Ejemplo n.º 1
I_shape = []
J_shape = []
old_vfrac = 0.
J = 0  # counter for the number of particles placed in the mesh

    while vol_placed_frac < vol_frac:  # Keep attempting to add particles until the required volume fraction is achieved

        if J == 0 or (vol_placed_frac < vfraclimit * vol_frac
                      ):  # FIRST PARTICLE must ALWAYS be randomly placed
            I = random.randint(
                nmin, nmax
            )  # Generate a rrandom number to randomly select a particle from the 'library'
            fail = 1
            while fail == 1:  # Whilst fail = True continue to try to generate a coordinate
                x, y, fail = pss.gen_coord(pss.mesh_Shps[I, :, :])
            area = pss.insert_shape_into_mesh(pss.mesh_Shps[I, :, :], x, y)
            J += 1

            I = random.randint(
                nmin, nmax
            )  # Generate a random number to randomly select one of the generated shapes, to be tried for this loop
            x, y, area = pss.drop_shape_into_mesh(pss.mesh_Shps[I, :, :])
            J += 1

        placed_part_area.append(area)  # Save the area
        xcoords.append(x)  # Save the coords of that particle
        radii.append(part_radii[I])  # Save the radii
        J_shape.append(J)  # Save the particle number
Ejemplo n.º 2
xc = []  # x coord
yc = []  # y coord
I_ = []  # Library index
J_ = []  # shape number of each placed particle
vf_pld = 0  # Volume Fraction of material inserted into the mesh so far
J = 0
old_vfrac = 0.
try:  # Begin loop placing grains in.
    while vf_pld < vol_frac:  # Keep attempting to add particles until the required volume fraction is achieved
        I = random.randint(
            0, n - 1
        )  # Generate a random index to randomly select a particle from the 'library'
        fail = 1
        while fail == 1:  # Whilst fail == 1 continue to try to generate a coordinate
            x, y, fail = pss.gen_coord(
                pss.mesh_Shps[I, :, :]
            )  # Function generates a coordinate where the placed shape does not overlap with any placed so far
        area = pss.insert_shape_into_mesh(pss.mesh_Shps[I, :, :], x, y)
        J += 1
        # pss.place_shape(pss.mesh_Shps[0,:,:],J,I,M)               # This function allows you to place a shape in AND specify its material. However it overwrites previous placings
        A_.append(area)  # Save the area
        xc.append(x)  # Save the coords of that particle
        J_.append(J)  # Save the particle number
        I_.append(I)  # Save the library index

        vf_pld = np.sum(A_) / (pss.meshx * pss.meshy
                               )  # update the volume fraction
        if vf_pld == old_vfrac:
            print '##########~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##########'
            print '# volume fraction no longer increasing. Break here #'
Ejemplo n.º 3
nmin = 0
nmax = n-1                                # max integer generated

xcoords = []
ycoords = []
radii   = []
I_shape = []
J_shape = []
old_vfrac = 0.
    while vol_placed_frac<vol_frac:                        # Keep attempting to add particles until the required volume fraction is achieved
        if J == 0:                                    # FIRST PARTICLE must ALWAYS be randomly placed
            I = random.randint(nmin,nmax)                    # Generate a random number to randomly select one of the generated shapes, to be tried for this loop
            fail = 1
            while fail == 1:
                x,y,fail = pss.gen_coord(pss.mesh_Shps[I,:,:])
            area = pss.insert_shape_into_mesh(pss.mesh_Shps[I,:,:],x,y)
            ii+= 1
            J += 1                                # J is now the total number of particles inserted
            placed_part_area.append(area)                    # Update the list of areas
        elif vol_placed_frac < vfraclimit*vol_frac:
            #elif J%2 == 0:
            if ii >= MM: ii = 0
            I = random.randint(nmin,nmax)                    # Generate a random number to randomly select one of the generated shapes, to be tried for this loop
            fail = 1

A_        = []                                                      # Generate empty lists to store the area
xc        = []                                                      # x coord
yc        = []                                                      # y coord
I_        = []                                                      # Library index
J_        = []                                                      # shape number of each placed particle
vf_pld    = 0                                                       # Volume Fraction of material inserted into the mesh so far
J         = 0
old_vfrac = 0.
try:                                                                # Begin loop placing grains in.
    while vf_pld < vol_frac:                                        # Keep attempting to add particles until the required volume fraction is achieved      
        I    = random.randint(0,n-1)                                  # Generate a random index to randomly select a particle from the 'library'
        fail = 1
        while fail == 1:                                            # Whilst fail == 1 continue to try to generate a coordinate
            x,y,fail = pss.gen_coord(pss.mesh_Shps[I,:,:])          # Function generates a coordinate where the placed shape does not overlap with any placed so far
        area = pss.insert_shape_into_mesh(pss.mesh_Shps[I,:,:],x,y)
        J   += 1                                                  
        # pss.place_shape(pss.mesh_Shps[0,:,:],J,I,M)               # This function allows you to place a shape in AND specify its material. However it overwrites previous placings
        A_.append(area)                                             # Save the area
        xc.append(x)                                                # Save the coords of that particle
        J_.append(J)                                                # Save the particle number
        I_.append(I)                                                # Save the library index
        vf_pld = np.sum(A_)/(pss.meshx*pss.meshy)                   # update the volume fraction
        if vf_pld == old_vfrac: 
            print '##########~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##########'
            print '# volume fraction no longer increasing. Break here #'
            print '##########~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~##########'