Ejemplo n.º 1
 def declination(cls, tee, beta, lam):
     """Return declination at moment UT tee of object at
     longitude 'lam' and latitude 'beta'."""
     varepsilon = cls.obliquity(tee)
     return arcsin_degrees(
         (sin_degrees(beta) * cos_degrees(varepsilon)) +
         (cos_degrees(beta) * sin_degrees(varepsilon) * sin_degrees(lam)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def approx_moment_of_depression(self, tee, alpha, early):
     """Return the moment in local time near tee when depression angle
     of sun is alpha (negative if above horizon) at location;
     early is true when MORNING event is sought and false for EVENING.
     Raise VlueError if depression angle is not reached."""
     ttry  = self.sine_offset(tee, alpha)
     date = Clock.fixed_from_moment(tee)
     if alpha >= 0:
         if early:
             alt = date
             alt = date + 1
         alt = date + Clock.days_from_hours(12)
     if abs(ttry) > 1:
         value = self.sine_offset(alt, alpha)
         value = ttry
     if abs(value) <= 1:
         temp = -1 if early else 1
         temp *= mod(Clock.days_from_hours(12) + arcsin_degrees(value) / 360, 1) - Clock.days_from_hours(6)
         temp += date + Clock.days_from_hours(12)
         return self.local_from_apparent(temp)
         raise ValueError("Depression angle not reached")
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def lunar_parallax(self, tee):
     """Return the parallax of moon at moment, tee, at location, location.
     Adapted from "Astronomical Algorithms" by Jean Meeus,
     Willmann_Bell, Inc., 1998."""
     geo = self.lunar_altitude(tee)
     Delta = Lunar.lunar_distance(tee)
     alt = 6378140 / Delta
     arg = alt * cos_degrees(geo)
     return arcsin_degrees(arg)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def lunar_altitude(self, tee):
     """Return the geocentric altitude of moon at moment, tee,
     at location, location, as a small positive/negative angle in degrees,
     ignoring parallax and refraction.  Adapted from 'Astronomical
     Algorithms' by Jean Meeus, Willmann_Bell, Inc., 1998."""
     lamb = Lunar.lunar_longitude(tee)
     beta = Lunar.lunar_latitude(tee)
     alpha = Astro.right_ascension(tee, beta, lamb)
     delta = Astro.declination(tee, beta, lamb)
     theta0 = Astro.sidereal_from_moment(tee)
     cap_H = mod(theta0 + self.longitude - alpha, 360)
     altitude = arcsin_degrees(
         (sin_degrees(self.latitude) * sin_degrees(delta)) +
         (cos_degrees(self.latitude) * cos_degrees(delta) * cos_degrees(cap_H)))
     return mod(altitude + 180, 360) - 180