Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_request(self, query_str, params=None, auth=False):
        """Make a GET request.

        query_str : string
            Query string for the request. Will be concatenated to
        params : dict
            Dictionary of parameters to be passed with the request.
            Defaults to `None`.
        auth : bool
            Should an api token be sent in the request. Defaults to `False`.

            Response object of requests library.

        url = '{0}{1}'.format(self.native_api_base_url, query_str)
        if auth:
            if self.api_token:
                if not params:
                    params = {}
                params['key'] = self.api_token
                ApiAuthorizationError('ERROR: GET - Api token not passed to '
                                      '`get_request` {}.'.format(url))

            resp = get(url, params=params)
            if resp:
                if resp.status_code == 401:
                    error_msg = resp.json()['message']
                    raise ApiAuthorizationError(
                        'ERROR: GET - Authorization invalid {0}. MSG: {1}.'
                        ''.format(url, error_msg))
                elif resp.status_code >= 300:
                    error_msg = resp.json()['message']
                    raise OperationFailedError(
                        'ERROR: GET HTTP {0} - {1}. MSG: {2}'.format(
                            resp.status_code, url, error_msg))
            return resp
        except ConnectionError:
            raise ConnectionError(
                'ERROR: GET - Could not establish connection to api {}.'
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def put_request(self, query_str, metadata=None, auth=False, params=None):
        """Make a PUT request.

        query_str : string
            Query string for the request. Will be concatenated to
        metadata : string
            Metadata as a json-formatted string. Defaults to `None`.
        auth : bool
            Should an api token be sent in the request. Defaults to `False`.
        params : dict
            Dictionary of parameters to be passed with the request.
            Defaults to `None`.

            Response object of requests library.

        url = '{0}{1}'.format(self.native_api_base_url, query_str)
        if auth:
            if self.api_token:
                if not params:
                    params = {}
                params['key'] = self.api_token
                ApiAuthorizationError('ERROR: PUT - Api token not passed to '
                                      '`put_request` {}.'.format(url))

            resp = put(url, data=metadata, params=params)
            if resp.status_code == 401:
                error_msg = resp.json()['message']
                raise ApiAuthorizationError(
                    'ERROR: PUT HTTP 401 - Authorization error {0}. MSG: {1}'
                    ''.format(url, error_msg))
            return resp
        except ConnectionError:
            raise ConnectionError(
                'ERROR: PUT - Could not establish connection to api {}.'
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def delete_dataset(self, identifier, is_pid=True, auth=True):
        """Delete a dataset.

        Delete the dataset whose id is passed

        HTTP Request:

        .. code-block:: bash

            DELETE http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id

        Status Code:
            200: dataset deleted

        identifier : string
            Identifier of the dataset. Can be a Dataverse identifier or a
            persistent identifier (e.g. ``doi:10.11587/8H3N93``).
        is_pid : bool
            True, if identifier is a persistent identifier.

            Response object of requests library.

        if is_pid:
            query_str = '/datasets/:persistentId/?persistentId={0}'.format(
            query_str = '/datasets/{0}'.format(identifier)
        resp = self.delete_request(query_str, auth=auth)

        if resp.status_code == 404:
            error_msg = resp.json()['message']
            raise DatasetNotFoundError(
                'ERROR: HTTP 404 - Dataset {0} was not found. MSG: {1}'
                ''.format(identifier, error_msg))
        elif resp.status_code == 405:
            error_msg = resp.json()['message']
            raise OperationFailedError(
                'ERROR: HTTP 405 - '
                'Published datasets can only be deleted from the GUI. For '
                'more information, please refer to '
                ' MSG: {}'.format(error_msg))
        elif resp.status_code == 401:
            error_msg = resp.json()['message']
            raise ApiAuthorizationError(
                'ERROR: HTTP 401 - User not allowed to delete dataset {0}. '
                'MSG: {1}'.format(identifier, error_msg))
        elif resp.status_code == 200:
            print('Dataset {} deleted'.format(identifier))
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def delete_dataverse(self, identifier, auth=True):
        """Delete dataverse by alias or id.

        HTTP Request:

        .. code-block:: bash

            DELETE http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$id

        Status Code:
            200: Dataverse deleted

        identifier : string
            Can either be a dataverse id (long) or a dataverse alias (more

            Response object of requests library.

        query_str = '/dataverses/{0}'.format(identifier)
        resp = self.delete_request(query_str, auth)

        if resp.status_code == 401:
            error_msg = resp.json()['message']
            raise ApiAuthorizationError(
                'ERROR: HTTP 401 - Delete Dataverse {0} unauthorized. '
                'MSG: {1}'.format(identifier, error_msg))
        elif resp.status_code == 404:
            error_msg = resp.json()['message']
            raise DataverseNotFoundError(
                'ERROR: HTTP 404 - Dataverse {0} was not found. MSG: {1}'
                ''.format(identifier, error_msg))
        elif resp.status_code == 403:
            error_msg = resp.json()['message']
            raise DataverseNotEmptyError(
                'ERROR: HTTP 403 - Dataverse {0} not empty. MSG: {1}'.format(
                    identifier, error_msg))
        elif resp.status_code != 200:
            error_msg = resp.json()['message']
            raise OperationFailedError(
                'ERROR: HTTP {0} - Dataverse {1} could not be deleted. MSG: '
                '{2}'.format(resp.status_code, identifier, error_msg))
        elif resp.status_code == 200:
            print('Dataverse {} deleted.'.format(identifier))
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def publish_dataverse(self, identifier, auth=True):
        """Publish a dataverse.

        Publish the Dataverse pointed by identifier, which can either by the
        dataverse alias or its numerical id.

        HTTP Request:

        .. code-block:: bash

            POST http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$identifier/actions/:publish

        Status Code:
            200: Dataverse published

        identifier : string
            Can either be a dataverse id (long) or a dataverse alias (more
        auth : bool
            True if api authorization is necessary. Defaults to ``False``.

            Response object of requests library.

        query_str = '/dataverses/{0}/actions/:publish'.format(identifier)
        resp = self.post_request(query_str, auth=auth)

        if resp.status_code == 401:
            error_msg = resp.json()['message']
            raise ApiAuthorizationError(
                'ERROR: HTTP 401 - Publish Dataverse {0} unauthorized. '
                'MSG: {1}'.format(identifier, error_msg))
        elif resp.status_code == 404:
            error_msg = resp.json()['message']
            raise DataverseNotFoundError(
                'ERROR: HTTP 404 - Dataverse {} was not found. MSG: {1}'
                ''.format(identifier, error_msg))
        elif resp.status_code != 200:
            error_msg = resp.json()['message']
            raise OperationFailedError(
                'ERROR: HTTP {0} - Dataverse {1} could not be published. MSG: '
                '{2}'.format(resp.status_code, identifier, error_msg))
        elif resp.status_code == 200:
            print('Dataverse {} published.'.format(identifier))
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def delete_request(self, query_str, auth=False, params=None):
        """Make a DELETE request.

        query_str : string
            Query string for the request. Will be concatenated to
        auth : bool
            Should an api token be sent in the request. Defaults to `False`.
        params : dict
            Dictionary of parameters to be passed with the request.
            Defaults to `None`.

            Response object of requests library.

        url = '{0}{1}'.format(self.native_api_base_url, query_str)
        if auth:
            if self.api_token:
                if not params:
                    params = {}
                params['key'] = self.api_token
                    'ERROR: DELETE - Api token not passed to '
                    '`delete_request` {}.'.format(url))

            resp = delete(url, params=params)
            return resp
        except ConnectionError:
            raise ConnectionError(
                'ERROR: DELETE could not establish connection to api {}.'
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def edit_dataset_metadata(self,
        """Edit metadata of a given dataset.

        `Offical documentation

        HTTP Request:

        .. code-block:: bash

            PUT http://$SERVER/api/datasets/editMetadata/$id --upload-file FILENAME

        Add data to dataset fields that are blank or accept multiple values with
        the following

        CURL Request:

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: $API_TOKEN" -X PUT $SERVER_URL/api/datasets/:persistentId/editMetadata/?persistentId=$pid --upload-file dataset-add-metadata.json

        For these edits your JSON file need only include those dataset fields
        which you would like to edit. A sample JSON file may be downloaded
        here: `dataset-edit-metadata-sample.json

        identifier : string
            Identifier of the dataset. Can be a Dataverse identifier or a
            persistent identifier (e.g. ``doi:10.11587/8H3N93``).
        metadata : string
            Metadata of the Dataset as a json-formatted string.
        is_pid : bool
            ``True`` to use persistent identifier. ``False``, if not.
        is_replace : bool
            ``True`` to replace already existing metadata. ``False``, if not.
        auth : bool
            ``True``, if an api token should be sent. Defaults to ``False``.

            Response object of requests library.

        Get dataset metadata::

            >>> data = api.get_dataset_metadata(doi, auth=True)
            >>> resp = api.edit_dataset_metadata(doi, data, is_replace=True, auth=True)
            >>> resp.status_code
            200: metadata updated

        if is_pid:
            query_str = '/datasets/:persistentId/editMetadata/?persistentId={0}'
            query_str = '/datasets/editMetadata/{0}'.format(identifier)
        params = {'replace': True} if is_replace else {}

        resp = self.put_request(query_str, metadata, auth, params)

        if resp.status_code == 401:
            error_msg = resp.json()['message']
            raise ApiAuthorizationError(
                'ERROR: HTTP 401 - Updating metadata unauthorized. MSG: '
        elif resp.status_code == 400:
            if 'Error parsing' in resp.json()['message']:
                print('Wrong passed data format.')
                    'You may not add data to a field that already has data ' +
                    'and does not allow multiples. ' +
                    'Use is_replace=true to replace existing data.')
        elif resp.status_code == 200:
            print('Dataset {0} updated'.format(identifier))
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def publish_dataset(self, pid, type='minor', auth=True):
        """Publish dataset.

        Publishes the dataset whose id is passed. If this is the first version
        of the dataset, its version number will be set to 1.0. Otherwise, the
        new dataset version number is determined by the most recent version
        number and the type parameter. Passing type=minor increases the minor
        version number (2.3 is updated to 2.4). Passing type=major increases
        the major version number (2.3 is updated to 3.0). Superusers can pass
        type=updatecurrent to update metadata without changing the version

        HTTP Request:

        .. code-block:: bash

            POST http://$SERVER/api/datasets/$id/actions/:publish?type=$type

        When there are no default workflows, a successful publication process
        will result in 200 OK response. When there are workflows, it is
        impossible for Dataverse to know how long they are going to take and
        whether they will succeed or not (recall that some stages might require
        human intervention). Thus, a 202 ACCEPTED is returned immediately. To
        know whether the publication process succeeded or not, the client code
        has to check the status of the dataset periodically, or perform some
        push request in the post-publish workflow.

        Status Code:
            200: dataset published

        pid : string
            Persistent identifier of the dataset (e.g.
        type : string
            Passing ``minor`` increases the minor version number (2.3 is
            updated to 2.4). Passing ``major`` increases the major version
            number (2.3 is updated to 3.0). Superusers can pass
            ``updatecurrent`` to update metadata without changing the version
        auth : bool
            ``True`` if api authorization is necessary. Defaults to ``False``.

            Response object of requests library.

        query_str = '/datasets/:persistentId/actions/:publish'
        query_str += '?persistentId={0}&type={1}'.format(pid, type)
        resp = self.post_request(query_str, auth=auth)

        if resp.status_code == 404:
            error_msg = resp.json()['message']
            raise DatasetNotFoundError(
                'ERROR: HTTP 404 - Dataset {0} was not found. MSG: {1}'
                ''.format(pid, error_msg))
        elif resp.status_code == 401:
            error_msg = resp.json()['message']
            raise ApiAuthorizationError(
                'ERROR: HTTP 401 - User not allowed to publish dataset {0}. '
                'MSG: {1}'.format(pid, error_msg))
        elif resp.status_code == 200:
            print('Dataset {} published'.format(pid))
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def create_dataset(self, dataverse, metadata, auth=True):
        """Add dataset to a dataverse.

        `Dataverse Documentation

        HTTP Request:

        .. code-block:: bash

            POST http://$SERVER/api/dataverses/$dataverse/datasets --upload-file FILENAME

        Add new dataset with curl:

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: $API_TOKEN" -X POST $SERVER_URL/api/dataverses/$DV_ALIAS/datasets --upload-file tests/data/dataset_min.json

        Import dataset with existing persistend identifier with curl:

        .. code-block:: bash

            curl -H "X-Dataverse-key: $API_TOKEN" -X POST $SERVER_URL/api/dataverses/$DV_ALIAS/datasets/:import?pid=$PERSISTENT_IDENTIFIER&release=yes --upload-file tests/data/dataset_min.json

        To create a dataset, you must create a JSON file containing all the
        metadata you want such as example file: `dataset-finch1.json
        Then, you must decide which dataverse to create the dataset in and
        target that datavese with either the "alias" of the dataverse (e.g.
        "root" or the database id of the dataverse (e.g. "1"). The initial
        version state will be set to DRAFT:

        Status Code:
            201: dataset created

        dataverse : string
            "alias" of the dataverse (e.g. ``root``) or the database id of the
            dataverse (e.g. ``1``)
        metadata : string
            Metadata of the Dataset as a json-formatted string (e. g.
            `dataset-finch1.json <http://guides.dataverse.org/en/latest/_downloads/dataset-finch1.json>`_)

            Response object of requests library.

        Link Dataset finch1.json

        query_str = '/dataverses/{0}/datasets'.format(dataverse)
        resp = self.post_request(query_str, metadata, auth)

        if resp.status_code == 404:
            error_msg = resp.json()['message']
            raise DataverseNotFoundError(
                'ERROR: HTTP 404 - Dataverse {0} was not found. MSG: {1}'
                ''.format(dataverse, error_msg))
        elif resp.status_code == 401:
            error_msg = resp.json()['message']
            raise ApiAuthorizationError(
                'ERROR: HTTP 401 - Delete Dataset unauthorized. MSG: '
        elif resp.status_code == 201:
            identifier = resp.json()['data']['persistentId']
            print('Dataset {} created.'.format(identifier))
        return resp
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, base_url, api_token=None, api_version='v1'):
        """Init an Api() class.

        Scheme, host and path combined create the base-url for the api.
        See more about URL at `Wikipedia <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL>`_.

        base_url : string
            Base url for Dataverse api.
        api_token : string
            Api token for Dataverse api.
        api_version : string
            Api version of Dataverse native api. Default is `v1`.

        Create an Api connection::

            >>> from pyDataverse.api import Api
            >>> base_url = 'http://demo.dataverse.org'
            >>> api = Api(base_url)
            >>> api.status

        # Check and set basic variables.
        if not isinstance(base_url, ("".__class__, u"".__class__)):
            raise ApiUrlError('base_url {0} is not a string.'.format(base_url))
        self.base_url = base_url

        if not isinstance(api_version, ("".__class__, u"".__class__)):
            raise ApiUrlError(
                'api_version {0} is not a string.'.format(api_version))
        self.api_version = api_version

        if api_token:
            if not isinstance(api_token, ("".__class__, u"".__class__)):
                raise ApiAuthorizationError(
                    'Api token passed is not a string.')
        self.api_token = api_token
        self.conn_started = datetime.now()

        # Test connection.
        query_str = '/info/server'
        if base_url and api_version:
            self.native_api_base_url = '{0}/api/{1}'.format(
                self.base_url, self.api_version)
            url = '{0}{1}'.format(self.native_api_base_url, query_str)
                resp = get(url)
                if resp:
                    self.status = resp.json()['status']
                    self.status = 'ERROR'
                    raise ApiResponseError(
                        'No response from api request {0}.'.format(url))
            except KeyError as e:
                print('ERROR: Key not in response {0} {1}.'.format(e, url))
            except ConnectionError as e:
                self.status = 'ERROR'
                print('ERROR: Could not establish connection to url {0} {1}.'
                      ''.format(url, e))
            self.status = 'ERROR'
            self.native_api_base_url = None