Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, filename):
        """Loads full header on initialization.

        See ANSYS programmer's reference manual full header section
        for definitions of each header.

        self._const = None
        self._krow = None
        self._kcol = None
        self._kdata = None
        self._mrow = None
        self._mcol = None
        self._mdata = None
        self._k = None
        self._m = None
        self._dof_ref = None

        self.filename = filename
        self._standard_header = read_standard_header(self.filename)
        self._header = parse_header(self.read_record(103),

        # if not self._header['fun04'] < 0:
        # raise NotImplementedError("Unable to read a frontal assembly full file")

        # Check if lumped (item 11)
        if self._header['lumpm']:
            raise NotImplementedError("Unable to read a lumped mass matrix")

        # Check if arrays are unsymmetric (item 14)
        if self._header['keyuns']:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Unable to read an unsymmetric mass/stiffness matrix")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def read_element_matrix_header(self, f_index):
        """Read element matrix header

        f_indes : int
            Fortran index to the start of the element matrix header.

        stkey - stiffness matrix key 
            0 - matrix not present
            1 - matrix present

        mkey - mass matrix key 
            0 - matirx not present
            1 - matrix present

        dkey - damping matrix key 
            0 - matrix not present
            1 - matrix present

        sskey - stress stiffening matrix key 
            0 - matrix not present
            1 - matrix present

        akey - applied load vector key 
            0 - vector not used
            1 - vector used

        nrkey - newton-raphson(restoring) load 
            0 - vector not used
            1 - vector used

        ikey - imaginary load vector key (for complex analyses)
            0 - vector not used
            1 - vector used 

        nmrow - numbers/columns in matrices. 
            If the number is negative, the matrices will be written in
            lower triangular form.

        with open(self.filename, 'rb') as f:
            f.seek(4 * f_index)
            return parse_header(read_table(f), ELEMENT_HEADER_KEYS)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def read_db_header(filename):
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        f.seek(103 * 4)
        return parse_header(read_table(f), DB_HEADER_KEYS)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def read_element(self,
        """Read element by index

        index : int
            Element index.  This is not the element number.  Reference
            the element equivalency table for the actual element

        stress : bool, optional
            Return the stress matrix entries if available.

        mass : bool, optional
            Return the mass matrix entries if available.

        damping : bool, optional
            Return the damping matrix entries if available.

        stress_stiff : bool, optional
            Return the stress stiffening entries if available.

        newton_raphson : bool, optional
            Return the newton raphson load entries if available.

        applied_force : bool, optional
            Return the applied load vector if available.

        imaginary_load : bool, optional
            Return the imaginary load vector if available.

        dof_idx : np.ndarray
            DOF index table. This record specifies the DOF locations
            of this element matrix in relation to the global
            matrix. The index is calculated as (N-1)*NUMDOF+DOF, where
            N is the position number of the node in the nodal
            equivalence table and DOF is the DOF reference number
            given above

        element_data : dict
            Dictionary containing the following entries for each of
            the corresponding inputs when the item is True.
            - 'stress' : stress matrix entries
            - 'mass' : mass matrix entries
            - 'damping' : damping matrix entries
            - 'stress_stiff' : stress stiffening matrix entries
            - 'newton_raphson' : newton rapson load vector
            - 'applied_force' : applied force vector
            - 'imaginary_load' : imaginary load vector

        If the matrix is diagonal, the length of the records will be
        nmrow.  If the matrix is unsymmetric, the length of the
        records will be nmrow*nmrow. If the matrix is symmetric, only
        the lower triangular terms are written and the length of the
        records will be ``(nmrow)*(nmrow+1)/2``

        Records are written relative to the dof_idx.  The index is
        calculated as (N-1)*NUMDOF+DOF, where N is the position number
        of the node in the nodal equivalence table and DOF is the DOF
        reference number given by ``dof_idx``.
        element_data = {}
        with open(self.filename, 'rb') as fobj:
            # seek to the position of the element table in the file
            fobj.seek(self.element_matrices_index_table[index] * 4)

            # matrix header
            element_header = parse_header(read_table(fobj),
            nmrow = abs(element_header['nmrow'])
            lower_tri = element_header['nmrow'] < 0
            if lower_tri:
                nread = nmrow * (nmrow + 1) // 2
                nread = nmrow * nmrow

            # Read DOF index table. This record specifies the DOF locations
            # of this element matrix in relation to the global
            # matrix. The index is calculated as (N-1)*NUMDOF+DOF,
            # where N is the position number of the node in the nodal
            # equivalence table and DOF is the DOF reference number
            # given above
            dof_idx = read_table(fobj) - 1  # adj one based indexing

            # read stress matrix
            if element_header['stkey']:  # if entry even exists
                if stress:
                    stress_entries = read_table(fobj, 'd', nread)
                    element_data['stress'] = stress_entries
                else:  # skip
                    fobj.seek(nread * 8 + 12, 1)

            # read mass matrix
            if element_header['mkey']:  # if entry even exists
                if mass:
                    mass_entries = read_table(fobj, 'd', nread)
                    element_data['mass'] = mass_entries
                else:  # skip
                    fobj.seek(nread * 8 + 12, 1)

            if element_header['dkey']:
                if damping:
                    damping_entries = read_table(fobj, 'd', nread)
                    element_data['damping'] = damping_entries
                else:  # skip
                    fobj.seek(nread * 8 + 12, 1)

            if element_header['sskey']:
                if stress_stiff:
                    stress_stiff_entries = read_table(fobj, 'd', nread)
                    element_data['stress_stiff'] = stress_stiff_entries
                else:  # skip
                    fobj.seek(nread * 8 + 12, 1)

            if element_header['akey']:
                if applied_force:
                    applied_force_vector = read_table(fobj, 'd', nmrow)
                    element_data['applied_force'] = applied_force_vector
                else:  # skip
                    fobj.seek(nmrow * 8 + 12, 1)

            if element_header['nrkey']:
                if newton_raphson:
                    newton_raphson_vector = read_table(fobj, 'd', nmrow)
                    element_data['newton_raphson'] = newton_raphson_vector
                else:  # skip
                    fobj.seek(nmrow * 8 + 12, 1)

            if element_header['ikey']:
                if imaginary_load:
                    imaginary_load_vector = read_table(fobj, 'd', nmrow)
                    element_data['imaginary_load'] = imaginary_load_vector
                else:  # skip
                    fobj.seek(nmrow * 8 + 12, 1)

        return dof_idx, element_data
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def read_header(self):
     """Read standard emat file header"""
     with open(self.filename, 'rb') as f:
         f.seek(103 * 4)
         self.header = parse_header(read_table(f), EMAT_HEADER_KEYS)