Ejemplo n.º 1
    def process_file(self, dirname, basename, **kw):
        Process a Makefile for gtk-doc information.
        is_gtk_doc = False
        if basename == "Makefile.am":
            filename = os.path.join(dirname, basename)
            makefile = self.scanner.get_parsed_file(parsers.Automake, filename)
            for line in makefile.get_lines():
                if line.startswith("include $(top_srcdir)/"):
                    if line.endswith("gtk-doc.make"):
                        is_gtk_doc = True
        if not is_gtk_doc:

        branch = self.scanner.branch
        checkout = self.scanner.checkout
        bserver, bmodule, bbranch = branch.ident.split("/")[2:]

        doc_module = makefile["DOC_MODULE"]
        ident = u"/".join(["/ref", bserver, bmodule, doc_module, bbranch])
        document = db.Branch.get_or_create(ident, u"Document")
        document.parent = branch
        relpath = utils.relative_path(dirname, checkout.directory)

        data = {}
        for key in ("scm_type", "scm_server", "scm_module", "scm_branch", "scm_path"):
            data[key] = getattr(branch, key)
        data["subtype"] = u"gtk-doc"
        data["scm_dir"] = relpath
        scm_file = makefile["DOC_MAIN_SGML_FILE"]
        if "$(DOC_MODULE)" in scm_file:
            scm_file = scm_file.replace("$(DOC_MODULE)", doc_module)
        data["scm_file"] = scm_file


        if not kw.get("no_docs", False):
            pulse.pulsate.docs.update_document(document, checkout=checkout, **kw)

        if document is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def process_file (self, dirname, basename, **kw):
        Process an OAF server file for a panel applet.
        if not re.match('.*\.server(\.in)+$', basename):
        filename = os.path.join (dirname, basename)
        branch = self.scanner.branch
        checkout = self.scanner.checkout
        bserver, bmodule, bbranch = branch.ident.split('/')[2:]

        rel_ch = utils.relative_path (filename, checkout.directory)
        rel_scm = utils.relative_path (filename, config.scm_dir)
        mtime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime

        if not kw.get('no_timestamps', False):
            stamp = db.Timestamp.get_timestamp (rel_scm)
            if mtime <= stamp:
                utils.log ('Skipping file %s' % rel_scm)
                data = {'parent' : branch}
                data['scm_dir'], data['scm_file'] = os.path.split (rel_ch)
                applets = db.Branch.select (type=u'Applet', **data)
                for applet in applets:
                    self.scanner.add_child (applet)
        utils.log ('Processing file %s' % rel_scm)

        owd = os.getcwd ()
            os.chdir (checkout.directory)
            dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse (
                os.popen ('LC_ALL=C intltool-merge -x -q -u po "' + rel_ch + '" - 2>/dev/null'))
            utils.warn ('Could not process file %s' %
                        utils.relative_path (filename, config.scm_dir))
            os.chdir (owd)
        os.chdir (owd)
        for server in dom.getElementsByTagName ('oaf_server'):
            is_applet = False
            applet_name = {}
            applet_desc = {}
            applet_icon = None
            applet_iid = server.getAttribute ('iid')
            if applet_iid == '':
            if applet_iid.startswith ('OAFIID:'):
                applet_iid = applet_iid[7:]
            if applet_iid.startswith ('GNOME_'):
                applet_iid = applet_iid[6:]
            for oafattr in server.childNodes:
                if oafattr.nodeType != oafattr.ELEMENT_NODE or oafattr.tagName != 'oaf_attribute':
                if oafattr.getAttribute ('name') == 'repo_ids':
                    for item in oafattr.childNodes:
                        if item.nodeType != item.ELEMENT_NODE or item.tagName != 'item':
                        if item.getAttribute ('value') == 'IDL:GNOME/Vertigo/PanelAppletShell:1.0':
                            is_applet = True
                    if not is_applet:
                if oafattr.getAttribute ('name') == 'name':
                    lang = oafattr.getAttribute ('xml:lang')
                    if lang == '':
                        lang = 'C'
                    value = oafattr.getAttribute ('value')
                    if value != '':
                        applet_name[lang] = value
                if oafattr.getAttribute ('name') == 'description':
                    lang = oafattr.getAttribute ('xml:lang')
                    if lang == '':
                        lang = 'C'
                    value = oafattr.getAttribute ('value')
                    if value != '':
                        applet_desc[lang] = value
                if oafattr.getAttribute ('name') == 'panel:icon':
                    applet_icon = oafattr.getAttribute ('value')
                    if applet_icon == '':
                        applet_icon = None
            if not is_applet or applet_icon == None:
            ident = '/'.join(['/applet', bserver, bmodule, applet_iid, bbranch])
            applet = db.Branch.get_or_create (ident, u'Applet')
            applet.update (name=applet_name, desc=applet_desc)
            if applet_icon != None:
                self.appleticons.append ((applet, applet_icon))

            data = {}
            for key in ('scm_type', 'scm_server', 'scm_module', 'scm_branch', 'scm_path'):
                data[key] = getattr(branch, key)
            data['scm_dir'], data['scm_file'] = os.path.split (rel_ch)
            applet.update (data)
            self.scanner.add_child (applet)

        db.Timestamp.set_timestamp (rel_scm, mtime)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def process_file (self, dirname, basename, **kw):
        Process a POTFILES.in file for intltool information.
        if not basename == 'POTFILES.in':

        branch = self.scanner.branch
        checkout = self.scanner.checkout
        bserver, bmodule, bbranch = branch.ident.split('/')[2:]

        ident = u'/'.join(['/i18n', bserver, bmodule, os.path.basename (dirname), bbranch])

        domain = db.Branch.get_or_create (ident, u'Domain')
        domain.parent = branch

        scmdata = {}
        for key in ('scm_type', 'scm_server', 'scm_module', 'scm_branch', 'scm_path'):
            scmdata[key] = getattr(branch, key)
        scmdata['scm_dir'] = utils.relative_path (dirname, checkout.directory)
        domain.update (scmdata)

        linguas = os.path.join (dirname, 'LINGUAS')
        if not os.path.isfile (linguas):
            domain.error = u'No LINGUAS file'
            domain.error = None

        rel_scm = utils.relative_path (linguas, config.scm_dir)
        mtime = os.stat(linguas).st_mtime
        langs = []
        translations = []

        if not kw.get('no_timestamps', False):
            stamp = db.Timestamp.get_timestamp (rel_scm)
            if mtime <= stamp:
                utils.log ('Skipping file %s' % rel_scm)
        utils.log ('Processing file %s' % rel_scm)

        fd = open (linguas)
        for line in fd:
            if line.startswith ('#') or line == '\n':
            for lang in line.split():
                langs.append (lang)
        for lang in langs:
            lident = u'/l10n/' + lang + domain.ident
            translation = db.Branch.get_or_create (lident, u'Translation')
            translations.append (translation)
            ldata = {}
            for key in ('scm_type', 'scm_server', 'scm_module', 'scm_branch', 'scm_path'):
                ldata[key] = scmdata[key]
            ldata['subtype'] = 'intltool'
            ldata['scm_dir'] = scmdata['scm_dir']
            ldata['scm_file'] = lang + '.po'
            translation.parent = domain
            translation.update (ldata)

        if not kw.get('no_i18n', False):
            for po in translations:
                pulse.pulsate.i18n.update_translation (po, checkout=checkout, **kw)

        db.Timestamp.set_timestamp (rel_scm, mtime)
        if domain is not None:
            self.scanner.add_child (domain)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_potfile (self, **kw):
        Get a POT file for an intltool-managed translation domain.
        checkout = self.scanner.checkout
        domain = self.scanner.translation.parent
        indir = os.path.join (checkout.directory, domain.scm_dir)
        if self.__class__.potfiles.has_key (indir):
            return self.__class__.potfiles[indir]

        if domain.scm_dir == 'po':
            potname = domain.scm_module
            potname = domain.scm_dir
        potfile = potname + '.pot'
        of = pulse.db.OutputFile.select (type=u'l10n', ident=domain.ident, filename=potfile)
            of = of[0]
        except IndexError:
            of = pulse.db.OutputFile (type=u'l10n', ident=domain.ident, filename=potfile,

        potfile_abs = of.get_file_path()
        potfile_rel = utils.relative_path (potfile_abs, config.web_l10n_dir)

        if not kw.get('no_timestamps', False):
            dt = of.data.get ('mod_datetime')
            if dt != None and dt == domain.parent.mod_datetime:
                pulse.utils.log ('Skipping POT file %s' % potfile_rel)
                self.__class__.potfiles[indir] = of
                return of

        potdir = os.path.dirname (potfile_abs)
        if not os.path.exists (potdir):
            os.makedirs (potdir)
        cmd = 'intltool-update -p -g "%s" && mv "%s" "%s"' % (potname, potfile, potdir)
        owd = os.getcwd ()
            os.chdir (indir)
            pulse.utils.log ('Creating POT file %s' % potfile_rel)
            (mstatus, moutput) = commands.getstatusoutput (
                'rm -f missing notexist && intltool-update -m')
            (status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput (cmd)
            os.chdir (owd)
        missing = []
        if mstatus == 0:
            mfile = os.path.join (indir, 'missing')
            if os.access (mfile, os.R_OK):
                missing = [line.strip() for line in open(mfile).readlines()]
        if status == 0:
            potmd5 = md5.new()
            # We don't start feeding potmd5 until we've hit a blank line.
            # This keeps inconsequential differences in the header from
            # affecting the MD5.
            blankline = False
            popo = parsers.Po ()
            for line in open (potfile_abs):
                if blankline:
                    potmd5.update (line)
                elif line.strip() == '':
                    blankline = True
                popo.feed (line)
            popo.finish ()
            num = popo.get_num_messages ()
            of.datetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
            of.data['mod_datetime'] = domain.parent.mod_datetime
            of.data['missing'] = missing
            of.statistic = num
            of.data['md5'] = potmd5.hexdigest ()
            self.__class__.potfiles[indir] = of
            domain.error = None
            domain.updated = of.datetime
            return of
            domain.error = u'Failed to create POT file'
            pulse.utils.warn('Failed to create POT file %s' % potfile_rel)
            self.__class__.potfiles[indir] = None
            return None
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def update_translation (self, **kw):
        Update information about an intltool-managed translation.
        translation = self.scanner.translation
        checkout = self.scanner.checkout
        if translation.subtype != 'intltool':
            return False

        potfile = self.get_potfile (**kw)
        if potfile is None:
            return False

        filepath = os.path.join (checkout.directory,
        if not os.path.exists (filepath):
            utils.warn('Could not locate file %s for %s'
                       % (translation.scm_file, translation.parent.ident))
            return False
        rel_scm = utils.relative_path (filepath, config.scm_dir)
        mtime = os.stat(filepath).st_mtime

        if not kw.get('no_timestamps', False):
            stamp = db.Timestamp.get_timestamp (rel_scm)
            if mtime <= stamp:
                pomd5 = translation.data.get('md5', None)
                potmd5 = potfile.data.get('md5', None)
                if pomd5 != None and pomd5 == potmd5:
                    utils.log ('Skipping file %s' % rel_scm)
                    return True

        podir = os.path.join (checkout.directory, translation.scm_dir)
        cmd = 'msgmerge "%s" "%s" 2>&1' % (translation.scm_file, potfile.get_file_path())
        owd = os.getcwd ()
            os.chdir (podir)
            pulse.utils.log ('Processing file ' + rel_scm)
            popo = parsers.Po (os.popen (cmd))
            stats = popo.get_stats()
            total = stats[0] + stats[1] + stats[2]
            db.Statistic.set_statistic (translation, utils.daynum(), u'Messages',
                                        stats[0], stats[1], total)
            os.chdir (owd)

        # FIXME: things like .desktop files might not be reprocessed because
        # they haven't changed, but translators might have updated the name
        # or description.  Rather than trying to make those things run when
        # po files have been updated, let's just grab these:
        # po.parent.parent.select_children (...)
        # for Application, Capplet, Applet, and Library and see if we can
        # provide an updated name or description.

        of = db.OutputFile.select (type=u'l10n',
            of = of[0]
        except IndexError:
            of = db.OutputFile (type=u'l10n',
        outfile_abs = of.get_file_path()
        outfile_rel = pulse.utils.relative_path (outfile_abs, config.web_l10n_dir)
        outdir = os.path.dirname (outfile_abs)
        if not os.path.exists (outdir):
            os.makedirs (outdir)
        utils.log ('Copying PO file %s' % outfile_rel)
        shutil.copyfile (os.path.join (checkout.directory,
                         os.path.join (outdir, translation.scm_file))
        of.datetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        of.data['revision'] = checkout.get_revision()

        files = [os.path.join (translation.scm_dir, translation.scm_file)]
        revision = db.Revision.get_last_revision (branch=translation.parent.parent, files=files)
        if revision != None:
            translation.mod_datetime = revision.datetime
            translation.mod_person = revision.person

        translation.data['md5'] = potfile.data.get('md5', None)
        db.Timestamp.set_timestamp (rel_scm, mtime)

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def process_file (self, dirname, basename, **kw):
        Process a Makefile.am file for the Evolution Quick Reference Card.
        branch = self.scanner.branch
        checkout = self.scanner.checkout
        is_quickref = False
        if branch.scm_server == 'http://svn.gnome.org/svn/' and branch.scm_module == 'evolution':
            if basename == 'Makefile.am':
                if os.path.join (checkout.directory, 'help/quickref') == dirname:
                    is_quickref = True
        if not is_quickref:

        filename = os.path.join (dirname, basename)
        makefile = self.scanner.get_parsed_file (parsers.Automake, filename)

        bserver, bmodule, bbranch = branch.ident.split('/')[2:]

        ident = u'/'.join(['/doc', bserver, bmodule, u'quickref', bbranch])
        document = db.Branch.get_or_create (ident, u'Document')
        document.parent = branch

        relpath = utils.relative_path (dirname, checkout.directory)

        data = {}
        for key in ('scm_type', 'scm_server', 'scm_module', 'scm_branch', 'scm_path'):
            data[key] = getattr(branch, key)
        data['subtype'] = u'evolution-quickref'
        data['scm_dir'] = os.path.join (relpath, 'C')
        data['scm_file'] = u'quickref.tex'
        document.update (data)

        langs = makefile['SUBDIRS'].split ()
        translations = []
        for lang in langs:
            if lang == 'C':
            lident = u'/l10n/' + lang + document.ident
            translation = db.Branch.get_or_create (lident, u'Translation')
            translations.append (translation)
            ldata = {}
            for key in ('scm_type', 'scm_server', 'scm_module', 'scm_branch', 'scm_path'):
                ldata[key] = data[key]
            ldata['subtype'] = u'evolution-quickref'
            ldata['scm_dir'] = os.path.join (
                utils.relative_path (dirname, checkout.directory),
            ldata['scm_file'] = u'quickref.tex'
            translation.parent = document
            translation.update (ldata)
        document.set_children (u'Translation', translations)

        if not kw.get('no_i18n', False):
            for po in translations:
                pulse.pulsate.i18n.update_translation (po, checkout=checkout, **kw)

        if not kw.get('no_docs', False):
            pulse.pulsate.docs.update_document (document, checkout=checkout, **kw)

        if document is not None:
            self.scanner.add_child (document)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def update_document (self, **kw):
        document = self.scanner.document
        checkout = self.scanner.checkout
        if document.subtype != u'evolution-quickref':
            return False

        langs = [('C', document)]
        translations = db.Branch.select (type=u'Translation', parent=document)
        for translation in translations:
            langs.append ((os.path.basename (translation.scm_dir), translation))

        name = {}
        regexp = re.compile ('\\s*\\\\textbf{\\\\Huge{(.*)}}')

        ofs_by_lang = {}
        ofs = list(db.OutputFile.select (type=u'figures', ident=document.ident))
        for of in ofs:
            ofs_by_lang[of.filename[:-4]] = of

        for lang, obj in langs:
            texfile = os.path.join (checkout.directory, obj.scm_dir, obj.scm_file)
            for line in open (texfile):
                match = regexp.match (line)
                if match:
                    name[lang] = match.group (1)
            of = ofs_by_lang.get (lang, None)
            create_figure = False
            pdffile = os.path.join (obj.scm_dir, 'quickref.pdf')
            pdffull = os.path.join (checkout.directory, pdffile)
            if of is None:
                of = db.OutputFile (type=u'figures', ident=document.ident,
                                    filename=(lang + u'.png'), source=pdffile,
                create_figure = True
                if kw.get('no_timestamps', False):
                    create_figure = True
                        mtime = os.stat(pdffull).st_mtime
                        if mtime > time.mktime(of.datetime.timetuple()):
                            create_figure = True
            outfile = of.get_file_path ()
            outfile_rel = utils.relative_path (outfile, pulse.config.web_figures_dir)
            if create_figure:
                outdir = os.path.dirname (outfile)
                if not os.path.exists (outdir):
                    os.makedirs (outdir)
                utils.log ('Creating image %s' % outfile_rel)
                    fd = os.popen ('convert "%s" png:-' % pdffull)
                    im = Image.open (StringIO.StringIO (fd.read()))
                    im = im.rotate (-90)
                    im.thumbnail ((600, 600), Image.ANTIALIAS)

                    width, height = im.size
                    im.save (outfile)

                    tfile = of.get_file_path ('thumbs')
                    tdir = os.path.dirname (tfile)
                    if not os.path.exists (tdir):
                        os.makedirs (tdir)
                    im.thumbnail((120, 120), Image.ANTIALIAS)
                    twidth, theight = im.size
                    im.save (tfile, 'PNG')

                    of.datetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
                    of.data['width'] = width
                    of.data['height'] = height
                    of.data['thumb_width'] = twidth
                    of.data['thumb_height'] = theight

                    document.data.setdefault ('screenshot', {})
                    document.data['screenshot'][lang] = of.id
                    of.delete ()
                utils.log ('Skipping image %s' % outfile_rel)

        document.update (name=name)
        document.data['files'] = [u'quickref.pdf', u'quickref.tex']
        files = [os.path.join (document.scm_dir, f) for f in document.data['files']]
        pulse.pulsate.update_graphs (document,
                                     {'branch' : document.parent, 'files' : files},
                                     10, **kw)
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def process_file (self, dirname, basename, **kw):
        Process a file to determine whether it's a pkgconfig file.
        if not re.match ('.*\.pc(\.in)+$', basename):

        filename = os.path.join (dirname, basename)
        branch = self.scanner.branch
        checkout = self.scanner.checkout
        bserver, bmodule, bbranch = branch.ident.split('/')[2:]

        rootname = basename[:-6]
        rel_ch = utils.relative_path (filename, checkout.directory)
        rel_scm = utils.relative_path (filename, config.scm_dir)
        mtime = os.stat(filename).st_mtime
        # Hack for GTK+'s uninstalled pkgconfig files
        if '-uninstalled' in rootname:

        if not kw.get('no_timestamps', False):
            stamp = db.Timestamp.get_timestamp (rel_scm)
            if mtime <= stamp:
                utils.log ('Skipping file %s' % rel_scm)
                data = {'parent' : branch}
                data['scm_dir'], data['scm_file'] = os.path.split (rel_ch)
                libs = db.Branch.select (type=u'Library', **data)
                    lib = libs.one ()
                    self.scanner.add_child (lib)
        utils.log ('Processing file %s' % rel_scm)

        libname = ''
        libdesc = ''
        for line in open (filename):
            if line.startswith ('Name:'):
                libname = line[5:].strip()
            elif line.startswith ('Description:'):
                libdesc = line[12:].strip()
        if libname == '':

        ident = u'/'.join(['/lib', bserver, bmodule, rootname, bbranch])
        lib = db.Branch.get_or_create (ident, u'Library')

        if libname == '@PACKAGE_NAME@':
            libname = branch.data.get ('PACKAGE_NAME', '@PACKAGE_NAME@')

        lib.update (name=libname, desc=libdesc)

        self.libdocs.append ((lib, bserver, bmodule, rootname, bbranch))

        data = {}
        for key in ('scm_type', 'scm_server', 'scm_module', 'scm_branch', 'scm_path'):
            data[key] = getattr(branch, key)
        data['scm_dir'], data['scm_file'] = os.path.split (rel_ch)

        lib.update (data)

        db.Timestamp.set_timestamp (rel_scm, mtime)
        if lib is not None:
            self.scanner.add_child (lib)