Ejemplo n.º 1
def RWDiffusion(g, samples=5, epsilon=0.01, max_iterations=100000):
    """Computes the average number of steps requires by a random walk process
    to fall below a total variation distance below epsilon (TVD computed between the momentary 
    visitation probabilities \pi^t and the stationary distribution \pi = \pi^{\infty}. This time can be 
    used to measure diffusion speed in a given (weighted and directed) network."""
    avg_speed = 0

    T = Utilities.RWTransitionMatrix(g)
    pi = Utilities.StationaryDistribution(T)

    n = len(g.vs())
    for s in range(samples):
        x = np.zeros(n)
        seed = np.random.randint(n)
        x[seed] = 1
        while Utilities.TVD(x, pi) > epsilon:
            avg_speed += 1
            # NOTE x * T = (T^T * x^T)^T
            # NOTE T is already transposed to get the left EV
            x = (T.dot(x.transpose())).transpose()
            if avg_speed > max_iterations:
                Log.add("x[0:10] = " + str(x[0:10]))
                Log.add("pi[0:10] = " + str(pi[0:10]))
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Failed to converge within maximal number of iterations. Start of current x and pi are printed above"

    return avg_speed / samples
Ejemplo n.º 2
def exportDiffusionMovieFrames(g,
    """Exports an animation showing the evolution of a diffusion
           process on the network"""

    T = Utilities.RWTransitionMatrix(g)

    if visual_style == None:
        visual_style = {}
        visual_style["vertex_color"] = "lightblue"
        visual_style["vertex_label"] = g.vs["name"]
        visual_style["edge_curved"] = .5
        visual_style["vertex_size"] = 30

    # lambda expression for the coloring of nodes according to some quantity p \in [0,1]
    # p = 1 ==> color red
    # p = 0 ==> color white
    color_p = lambda p: "rgb(255," + str(int(
        (1 - p) * 255)) + "," + str(int((1 - p) * 255)) + ")"

    # Initial state of random walker
    if initial_index < 0:
        initial_index = np.random.randint(0, len(g.vs()))

    x = np.zeros(len(g.vs()))
    x[initial_index] = 1

    # compute stationary state
    pi = Utilities.StationaryDistribution(T)

    scale = np.mean(np.abs(x - pi))

    # Plot network (useful as poster frame of video)
    igraph.plot(g, file_prefix + "_network.pdf", **visual_style)

    # Create frames
    for i in range(0, steps):
        visual_style["vertex_color"] = [color_p(p**0.1) for p in x]
        igraph.plot(g, file_prefix + "_frame_" + str(i).zfill(5) + ".png",
        if i % 10 == 0:
            Log.add('Step' + str(i) + '\tTVD = ' + str(Utilities.TVD(x, pi)),
        # NOTE x * T = (T^T * x^T)^T
        # NOTE T is already transposed to get the left EV
        x = (T.dot(x.transpose())).transpose()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def exportDiffusionMovieFramesFirstOrder(t,
    """Exports an animation showing the evolution of a diffusion
           process on the first-order aggregate network, where random walk dynamics 
           either follows a first-order (mode='NULL') or second-order (model='SECOND') Markov 
    assert model == 'SECOND' or model == 'NULL'

    g1 = t.igraphFirstOrder()

    if model == 'SECOND':
        g2 = t.igraphSecondOrder()
        temporal = tn.TemporalNetwork.ShuffleTwoPaths(t, l=steps)
    elif model == 'NULL':
        g2 = t.igraphSecondOrderNull()
        temporal = tn.TemporalNetwork.ShuffleEdges(t, l=steps)

    T = Utilities.RWTransitionMatrix(g2)

    # visual style is for *first-order* aggregate network
    if visual_style == None:
        visual_style = {}
        visual_style["vertex_color"] = "lightblue"
        visual_style["vertex_label"] = g1.vs["name"]
        visual_style["edge_curved"] = .5
        visual_style["vertex_size"] = 30
        visual_style["edge_color"] = ["darkgrey"] * g1.ecount()
        visual_style["edge_width"] = [.5] * g1.ecount()

    # Initial state of random walker
    if initial_index < 0:
        initial_index = np.random.randint(0, len(g2.vs()))

    exp = 1.0 / .75

    x = np.zeros(len(g2.vs()))
    x[initial_index] = 1

    # This index allows to quickly map node names to indices in the first-order network
    map_name_to_id = {}
    for i in range(len(g1.vs())):
        map_name_to_id[g1.vs()['name'][i]] = i

    # Index to quickly map second-order node indices to first-order node indices
    map_2_to_1 = {}
    for j in range(len(g2.vs())):
        # j is index of node in *second-order* network
        # we first get the name of the *target* of the underlying edge
        node = g2.vs()["name"][j].split(t.separator)[1]

        # we map the target of second-order node j to the index of the *first-order* node
        map_2_to_1[j] = map_name_to_id[node]

    # compute stationary state of random walk process
    pi = Utilities.StationaryDistribution(T)

    scale = np.mean(np.abs(x - pi))

    # lambda expression for the coloring of nodes according to some quantity p \in [0,1]
    # p = 1 ==> color red
    # p = 0 ==> color white
    color_p = lambda p: "rgb(255," + str(int(
        (1 - p) * 255)) + "," + str(int((1 - p) * 255)) + ")"

    visual_style["edge_color"] = ["darkgrey"] * g1.ecount()
    visual_style["edge_width"] = [.5] * g1.ecount()

    # Create video frames
    for i in range(0, steps):
        # based on visitation probabilities in *second-order* aggregate network,
        # we need to compute visitation probabilities of nodes in the *first-order*
        # aggregate network
        x_firstorder = np.zeros(len(g1.vs()))

        # j is the index of nodes in the *second-order* network, which we need to map
        # to nodes in the *first-order* network
        for j in range(len(x)):
            if x[j] > 0:
                    map_2_to_1[j]] = x_firstorder[map_2_to_1[j]] + x[j]

        # Perform some reasonable color scaling
        visual_style["vertex_color"] = [
            color_p(np.power((p - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x)), exp))
            for p in x_firstorder

        # Visualize illustrative network dynamics
        if dynamic == True:
            #slice = igraph.Graph(n=len(g1.vs()))
            #slice.vs["name"] = g1.vs["name"]
            L = len(temporal.ordered_times)
            for e in temporal.time[temporal.ordered_times[i % L]]:
                e_id = g1.get_eid(e[0], e[1])
                visual_style["edge_width"][e_id] = 5
                visual_style["edge_color"][e_id] = "black"
                #slice.add_edge(e[0], e[1])
            igraph.plot(g1, file_prefix + "_frame_" + str(i).zfill(5) + ".png",
            igraph.plot(g1, file_prefix + "_frame_" + str(i).zfill(5) + ".png",

        # Plot first-order aggregate network after 30 RW steps (particularly useful as poster frame of video)
        if i == 30:
            visual_style["edge_color"] = "black"
            visual_style["edge_width"] = 1
            igraph.plot(g1, file_prefix + "_network.pdf", **visual_style)

        # Reset edge color and width
        visual_style["edge_color"] = ["darkgrey"] * g1.ecount()
        visual_style["edge_width"] = [.5] * g1.ecount()

        if i % 50 == 0:
            Log.add('Frame ' + str(i) + '\tTVD = ' + str(Utilities.TVD(x, pi)))

        # every NWframesPerRWStep frames, perform one random walk step
        if i % NWframesPerRWStep == 0:
            # NOTE x * T = (T^T * x^T)^T
            # NOTE T is already transposed to get the left EV
            x = (T.dot(x.transpose())).transpose()