Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_email_message_in_html(host, email_body, yamlfile):
	"""returns the email message in html format with the email_body passed"""
	p = puppetHost(host, settings.REPORTDIR)
	report = p.get_report(yamlfile)
	message = u'''
		<font color="red">E-mail automatico, por favor nao responder</font><br><br>
		Report obtido no arquivo <b>%s</b>, gerado as <b>%s</b><br><br>
		Alteração no host <b>%s</b> detectada.<br>
			<td colspan=2><b><font size=+1>Change Logs</font></b></td>
			<td colspan=6><b>Message</b></td>
	''' % (yamlfile, report.formatted_datetime_gmt(), host, email_body)
	return message
Ejemplo n.º 2
def run():

	"""start program run"""


	inicio = util.start_counter()
	print 'listing monitors and users...'
	user_list = UserRepository.list_user()
	monitor_list = MonitorRepository.list_monitor()

	print 'monitor list: %s' % monitor_list
	print 'user list: %s' % user_list

	print 'done...'

	user_hosts_dict = {}
	hosts =  os.listdir(settings.REPORTDIR)
	#lista com os emails para serem enviados
	for monitor in monitor_list:
		print '#' * 80
		print '##Checking monitors for user %s' % monitor.user.email
		print 'email buffer: %s' % email_buffer
		host_monitors = monitor.get_host_monitors()
		#check if the user has a monitor for the host, if he has then it means that he wants everything from host
		monitoring_host = False
		#caches the hosts for the user
		hosts_for_user = user_hosts_dict.get(monitor.user.email,None)
		if not hosts_for_user:
			hosts_for_user = monitor.get_hosts()
			user_hosts_dict[monitor.user.email] = hosts_for_user

		for host in hosts:
			print 'Reading host: %s' % host
			puppet_host = puppetHost(host, settings.REPORTDIR)
			yamlfile = puppet_host.get_last_yaml()
			if not yamlfile:
			print 'last yamlfile: %s' % yamlfile
			yaml = puppet_host.get_yaml(yamlfile)
			logs = yaml['logs']
			if len(logs) == 0:
			for host_ in hosts_for_user:
				if host.startswith(host_):
					monitoring_host = True
			if monitoring_host:
				print '####user %s is monitoring %s' % (monitor.user.email, host)
				email_body = ''
				for log in logs:
					source = log['source']
					email_body_aux = '''
	<tr class=""><td>%s</td><td colspan=6>%s</td></tr>
	<tr class=""><td></td><td colspan=6>&nbsp;&nbsp;%s</td></tr>
	''' % (log['level'], log['message'], source)
					email_body = email_body + email_body_aux
				key_cache = monitor.user.email + '_' + host
				#key_cache = monitor.user.email + '_' + email
				#send_email(email_body, monitor, yamlfile, key_cache, host)
				add_to_email_buffer(email_body, monitor, yamlfile, key_cache, host)
				resource_monitors = monitor.get_resource_monitors()
				for resource_monitor in resource_monitors:
					pattern = resource_monitor.pattern
					email_body = ''
					for log in logs:
						source = log['source']
						#print 'pattern: %s' % monitor.pattern
						#regex = re.compile(monitor.pattern)
						#matchobj = regex.search(source)
						matchobj = source.find(pattern)
						if matchobj != -1:
							email_body_aux = '''
		<tr class=""><td>%s</td><td colspan=6>%s</td></tr>
		<tr class=""><td></td><td colspan=6>&nbsp;&nbsp;%s</td></tr>
		''' % (log['level'], log['message'], source)
							#red color on the pattern
							email_body_aux = email_body_aux.replace(pattern,'<b><font color=red>'+pattern+'</b></font>')
							email_body = email_body + email_body_aux
					#sends email if not already sent
					key_cache = monitor.user.email
					#send_email(email_body, monitor, yamlfile, key_cache, host)
					add_to_email_buffer(email_body, monitor, yamlfile, key_cache, host)
			print 'sending email from buffer'
		print '*' * 60

	gen_time = '%.2f' % util.elapsed(inicio)
	print '%s min' % gen_time