Ejemplo n.º 1
def draw_MAP_residuals(objectsA, objectsB, P, scaled='no'):
    from pyBA.distortion import compute_displacements, compute_residual
    from numpy import array
    # Compute displacements between frames for tie objects
    xobs, yobs, vxobs, vyobs, sxobs, syobs = compute_displacements(objectsA, objectsB)

    # Compute residual
    dx, dy = compute_residual(objectsA, objectsB, P)

    # Draw residuals
    fig = figure(figsize=(16,16))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')
    if scaled is 'yes':
        # Allow relative scaling of arrows
        # Show residuals in absolute size (often very tiny), with uncertainties

        # Also plot error ellipses
        ellipses = array([ Bivarg( mu = array([xobs[i] + dx[i], yobs[i] + dy[i]]),
                                   sigma = objectsA[i].sigma + objectsB[i].sigma )
                           for i in range(len(objectsA)) ])
        draw_objects(ellipses, replot='yes')

        # Residuals
        quiver(xobs,yobs,dx,dy,color='r', angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1)
    ax.autoscale(enable=None, axis='both', tight=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def draw_MAP_residuals(objectsA, objectsB, P, scaled='no'):
    from pyBA.distortion import compute_displacements, compute_residual
    from numpy import array
    # Compute displacements between frames for tie objects
    xobs, yobs, vxobs, vyobs, sxobs, syobs = compute_displacements(objectsA, objectsB)

    # Compute residual
    dx, dy = compute_residual(objectsA, objectsB, P)

    # Draw residuals
    fig = figure(figsize=(16,16))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')
    if scaled is 'yes':
        # Allow relative scaling of arrows
        # Show residuals in absolute size (often very tiny), with uncertainties

        # Also plot error ellipses
        ellipses = array([ Bivarg( mu = array([xobs[i] + dx[i], yobs[i] + dy[i]]),
                                   sigma = objectsA[i].sigma + objectsB[i].sigma )
                           for i in range(len(objectsA)) ])
        draw_objects(ellipses, replot='yes')

        # Residuals
        quiver(xobs,yobs,dx,dy,color='r', angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1)
    ax.autoscale(enable=None, axis='both', tight=True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def regression(self, xy):
        """Performs regression on a mapping object at some locations, 
        which can be points or distributions."""
        from scipy.linalg import cho_solve
        from pyBA.distortion import d2, astrometry_cov, compute_residual

        # Convert list of inputs to array if needed
        if type(xy) == list:
            xy = np.array(xy)

        # Parse input
        if type(xy)==np.ndarray:

            # Single point
            if xy.size == 2 and type(xy)==np.ndarray:
                XY = np.array([ Bivarg(mu=xy,sigma=0) ])

            # Array of points
            elif xy.ndim == 2 and type(xy[0])==np.ndarray:
                XY = np.array([ Bivarg(mu=xy[i],sigma=0) for i in range(len(xy)) ])

            # Array of query distributions
            elif type(xy[0].__class__.__name__=='Bivarg'):
                XY = xy

                raise TypeError('Regression input should be an nx2 array of coordinates, or an array of Bivarg distributions')

        # Single query distribution
        elif xy.__class__.__name__ == 'Bivarg':
            XY = np.array([ xy ])
            raise TypeError('Regression input should be an nx2 array of coordinates, or an array of Bivarg distributions')
        ## Gaussian process regression
        # Old grid coordinates
        xyobs = np.array([o.mu for o in self.A])

        # New grid coordinates
        xynew = np.array([o.mu for o in XY])

        # Get regression data (resdiual to background)
        dx, dy = compute_residual(self.A, self.B, self.P)
        dxy = np.array([dx, dy]).T.flatten()

        # Build cross covariance between old and new locations
        d2_grid = d2(xynew,xyobs)
        Cs = astrometry_cov(d2_grid, self.scale, self.amp)

        # Build covariance for new locations
        d2_grid = d2(xynew, xynew)
        Vnew = np.array([o.sigma for o in XY])
        # Don't need to add variances for input points here, they will be propagated
        #  through the background transformation.
        #Css = astrometry_cov(d2_grid, self.scale, self.amp, var=Vnew)
        Css = astrometry_cov(d2_grid, self.scale, self.amp)

        # Regression: mean function evaluated at new locations
        vxy = Cs.dot(cho_solve(self.chol, dxy)).reshape( (len(XY),2) )
        # Regression: uncertainties at new locations
        S = Css - Cs.dot(cho_solve(self.chol, Cs.T))

        ## Package output
        # Background (mean function) mapping
        R = np.array([o.transform(self.P) for o in XY])        

        # Add regression residuals to mean function
        munew = np.array([o.mu for o in R]) + vxy

        # Get regression uncertainty from background mapping
        S_P = self.P.uncertainty(XY)

        # Get regression uncertainty from gaussian process
        S_gp = np.array([S[i:i+2,i:i+2] for i in range(0,len(S),2)])

        # Combine uncertainties into single covariance matrix
        sigmanew = np.array([o.sigma for o in R]) + S_gp + S_P

        # Construct output array of Bivargs
        O = np.array([ Bivarg(mu=munew[i], sigma=sigmanew[i]) for i in range(len(R)) ])

        return O, S_gp, S_P
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def regression(self, xy):
        """Performs regression on a mapping object at some locations, 
        which can be points or distributions."""
        from scipy.linalg import cho_solve
        from pyBA.distortion import d2, astrometry_cov, compute_residual

        # Convert list of inputs to array if needed
        if type(xy) == list:
            xy = np.array(xy)

        # Parse input
        if type(xy) == np.ndarray:

            # Single point
            if xy.size == 2 and type(xy) == np.ndarray:
                XY = np.array([Bivarg(mu=xy, sigma=0)])

            # Array of points
            elif xy.ndim == 2 and type(xy[0]) == np.ndarray:
                XY = np.array(
                    [Bivarg(mu=xy[i], sigma=0) for i in range(len(xy))])

            # Array of query distributions
            elif type(xy[0].__class__.__name__ == 'Bivarg'):
                XY = xy

                raise TypeError(
                    'Regression input should be an nx2 array of coordinates, or an array of Bivarg distributions'

        # Single query distribution
        elif xy.__class__.__name__ == 'Bivarg':
            XY = np.array([xy])

            raise TypeError(
                'Regression input should be an nx2 array of coordinates, or an array of Bivarg distributions'

        ## Gaussian process regression
        # Old grid coordinates
        xyobs = np.array([o.mu for o in self.A])

        # New grid coordinates
        xynew = np.array([o.mu for o in XY])

        # Get regression data (resdiual to background)
        dx, dy = compute_residual(self.A, self.B, self.P)
        dxy = np.array([dx, dy]).T.flatten()

        # Build cross covariance between old and new locations
        d2_grid = d2(xynew, xyobs)
        Cs = astrometry_cov(d2_grid, self.scale, self.amp)

        # Build covariance for new locations
        d2_grid = d2(xynew, xynew)
        Vnew = np.array([o.sigma for o in XY])
        # Don't need to add variances for input points here, they will be propagated
        #  through the background transformation.
        #Css = astrometry_cov(d2_grid, self.scale, self.amp, var=Vnew)
        Css = astrometry_cov(d2_grid, self.scale, self.amp)

        # Regression: mean function evaluated at new locations
        vxy = Cs.dot(cho_solve(self.chol, dxy)).reshape((len(XY), 2))

        # Regression: uncertainties at new locations
        S = Css - Cs.dot(cho_solve(self.chol, Cs.T))

        ## Package output
        # Background (mean function) mapping
        R = np.array([o.transform(self.P) for o in XY])

        # Add regression residuals to mean function
        munew = np.array([o.mu for o in R]) + vxy

        # Get regression uncertainty from background mapping
        S_P = self.P.uncertainty(XY)

        # Get regression uncertainty from gaussian process
        S_gp = np.array([S[i:i + 2, i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(S), 2)])

        # Combine uncertainties into single covariance matrix
        sigmanew = np.array([o.sigma for o in R]) + S_gp + S_P

        # Construct output array of Bivargs
        O = np.array(
            [Bivarg(mu=munew[i], sigma=sigmanew[i]) for i in range(len(R))])

        return O, S_gp, S_P