3")

#Add the objective function to the model
model += lpSum([3*x1, 5*x2])

#Solve the problem
status = model.solve(solver = GLPK(msg = False))

print(f"Status: {model.status}, {LpStatus[model.status]}")
print(f"Objective: {model.objective.value()}")

for var in model.variables():
Ejemplo n.º 11
def train_model(warehouse_config_time, current_TIME_QUANTUM, order_sum,
                wait_pack, p_location, va, vb):
    upBound_person = 300
    index = -1
    for i, TIME_QUANTUM, label in warehouse_config_time:
        if TIME_QUANTUM == current_TIME_QUANTUM:
            index = i

#    assert index!=-1,"当前时间段在配置中找不到"

    warehouse_config_time = [
        e if e[0] >= index else (e[0], e[1], -1) for e in warehouse_config_time

    Xa = [
        LpVariable("a%s" % (e[0]),
                   cat=pulp.LpInteger) for e in warehouse_config_time

    Xb = [
        LpVariable("b%s" % (e[0]),
                   cat=pulp.LpInteger) for e in warehouse_config_time

    Xs = [
        LpVariable("s%s" % (e[0]), lowBound=0)
        for i, e in enumerate(warehouse_config_time)

    opponit_person = LpVariable("opponit_person",

    sum_ = LpVariable("sum_time", lowBound=0, cat=pulp.LpInteger)

    z = opponit_person
    prob = LpProblem('orderperson', LpMinimize)
    prob += z

    sum_a = 0
    for e in Xa:
        sum_a += e * va
    sum_b = 0
    for e in Xb:
        sum_b += e * vb
    prob += sum_a >= order_sum
    prob += sum_b >= order_sum + wait_pack
    que_restrain_index = [e[0] for e in warehouse_config_time if e[2] == 0]
    que_finish_index = [e[0] for e in warehouse_config_time if e[2] != 0]
    Xs = []
    for e in que_finish_index:
        Xs.append((e, LpVariable("s%s" % (e), lowBound=0)))
    for index, e in enumerate(que_restrain_index):
        if index == len(que_restrain_index) - 1:
            Xs.append((e, LpVariable("s%s" % (e), lowBound=-vb, upBound=0)))
            Xs.append((e, LpVariable("s%s" % (e), lowBound=-vb)))
    Xs = [e[1] for e in sorted(Xs, key=lambda x: x[0])]
    for i in que_finish_index:
        prob += Xa[i] == 0
        prob += Xb[i] == 0
        prob += Xs[i] == 0

    for index, i in enumerate(que_restrain_index):
        prob += Xa[i] + Xb[i] <= opponit_person
        prob += Xb[i] <= p_location
        if index < len(que_restrain_index) - 1:
            prob += Xa[que_restrain_index[index]] >= Xa[que_restrain_index[
                index + 1]]
        if index == 0:
            prob += Xs[i] == wait_pack - Xb[i] * vb
            prob += Xs[i] == Xa[que_restrain_index[
                index - 1]] * va - Xb[i] * vb + Xs[que_restrain_index[index] -

    prob += Xa[que_restrain_index[-1]] == 0
    suma = sum(Xa)
    sumb = sum(Xb)
    prob += sum_ == suma + sumb
    status = prob.solve()
    return status, prob, Xa, Xb
    if yr == 0:
        return payment(x, yr)
        return disc_f[yr - 1] / disc_f[yr] * acc_payments(x, yr - 1) + payment(
            x, yr)

def fund_gap(x, yr):
    return (acc_payments(x, yr) - liabilities_acc[yr]) / liabilities_NPV[yr]

# Model solver:
model = LpProblem(name="BondPortfolio", sense=LpMaximize)

# variable
x = {i: LpVariable(name=f"x{i}", lowBound=0) for i in range(200)}

# objective asset_NPV + loaded capital:
model += liabilities_NPV[0] - lpSum(cost_vector[i] * x[i] for i in range(200))

# funding gap constraints
for i in range(20):
    model += fund_gap(x, i) <= fg
    model += fund_gap(x, i) >= -fg

# constraints by bond type / tenor
model += lpSum(x[j] * sov_mv[j]
               for j in range(200)) >= 0.075 * lpSum(x[j] * bonds_mv[j]
                                                     for j in range(200))
model += lpSum(x[j] * sov_mv[j]
               for j in range(200)) <= 0.33 * lpSum(x[j] * bonds_mv[j]
Ejemplo n.º 13
from pulp import LpProblem, LpVariable, LpMaximize

# Initialize Class
model = LpProblem("Maximize Glass Co. Profits", LpMaximize)

# Define Decision Variables
wine = LpVariable('Wine', lowBound=0, upBound=None, cat='Integer')
beer = LpVariable('Beer', lowBound=0, upBound=None, cat='Integer')

# Define Objective Function
model += 5 * wine + 4.5 * beer

# Define Constraints
model += 6 * wine + 5 * beer <= 60
model += 10 * wine + 20 * beer <= 150
model += wine <= 6

# Solve Model
print("Produce {} batches of wine glasses".format(wine.varValue))
print("Produce {} batches of beer glasses".format(beer.varValue))
Ejemplo n.º 14
    objects = {
        "stele": (20, 400),
        "codex": (10, 3000),
        "manuscript": (5, 2900),
        "tablet": (3, 50),
        "slab": (2, 10),
        "plaque": (8, 150)

    extraConstraint1 = False
    extraConstraint2 = False

    varTab = {}
    for obj in objects:
        varTab[obj] = LpVariable(obj, 0, 1, LpInteger)

    #the first line added to the problem is the objective
    objective = []
    for obj, (wt, chs) in objects.items():
        objective.append((varTab[obj], chs))
    problem += LpAffineExpression(objective)

    constraint = []
    for obj, (wt, chs) in objects.items():
        constraint.append((varTab[obj], wt))
    problem += (LpAffineExpression(constraint) <= 25)

    if extraConstraint1:
        problem += varTab["manuscript"] + varTab["codex"] <= 1
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def _create_variables(self) -> None:
        tms = (

        itms = (self._regions, *tms)

        ijtms = (self._regions, *itms)

        itmsFull = (

        self._expected_profit = LpVariable("expected profit", cat=LpContinuous)
        # trips
        self._Y = LpVariable.dicts("y",

        # relocations
        if not self.relocations_disabled:
            filtered_ijtms = (
            self._R = LpVariable.dicts("r",

        # vehicle system state
        self._X_ = LpVariable.dicts("x",
        self._X = LpVariable.dicts("x'",

        self._V = LpVariable.dicts("v",

        # binary variable - no vehicles remain in region
        self._Vb = LpVariable.dicts("vb",

        # unfulfilled demand for region tuple
        self._U = LpVariable.dicts("u",

        # unfullfilled demand for region
        self._bigU = LpVariable.dicts("U",

        # binary variable - no unfullfilled demand in regions
        self._bigUb = LpVariable.dicts("Ub", itms, cat=LpBinary)

        if self._beta != 0.0:
            self._eta = LpVariable("value-at-risk", cat=LpContinuous)
            self._theta = LpVariable.dicts("theta",
Ejemplo n.º 16
for m in MACHINES:
    line = input.readline().split()
    assert len(line) == NUM_TASKS
    RESOURCE_USE.append([int(f) for f in line])

line = input.readline().split()
assert len(line) == NUM_MACHINES
CAPACITIES = [int(f) for f in line]

assignVars = []
for m in MACHINES:
    v = []
    for t in TASKS:
        v.append(LpVariable("M%dT%d" % (m, t), cat=LpBinary))

prob = dippy.DipProblem(

# objective
prob += lpSum(assignVars[m][t] * COSTS[m][t] for m, t in MACHINES_TASKS), "min"

# machine capacity (knapsacks, relaxation)
for m in MACHINES:
    prob.relaxation[m] += lpSum(assignVars[m][t] * RESOURCE_USE[m][t]
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_best_capped_molecule_with_ILP(
    molecule: 'Molecule',
    net_charge: Optional[int] = None,
    number_hydrogens: Optional[int] = None,
    enforce_octet_rule: bool = True,
    allow_radicals: bool = False,
    debug: Optional[TextIO] = None,
) -> 'Molecule':
    Use an ILP to cap (complete the valence) of an uncapped molecule using a library a capping fragments.

        ``molecule``: Molecule to be capped. Some of its atoms should have the ``capped`` attribute set to False.
        ``net_charge``: (Optional) Constraint the total net charge for the capped molecule.
        ``number_hydrogens``: (Optional) Constraint the total number of hydrogens for the capped molecule (including hydrogens already present in the molecule).
        ``enforce_octet_rule``: (Optional) Constraint organic elements (H, C, N, O) to satisfy the octet rule.
        ``allow_radicals``: (Optional) Allow unpaired non-bonded electrons.
        ``debug``: (Optional) Print very detailed debugging information

        The modified, capped ``molecule``.
    neighbour_counts = molecule.neighbours_for_atoms()

    def keep_capping_strategy_for_atom(capping_strategy: Capping_Strategy, atom: Atom) -> bool:
        if atom.valence is not None:
            if False:
                if neighbour_counts[atom.index] + new_atom_for_capping_strategy(capping_strategy) == atom.valence:
                    print(atom, capping_strategy)
            return neighbour_counts[atom.index] + new_atom_for_capping_strategy(capping_strategy) == atom.valence
            return min_valence_for(atom) <= neighbour_counts[atom.index] + new_atom_for_capping_strategy(capping_strategy) <= max_valence_for(atom)

    def possible_capping_strategies_for_atom(atom: Atom) -> List[Capping_Strategy]:
        if debug is not None:
            write_to_debug(debug, '')
            write_to_debug(debug, atom)
            write_to_debug(debug, 'capping_strategy, new_atom_for_capping_strategy(), keep_capping_strategy_for_atom()')
            for capping_strategy in ALL_CAPPING_OPTIONS[molecule.atom_desc(atom)]:
                    keep_capping_strategy_for_atom(capping_strategy, atom)
        return [
            for capping_strategy in ALL_CAPPING_OPTIONS[molecule.atom_desc(atom)]
            if keep_capping_strategy_for_atom(capping_strategy, atom)

    atoms_need_capping = [atom for atom in molecule.sorted_atoms() if not atom.capped]

    assert len(atoms_need_capping) > 0, 'Error: There are no uncapped atoms in the molecule.'

    if False:
        capping_schemes = list(
                    for atom in atoms_need_capping

        assert len(capping_schemes) > 0, [
            for atom in atoms_need_capping
            if len(possible_capping_strategies_for_atom(atom)) == 0

            for atom in atoms_need_capping

    from pulp import LpProblem, LpMinimize, LpInteger, LpVariable, LpBinary, LpStatus, lpSum

    problem = LpProblem("Capping problem for molecule {0}".format(molecule.name), LpMinimize)

    ELECTRON_MULTIPLIER = (2 if not allow_radicals else 1)

    hydrogens_before_capping = len([1 for atom in molecule.atoms.values() if atom.element == 'H'])

    counter_charges = {}
    fragment_switches, fragment_scores, fragment_H_scores = {}, {}, {}
    capping_atoms_for = {}
    new_bonds_sets = {}
    for uncapped_atom in atoms_need_capping:
        possible_capping_strategies = possible_capping_strategies_for_atom(uncapped_atom)
        if len(possible_capping_strategies) == 0 or len(possible_capping_strategies) == 1 and possible_capping_strategies[0] == NO_CAP:
            stdout.write('\nWarning: No capping strategy for atom: {0}. The ILP will be infeasible if a suitable cap is not available.'.format(uncapped_atom))
            for (i, capping_strategy) in enumerate(sorted(possible_capping_strategies), start=1):
                write_to_debug(debug, uncapped_atom, capping_strategy, i)
                # Add switch variable
                fragment_switches[uncapped_atom.index, i] = LpVariable(
                    'F_{i},{j}'.format(i=uncapped_atom.index, j=i),

                new_atoms, new_bonds = molecule.extend_molecule_with(uncapped_atom, capping_strategy)
                write_to_debug(debug, i, [atom for atom in new_atoms])
                capping_atoms_for[uncapped_atom.index, i] = new_atoms
                new_bonds_sets[uncapped_atom.index, i] = [bond for bond in new_bonds if uncapped_atom.index in bond]
                fragment_scores[uncapped_atom.index, i] = len(capping_atoms_for[uncapped_atom.index, i])
                fragment_H_scores[uncapped_atom.index, i] = len([atom for atom in capping_atoms_for[uncapped_atom.index, i] if atom.element == 'H'])

                for capping_atom in new_atoms:
                    # Add counter-charge variable S_i for every atom of the capping strategy
                    counter_charges[capping_atom.index] = LpVariable(
                    problem += (counter_charges[capping_atom.index] <=  (1 - fragment_switches[uncapped_atom.index, i]) * MAX_ABSOLUTE_CHARGE, 'Maximum counter charge for capping atom {element}_{index}'.format(element=capping_atom.element, index=capping_atom.index))
                    problem += (counter_charges[capping_atom.index] >= -(1 - fragment_switches[uncapped_atom.index, i]) * MAX_ABSOLUTE_CHARGE, 'Minimum counter charge for capping atom {element}_{index}'.format(element=capping_atom.element, index=capping_atom.index))

            # Only choose one capping strategy at a time
            problem += (lpSum(F_i for ((atom_id, _), F_i) in fragment_switches.items() if atom_id == uncapped_atom.index) == 1, 'Single capping strategy for atom {element}_{index}'.format(element=uncapped_atom.element, index=uncapped_atom.index))

    all_capping_atoms = {atom for atoms in capping_atoms_for.values() for atom in atoms}

    if True:

    charges = {
        atom.index: LpVariable("C_{i}".format(i=atom.index), -MAX_ABSOLUTE_CHARGE, MAX_ABSOLUTE_CHARGE, LpInteger)
        for atom in molecule.atoms.values()
    original_charges = list(charges.values())

    # Extra variable use to bind charges
    absolute_charges = {
        atom_id: LpVariable("Z_{i}".format(i=atom_id), MIN_ABSOLUTE_CHARGE, MAX_ABSOLUTE_CHARGE, LpInteger)
        for atom_id in charges.keys()

    non_bonded_electrons = {
        atom_id: LpVariable("N_{i}".format(i=atom_id), 0, MAX_NONBONDED_ELECTRONS // ELECTRON_MULTIPLIER, LpInteger)
        for (atom_id, atom) in molecule.atoms.items()

    # Maps a bond to an integer
    bond_mapping = {
        bond: i
        for (i, bond) in enumerate(molecule.bonds)

    # Maps an integer to a bond
    bond_reverse_mapping = {v: k for (k, v) in bond_mapping.items()}
    bond_key = lambda bond: ','.join(map(str, sorted(bond)))

    bond_orders = {
        bond: LpVariable(
            0 if any(bond in new_bonds for new_bonds in new_bonds_sets.values()) else MIN_BOND_ORDER,
        for bond in molecule.bonds

    for ((uncapped_atom_id, i), new_bonds) in new_bonds_sets.items():
        for new_bond in new_bonds:
            problem += (bond_orders[new_bond] >= fragment_switches[uncapped_atom_id, i], 'Minimum bond order for fragment bond {bond_key}'.format(bond_key=bond_key(new_bond)))
            problem += (bond_orders[new_bond] <= MAX_BOND_ORDER * fragment_switches[uncapped_atom_id, i], 'Maximum bond order for fragment bond {bond_key}'.format(bond_key=bond_key(new_bond)))


    H_size_objective = MAX(lpSum([F_i * fragment_H_scores[uncapped_atom_id, i] for ((uncapped_atom_id, i), F_i) in fragment_switches.items()]))
    has_non_null_H_size_objective = (sum([fragment_H_scores[uncapped_atom_id, i] for ((uncapped_atom_id, i), F_i) in fragment_switches.items()]) != 0)
    if has_non_null_H_size_objective:

    total_size_objective = MIN(lpSum([F_i * fragment_scores[uncapped_atom_id, i] for ((uncapped_atom_id, i), F_i) in fragment_switches.items()]))
    if sum([fragment_scores[uncapped_atom_id, i] for ((uncapped_atom_id, i), F_i) in fragment_switches.items()]) != 0:

        MIN(lpSum([charge * ELECTRONEGATIVITIES[molecule.atoms[atom_id].element] for (atom_id, charge) in charges.items()])),
        MIN(lpSum([bond_order * ELECTRONEGATIVITIES[molecule.atoms[atom_id].element] for (bond, bond_order) in bond_orders.items() for atom_id in bond])),

    if net_charge is not None:
        problem += (lpSum(charges.values()) == net_charge, 'Known net charge')

    if number_hydrogens is not None:
        problem += (
                    F_i * fragment_H_scores[uncapped_atom_id, i]
                    for ((uncapped_atom_id, i), F_i) in fragment_switches.items()
            ) + hydrogens_before_capping == number_hydrogens,
            'Total number of hydrogens: {0}'.format(number_hydrogens)

    for atom in molecule.atoms.values():
        problem += (
            lpSum([bond_orders[bond] for bond in molecule.bonds if atom.index in bond])
            ELECTRON_MULTIPLIER * non_bonded_electrons[atom.index]
            (counter_charges[atom.index] if atom.index in counter_charges else 0)
            'Electron balance for atom {element}_{index}'.format(element=atom.element, index=atom.index),

    # Deal with absolute values
    for atom in molecule.atoms.values():
        problem += charges[atom.index] <= absolute_charges[atom.index], 'Absolute charge contraint 1 {i}'.format(i=atom.index)
        problem += -charges[atom.index] <= absolute_charges[atom.index], 'Absolute charge contraint 2 {i}'.format(i=atom.index)

        if enforce_octet_rule and atom not in all_capping_atoms:
            if atom.element not in {'B', 'BE', 'P', 'S'}:
                problem += (
                    ELECTRONS_PER_BOND * lpSum([bond_orders[bond] for bond in molecule.bonds if atom.index in bond]) + ELECTRON_MULTIPLIER * non_bonded_electrons[atom.index] == (2 if atom.element in {'H', 'HE'} else 8),
                    'Octet for atom {element}_{index}'.format(element=atom.element, index=atom.index),

        problem.sequentialSolve(OBJECTIVES, timeout=ILP_SOLVER_TIMEOUT)
        assert problem.status == 1, (molecule.name, LpStatus[problem.status])
        #assert False
    except Exception as e:
        molecule.write_graph('DEBUG', output_size=(1000, 1000))
        print('Failed LP written to "debug.lp"')


    molecule.formal_charges, molecule.bond_orders, molecule.non_bonded_electrons = {}, {}, {}
    atoms_to_remove = set()
    for v in problem.variables():
        variable_type, variable_substr = v.name.split('_')
        if variable_type == 'C':
            atom_index = int(variable_substr)
            molecule.formal_charges[atom_index] = MUST_BE_INT(v.varValue)
        elif variable_type == 'B':
            if False:
                bond_index = int(variable_substr)
                molecule.bond_orders[bond_reverse_mapping[bond_index]] = MUST_BE_INT(v.varValue)
                bond = frozenset(map(int, variable_substr.split(',')))
                molecule.bond_orders[bond] = MUST_BE_INT(v.varValue)
        elif variable_type == 'Z':
        elif variable_type == 'N':
            atom_index = int(variable_substr)
            molecule.non_bonded_electrons[atom_index] = MUST_BE_INT(v.varValue) * ELECTRON_MULTIPLIER
        elif variable_type == 'F':
            uncapped_atom_id, capping_strategy_id = map(int, variable_substr.split(','))
            if MUST_BE_INT(v.varValue) == 0 and DELETE_FAILED_CAPS:
                atoms_to_remove.add((uncapped_atom_id, capping_strategy_id))
        elif variable_type == 'S':
            capping_atom_id = int(variable_substr)
            raise Exception('Unknown variable type: {0}'.format(variable_type))

        for (uncapped_atom_id, capping_strategy_id) in atoms_to_remove:
            molecule.remove_atoms(atom for atom in capping_atoms_for[uncapped_atom_id, capping_strategy_id])

    if not allow_radicals and False:
        assert all([nonbonded_electrons % 2 == 0 for nonbonded_electrons in molecule.non_bonded_electrons.values()]), {
            molecule.atoms[atom_index]: electrons
            for (atom_index, electrons) in molecule.non_bonded_electrons.items()
            if electrons % 2 == 1

    return molecule
Ejemplo n.º 18
# transport_types = introduceProblem.introduce_truck_types()
selling_cost = introduceProblem.introduce_selling_cost(
    depreciation_rate, buying_price_1, buying_price_2)  # cost[type][age]
requests = introduceProblem.introduce_city_requests()

# cities_list = ["Anvers", "Charleroi", "Gand", "Bruxelles", "Hasselt", "Liege"]
cities_number = 5  # On ne compte pas Liège

# Initialisation ###################


problem = LpProblem(name="Projet", sense=LpMinimize)

n1 = [[[
    LpVariable('n1_{},{},{}'.format(p, v, s), cat='Integer', lowBound=0)
    for s in range(semester_number)
] for v in range(cities_number)] for p in [0, 1]]
# n1_pvs

n2 = [
    [0] + [[[
            'n2_{},{},{},{}'.format(p, v, s, a), cat='Integer', lowBound=0)
        for a in [0, 1]
    ] for s in range(semester_number)]
           for v in range(1, cities_number)]  # Ne peut pas être dans anvers
    for p in [0, 1]
# n2_pvsa
Ejemplo n.º 19
def ilp_cgdp(
    cg: ComputationGraph,
    agentsdef: Iterable[AgentDef],
    footprint: Callable[[str], float],
    capacity: Callable[[str], float],
    route: Callable[[str, str], float],
    msg_load: Callable[[str, str], float],
    hosting_cost: Callable[[str, str], float],
    agt_names = [a.name for a in agentsdef]
    pb = LpProblem("oilp_cgdp", LpMinimize)

    # One binary variable xij for each (variable, agent) couple
    xs = LpVariable.dict("x", (cg.node_names(), agt_names), cat=LpBinary)

    # TODO: Do not create var for computation that are already assigned to an agent with hosting = 0 ?
    # Force computation with hosting cost of 0 to be hosted on that agent.
    # This makes the work much easier for glpk !
    x_fixed_to_0 = []
    x_fixed_to_1 = []
    for agent in agentsdef:
        for comp in cg.node_names():
            assigned_agent = None
            if agent.hosting_cost(comp) == 0:
                pb += xs[(comp, agent.name)] == 1
                x_fixed_to_1.append((comp, agent.name))
                assigned_agent = agent.name
                for other_agent in agentsdef:
                    if other_agent.name == assigned_agent:
                    pb += xs[(comp, other_agent.name)] == 0
                    x_fixed_to_0.append((comp, other_agent.name))
                    f"Setting binary varaibles to fixed computation {comp}")

    # One binary variable for computations c1 and c2, and agent a1 and a2
    betas = {}
    count = 0
    for a1, a2 in combinations(agt_names, 2):
        # Only create variables for couple c1, c2 if there is an edge in the
        # graph between these two computations.
        for l in cg.links:
            # As we support hypergraph, we may have more than 2 ends to a link
            for c1, c2 in combinations(l.nodes, 2):
                if (c1, a1, c2, a2) in betas:
                count += 2
                b = LpVariable("b_{}_{}_{}_{}".format(c1, a1, c2, a2),
                betas[(c1, a1, c2, a2)] = b
                # Linearization constraints :
                # a_ijmn <= x_im
                # a_ijmn <= x_jn
                if (c1, a1) in x_fixed_to_0 or (c2, a2) in x_fixed_to_0:
                    pb += b == 0
                elif (c1, a1) in x_fixed_to_1:
                    pb += b == xs[(c2, a2)]
                elif (c2, a2) in x_fixed_to_1:
                    pb += b == xs[(c1, a1)]
                    pb += b <= xs[(c1, a1)]
                    pb += b <= xs[(c2, a2)]
                    pb += b >= xs[(c2, a2)] + xs[(c1, a1)] - 1

                b = LpVariable("b_{}_{}_{}_{}".format(c1, a2, c2, a1),
                if (c1, a2) in x_fixed_to_0 or (c2, a1) in x_fixed_to_0:
                    pb += b == 0
                elif (c1, a2) in x_fixed_to_1:
                    pb += b == xs[(c2, a1)]
                elif (c2, a1) in x_fixed_to_1:
                    pb += b == xs[(c1, a2)]
                    betas[(c1, a2, c2, a1)] = b
                    pb += b <= xs[(c2, a1)]
                    pb += b <= xs[(c1, a2)]
                    pb += b >= xs[(c1, a2)] + xs[(c2, a1)] - 1

    # Set objective: communication + hosting_cost
    pb += (
        _objective(xs, betas, route, msg_load, hosting_cost),
        "Communication costs and prefs",

    # Adding constraints:
    # Constraints: Memory capacity for all agents.
    for a in agt_names:
        pb += (
            lpSum([footprint(i) * xs[i, a]
                   for i in cg.node_names()]) <= capacity(a),
            "Agent {} capacity".format(a),

    # Constraints: all computations must be hosted.
    for c in cg.node_names():
        pb += (
            lpSum([xs[c, a] for a in agt_names]) == 1,
            "Computation {} hosted".format(c),

    # solve using GLPK
    status = pb.solve(
        solver=GLPK_CMD(keepFiles=1, msg=False, options=["--pcost"]))

    if status != LpStatusOptimal:
        raise ImpossibleDistributionException("No possible optimal"
                                              " distribution ")
    logger.debug("GLPK cost : %s", pulp.value(pb.objective))

    mapping = {}
    for k in agt_names:
        agt_computations = [
            i for i, ka in xs if ka == k and pulp.value(xs[(i, ka)]) == 1
        # print(k, ' -> ', agt_computations)
        mapping[k] = agt_computations
    return mapping
Ejemplo n.º 20
# productは直積を作る関数
# 二つの変数が取るすべての組み合わせを作る
pr = list(product(range(nw), range(nf)))


# In[9]:

# 数理モデル作成 #
m1 = model_min()
v1 = {(i,j):LpVariable('v%d_%d'%(i,j),lowBound=0) for i,j in pr}

# (x,x)というタプル型でアクセス出来るようにする

# In[10]:

m1 += lpSum(df_tc.iloc[i][j]*v1[i,j] for i,j in pr)

# コストの足し上げ
for i in range(nw):
  m1 += lpSum(v1[i,j] for j in range(nf)) <= df_supply.iloc[0][i]

for j in range(nf):
Ejemplo n.º 21
import numpy as np
from pulp import LpProblem, LpVariable, lpSum
A = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
b = np.array([1, 1])
c = np.array([1, 1])

# 主問題
primal_model = LpProblem(sense=LpMaximize)
x = [LpVariable(f'x{i}', lowBound=0) for i in range(2)]
primal_model += lpSum(c.T * x)
for row, rhs in zip(A, b):
    primal_model += lpSum(row * x) <= rhs
Ejemplo n.º 22

def dist(p1, p2):
    return (sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2) / SIZE)

x = LpVariable.dict(name="x",
                    indexs=(range(SIZE), range(SIZE)),
#今回のキモ 多目的のための変数(どんなに良くても対角の√2以下)
z = LpVariable("z", lowBound=0, upBound=1.5, cat=LpContinuous)

p = LpProblem(name="SpreadingPointsProblem", sense=LpMaximize)

p += z

tmp_sub = 0
for i, j in product(range(SIZE), range(SIZE)):
    tmp_sub += x[(i, j)]
p += tmp_sub == N

BIGM = 100.0
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def generate_data_for_selectivity(self, selectivity, n_tuples):
        NOTE: This is currently unused. Not even sure if I completed it. But give a look at it again because
        there were some interesting ideas.
        def generate_valid_and_invalid_subsets(n_vars, n_subsets, n_valid):
            # TODO: Read again this function. There's some interesting logic
            n_subsets = int(math.ceil(n_subsets))
            n_valid = int(math.ceil(n_valid))

            assert n_valid <= n_subsets == 2**n_vars

            valid = []
            invalid = []

            # This must be always valid (it is the sum of no tuples)
            # valid.append( (0,)*n_vars )

            # Generate half of vars valid and half invalid
            for i in range(n_vars):
                if len(valid) < n_valid / 2.:
                    # valid.append(tuple( bit for bit in ('{:0%dbms}' % n_tuples).format(2**i) ))
                elif len(invalid) < (n_subsets - n_valid) / 2.:
                    # invalid.append(tuple( bit for bit in ('{:0%dbms}' % n_tuples).format(2**i) ))

            # Generate more invalid (up to n_subsets-n_valid) by combining invalid + invalid
            while len(invalid) < n_subsets - n_valid:
                found = False
                for i in range(len(invalid)):
                    for j in range(len(invalid)):
                        new_invalid = invalid[i] | invalid[j]
                        if new_invalid not in invalid:
                            found = True
                    if found:
                if not found:

            # If more invalid are needed, generate them by combining invalid + valid
            while len(invalid) < n_subsets - n_valid:
                found = False
                for i in range(len(invalid)):
                    for j in range(len(valid)):
                        new_invalid = invalid[i] | valid[j]
                        if new_invalid not in invalid:
                            found = True
                    if found:
                if not found:
                    raise Exception

            # All the remaining ones are valid
            valid = set(range(n_subsets)) - set(invalid)

            assert len(valid) == n_valid
            assert len(valid) + len(invalid) == n_subsets

            if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG:
                debug("n invalid = {}".format(n_subsets - n_valid))
                    tuple(bit for bit in ('{:0%dbms}' % n_tuples).format(i))
                    for i in valid
                    tuple(bit for bit in ('{:0%dbms}' % n_tuples).format(i))
                    for i in invalid

            return valid, invalid

        def generate_set_of_problems(base_prob, vars, total_n_constraints,
                                     n_valid_constraints, a, b):
            problems = []

            for valid in itertools.combinations(
                valid = set(valid)

                invalid = set(range(total_n_constraints)) - valid
                assert set(valid) | invalid == set(range(total_n_constraints))

                # The empty package must always be valid. TODO: Really?
                # valid = [0] + list(valid)

                prob = base_prob.copy()

                # valid = generate_valid_and_invalid_subsets(n_tuples, total_n_constraints, n_valid_constraints)[0]
                # valid = np.random.choice(range(total_n_constraints), size=n_valid_constraints, replace=False)
                if logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG:
                    debug("VALID: {}".format(valid))
                    debug("INVALID: {}".format(
                        sorted(set(range(total_n_constraints)) - set(valid))))

                # Add valid constraints to the problem
                n_valid_added = 0
                for i in valid:
                    package_bitmap = [
                        int(bit) for bit in ('{:0%dbms}' % n_tuples).format(i)
                    assert len(package_bitmap) == len(vars)

                    # Add a VALID constraint for this combination of tuples
                    prob += np.dot(vars, package_bitmap) >= a
                    prob += np.dot(vars, package_bitmap) <= b
                    n_valid_added += 1
                assert n_valid_added == len(valid)

                # Add invalid constraints to the problem
                n_invalid_added = 0

                if float(a) > -float("inf") and float(b) < float("inf"):
                    # In this case, we produce 2**(len(invalid)) new sub-problems, each for a different set of ways
                    # to break the constraints a <= sum() <= b
                    pairs_of_invalid_constraints = []
                    for i in invalid:
                        package_bitmap = [
                            for bit in ('{:0%dbms}' % n_tuples).format(i)
                            (package_bitmap, operator.le, a - 1),
                            (package_bitmap, operator.ge, b + 1),

                    orig_prob = prob.copy()
                    for set_of_invalid in itertools.product(
                        new_prob = orig_prob.copy()
                        for invalid_bitmap, op, c in set_of_invalid:
                            new_prob += op(np.dot(vars, invalid_bitmap), c)

                    # In this case, we only generate one sub-problem by adding all invalid constraints
                    for i in invalid:
                        package_bitmap = [
                            for bit in ('{:0%dbms}' % n_tuples).format(i)
                        assert len(package_bitmap) == len(vars)

                        # Add an INVALID (out of range) constraint for this combination of tuples
                        if float(a) > -float("inf") and float(b) < float(
                            raise Exception("Should never happen!")
                            # prob += np.dot(vars, package_bitmap) <= a-1
                        elif float(a) > -float("inf"):
                            prob += np.dot(vars, package_bitmap) <= a - 1
                        elif float(b) < float("inf"):
                            prob += np.dot(vars, package_bitmap) >= b + 1
                            raise Exception
                    assert n_invalid_added == len(invalid)


            return problems

        assert 0 <= selectivity <= 1
        assert n_tuples >= 0

        table_name_start = self.bc_query.lower().find("from ")
        table_name_end = self.bc_query[table_name_start + 5:].lower().find(" ")
        table_name = self.bc_query[table_name_start + 5:table_name_start + 5 +

        attribute_names = []
        ranges = []
        for j in range(len(self.gc_queries)):
            if 'sum(' in self.gc_queries[j].lower():
                attr_start = self.gc_queries[j].lower().find('sum(')
                attr_end = self.gc_queries[j][attr_start +
                    self.gc_queries[j][attr_start + 4:attr_start + 4 +
        debug("{} {}".format(attribute_names, ranges))
        assert len(attribute_names) == len(ranges)

        # Generate the data via CPLEX
        data_columns = []

        # Generate one column at a time. Each column is generated with a CPLEX problem
        for j in range(len(attribute_names)):
            a, b = ranges[j]

            total_n_constraints = 2**n_tuples
            n_valid_constraints = (1 - selectivity) * total_n_constraints

            # Check satisfiability of requirements
            if n_valid_constraints == 0 and a <= 0 <= b:
                    "Since a<=0<=b there is always at least one valid package, i.e. the empty package, "
                    "therefore selectivity=1 (where no package is valid) is impossible."
                return None
            if n_valid_constraints == total_n_constraints and not a <= 0 <= b:
                    "Since not a<=0<=b, the empty package may never be a valid package, "
                    "therefore selectivity=0 (where all packages are valid) is impossible."
                return None

            # Create the base problem
            base_prob = LpProblem("package-builder", LpMinimize)
            base_prob += 0  # no objective

            # Add constraints to the problem
            vars = [
                LpVariable("{}_{}".format(attribute_names[j], i),
                           -float("inf"), float("inf"), LpInteger)
                for i in range(n_tuples)

            # Generate all possible combination of problem constraints
            # One of them will be feasible and will give us the dataset
            problems = generate_set_of_problems(base_prob, vars,
                                                n_valid_constraints, a, b)

            # Now try to find one feasible problem
            for prob in problems:
                # Solve the problem
                solver = CPLEX(msg=True, timeLimit=None)

                # Check the problem status
                if LpStatus[prob.status] == 'Infeasible':
                    debug("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ INFEASIBLE: CONTINUE")

                elif LpStatus[prob.status] == 'Undefined':
                    raise Exception("Problem is undefined.")

                elif LpStatus[prob.status] == 'Optimal':
                    debug("################## OPTIMAL")
                    sol = [
                        v.varValue for v in prob.tuple_variables()
                        if type(v.varValue) is float

                    raise Exception("LP status: {}".format(

                raise Exception(
                    "Could not find feasible combination of constraints "
                    "for selectivity {} and {} tuples.".format(
                        selectivity, n_tuples))

        tuples = np.array(data_columns).transpose()

        return table_name, attribute_names, tuples
Ejemplo n.º 24
def getGraphFromDegrees(degrees):
    #numberOfEdges = sum(degrees) / 2
    numberOfVertices = len(degrees)

    prob = LpProblem("THE_GRAPH_CREATING_PROBLEM", LpMinimize)

    # vertices variables
    verticesVariables = []
    for vv in range(1, numberOfVertices + 1):
        vertVar = LpVariable("VERTEX_" + str(vv), 1, numberOfVertices - 1,
        prob += vertVar == degrees[vv - 1]

    # edge variables
    edgeVariables = {}

    edgeVariablesForOverlap = {}

    for i in range(1, numberOfVertices + 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, numberOfVertices + 1):
            # print(i, " -- ", j)
            edgeVar = LpVariable("EDGE_" + str(i) + "-" + str(j), 0, 1,
            if i not in edgeVariables.keys():
                edgeVariables[i] = [edgeVar]
            if j not in edgeVariables.keys():
                edgeVariables[j] = [edgeVar]

            if i not in edgeVariablesForOverlap.keys():
                edgeVariablesForOverlap[i] = {}
            if j not in edgeVariablesForOverlap[i].keys():
                edgeVariablesForOverlap[i][j] = edgeVar
            if j not in edgeVariablesForOverlap.keys():
                edgeVariablesForOverlap[j] = {}
            if i not in edgeVariablesForOverlap[j].keys():
                edgeVariablesForOverlap[j][i] = edgeVar

    for i in edgeVariables:
        prob += lpSum(edgeVariables[i]) == verticesVariables[i - 1]

    # overlaps
    overlapVars = []
    for fst, lst in getOverlapEdgePairs(numberOfVertices):
        #print(fst, lst)
        # now we get the edgeVars respectively

        fstEdgeVar = edgeVariablesForOverlap[fst[0] + 1][fst[1] + 1]
        lstEdgeVar = edgeVariablesForOverlap[lst[0] + 1][lst[1] + 1]
        # print(fstEdgeVar)
        # print(lstEdgeVar)

        overlapVar = LpVariable("OVERLAP_" + str(fst) + "-" + str(lst), 0, 1,

        prob += overlapVar >= fstEdgeVar + lstEdgeVar - 1
        # print()

    # objective function: minimize the overlaps

    prob += sum(overlapVars)

    # print("Solving...")
    statusText = LpStatus[prob.status]
    # print("Status:", statusText)
    if statusText == "Optimal":
        returner = []
        for v in prob.variables():
            if v.varValue != 0:
                # print(v.name, "=", v.varValue)
                varNameSplit = v.name.split("_")
                if varNameSplit[0] == "EDGE":
        return returner
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 25
def makeMatrixElementsPositive(payMatrix, minElement):
    for i in range(len(payMatrix)):
        for j in range(len(payMatrix[i])):
            payMatrix[i][j] = payMatrix[i][j] + abs(minElement)

    return payMatrix

# Point1
#создаём модель
model = LpProblem(name="Task1Lol1", sense=LpMinimize)
# Описываем переменные
x = {i: LpVariable(name=f"x{i}", lowBound=0) for i in range(0, 3)}
# Добавляем ограничения
model += (14 * x[0] + 15 * x[1] + 33 * x[2] >= 1, "First")
model += (20 * x[0] + 11 * x[1] + 9 * x[2] >= 1, "Second")
model += (32 * x[0] + 19 * x[1] + 16 * x[2] >= 1, "Third")
model += (8 * x[0] + 37 * x[1] + 34 * x[2] >= 1, "Fourth")
# Описываем цель
model += x[0] + x[1] + x[2]
# Решаем задачу оптимизации
status = model.solve()
# Выводим результаты решения
print(f"status: {model.status}, {LpStatus[model.status]}")
print(f"objective: {model.objective.value()}")
pFirstPlayer = [0] * 3
counter = 0
Ejemplo n.º 26
def __approximate_alignment_on_loop(pt: ProcessTree, trace: Trace,
                                    pt_a_set: Dict[ProcessTree, Set[str]],
                                    pt_sa_set: Dict[ProcessTree, Set[str]],
                                    pt_ea_set: Dict[ProcessTree, Set[str]],
                                    pt_tau_flag: Dict[ProcessTree,
                                                      bool], tl: int, th: int):
    assert pt.operator == Operator.LOOP
    assert len(pt.children) == 2
    assert len(trace) > 0

    ilp = LpProblem("splitting_trace_and_assign_to_subtrees", LpMinimize)
    # ilp.solve(solvers.GUROBI_CMD())

    # x_i_j = 1 <=> assigns activity i to subtree j
    x_variables: Dict[int, Dict[int, LpVariable]] = {}

    # t_i_j = 1 <=> inserts a tau at position i and assigns it to subtree j
    t_variables: Dict[int, Dict[int, LpVariable]] = {}

    # s_i_j = 1 <=> activity i is a start activity in the current sub-trace assigned to subtree j
    s_variables: Dict[int, Dict[int, LpVariable]] = {}

    # e_i_j = 1 <=> activity i is an end activity in the current sub-trace assigned to subtree j
    e_variables: Dict[int, Dict[int, LpVariable]] = {}

    # v_i_j = 1 <=> activity i is neither a start nor end-activity in the current sub-trace assigned to subtree j
    v_variables: Dict[int, Dict[int, LpVariable]] = {}

    # auxiliary variables
    # p_i_j = 1 <=> previous activity i-1 is assigned to the other subtree or t_1_other-subtree is 1
    p_variables: Dict[int, Dict[int, LpVariable]] = {}

    # n_i_j = 1 <=> next activity i+1 is assigned to the other subtree or t_1_other-subtree is 1
    n_variables: Dict[int, Dict[int, LpVariable]] = {}

    t_costs = {}
    s_costs = {}
    e_costs = {}
    v_costs = {}

    # trace <a_0,...,a_n>
    for i, a in enumerate(trace):
        x_variables[i] = {}
        s_variables[i] = {}
        s_costs[i] = {}
        e_variables[i] = {}
        e_costs[i] = {}
        v_variables[i] = {}
        v_costs[i] = {}
        p_variables[i] = {}
        n_variables[i] = {}
        for j, subtree in enumerate(pt.children):
            x_variables[i][j] = LpVariable('x_' + str(i) + '_' + str(j),

            s_variables[i][j] = LpVariable('s_' + str(i) + '_' + str(j),
                j] = 0 if a[DEFAULT_NAME_KEY] in pt_sa_set[subtree] else 1

            e_variables[i][j] = LpVariable('e_' + str(i) + '_' + str(j),
                j] = 0 if a[DEFAULT_NAME_KEY] in pt_ea_set[subtree] else 1

            v_variables[i][j] = LpVariable('v_' + str(i) + '_' + str(j),
                j] = 0 if a[DEFAULT_NAME_KEY] in pt_a_set[subtree] else 1

            p_variables[i][j] = LpVariable('p_' + str(i) + '_' + str(j),
            n_variables[i][j] = LpVariable('n_' + str(i) + '_' + str(j),

    for i in range(len(trace) + 1):
        t_variables[i] = {}
        t_costs[i] = {}
        for j, subtree in enumerate(pt.children):
            t_variables[i][j] = LpVariable('t_' + str(i) + '_' + str(j),
            if pt_tau_flag[subtree]:
                t_costs[i][j] = 0
                if len(pt_sa_set[subtree].intersection(
                        pt_ea_set[subtree])) != 0:
                    t_costs[i][j] = 1
                    t_costs[i][j] = 2

    # objective function
    ilp += lpSum([
        s_variables[i][j] * s_costs[i][j] for i in range(len(trace))
        for j in range(len(pt.children))
    ] + [
        e_variables[i][j] * e_costs[i][j] for i in range(len(trace))
        for j in range(len(pt.children))
    ] + [
        v_variables[i][j] * v_costs[i][j] for i in range(len(trace))
        for j in range(len(pt.children))
    ] + [
        t_variables[i][j] * t_costs[i][j] for i in range(len(trace) + 1)
        for j in range(len(pt.children))
    ]), "objective_function"

    # constraints

    # universe j                        {0,1}
    # universe i for t_i_j variables    {0,...,len(trace)}
    # universe i else                   {0,...,len(trace)-1}

    # first tau can never be assigned to the 2nd subtree
    ilp += t_variables[0][1] == 0

    # last tau can never be assigned to the 2nd subtree
    ilp += t_variables[len(trace)][1] == 0

    # if first/last tau is not used --> first/last activity is assigned to 1st subtree
    ilp += 1 - t_variables[0][0] <= x_variables[0][0]
    ilp += 1 - t_variables[len(trace)][0] <= x_variables[len(trace) - 1][0]

    for i in range(len(trace)):
        # every activity is assigned to one subtree
        ilp += lpSum([x_variables[i][j] * 1
                      for j in range(len(pt.children))]) == 1

        # start/end/intermediate-activity at position i can only be assigned to one subtree
        ilp += lpSum([s_variables[i][j] * 1
                      for j in range(len(pt.children))]) <= 1
        ilp += lpSum([e_variables[i][j] * 1
                      for j in range(len(pt.children))]) <= 1
        ilp += lpSum([v_variables[i][j] * 1
                      for j in range(len(pt.children))]) <= 1

    for i in range(len(trace) + 1):
        # max one tau is used per index
        ilp += lpSum([t_variables[i][j] for j in range(2)]) <= 1

    # if tau is used and hence, assigned to a subtree, the surrounding activities are assigned to the other subtree
    for i in range(1, len(trace)):
        # if tau at position i is assigned to 1st subtree, the previous activity is assigned to 2nd subtree
        ilp += t_variables[i][0] <= x_variables[i - 1][1]
        # if tau at position i is assigned to 1st subtree, the previous activity is assigned to 2nd subtree
        ilp += t_variables[i][1] <= x_variables[i - 1][0]
    for i in range(len(trace)):
        # if tau at position i is assigned to 1st subtree, the next activity is assigned to 2nd subtree
        ilp += t_variables[i][0] <= x_variables[i][1]
        # if tau at position i is assigned to 2nd subtree, the next activity is assigned to 1st subtree
        ilp += t_variables[i][1] <= x_variables[i][0]
    # if last tau is used and assigned to 1st subtree (assigning it to the 2nd subtree is already forbidden by another
    # constraint) --> last activity must be assigned to 2nd subtree
    ilp += t_variables[len(trace)][0] <= x_variables[len(trace) - 1][1]

    # define auxiliary variables n: n_i_1 = 1 <=> next activity i+1 is assigned to 2nd subtree or t_i+1_2 = 1
    for i in range(len(trace) - 1):
        ilp += n_variables[i][0] <= x_variables[i + 1][1] + t_variables[i +
        ilp += n_variables[i][0] >= x_variables[i + 1][1]
        ilp += n_variables[i][0] >= t_variables[i + 1][1]

        ilp += n_variables[i][1] <= x_variables[i + 1][0] + t_variables[i +
        ilp += n_variables[i][1] >= x_variables[i + 1][0]
        ilp += n_variables[i][1] >= t_variables[i + 1][0]

    ilp += t_variables[len(trace)][1] <= n_variables[len(trace) - 1][0]
    ilp += t_variables[len(trace)][0] <= n_variables[len(trace) - 1][1]

    # define e_i_j variables
    for i in range(len(trace)):
        for j in range(2):
            ilp += e_variables[i][j] <= n_variables[i][j]
            ilp += e_variables[i][j] <= x_variables[i][j]
            ilp += e_variables[i][
                j] >= n_variables[i][j] + x_variables[i][j] - 1

    # define auxiliary variables p: p_i_1 = 1 <=> previous activity i-1 is assigned to 2nd subtree or t_i-1_2 = 1
    ilp += t_variables[0][1] <= p_variables[0][0]
    ilp += p_variables[0][1] <= t_variables[0][0]

    for i in range(1, len(trace)):
        ilp += p_variables[i][0] <= t_variables[i][1] + x_variables[i - 1][1]
        ilp += p_variables[i][0] >= t_variables[i][1]
        ilp += p_variables[i][0] >= x_variables[i - 1][1]

        ilp += p_variables[i][1] <= t_variables[i][0] + x_variables[i - 1][0]
        ilp += p_variables[i][1] >= t_variables[i][0]
        ilp += p_variables[i][1] >= x_variables[i - 1][0]

    # define s_i_j variables
    for i in range(len(trace)):
        for j in range(2):
            ilp += s_variables[i][
                j] >= p_variables[i][j] + x_variables[i][j] - 1
            ilp += s_variables[i][j] <= p_variables[i][j]
            ilp += s_variables[i][j] <= p_variables[i][j]
    ilp += 1 - t_variables[0][0] <= s_variables[0][0]

    # define v_i_j variables
    for i in range(len(trace)):
        for j in range(2):
            ilp += v_variables[i][j] >= 1 - s_variables[i][
                j] + 1 - e_variables[i][j] + x_variables[i][j] - 2
            ilp += v_variables[i][j] <= x_variables[i][j]
            ilp += v_variables[i][j] <= 1 - e_variables[i][j]
            ilp += v_variables[i][j] <= 1 - s_variables[i][j]

    status = ilp.solve()
    logging.debug("LP status: " + str(status))
    assert status == 1
    # LpStatusOptimal    “Optimal”    1
    # LpStatusNotSolved  “Not Solved” 0
    # LpStatusInfeasible “Infeasible” -1
    # LpStatusUnbounded  “Unbounded”  -2
    # LpStatusUndefined  “Undefined”  -3

    # DEBUG code
    # logging.debug('Trace length: ' + str(len(trace)))
    # trace_str = "\t\t\t"
    # for e in trace:
    #     trace_str += e['concept:name'] + "\t\t\t\t\t"
    # x_str_j_1 = "\t\t\t"
    # x_str_j_2 = "\t\t\t"
    # s_str_j_1 = "\t\t\t"
    # s_str_j_2 = "\t\t\t"
    # e_str_j_1 = "\t\t\t"
    # e_str_j_2 = "\t\t\t"
    # n_str_j_1 = "\t\t\t"
    # n_str_j_2 = "\t\t\t"
    # p_str_j_1 = "\t\t\t"
    # p_str_j_2 = "\t\t\t"
    # v_str_j_1 = "\t\t\t"
    # v_str_j_2 = "\t\t\t"
    # t_str_j_1 = ""
    # t_str_j_2 = ""
    # for i in range(len(trace)):
    #     x_str_j_1 += "x_" + str(i) + "_" + "0" + ": " + str(int(x_variables[i][0].varValue)) + "\t\t\t"
    #     x_str_j_2 += "x_" + str(i) + "_" + "1" + ": " + str(int(x_variables[i][1].varValue)) + "\t\t\t"
    #     s_str_j_1 += "s_" + str(i) + "_" + "0" + ": " + str(int(s_variables[i][0].varValue)) + "\t\t\t"
    #     s_str_j_2 += "s_" + str(i) + "_" + "1" + ": " + str(int(s_variables[i][1].varValue)) + "\t\t\t"
    #     e_str_j_1 += "e_" + str(i) + "_" + "0" + ": " + str(int(e_variables[i][0].varValue)) + "\t\t\t"
    #     e_str_j_2 += "e_" + str(i) + "_" + "1" + ": " + str(int(e_variables[i][1].varValue)) + "\t\t\t"
    #     n_str_j_1 += "n_" + str(i) + "_" + "0" + ": " + str(int(n_variables[i][0].varValue)) + "\t\t\t"
    #     n_str_j_2 += "n_" + str(i) + "_" + "1" + ": " + str(int(n_variables[i][1].varValue)) + "\t\t\t"
    #     p_str_j_1 += "p_" + str(i) + "_" + "0" + ": " + str(int(p_variables[i][0].varValue)) + "\t\t\t"
    #     p_str_j_2 += "p_" + str(i) + "_" + "1" + ": " + str(int(p_variables[i][1].varValue)) + "\t\t\t"
    #     v_str_j_1 += "v_" + str(i) + "_" + "0" + ": " + str(int(v_variables[i][0].varValue)) + "\t\t\t"
    #     v_str_j_2 += "v_" + str(i) + "_" + "1" + ": " + str(int(v_variables[i][1].varValue)) + "\t\t\t"
    # for i in range(len(trace) + 1):
    #     t_str_j_1 += "t_" + str(i) + "_" + "0" + ": " + str(int(t_variables[i][0].varValue)) + "\t\t\t"
    #     t_str_j_2 += "t_" + str(i) + "_" + "1" + ": " + str(int(t_variables[i][1].varValue)) + "\t\t\t"
    # logging.debug(trace_str)
    # logging.debug(t_str_j_1)
    # logging.debug(t_str_j_2)
    # logging.debug(x_str_j_1)
    # logging.debug(x_str_j_2 + "\n")
    # logging.debug(s_str_j_1)
    # logging.debug(s_str_j_2 + "\n")
    # logging.debug(e_str_j_1)
    # logging.debug(e_str_j_2 + "\n")
    # logging.debug(n_str_j_1)
    # logging.debug(n_str_j_2 + "\n")
    # logging.debug(p_str_j_1)
    # logging.debug(p_str_j_2 + "\n")
    # logging.debug(v_str_j_1)
    # logging.debug(v_str_j_2 + "\n")

    alignments_to_calculate: List[Tuple[ProcessTree, Trace]] = []
    sub_trace = Trace()
    current_subtree_idx = 0
    for i in range(len(trace)):
        for j in range(2):
            if t_variables[i][j].varValue:
                if i == 0:
                    # first tau can be only assigned to first subtree
                    assert j == 0
                    alignments_to_calculate.append((pt.children[j], Trace()))
                    current_subtree_idx = 1
                        (pt.children[current_subtree_idx], sub_trace))
                    alignments_to_calculate.append((pt.children[j], Trace()))
                    sub_trace = Trace()
        for j in range(2):
            if x_variables[i][j].varValue:
                if j == current_subtree_idx:
                        (pt.children[current_subtree_idx], sub_trace))
                    sub_trace = Trace()
                    current_subtree_idx = j
    if len(sub_trace) > 0:
            (pt.children[current_subtree_idx], sub_trace))
    if t_variables[len(trace)][0].varValue:
        alignments_to_calculate.append((pt.children[0], Trace()))

    res = []
    for subtree, sub_trace in alignments_to_calculate:
            approximate_alignment(subtree, pt_a_set, pt_sa_set, pt_ea_set,
                                  pt_tau_flag, sub_trace, tl, th))
    return res
Ejemplo n.º 27
from pulp import LpVariable, LpProblem, LpMaximize, LpStatus, value

prob = LpProblem("dual_problem.py", LpMaximize)

x1 = LpVariable("Prod_1", 0, cat='Integer')
x2 = LpVariable("Prod_2", 0, cat='Integer')
profit_x1 = 5
profit_x2 = 6
products = [x1, x2]
resources = [0, 1, 2]
capabilities = [14, 9, 56]
costs = [[1, 1, 7], [2, 1, 4]]

# Objective Function
prob += profit_x1 * x1 + profit_x2 * x2

# Constrains
prob += costs[0][0] * x1 + costs[1][0] * x2 <= capabilities[0]
prob += costs[0][1] * x1 + costs[1][1] * x2 <= capabilities[1]
prob += costs[0][2] * x1 + costs[1][2] * x2 <= capabilities[2]
prob += capabilities[0] + capabilities[1] + capabilities[2] <= sum(
prob += costs[0][0] * capabilities[0] + costs[0][1] * capabilities[1] + costs[
    0][2] * capabilities[2] >= profit_x1
prob += costs[1][0] * capabilities[0] + costs[1][1] * capabilities[1] + costs[
    1][2] * capabilities[2] >= profit_x2

