def main(ifcode, code, period_short, period_long): today = year, month, day = today.year, today.month, week = today.weekday() if week in [5, 6]: push_sig('周六周日不交易') return datetime_start = datetime(year, month, day, 9, 30, 00) datetime_end = datetime(year, month, day, 15, 00, 00) datetime_now = coll_name = '%s_data_second' % ifcode.lower() coll = yh_mongodb[coll_name] #df_list = realtime_data(ifcode, code, today, coll) #push_signal(df_list, code, ifcode, today, period_short, period_long) while True: try: if datetime_now > datetime_start and datetime_now <= datetime_end: df_list = realtime_data(ifcode, code, today, coll) #print '*'*20 #print len(df_list) try: push_signal(df_list, code, ifcode, today, period_short, period_long) except BaseException, e: print traceback.format_exc() push_sig('push_signal_error', traceback.format_exc()) else: break
def push_signal(df_list, code, ifcode, today, period_short, period_long): df = pd.DataFrame(df_list, columns=['time_index', 'price', 'volume']) price = list(df['price']) df['ema_short'] = Indicator.ema_metric(period_short, price) df['ema_long'] = Indicator.ema_metric(period_long, price) sig_infos = PushSellSignal.compare_ema(df) profit_infos = PushSellSignal.profit_infos(sig_infos) if is_push(profit_infos, ifcode, today): if len(profit_infos) == 1: print '*' * 20 print 'init message~!' time_str ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') info_dict = profit_infos[0] theevent = info_dict.get('event', '') is_success = 'failed' #添加交易接口 if theevent == '卖出信号': trans_session = yinhe_trans() r = trans_short_start(trans_session, code, ifcode) if 'error_info' not in r: is_success = '交易成功' elif theevent == '买入信号': trans_session = yinhe_trans() r = trans_long_start(trans_session, code, ifcode) if 'error_info' not in r: is_success = '交易成功' tip = 'ema 策略: \n%s, 交易价格: %s; 时间: %s; %s' % ( theevent, info_dict.get('price', 0), time_str, is_success) push_sig(tip) elif len(profit_infos) >= 2: print '*' * 20 print 'push message~!' time_str ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') info_dict_1 = profit_infos[-2] info_dict_2 = profit_infos[-1] _p = info_dict_2.get('price', 0) trading_fee = cal_fee(_p) _g = info_dict_1.get('gain', 0) gain = _g - trading_fee theevent = info_dict_2.get('event', '') is_success = 'failed' #添加交易接口 if theevent == '卖出信号': trans_session = yinhe_trans() r1 = trans_short_close(trans_session, code, ifcode) r2 = trans_short_start(trans_session, code, ifcode) if 'error_info' not in r1 and 'error_info' not in r2: is_success = '交易成功' elif theevent == '买入信号': trans_session = yinhe_trans() r1 = trans_long_close(trans_session, code, ifcode) r2 = trans_long_start(trans_session, code, ifcode) if 'error_info' not in r1 and 'error_info' not in r2: is_success = '交易成功' tip = 'ema 策略: \n%s, 盈利: %s, 实际盈利: %s, 交易费用: %s; \n%s, 交易价格: %s; 时间: %s; %s' % ( info_dict_1.get('event', ''), _g, gain, trading_fee, info_dict_2.get('event', ''), _p, time_str, is_success) push_sig(tip)
def get_trans_session(ifcode, today): _file = '%s/%s_%s' % (trans_session_dir, ifcode, today) f = open(_file) try: trans_session = int( f.close() except BaseException, e: f.close() push_sig('读取 session 文件失败') trans_session = None
def is_push(new_infos, ifcode, today): _file = '%s/%s_%s' % (old_infos_dir_macd, ifcode, today) old_infos = [] if not os.path.isfile(_file): # init f = open(_file, 'w') try: f.write(simplejson.dumps(new_infos)) f.close() except BaseException, e: tip = '写信号文件失败' push_sig(tip) f.close() return False return True
def push_signal(df_list, code, ifcode, today, period_short=12, period_long=26, period_dif=9): df = pd.DataFrame(df_list, columns=['time_index', 'price', 'volume']) #macd macd_df = point_prosess_v3(df, 8) macd_df['ma_short'] = Indicator.ewma_metric(period_short, macd_df[['price']], 'price', False) macd_df['ma_long'] = Indicator.ewma_metric(period_long, macd_df[['price']], 'price', False) macd_df['macd_dif'] = macd_df['ma_short'] - macd_df['ma_long'] macd_df['macd_dem'] = Indicator.ewma_metric(period_dif, macd_df[['macd_dif']], 'macd_dif') sig_infos = PushSellSignal.compare_sig(macd_df, 'macd_dif', 'macd_dem', 14) profit_infos = PushSellSignal.profit_infos(sig_infos) trans_session = get_trans_session(ifcode, today) if is_push(profit_infos, ifcode, today): if len(profit_infos) == 1: print 'init message~!' time_str ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') info_dict = profit_infos[0] theevent = info_dict.get('event', '') is_success = 'failed' r = 'init info' #添加交易接口 if theevent == '卖出信号': r = trans_short_start(trans_session, code, ifcode.upper()) if 'error_info' not in r: is_success = '交易成功' elif theevent == '买入信号': r = trans_long_start(trans_session, code, ifcode.upper()) if 'error_info' not in r: is_success = '交易成功' tip = 'macd 策略: \n%s, 交易价格: %s; 时间: %s; %s' % (info_dict.get( 'event', ''), info_dict.get('price', 0), time_str, is_success) push_sig(tip, r) elif len(profit_infos) >= 2: print 'push message~!' time_str ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') info_dict_1 = profit_infos[-2] info_dict_2 = profit_infos[-1] _p = info_dict_2.get('price', 0) trading_fee = cal_fee(_p) _g = info_dict_1.get('gain', 0) gain = _g - trading_fee theevent = info_dict_2.get('event', '') is_success = 'failed' r = 'init info' #添加交易接口 if theevent == '卖出信号': r1 = trans_short_close(trans_session, code, ifcode.upper()) r2 = trans_short_start(trans_session, code, ifcode.upper()) r = r1 + r2 if ('error_info' not in r1 and 'error_info' not in r2) or ( 'error_no":"30' in r1 and 'error_info' not in r2): is_success = '交易成功' elif theevent == '买入信号': r1 = trans_long_close(trans_session, code, ifcode.upper()) r2 = trans_long_start(trans_session, code, ifcode.upper()) r = r1 + r2 if ('error_info' not in r1 and 'error_info' not in r2) or ( 'error_no":"30' in r1 and 'error_info' not in r2): is_success = '交易成功' elif theevent == '收盘平仓': _event = profit_infos[-3] if _event.get('event', '') == '买入信号': r = trans_short_close(trans_session, code, ifcode.upper()) if 'error_info' not in r: is_success = '交易成功' elif _event.get('event', '') == '卖出信号': r = trans_long_close(trans_session, code, ifcode.upper()) if 'error_info' not in r: is_success = '交易成功' tip = 'macd 策略: \n%s, 盈利: %s, 实际盈利: %s, 交易费用: %s; \n%s, 交易价格: %s; 时间: %s; %s' % ( info_dict_1.get('event', ''), _g, gain, trading_fee, info_dict_2.get('event', ''), _p, time_str, is_success) push_sig(tip, r)
f.write(simplejson.dumps(new_infos)) f.close() except BaseException, e: tip = '写信号文件失败' push_sig(tip) f.close() return False return True else: f = open(_file) try: old_infos = simplejson.loads( f.close() except BaseException, e: tip = '读信号文件失败' push_sig(tip) f.close() return False if len(new_infos) != len(old_infos): f = open(_file, 'w') try: f.write(simplejson.dumps(new_infos)) f.close() except BaseException, e: tip = '写信号文件失败' push_sig(tip) f.close() return False return True return False