Ejemplo n.º 1
 def setUp(self):
     """Provide a server config and Pulp services to stop and start."""
     self.cfg = config.get_config()
     if check_issue_2277(self.cfg):
     if check_issue_2387(self.cfg):
     self.broker = utils.get_broker(self.cfg)
     self.services = tuple((
         cli.Service(self.cfg, service) for service in PULP_SERVICES
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Upload an erratum to a repo, publish, and download the erratum.

        Do the following:

        1. Create an RPM repository with a distributor.
        2. Upload an erratum to the repository.
        3. Publish the repository.
        4. Fetch the repository's ``updateinfo.xml`` file.
        super(UploadErratumTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        if check_issue_2387(cls.cfg):
            raise unittest.SkipTest('https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2387')
        if check_issue_2277(cls.cfg):
            raise unittest.SkipTest('https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2277')
        cls.erratum = gen_erratum()

        # Create an RPM repository with a feed and distributor.
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = gen_repo()
        body['importer_config']['feed'] = RPM_SIGNED_FEED_URL
        body['distributors'] = [gen_distributor()]
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)

        # Sync content into the repository, and give it an erratum.
        utils.sync_repo(cls.cfg, repo['_href'])
        utils.upload_import_erratum(cls.cfg, cls.erratum, repo['_href'])
        repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})

        # Publish the repository, and fetch and parse updateinfo.xml
        utils.publish_repo(cls.cfg, repo)
        path = urljoin(
        cls.updateinfo = get_repomd_xml(cls.cfg, path, 'updateinfo')
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def setUpClass(cls):
        """Upload an RPM to a repo, copy it to another, publish and download.

        Do the following:

        1. Create two RPM repositories, both without feeds.
        2. Upload an RPM to the first repository.
        3. Associate the first repository with the second, causing the RPM to
           be copied.
        4. Add a distributor to both repositories and publish them.
        super(UploadRpmTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        if check_issue_2387(cls.cfg):
            raise unittest.SkipTest('https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2387')
        utils.reset_pulp(cls.cfg)  # See: https://pulp.plan.io/issues/1406
        cls.responses = {}

        # Download an RPM and create two repositories.
        client = api.Client(cls.cfg, api.json_handler)
        repos = [client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, gen_repo()) for _ in range(2)]
        for repo in repos:
        client.response_handler = api.safe_handler
        cls.rpm = utils.http_get(RPM_SIGNED_URL)

        # Begin an upload request, upload an RPM, move the RPM into a
        # repository, and end the upload request.
        cls.responses['malloc'] = client.post(CONTENT_UPLOAD_PATH)
        cls.responses['upload'] = client.put(
            urljoin(cls.responses['malloc'].json()['_href'], '0/'),
        cls.responses['import'] = client.post(
            urljoin(repos[0]['_href'], 'actions/import_upload/'),
                'unit_key': {},
                'unit_type_id': 'rpm',
                'upload_id': cls.responses['malloc'].json()['upload_id'],
        cls.responses['free'] = client.delete(

        # Copy content from the first repository to the second.
        cls.responses['copy'] = client.post(
            urljoin(repos[1]['_href'], 'actions/associate/'),
            {'source_repo_id': repos[0]['id']}

        # Add a distributor to and publish both repositories.
        cls.responses['distribute'] = []
        cls.responses['publish'] = []
        for repo in repos:
                urljoin(repo['_href'], 'distributors/'),
                urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'),
                {'id': cls.responses['distribute'][-1].json()['id']},

        # Search for all units in each of the two repositories.
        body = {'criteria': {}}
        cls.responses['repo units'] = [
            client.post(urljoin(repo['_href'], 'search/units/'), body)
            for repo in repos