Ejemplo n.º 1
def stimulusWaveformFromFile(abf, channel=0):
    Attempt to find the stimulus file used to record an ABF, read the stimulus
    file (ABF or ATF), and return the stimulus waveform (as a numpy array).

    assert isinstance(abf, pyabf.ABF)
    assert channel in abf.channelList

    stimPath = findStimulusWaveformFile(abf, channel)

    if not stimPath:
        return np.full(abf.sweepPointCount, np.nan)

    if abf._cacheStimulusFiles:
        if not stimPath in cachedStimuli.keys():
            if stimPath.upper().endswith(".ABF"):
                cachedStimuli[stimPath] = pyabf.ABF(stimPath)
            elif stimPath.upper().endswith(".ATF"):
                cachedStimuli[stimPath] = pyabf.ATF(stimPath)
        return cachedStimuli[stimPath].sweepY
        if stimPath.upper().endswith(".ABF"):
            return pyabf.ABF(stimPath).sweepY
        elif stimPath.upper().endswith(".ATF"):
            return pyabf.ATF(stimPath).sweepY
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_ATF_setSweep(atfPath):
    atf = pyabf.ATF(atfPath)
    if (atf.sweepCount > 1):
        sweep0 = np.array(atf.sweepY)
        sweep1 = np.array(atf.sweepY)
        assert not np.array_equiv(sweep0, sweep1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def advanced_17_atf_plotting(self):
        ## Plotting Data from ATF Files

        Although most of the effort in this project has gone into the ABF class,
        there also exists an ATF class with much of the similar functionality.
        This class can read Axon Text Format (ATF) files and has a setSweep()
        with nearly identical sentax to the ABF class. 

        Extra attention was invested into supporting muli-channel ATF data.
        Note that this example plots only channel 2 from a multi-channel ATF 

        import pyabf
        atf = pyabf.ATF("data/abfs/18702001-step.atf")  # not ABF!

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.figsize)
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)

        for channel, ax in enumerate([ax1, ax2]):
            ax.set_title("channel %d" % (channel))
            for sweepNumber in atf.sweepList:
                atf.setSweep(sweepNumber, channel)
                ax.plot(atf.sweepX, atf.sweepY)

        ax1.margins(0, .1)
        ax2.margins(0, .1)
        fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=.4)  #ignore
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def stimulusWaveformFromFile(self):
        Attempt to find the file associated with this ABF channel stimulus
        waveform, read that waveform (whether ABF or ATF), and return its
        waveform. If the file can't be found, return False.

        # try to find the stimulus file in the obvious places
        stimFname = self.abf._stringsIndexed.lDACFilePath[self.channel]
        stimBN = os.path.basename(stimFname)
        abfFolder = os.path.dirname(self.abf.abfFilePath)
        if os.path.exists(stimFname):
            log.debug("stimulus file found where expected")
            stimFname = os.path.abspath(stimFname)
        elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(abfFolder, stimBN)):
            log.debug("stimulus file found next to ABF")
            stimFname = os.path.join(abfFolder, stimBN)
            log.debug("stimulus file never found: %s" % stimBN)
            return False

        # read the ABF or ATF stimulus file
        if stimFname.upper().endswith(".ABF"):
            log.debug("stimulus file is an ABF")
            abf = pyabf.ABF(stimFname)
            #TODO: data requires custom stimulus scaling!
            return abf.sweepY
        elif stimFname.upper().endswith(".ATF"):
            log.debug("stimulus file is an ATF")
            atf = pyabf.ATF(stimFname)
            #TODO: data requires custom stimulus scaling!
            return atf.sweepY
Ejemplo n.º 5
def generate_abf_array(file_path, stimuli):
    file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
    abf = pyabf.ABF(file_path)
    extension = stimuli.split(".")[-1]
    if 'atf' in extension:
        stimuli_abf = pyabf.ATF(stimuli)
    elif 'abf' in extension:
        stimuli_abf = pyabf.ABF(stimuli)
    print(abf.abfID + ' loaded')
    abf_name = np.vstack(
        [abf.abfID, abf.abfID, abf.abfID, abf.abfID, abf.abfID])
    abf_label = np.vstack(
        ['resist', 'react', 'freq', 'resist running avg', 'react running avg'])
    abf_feat = analyze_abf_chirp(abf, stimuli_abf, average)
    running_mean_resist = moving_avg2(abf_feat[0], 10)
    running_mean_react = moving_avg2(abf_feat[1], 10)
    #tpeaks = find_peak(abf_feat[2], running_mean)
    #temp = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(tpeaks[0])
    #temp['id'] = np.full(temp.index.values.shape[0], abf.abfID)
    #temp['width'] = np.full(temp.index.values.shape[0], tpeaks[1])
    #peaks = peaks.append(temp)
    abf_feat = np.vstack((abf_feat, running_mean_resist))
    abf_feat = np.vstack((abf_feat, running_mean_react))
    abf_ar = np.hstack((abf_name, abf_label, abf_feat))
    abf_ar = np.hstack((abf_ar,
                            np.full(len_f - abf_ar.shape[1], np.nan),
                            np.full(len_f - abf_ar.shape[1], np.nan),
                            np.full(len_f - abf_ar.shape[1], np.nan),
                            np.full(len_f - abf_ar.shape[1], np.nan),
                            np.full(len_f - abf_ar.shape[1], np.nan)
    return abf_ar
Ejemplo n.º 6
def stimulusWaveformFromFile(abf, channel=0):
    Attempt to find the stimulus file used to record an ABF, read the stimulus
    file (ABF or ATF), and return the stimulus waveform (as a numpy array).

    assert isinstance(abf, pyabf.ABF)
    assert channel in abf.channelList

    # prepare potential file paths where the stimulus file may exist
    stimFname = abf._stringsIndexed.lDACFilePath[channel]
    stimBN = os.path.basename(stimFname)
    abfFolder = os.path.dirname(abf.abfFilePath)
    pathSameFolder = os.path.join(abfFolder, stimBN)
    pathAlt = os.path.join(str(abf.stimulusFileFolder), stimBN)

    # try to find the stimulus file
    if os.path.exists(stimFname):
        stimFname = os.path.abspath(stimFname)
    elif os.path.exists(pathSameFolder):
        stimFname = pathSameFolder
    elif pathAlt and os.path.exists(pathAlt):
        stimFname = pathAlt
        return np.full(abf.sweepPointCount, np.nan)

    # the stimulus waveform file was found, consider caching
    if abf._cacheStimulusFiles:
        stimFname = os.path.realpath(stimFname)
        if not stimFname in cachedStimuli.keys():
            if stimFname.upper().endswith(".ABF"):
                cachedStimuli[stimFname] = pyabf.ABF(stimFname)
            elif stimFname.upper().endswith(".ATF"):
                cachedStimuli[stimFname] = pyabf.ATF(stimFname)
        return cachedStimuli[stimFname].sweepY
        if stimFname.upper().endswith(".ABF"):
            return pyabf.ABF(stimFname)
        elif stimFname.upper().endswith(".ATF"):
            return pyabf.ATF(stimFname)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _loadAtf(path):
	Load our saved atf file. Primarily for testing the code.
    import pyabf

    # load
    abf = pyabf.ATF(path)
    print('_loadAtf()', abf)

    # plot
    data = abf.sweepY
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 8
def abf_chirp(abf):
    t = abf.sweepX
    v = t
    abf_chrip = pyabf.ATF(
        'H:\\Sam\\Protocol\\Monkey\\Chirp Proto\\0_20hz_in50s_vs.atf')
    i = abf_chrip.sweepY[:]
    for x in range(0, abf.sweepCount):
        v = np.vstack((v, abf.sweepY))
        i = np.vstack((i, abf_chrip.sweepY[:]))
    v = v[1:]
    i = i[1:]
    t = abf.sweepX

    def chirp_amp_phase(v,
        """ Calculate amplitude and phase of chirp responses

        sweep_set: SweepSet
            Set of chirp sweeps
        start: float (optional, default 0.6)
            Start of chirp stimulus in seconds
        end: float (optional, default 20.6)
            End of chirp stimulus in seconds
        down_rate: int (optional, default 2000)
            Sampling rate for downsampling before FFT
        min_freq: float (optional, default 0.2)
            Minimum frequency for output to contain
        max_freq: float (optional, default 40)
            Maximum frequency for output to contain

        amplitude: array
            Aka resistance
        phase: array
            Aka reactance
        freq: array
            Frequencies for amplitude and phase results
        v_list = v
        i_list = i

        avg_v = np.vstack(v_list).mean(axis=0)
        avg_i = np.vstack(i_list).mean(axis=0)

        #plt.plot(t, avg_v)
        #plt.plot(t, avg_i)

        current_rate = np.rint(1 / (t[1] - t[0]))
        if current_rate > down_rate:
            width = int(current_rate / down_rate)
            ds_v = ds_v = fv._subsample_average(avg_v, width)
            ds_i = fv._subsample_average(avg_i, width)
            ds_t = t[::width]
            ds_v = avg_v
            ds_i = avg_i
            ds_t = t

        start_index = tsu.find_time_index(ds_t, start)
        end_index = tsu.find_time_index(ds_t, end)

        N = len(ds_v[start_index:end_index])
        T = ds_t[1] - ds_t[0]
        xf = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0 / (2.0 * T), N // 2)

        v_fft = fftpack.fft(ds_v[start_index:end_index])
        i_fft = fftpack.fft(ds_i[start_index:end_index])
        Z = v_fft / i_fft
        R = np.real(Z)
        X = np.imag(Z)
        resistance = np.abs(Z)[0:N // 2]
        reactance = np.arctan(X / R)[0:N // 2]

        low_ind = tsu.find_time_index(xf, min_freq)
        high_ind = tsu.find_time_index(xf, max_freq)
        v2 = R[0:N // 2]
        return resistance[low_ind:high_ind], reactance[low_ind:high_ind], xf[
            low_ind:high_ind], v2[low_ind:high_ind]

    resist, react, _, v2 = chirp_amp_phase(v, i, t)
    return resist, react, _, v2
Ejemplo n.º 9
import sys
import glob
import time
import numpy as np

PATH_HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
PATH_DATA = os.path.abspath(PATH_HERE+"../../../data/abfs/")
PATH_SRC = os.path.abspath(PATH_HERE+"../../../src/")
sys.path.insert(0, PATH_SRC)
import pyabf

if __name__=="__main__":

    # An ATF file can be loaded just like an ABF file.
    # Most methods of the ABF class are the same for the ATF class.
    stimulus = pyabf.ATF(PATH_DATA+"/sine sweep magnitude 20.atf")
    stimulusWaveform = stimulus.sweepY

    # abf.sweepC can be assigned to at any time.
    # Extra work (trimming or null-padding the stimulus) is done here to
    # ensure the stimulus waveform length matches the sweep length.
    for abfFileName in glob.glob(PATH_DATA+"/*.abf"):
        abf = pyabf.ABF(abfFileName)
        print("processing", abf.abfID, "...")
        if len(abf.sweepC) == len(stimulusWaveform):
            abf.sweepC = stimulusWaveform
        elif len(abf.sweepC) < len(stimulusWaveform):
            abf.sweepC = stimulusWaveform[:len(abf.sweepC)]
        elif len(abf.sweepC) > len(stimulusWaveform):
Ejemplo n.º 10
        peaks = signal.find_peaks(y, height=ds_mean, width=width_peak)
        if len(peaks[0]) < len(min_peaks[0]):
            min_peaks = peaks
        if len(peaks[0]) <= 2 and len(peaks[0]) >= 1:
            min_peaks = peaks
        width_peak -= 1
    min_peaks[1]['x-heights'] = x[min_peaks[0]]

    return [min_peaks[1], width_peak]

#abf_chrip = pyabf.ATF('h:\\Sam\\Monkey\\Chirp Proto\\20mv Chirp.atf')
#abf_set = abf_dataset.ABFDataSet(abf_file=abf)
abf_chrip = pyabf.ATF(
    'M:\\Sam\\Protocol\\Monkey\\Chirp Proto\\0_20hz_in50s_vs.atf')

def abf_chirp(abf):
    t = abf.sweepX
    v = t

    i = abf_chrip.sweepY[:]
    for x in range(0, abf.sweepCount):
        v = np.vstack((v, abf.sweepY))
        i = np.vstack((i, abf_chrip.sweepY[:]))
    v = v[1:]
    i = i[1:]
    t = abf.sweepX
Ejemplo n.º 11
import os
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import glob

    PATH_HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
    PATH_DATA = os.path.abspath(PATH_HERE+"../../../data/abfs/")
    PATH_SRC = os.path.abspath(PATH_HERE+"../../../src/")
    DATA_FOLDER = os.path.join(PATH_SRC, "../data/abfs/")
    sys.path.insert(0, PATH_SRC)
    import pyabf
    raise EnvironmentError()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for atfPath in glob.glob(DATA_FOLDER + "/*.atf"):
        atf = pyabf.ATF(atfPath)
Ejemplo n.º 12
Test error messages when loading ABFs and ATFs with the wrong methods.

import os
import sys

PATH_HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
PATH_DATA = os.path.abspath(PATH_HERE + "../../../data/abfs/")
PATH_SRC = os.path.abspath(PATH_HERE + "../../../src/")
sys.path.insert(0, PATH_SRC)

import pyabf

if __name__ == "__main__":
    abfFile = PATH_DATA + "/14o08011_ic_pair.abf"
    atfFile = PATH_DATA + "/model_vc_step.atf"

    # normal

    # errors
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_pathMustBeFile_ATFs():
    with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
        atf = pyabf.ATF("data/abfs", loadData=False)
    assert "FILE not a FOLDER" in str(excinfo.value)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_pathlib_ATFs(atfPath):
    atf1 = pyabf.ATF(atfPath, loadData=False)
    atf2 = pyabf.ATF(pathlib.Path(atfPath), loadData=False)
    assert atf1.sweepCount == atf2.sweepCount
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_ATF_hasSweeps(atfPath):
    atf = pyabf.ATF(atfPath)
    assert atf.sweepCount > 0
    assert len(atf.sweepY) > 0