def __init__(self, **kwargs): Arm.__init__(self, singularity_thresh=1e-5, **kwargs) # length of arm links self.l1 = 0.31 self.l2 = 0.27 self.L = np.array([self.l1, self.l2]) # mass of links m1 = 1.98 m2 = 1.32 # z axis inertia moment of links izz1 = 15.0 izz2 = 8.0 # create mass matrices at COM for each link self.M1 = np.zeros((6, 6)) self.M2 = np.zeros((6, 6)) self.M1[0:3, 0:3] = np.eye(3) * m1 self.M1[3:, 3:] = np.eye(3) * izz1 self.M2[0:3, 0:3] = np.eye(3) * m2 self.M2[3:, 3:] = np.eye(3) * izz2 self.rest_angles = np.array([np.pi / 4.0, np.pi / 4.0]) # stores information returned from maplesim self.state = np.zeros(7) # maplesim arm simulation self.sim = py2LinkArm.pySim(dt=self.dt) self.sim.reset(self.state) self.update_state()
def __init__(self, **kwargs): Arm.__init__(self, **kwargs) # length of arm links self.l1 = .31 self.l2 = .27 self.L = np.array([self.l1, self.l2]) # mass of links m1 = 1.98 m2 = 1.32 # z axis inertia moment of links izz1 = 15. izz2 = 8. # create mass matrices at COM for each link self.M1 = np.zeros((6, 6)) self.M2 = np.zeros((6, 6)) self.M1[0:3, 0:3] = np.eye(3) * m1 self.M1[3:, 3:] = np.eye(3) * izz1 self.M2[0:3, 0:3] = np.eye(3) * m2 self.M2[3:, 3:] = np.eye(3) * izz2 self.rest_angles = np.array([np.pi / 4.0, np.pi / 4.0]) # stores information returned from maplesim self.state = np.zeros(7) # maplesim arm simulation self.sim = py2LinkArm.pySim(dt=self.dt) self.sim.reset(self.state) self.update_state()
def __init__(self, u=[.1, 0]): self.u = np.asarray(u, dtype='float') # control signal self.state = np.zeros(3) # vector for current state self.L1 = 0.37 # length of arm link 1 in m self.L2 = 0.27 # length of arm link 2 in m self.time_elapsed = 0 self.sim = py2LinkArm.pySim() self.sim.reset(self.state)
def __init__(self, u = [.1, 0]): self.u = np.asarray(u, dtype='float') # control signal self.state = np.zeros(3) # vector for current state self.L1=0.37 # length of arm link 1 in m self.L2=0.27 # length of arm link 2 in m self.time_elapsed = 0 self.sim = py2LinkArm.pySim() self.sim.reset(self.state)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): Arm2Base.__init__(self, **kwargs) # stores information returned from maplesim self.state = np.zeros(7) # maplesim arm simulation self.sim = py2LinkArm.pySim(dt=1e-5) self.sim.reset(self.state) self.reset() # set to init_q and init_dq
def __init__(self, dt=1e-5): self.l1 = .31 self.l2 = .27 # mass of links m1=1.98; m2=1.32 # z axis inertia moment of links izz1=15.; izz2=8. # create mass matrices at COM for each link self.M1 = np.zeros((6,6)); self.M2 = np.zeros((6,6)) self.M1[0:3,0:3] = np.eye(3)*m1; self.M1[3:,3:] = np.eye(3)*izz1 self.M2[0:3,0:3] = np.eye(3)*m2; self.M2[3:,3:] = np.eye(3)*izz2 # stores information returned from maplesim self.state = np.zeros(7) # maplesim arm simulation self.dt = dt self.sim = py2LinkArm.pySim(dt=dt) self.sim.reset(self.state) self.update_state()
def run(): """Runs and plots a 2 link arm simulation generated by MapleSim.""" # set up input control signal to simulation u = np.ones(2) * .1 # set up array to receive output from simulation out = np.zeros(3) # create MapleSim sim class sim = py2LinkArm.pySim() # set up initial conditions of the system sim.reset(out) ###### Plotting things # segment lengths = (.31, .27)m (defined in MapleSim) L = np.array([31, 27]) * 3 # make our window for drawin' window = pyglet.window.Window() # set up some labels to display time label_time = pyglet.text.Label('time', font_name='Times New Roman', font_size=36, x=window.width//2, y=window.height - 50, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center') # and joint angles label_values = pyglet.text.Label('values', font_name='Times New Roman', font_size=36, x=window.width//2, y=window.height - 100, anchor_x='center', anchor_y='center') def update_arm(dt): """ Simulate the arm ahead a chunk of time, then find the (x,y) coordinates of each joint, and update labels.""" # simulate arm forward 15ms for i in range(1000): sim.step(out, u) # find new joint (x,y) coordinates, offset to center of screen-ish x = np.array([ 0, L[0]*np.cos(out[1]), L[0]*np.cos(out[1]) + L[1]*np.cos(out[1]+out[2])]) + window.width/2 y = np.array([ 0, L[0]*np.sin(out[1]), L[0]*np.sin(out[1]) + L[1]*np.sin(out[1]+out[2])]) + 100 # update line endpoint positions for drawing window.jps = np.array([x, y]).astype('int') label_time.text = 'time: %.3f'%out[0] label_values.text = '(01, 02) = (%.2f, %.2f)'%(out[1], out[2]) update_arm(0) # call once to set up @window.event def on_draw(): window.clear() label_time.draw() label_values.draw() for i in range(2):,, ('v2i', (window.jps[0][i], window.jps[1][i], window.jps[0][i+1], window.jps[1][i+1]))) # set up update_arm function to be called super often pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(update_arm, 0.00001)