Ejemplo n.º 1
 def calculate_params(self, doc: Document,
                      raw_modeldata: RawModelData,
                      modeldata: ModelData):
     apriori_probs = raw_modeldata.tag_ngram_model.word_apriori_probs()
     theta = HashSuffixTree.calculate_theta(apriori_probs)
     lemma_suffix_guesser = raw_modeldata.lemma_suffix_tree.create_guesser(theta)
     lemma_prob = raw_modeldata.lemma_freq_tree.create_guesser(theta)
     lemma_unigram_model = raw_modeldata.lemma_unigram_model
     lambda_s = 1.0
     lambda_u = 1.0
     lambda_l = 1.0
     for sentence in doc.sentences():
         for tok in sentence:
             suffix_probs = lemma.batch_convert(lemma_suffix_guesser.tag_log_probabilities(
                 tok.token), tok.token, modeldata.tag_vocabulary)
             uni_probs = dict()
             for t in suffix_probs.keys():
                 uniscore = lemma_unigram_model.log_prob(t.stem)
                 uni_probs[t] = uniscore
             lemma_probs = dict()
             for t in suffix_probs.keys():
                 lemma_score = lemma_prob.tag_log_probability(t.stem, lemma.main_pos_tag(t.tag))
                 lemma_probs[t] = lemma_score
             uni_max = max(uni_probs.items(), key=lambda e: e[1])
             t = max(suffix_probs.items(), key=lambda e: e[1][1])
             suffix_max = (t[0], t[1][1])
             lemma_max = max(lemma_probs.items(), key=lambda e: e[1])
             act_uni_prob = lemma_unigram_model.log_prob(tok.stem)
             act_lemma_prob = lemma_prob.tag_log_probability(tok.stem, lemma.main_pos_tag(
             if tok in suffix_probs.keys():
                 act_suff_prob = suffix_probs[tok][1]
                 act_suff_prob = UNKOWN_VALUE
             uni_prop = act_uni_prob - uni_max[1]
             suff_prop = act_suff_prob - suffix_max[1]
             lemma_prop = act_lemma_prob - lemma_max[1]
             if uni_prop > suff_prop and uni_prop > lemma_prop:
                 lambda_u += uni_prop
             elif suff_prop > uni_prop and suff_prop > lemma_prop:
                 lambda_s += suff_prop
             elif lemma_prop > uni_prop and lemma_prop > suff_prop:
                 lambda_l += lemma_prop
     s = lambda_u + lambda_s + lambda_l
     lambda_u /= s
     lambda_s /= s
     lambda_l /= s
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def combine(self, token: Token,
             lem_transf: BaseLemmaTransformation,
             compiled_modeldata: CompiledModelData,
             modeldata: ModelData) -> float:
     unigram_lemma_model = compiled_modeldata.unigram_lemma_model
     uni_score = unigram_lemma_model.log_prob(token.stem)
     suffix_score = compiled_modeldata.lemma_guesser.tag_log_probability(
         token.token, lem_transf)
     lemma_prob = compiled_modeldata.\
         suffix_lemma_model.tag_log_probability(token.stem, lemma.main_pos_tag(token.tag))
     return uni_score * self.lambdas[0] +\
         suffix_score * self.lambdas[1] +\
         lemma_prob * self.lambdas[2]