import time # ======= setup path = './' decay = -1.0 # WARRNING ... with positive decay you get bullshit # ======= Prepare inputs eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_FIREBALL_all(name=path + 'phik_example_', geom=path + '', fermi=None, orbs='sp', pbc=(0, 0), cut_min=-1.0, cut_max=+1.0, cut_at=-1, lower_atoms=[], lower_coefs=[]) print("---------------") print("Ratin ", Ratin) print("---------------") print("coefs ", coefs) print("---------------") print("eigEn.shape ", eigEn.shape) print("coefs.shape ", coefs.shape) print("Ratin.shape ", Ratin.shape) atoms = ocl.xyzq2float4(
print( "Importing positions of PP from the PP-AFM calculations. Path for the data:" ) path_pos = "Q%1.2fK%1.2f/" % (Q, K) print(path_pos) tip_r, lvec, nDim = GU.load_vec_field(path_pos + 'PPpos', data_format=data_format) extent = (lvec[0, 0], lvec[0, 0] + lvec[1, 0], lvec[0, 1], lvec[0, 1] + lvec[2, 1]) #print "DEBUG: extent", extent print("PP postions imported") dx = lvec[1, 0] / (nDim[2] - 1) dy = lvec[2, 1] / (nDim[1] - 1) dz = lvec[3, 2] / (nDim[0] - 1) tip_r0 = RS.mkSpaceGrid(lvec[0, 0], lvec[0, 0] + lvec[1, 0], dx, lvec[0, 1], lvec[0, 1] + lvec[2, 1], dy, lvec[0, 2], lvec[0, 2] + lvec[3, 2], dz) #print "DEBUG: dx, dy, dz", dx, dy, dz #print "DEBUG: tip_r.shape, tip_r0.shape", tip_r.shape, tip_r0.shape else: print("Priparing the scan grid for fixed scan") extent = (x[0], x[1], y[0], y[1]) tip_r = RS.mkSpaceGrid(x[0], x[1], x[2], y[0], y[1], y[2], z[0], z[1], z[2]) lvec = np.array([[x[0], y[0], z[0]], [x[1] - x[0], 0., 0.], [0., y[1] - y[0], 0.], [0., 0., z[1] - z[0]]]) #print "DEBUG: extent", extent #print "DEBUG: lvec", lvec tip_r0 = tip_r print("scan grids prepared")
together = ''.join(map(str, args)) # avoid the arg is not str #print together return together # --- Initial check --- # assert( PNG or TXT ), "No output set to be True; I'm not going to do anything if there is no output. I'm too lazy like a Gartfield. " # --- reading of the eigen-energies, the LCAO coefficients and geometry --- # print("Reading electronic & geometry structure files") cell=[[0,0],[0,0]];pbc=(0,0);lower_coefs=[]; if ((dft_code == 'fireball') or(dft_code == 'Fireball') or (dft_code == 'FIREBALL')): eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_FIREBALL_all(name = files_path + 'phik_0001_', geom=files_path+geometry_file, lvs = cell, fermi=fermi, orbs = sample_orbs, pbc=pbc, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max,cut_at=cut_atoms, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs); elif ((dft_code == 'gpaw') or(dft_code == 'GPAW')): eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_GPAW_all( name = files_path + cp2k_name + '.gpw', fermi=fermi, orbs = sample_orbs, pbc=pbc, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_atoms, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs); elif ((dft_code == 'aims') or(dft_code == 'AIMS') or (dft_code == 'FHI-AIMS')): if ((spin == None) or (spin == False)): name = 'KS_eigenvectors.band_1.kpt_1.out' elif ((spin == 'up')or(spin == 'alpha')or(spin == 'both')): name = 'KS_eigenvectors_up.band_1.kpt_1.out' elif ((spin == 'down')or(spin == 'beta')or(spin == 'dn')): name = 'KS_eigenvectors_dn.band_1.kpt_1.out' else : print("unknown spin, I'm going to sleep. Good Night"); exit() eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_AIMS_all(name = files_path + name , geom= files_path + geometry_file, fermi=fermi, orbs = sample_orbs, pbc=pbc, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_atoms, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs); if (spin == 'both'):
lvec2).all(), "lvec1 != lvec2 control your input files" assert np.array(nDim2).all() == np.array( nDim2).all(), "nDim1 != nDim2 control your input files" print("STM for V:", namez[i], " imported") #print "DEBUG: current1.shape", current1.shape lvec = lvec1 nDim = nDim1 extent = (lvec[0, 0], lvec[0, 0] + lvec[1, 0], lvec[0, 1], lvec[0, 1] + lvec[2, 1]) #print "DEBUG: extent", extent dx = lvec[1, 0] / (nDim[2] - 1) dy = lvec[2, 1] / (nDim[1] - 1) dz = lvec[3, 2] / (nDim[0] - 1) tip_r0 = RS.mkSpaceGrid(lvec[0, 0], lvec[0, 0] + lvec[1, 0], dx, lvec[0, 1], lvec[0, 1] + lvec[2, 1], dy, lvec[0, 2], lvec[0, 2] + lvec[3, 2], dz) #print "DEBUG: tip_r0", tip_r0 # --- main part --- # if STM_b: current = tip_orb1_amount * current1 + tip_orb2_amount * current2 if didv_b: didv = tip_orb1_amount * didv1 + tip_orb2_amount * didv2 # =========== Utils for plotting atoms ========================= def plotAtoms(atoms, atomSize=0.1, edge=True, ec='k', color='w'): plt.fig = plt.gcf()
eta = 0.1 # 0.1 - standart for semiconductors # -- next two parameters will be specified in the main loop #WF_decay=1.0 # for STM only - how fast the exponential decay fall, with the applied bias ( if 1 - 1:1 correspondence with bias; if 0, it doesn't change) #nV = 9 # for STM only - number of STM integrational steps nV ~ V/eta lower_atoms = [ ] # No atoms has lowered hopping - be aware python numbering occurs here [0] - means lowering of the 1st atom lower_coefs = [] # Lowering of the hoppings # --- downloading and examples of downloading of the eigen-energies, the LCAO coefficients and geometry (this time for spin-unpolarized calculations): eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_FIREBALL_all(name=path + 'phik_0001_', geom=path + '', fermi=fermi, orbs=orbs, pbc=pbc, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, lvs=lvs, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs) #eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_AIMS_all(name = 'KS_eigenvectors_up.band_1.kpt_1.out', geom='',fermi=fermi, orbs = 'sp', pbc=pbc, # imaginary = False, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, # lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs) #eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_GPAW_all(name = 'out_LCAO_LDA.gpw', fermi=fermi, orbs = orbs, pbc=pbc, # cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs); # --- the grid on which the STM signal is calculated; tip_r2 - uniform grid: dz = 0.1 dx = dy = 0.25
eta = 0.01 # very low to pronounce single orbitals only # --- these two not needed now (no STM in this script) #WF_decay=1.0 # for STM only - how fast the exponential decay fall, with the applied bias ( if 1 - 1:1 correspondence with bias; if 0, it doesn't change) #nV = 9 # for STM only - number of STM integrational steps nV ~ V/eta lower_atoms=[22,23,24] # atoms 23-25 - oxygens will have lowered tunneling !!! python numbering of atoms !!! lower_coefs=[0.75,0.75,0.75] # Lowering of the hoppings # NOTE: it seems, that for the CP2K input there is not suc a big need to lower down the contributions from # oxygens (on a TOAT), then from the other codes - 0.5 # --- downloading and examples of downloading of the eigen-energies, the LCAO coefficients and geometry (this time for spin-unpolarized calculations): #eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_FIREBALL_all(name = path+'phik_example_', geom=path+'', fermi=fermi, orbs = orbs, pbc=pbc, # cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max,cut_at=cut_at, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs); #eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_AIMS_all(name = 'KS_exx_1_spin_up.out', geom='',fermi=fermi, orbs = orbs, pbc=pbc, # imaginary = False, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, # lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs) eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_CP2K_all(name = 'TOAT', fermi=fermi, orbs = orbs, pbc=pbc, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs); #eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_GPAW_all(name = 'out_LCAO_LDA.gpw', fermi=fermi, orbs = orbs, pbc=pbc, # cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs); # --- the grid on which the STM signal is calculated; no tip_r1 - PP distored by the relaxation in the PPAFM code; only tip_r2 - uniform grid: tip_r1, lvec, nDim = GU.load_vec_field( path_pos+'PPpos' ,data_format=data_format) dz=0.1 dx=dy =0.1 xl = lvec[1,0] yl = lvec[2,1] zl = lvec[3,2] extent = (lvec[0,0],lvec[0,0]+xl,lvec[0,1],lvec[0,1]+yl)
#eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_FIREBALL_all(name = path+'phik_example_', geom=path+'', fermi=fermi, orbs = orbs, pbc=pbc, # cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max,cut_at=cut_at, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs); #eigEn1, coefs1, Ratin = RS.read_AIMS_all(name = 'KS_eigenvectors_up.band_1.kpt_1.out', geom='',fermi=fermi, orbs = orbs, pbc=pbc, # imaginary = False, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, # lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs) #eigEn2, coefs2, Ratin = RS.read_AIMS_all(name = 'KS_eigenvectors_dn.band_1.kpt_1.out', geom='',fermi=fermi, orbs = orbs, pbc=pbc, # imaginary = False, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, # lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs) #eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_GPAW_all(name = 'out_LCAO_LDA.gpw', fermi=fermi, orbs = orbs, pbc=pbc, # cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs); eigEn1, coefs1, Ratin = RS.read_CP2K_all(name='CuPc', fermi=fermi, orbs=orbs, pbc=pbc, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs, spin="alpha") eigEn2, coefs2, Ratin = RS.read_CP2K_all(name='CuPc', fermi=fermi, orbs=orbs, pbc=pbc, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs, spin="beta")
#nV = 9 # for STM only - number of STM integrational steps nV ~ V/eta lower_atoms = [ ] # No atoms has lowered hopping - be aware python numbering occurs here [0] - means lowering of the 1st atom lower_coefs = [] # Lowering of the hoppings M = 16 # Effective mass of CO frustrated translation - only O - 16 # --- downloading and examples of downloading of the eigen-energies, the LCAO coefficients and geometry (this time for spin-unpolarized calculations): #eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_FIREBALL_all(name = path+'phik_example_', geom=path+'', fermi=fermi, orbs = orbs, pbc=pbc, # cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max,cut_at=cut_at, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs); eigEn1, coefs1, Ratin = RS.read_AIMS_all(name="eigen_up.out", geom='', fermi=fermi, orbs=orbs, pbc=pbc, imaginary=False, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs) eigEn2, coefs2, Ratin = RS.read_AIMS_all(name="eigen_dn.out", geom='', fermi=fermi, orbs=orbs, pbc=pbc, imaginary=False, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, lower_atoms=lower_atoms,
#lvs = np.array([[15., 0.,0.],[0.,15.,0],[0.,0.,15.]] WorkFunction = 5.0 #more or less standart. fermi=None # the Fermi from phik ... .dat file; !!! All energies are relative to Fermi !!!! None - means: -5.04612664712 eV orbs= 'sp' # 'sp' works now, 'spd' works for fireball as well cut_min=-1.0 # H**O -0.88 bellow the Fermi Level, other orbitals cut cut_max=+1.0 # LUMO -0.88 above the Fermi Level cut_at=-1 # All atoms of the molecule eta = 0.01 # very low, to pronounce the single orbitals only WF_decay=1.0 # for STM only - how fast the exponential decay fall, with the applied bias ( if 1 - 1:1 correspondence with bias; if 0, it doesn't change) nV = 9 # for STM only - number of STM integrational steps nV ~ V/eta lower_atoms=[] # No atoms has lowered hopping - be aware python numbering occurs here [0] - means lowering of the 1st atom lower_coefs=[] # Lowering of the hoppings # --- downloading and examples of downloading of the eigen-energies, the LCAO coefficients and geometry (this time for spin-unpolarized calculations): eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_FIREBALL_all(name = path+'phik_example_', geom=path+'', fermi=fermi, orbs = orbs, pbc=pbc, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max,cut_at=cut_at, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs); #eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_AIMS_all(name = 'KS_eigenvectors_up.band_1.kpt_1.out', geom='',fermi=fermi, orbs = 'sp', pbc=pbc, # imaginary = False, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, # lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs) #eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_GPAW_all(name = 'out_LCAO_LDA.gpw', fermi=fermi, orbs = orbs, pbc=pbc, # cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs); #eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_CP2K_all(name = 'crazy_mol', fermi=fermi, orbs = orbs, pbc=pbc, # cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs); # --- the grid on which the STM signal is calculated; tip_r1 - PP distored by the relaxation in the PPAFM code; tip_r2 - uniform grid: tip_r1, lvec, nDim = GU.load_vec_field( path_pos+'PPpos' ,data_format=data_format) dz=0.1 dx=dy =0.1
cut_at = 18 # All atoms of the highest layer eta = 0.1 # very low, to pronounce the single orbitals only # -- next two not needed for IETS #WF_decay=1.0 # for STM only - how fast the exponential decay fall, with the applied bias ( if 1 - 1:1 correspondence with bias; if 0, it doesn't change) #nV = 9 # for STM only - number of STM integrational steps nV ~ V/eta lower_atoms = [ ] # No atoms has lowered hopping - be aware python numbering occurs here [0] - means lowering of the 1st atom lower_coefs = [] # Lowering of the hoppings # --- downloading and examples of downloading of the eigen-energies, the LCAO coefficients and geometry (this time for spin-unpolarized calculations): eigEn, coefs, Ratin = RS.read_FIREBALL_all(name='phik_0001_', geom='', fermi=fermi, orbs=orbs, pbc=pbc, cut_min=cut_min, cut_max=cut_max, cut_at=cut_at, lower_atoms=lower_atoms, lower_coefs=lower_coefs) # --- on which energies you want to plot pseudo-projected density of states energies = np.arange(-2.0, 2.0, 0.01) # --- getting P-PDOS for different atoms and spherical functions #PDOS0 = SU.pPDOS(eigEn, coefs, energies, eta=eta, atoms=[], orbs=orbs ,spherical='all') # all atoms = [] PDOS1 = SU.pPDOS(eigEn, coefs, energies,