Ejemplo n.º 1
def mod_desc(stmt, text):
    desc = stmt.search_one('description')
    if desc:
        desc.arg += ' ' + text

        top = stmt.top or stmt
        desc = statements.new_statement(top, stmt, stmt.pos, 'description',

    # XXX there may be a better idiom for this
    if hasattr(stmt, 'i_children'):
        for child in stmt.i_children:
            mod_desc(child, text)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def update_or_add_stmt(stmt, keyword, arg, index=None):
    child = stmt.search_one(keyword)
    currarg = child.arg if child else None
    (argval, replace) = get_arg_value(arg, currarg)
    if argval is None:
        child = None
    elif child:
        if not replace and child.arg and child.arg != argval and child.arg \
                != 'TBD':
            sys.stderr.write('%s: not replacing existing %s %r with %r\n' %
                             (child.pos, keyword, child.arg, argval))
            child.arg = argval
        child = statements.new_statement(stmt.top, stmt, None, keyword, argval)
        if index is None:
            index = len(stmt.substmts)
        # XXX this hack ensures that 'reference' is always last
        if index > 0 and stmt.substmts[index - 1].keyword == 'reference':
            index -= 1
        stmt.substmts.insert(index, child)
    return child
Ejemplo n.º 3
def add_type(leaf, type_name):
    type_ = statements.new_statement(leaf.top, leaf, leaf.pos, 'type',
    return type_
Ejemplo n.º 4
def add_leaf(parent, name, type_name):
    leaf = statements.new_statement(parent.top, parent, parent.pos, 'leaf',
    add_type(leaf, type_name)
    return leaf
Ejemplo n.º 5
def set_revision_details(ctx, stmt, lastrev):
    revision_done = False

    # relevant options
    opts = {
        'olddate': ctx.opts.edit_delete_revisions_after,
        'newdate': ctx.opts.edit_revision_date,
        'description': ctx.opts.edit_revision_description,
        'reference': ctx.opts.edit_revision_reference

    # the logic is quite tricky; here's what we want to achieve:
    # * 'olddate' is the date of the oldest revision to be retained; if not
    #   supplied, any existing revisions are deleted
    # * if 'newdate' is supplied, it's the date of the next published
    #   revision and is to be inserted at the start of any remaining
    #   revisions
    # * reuse rather than delete the oldest revision statement, purely in
    #   order to retain any blank lines after it

    # default action is to do nothing
    action = ''
    #sys.stderr.write('revision %s (lastrev %s)\n' % (stmt.arg, lastrev))

    # only adjust revisions if either olddate or newdate is supplied
    olddate = opts.get('olddate', None)
    newdate = opts.get('newdate', None)
    if olddate is not None or newdate is not None:

        # determine whether to delete this old revision
        if olddate is None or stmt.arg > olddate:
            action = 'delete'
            #sys.stderr.write('-> delete (olddate %s)\n' % olddate)

        # determine whether to insert the new revision
        if newdate is not None and (action != 'delete' or lastrev):
            action = 'replace' if action == 'delete' else 'insert'
            #sys.stderr.write('-> %s (newdate %s)\n' % (action, newdate))

    # if deleting, return an empty list
    replstmts = None
    if action == 'delete':
        replstmts = []

    # replace and insert logic is quite similar:
    # * if replacing, modify this statement and return a list containing
    #   only it
    # * if inserting, create a new statement and return a list containing
    #   the new and the original statement
    elif action == 'replace' or action == 'insert':
        if action == 'replace':
            revstmt = stmt
            revstmt.arg = newdate
            revstmt = statements.new_statement(stmt.top, stmt.parent, None,
                                               'revision', newdate)

        other_keywords = set(opts.keys()) - {'olddate', 'newdate'}
        for keyword in other_keywords:
            update_or_add_stmt(revstmt, keyword, opts[keyword])

        if action == 'replace':
            replstmts = [revstmt]
            replstmts = [revstmt, stmt]

        revision_done = True

    #        '= %s\n' % ([s.arg for s in replstmts] if replstmts else None))
    return replstmts, revision_done