Ejemplo n.º 1
    def on_validate(self):
        min_value, flag0 = check_float(self.min_edit)
        max_value, flag1 = check_float(self.max_edit)

        if flag0 and flag1:
            self.out_data['min_clip'] = min(min_value, max_value)
            self.out_data['max_clip'] = max(min_value, max_value)
            self.out_data['clicked_ok'] = True
            return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def on_validate(self):
        p1_cidi = self.p1_cid_pulldown.currentText()
        p2_cidi = self.p2_cid_pulldown.currentText()
        p3_cidi = self.p3_cid_pulldown.currentText()
        zaxis_cidi = self.zaxis_cid_pulldown.currentText()
        p1_cid = int(p1_cidi) if 'Global' not in p1_cidi else 0
        p2_cid = int(p2_cidi) if 'Global' not in p2_cidi else 0
        p3_cid = int(p3_cidi) if 'Global' not in p3_cidi else 0
        zaxis_cid = int(zaxis_cidi) if 'Global' not in zaxis_cidi else 0
        #print('p1_cidi=%r p2_cidi=%r p3_cidi=%r' % (p1_cidi, p2_cidi, zaxis_cidi))
        #print('p2_cid=%r p2_cid=%r p3_cidi=%r' % (p2_cid, p2_cid, zaxis_cid))

        p1_x, flag1 = check_float(self.p1_x_edit)
        p1_y, flag2 = check_float(self.p1_y_edit)
        p1_z, flag3 = check_float(self.p1_z_edit)

        p2_x, flag4 = check_float(self.p2_x_edit)
        p2_y, flag5 = check_float(self.p2_y_edit)
        p2_z, flag6 = check_float(self.p2_z_edit)

        p3_x, flag7 = check_float(self.p3_x_edit)
        p3_y, flag8 = check_float(self.p3_y_edit)
        p3_z, flag9 = check_float(self.p3_z_edit)
        p1 = [p1_x, p1_y, p1_z]
        p2 = [p2_x, p2_y, p2_z]
        p3 = [p3_x, p3_y, p3_z]

        flag10, flag11, flag12, zaxis_cid, zaxis = get_zaxis(
            self.win_parent, # for camera
            self.zaxis_x_edit, self.zaxis_y_edit, self.zaxis_z_edit)

        method = self.method_pulldown.currentText()
        assert method in self.methods, 'method=%r' % method
        flag13 = True

        plane_opacity = self.plane_opacity_edit.value()
        nplanes = self.nplanes_spinner.value()

        csv_filename = None
        flag14 = True
        if self.export_checkbox.isChecked():
            csv_filename, flag14 = check_save_path(self.csv_edit)

        flags = [flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4, flag5, flag6, flag7, flag8, flag9,
                 flag10, flag11, flag12,
                 flag13, flag14]
        if all(flags):
            self.out_data['method'] = method
            self.out_data['p1'] = [p1_cid, p1]
            self.out_data['p2'] = [p2_cid, p2]
            self.out_data['p3'] = [p3_cid, p3]
            self.out_data['zaxis'] = [zaxis_cid, zaxis]
            self.out_data['plane_color'] = self.plane_color_float
            self.out_data['plane_opacity'] = plane_opacity
            self.out_data['nplanes'] = nplanes
            self.out_data['csv_filename'] = csv_filename
            self.out_data['clicked_ok'] = True
            return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def on_animate(self):
        """opens the animation window"""
        title, flag0 = check_name_str(self.title_edit)
        if not flag0:

        scale, flag1 = check_float(self.scale_edit)
        if not flag1:
            scale = self._scale

        data = {
            'font_size': self.out_data['font_size'],
            'icase_fringe': self._icase_fringe,
            'icase_disp': self._icase_disp,
            'icase_vector': self._icase_vector,
            'title': title,
            'time': 2,
            'frames/sec': 30,
            'resolution': 1,
            'iframe': 0,
            'scale': scale,
            'default_scale': self._default_scale,
            'arrow_scale': scale,
            'default_arrow_scale': self._default_arrow_scale,
            'is_scale': self._default_phase is None,
            'phase': self._phase,
            'default_phase': self._default_phase,
            'dirname': os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()),
            'clicked_ok': False,
            'close': False,
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def on_validate(self):
        p1_cidi = self.p1_cid_pulldown.currentText()
        p2_cidi = self.p2_cid_pulldown.currentText()
        zaxis_cidi = self.zaxis_cid_pulldown.currentText()
        p1_cid = int(p1_cidi) if 'Global' not in p1_cidi else 0
        p2_cid = int(p2_cidi) if 'Global' not in p2_cidi else 0
        zaxis_cid = int(zaxis_cidi) if 'Global' not in zaxis_cidi else 0
        #print('p1_cidi=%r p2_cidi=%r p3_cidi=%r' % (p1_cidi, p2_cidi, zaxis_cidi))
        #print('p2_cid=%r p2_cid=%r p3_cidi=%r' % (p2_cid, p2_cid, zaxis_cid))

        p1_x, flag0 = check_float(self.p1_x_edit)
        p1_y, flag1 = check_float(self.p1_y_edit)
        p1_z, flag2 = check_float(self.p1_z_edit)

        p2_x, flag3 = check_float(self.p2_x_edit)
        p2_y, flag4 = check_float(self.p2_y_edit)
        p2_z, flag5 = check_float(self.p2_z_edit)
        p1 = [p1_x, p1_y, p1_z]
        p2 = [p2_x, p2_y, p2_z]

        flag6, flag7, flag8, zaxis_cid, zaxis = get_zaxis(
            self.win_parent,  # for camera
        #print('zaxis =', zaxis)

        method = self.method_pulldown.currentText()
        assert method in self.methods, 'method=%r' % method
        flag9 = True

        ytol, flag10 = check_float(self.ytol_edit)
        zero_tol, flag11 = check_float(self.zero_tol_edit)

        csv_filename = None
        flag12 = True
        if self.export_checkbox.isChecked():
            csv_filename, flag12 = check_save_path(self.csv_edit)

        flags = [
            flag0, flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4, flag5, flag6, flag7, flag8,
            flag9, flag10, flag11, flag12
        if all(flags):
            self.out_data['method'] = method
            self.out_data['p1'] = [p1_cid, p1]
            self.out_data['p2'] = [p2_cid, p2]
            self.out_data['zaxis'] = [zaxis_cid, zaxis]
            self.out_data['ytol'] = ytol
            self.out_data['zero_tol'] = zero_tol
            self.out_data['plane_color'] = self.plane_color_float
            self.out_data['plane_opacity'] = 0.6
            self.out_data['csv_filename'] = csv_filename
            self.out_data['clicked_ok'] = True
            return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def on_validate(self, wipe=False):
        """checks to see if the input is valid"""
        # requires no special validation
        icase_fringe, flag0 = check_int(self.icase_fringe_edit)
        icase_disp, unused_flaga = check_int(self.icase_disp_edit)
        icase_vector, unused_flagb = check_int(self.icase_vector_edit)
        #icase_disp = self._icase_disp
        #icase_vector = self._icase_vector

        scale, flag1 = check_float(self.scale_edit)
        time, flag2 = check_float(self.time_edit)
        fps, flag3 = check_float(self.fps_edit)

        min_value = max_value = None
        flag4 = flag5 = True
        if self.min_value_edit.isEnabled():
            min_value, flag4 = check_float(self.min_value_edit)
        if self.max_value_edit.isEnabled():
            max_value, flag5 = check_float(self.max_value_edit)

        if wipe:
            animate_in_gui = False
            scale = 0.
            flag1 = True
            animate_in_gui = self.animate_in_gui_checkbox.isChecked()
            if scale == 0.0:
                self.scale_edit.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit{background: red;}")
                flag1 = False

        if animate_in_gui or wipe:
            passed = all([flag0, flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4, flag5])
            magnify, output_dir, gifbase = None, None, None
            magnify, flag6 = check_int(self.resolution_edit)
            output_dir, flag7 = check_path(self.browse_folder_edit)
            gifbase, flag8 = check_name_str(self.gif_edit)
            passed = all([
                flag0, flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4, flag5, flag6, flag7, flag8
        return passed, (icase_fringe, icase_disp, icase_vector, scale, time,
                        fps, animate_in_gui, magnify, output_dir, gifbase,
                        min_value, max_value)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_zaxis(win_parent, zaxis_method_pulldown, zaxis_x_edit, zaxis_y_edit, zaxis_z_edit):
    zaxis_method = str(zaxis_method_pulldown.currentText())
    flag1, flag2, flag3 = True, True, True
    if zaxis_method == 'Global Z':
        zaxis = [0., 0., 1.]
        zaxis_cid = 0
    elif zaxis_method == 'Manual':
        zaxis_x, flag1 = check_float(zaxis_x_edit)
        zaxis_y, flag2 = check_float(zaxis_y_edit)
        zaxis_z, flag3 = check_float(zaxis_z_edit)
        zaxis = [zaxis_x, zaxis_y, zaxis_z]
    elif zaxis_method == 'Camera Normal':
        if win_parent is not None:
            camera = win_parent.GetCamera()
            zaxis = camera.GetViewPlaneNormal()
            zaxis = [1., 1., 1.]
        zaxis_cid = 0
        raise NotImplementedError(zaxis_method)
    return flag1, flag2, flag3, zaxis_cid, zaxis
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def on_validate(self):
        """checks to see if the ``on_apply`` method can be called"""
        show_title = self._icase_fringe is not None
        flag_title = True
        title_value = ''
        if show_title:
            title_value, flag_title = check_name_str(self.title_edit)

        flag_fringe = True
        min_value = max_value = format_value = nlabels = ncolors = labelsize = colormap = None
        if self._icase_fringe is not None:
            min_value, flag1 = check_float(self.min_edit)
            max_value, flag2 = check_float(self.max_edit)
            format_value, flag3 = check_format(self.format_edit)
            nlabels, flag4 = check_positive_int_or_blank(self.nlabels_edit)
            ncolors, flag5 = check_positive_int_or_blank(self.ncolors_edit)
            labelsize, flag6 = check_positive_int_or_blank(self.labelsize_edit)
            colormap = str(self.colormap_edit.currentText())
            if flag3 and 'i' in format_value:
                format_value = '%i'
            flag_fringe = all([flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4, flag5, flag6])

        flag_disp = True
        scale = phase = None
        if self._icase_disp is not None:
            scale, flag1 = check_float(self.scale_edit)
            phase, flag2 = check_float(self.phase_edit)
            assert isinstance(scale, float), scale
            flag_disp = all([flag1, flag2])

        flag_vector = True
        arrow_scale = None
        if self._icase_vector is not None:
            arrow_scale, flag_vector = check_float(self.arrow_scale_edit)

        if all([flag_title, flag_fringe, flag_disp, flag_vector]):
            self.out_data['title'] = title_value
            self.out_data['min_value'] = min_value
            self.out_data['max_value'] = max_value
            self.out_data['format'] = format_value
            self.out_data['scale'] = scale
            self.out_data['phase'] = phase

            self.out_data['arrow_scale'] = arrow_scale

            self.out_data['nlabels'] = nlabels
            self.out_data['ncolors'] = ncolors
            self.out_data['labelsize'] = labelsize
            self.out_data['colormap'] = colormap

            self.out_data['is_low_to_high'] = self.low_to_high_radio.isChecked(
            self.out_data['is_horizontal'] = self.horizontal_radio.isChecked()
            self.out_data['is_shown'] = self.show_radio.isChecked()

            self.out_data['clicked_ok'] = True
            self.out_data['close'] = True
            #print('self.out_data = ', self.out_data)
            #print("title = %r" % self.title_edit.text())
            #print("min = %r" % self.min_edit.text())
            #print("max = %r" % self.max_edit.text())
            #print("format = %r" % self.format_edit.text())
            return True
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def on_validate(self):
        p1_cidi = self.p1_cid_pulldown.currentText()
        p2_cidi = self.p2_cid_pulldown.currentText()
        zaxis_cidi = self.zaxis_cid_pulldown.currentText()
        p1_cid = int(p1_cidi) if 'Global' not in p1_cidi else 0
        p2_cid = int(p2_cidi) if 'Global' not in p2_cidi else 0
        zaxis_cid = int(zaxis_cidi) if 'Global' not in zaxis_cidi else 0
        #print('p1_cidi=%r p2_cidi=%r p3_cidi=%r' % (p1_cidi, p2_cidi, zaxis_cidi))
        #print('p2_cid=%r p2_cid=%r p3_cidi=%r' % (p2_cid, p2_cid, zaxis_cid))

        p1_x, flag0 = check_float(self.p1_x_edit)
        p1_y, flag1 = check_float(self.p1_y_edit)
        p1_z, flag2 = check_float(self.p1_z_edit)

        p2_x, flag3 = check_float(self.p2_x_edit)
        p2_y, flag4 = check_float(self.p2_y_edit)
        p2_z, flag5 = check_float(self.p2_z_edit)
        p1 = [p1_x, p1_y, p1_z]
        p2 = [p2_x, p2_y, p2_z]

        zaxis_method = str(self.zaxis_method_pulldown.currentText())
        flag6, flag7, flag8 = True, True, True
        if zaxis_method == 'Global Z':
            zaxis = [0., 0., 1.]
            zaxis_cid = 0
        elif zaxis_method == 'Manual':
            zaxis_x, flag6 = check_float(self.zaxis_x_edit)
            zaxis_y, flag7 = check_float(self.zaxis_y_edit)
            zaxis_z, flag8 = check_float(self.zaxis_z_edit)
            zaxis = [zaxis_x, zaxis_y, zaxis_z]
        elif zaxis_method == 'Camera Normal':
            if self.win_parent is not None:
                camera = self.win_parent.GetCamera()
                zaxis = camera.GetViewPlaneNormal()
                zaxis = [1., 1., 1.]
            zaxis_cid = 0
            raise NotImplementedError(zaxis_method)
        #print('zaxis =', zaxis)

        method = self.method_pulldown.currentText()
        assert method in self.methods, 'method=%r' % method
        flag9 = True

        ytol, flag10 = check_float(self.ytol_edit)
        zero_tol, flag11 = check_float(self.zero_tol_edit)

        csv_filename = None
        flag12 = True
        if self.export_checkbox.isChecked():
            csv_filename, flag12 = check_save_path(self.csv_edit)

        flags = [
            flag0, flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4, flag5, flag6, flag7, flag8,
            flag9, flag10, flag11, flag12
        if all(flags):
            self.out_data['method'] = method
            self.out_data['p1'] = [p1_cid, p1]
            self.out_data['p2'] = [p2_cid, p2]
            self.out_data['zaxis'] = [zaxis_method, zaxis_cid, zaxis]
            self.out_data['ytol'] = ytol
            self.out_data['zero_tol'] = zero_tol
            self.out_data['plane_color'] = self.plane_color_float
            self.out_data['plane_opacity'] = 0.6
            self.out_data['csv_filename'] = csv_filename
            self.out_data['clicked_ok'] = True
            return True
        return False