Ejemplo n.º 1
 def stage_in(self, operation):
     """ Stage the current operation """
     super(MulticoreBackend, self).stage_in(operation)
     self.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = self.pool_size)
     # Set up progress bar
     widgets = ['Operation progress: ', Percentage(), ' ', Bar(), ' ', ETA()]
     self.progress_bar = ProgressBar(widgets = widgets, 
                            maxval = self.current_operation.number_processes)
     self._log("Operation - staged")
     self.state = "staged"
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def stage_in(self, operation):
        """ Stage the current operation """
        super(LoadLevelerBackend, self).stage_in(operation)
        # set up queue
        self.result_handlers = multiprocessing.Queue(200)
        # Set up progress bar
        widgets = [
            'Operation progress: ',
            Percentage(), ' ',
            Bar(), ' ',
        self.progress_bar = ProgressBar(
            widgets=widgets, maxval=self.current_operation.number_processes)

        self._log("Operation - staged")
        self.state = "staged"
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def stage_in(self, operation):
        Stage the current operation
        super(MpiBackend, self).stage_in(operation)
        # init of process lists, because backend is only initialized once
        self.process_args_list = []
        self.IndexCopyStart = 0
        self.ProcessingSuccessful = True
        self.TotalProcessesFinished = 0
        self.CrashedProcesses = []
        # Set up progress bar
        widgets = [
            'Operation progress: ',
            Percentage(), ' ',
            Bar(), ' ',
        self.progress_bar = ProgressBar(
            widgets=widgets, maxval=self.current_operation.number_processes)

        # The handler that is used remotely for logging
        handler_class = logging.handlers.SocketHandler
        handler_args = {"host": self.host, "port": self.port}

        # Set up stage in directory
        stagein_dir = os.sep.join(
            [self.current_operation.result_directory, ".stagein"])
        # Check if hosts file is created in the right directoy
        HostfileCreated = pySPACE.configuration.root_dir + "/" + 'hostsfile'
        if (not os.path.isfile(HostfileCreated)):
            print "***************************************************************************************************"
            print "hostsfile not created !"
            print "Please create the hosts file with a filename 'hostsfile' under ", pySPACE.configuration.root_dir
            print "***************************************************************************************************"
            raise UserWarning('Missing hostsfile.')
        if not os.path.exists(stagein_dir):

        process = self.current_operation.processes.get()
        print "Preparing processes. This might take a few minutes...."
        # Until not all Processes have been created prepare all processes
        # from the queue for remote execution and execute them
        i = 0
        while process != False:
            process.prepare(pySPACE.configuration, handler_class, handler_args)
            # since preparing the process might be quite faster than executing
            # it we need another queue where processes get out when they have
            # finished execution
            # Execute all functions in the process pool but return immediately
            #self.pool.apply_async(process, callback=self.dequeue_process)
            proc_file_name = os.sep.join(
                [stagein_dir, "process_%d.pickle" % i])
            proc_file = open(proc_file_name, "w")
            cPickle.dump(process, proc_file)
            # Add task to job specification
            # Get the next process
            process = self.current_operation.processes.get()
            i += 1

        self._log("Operation - staged")
        self.state = "staged"