Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, filename, beg, end, reverse=False):
        '''Multifile initialization. Open the file.
            Here I use the read routine which returns byte objects
            (everything is an object in python). I use struct.unpack
            to convert the byte object to other data type (int object
            NOTE: At each record n, the file cursor points to record n+1
        self.FID = open(filename, "rb")
        #        self.FID.seek(0,os.SEEK_SET)
        self.filename = filename
        #br: bytes read
        br = self.FID.read(1024)
        self.beg = beg
        self.end = end
        self.reverse = reverse
        ms_keys = [
            'beam_center_x', 'beam_center_y', 'count_time',
            'detector_distance', 'frame_time', 'incident_wavelength',
            'x_pixel_size', 'y_pixel_size', 'bytes', 'nrows', 'ncols',
            'rows_begin', 'rows_end', 'cols_begin', 'cols_end'

        magic = struct.unpack('@16s', br[:16])
        md_temp = struct.unpack('@8d7I916x', br[16:])
        self.md = dict(zip(ms_keys, md_temp))

        self.imgread = 0
        self.recno = 0

        if reverse:
            nrows = self.md['nrows']
            ncols = self.md['ncols']
            self.md['nrows'] = ncols
            self.md['ncols'] = nrows
            rbeg = self.md['rows_begin']
            rend = self.md['rows_end']
            cbeg = self.md['cols_begin']
            cend = self.md['cols_end']
            self.md['rows_begin'] = cbeg
            self.md['rows_end'] = cend
            self.md['cols_begin'] = rbeg
            self.md['cols_end'] = rend

        # some initialization stuff
        self.byts = self.md['bytes']
        if (self.byts == 2):
            self.valtype = np.uint16
        elif (self.byts == 4):
            self.valtype = np.uint32
        elif (self.byts == 8):
            self.valtype = np.float64
        #now convert pieces of these bytes to our data
        self.dlen = np.fromfile(self.FID, dtype=np.int32, count=1)[0]
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def seekimg(self, n=None):
        '''Position file to read the nth image.
            For now only reads first image ignores n
        # the logic involving finding the cursor position
        if (n is None):
            n = self.recno
        if (n < self.beg or n > self.end):
            raise IndexError('Error, record out of range')
        #print (n, self.recno, self.FID.tell() )
        if ((n == self.recno) and (self.imgread == 0)):
            pass  # do nothing

            if (n <= self.recno):  #ensure cursor less than search pos
                self.FID.seek(1024, os.SEEK_SET)
                self.dlen = np.fromfile(self.FID, dtype=np.int32, count=1)[0]
                self.recno = 0
                self.imgread = 0
                if n == 0:
            #have to iterate on seeking since dlen varies
            #remember for rec recno, cursor is always at recno+1
            if (self.imgread == 0):  #move to next header if need to
                self.FID.seek(self.dlen * (4 + self.byts), os.SEEK_CUR)
            for i in range(self.recno + 1, n):
                #the less seeks performed the faster
                #print (i)
                self.dlen = np.fromfile(self.FID, dtype=np.int32, count=1)[0]
                #print 's',self.dlen
                self.FID.seek(self.dlen * (4 + self.byts), os.SEEK_CUR)

            # we are now at recno in file, read the header and data
            self.imgread = 0
            self.recno = n
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _readImageRaw(self):

        p = np.fromfile(self.FID, dtype=np.int32, count=self.dlen)
        v = np.fromfile(self.FID, dtype=self.valtype, count=self.dlen)
        self.imgread = 1
        return (p, v)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _readHeader(self):
     self.dlen = np.fromfile(self.FID, dtype=np.int32, count=1)[0]